If you look at this map, the whole Pacific Plate is shearing CW. It has been for several years now. Just before the big one lets go (most likely this fall), I expect to see a massive upswing in quakes around the plate. It will be solid. I have been talking to my friend who was alive in the 1964 EQ in Anchorage, AK and his stories are really cool. He was just a kid - but the one thing that still impresses his mind is the pervasive feeling that things never are the same for you after that kind of event. You never take it for granted that the sun comes up every morning, or that the earth is "solid" - that kind of thing. It profoundly affects you. I have to wonder if kids who survive that kind of thing suffer from greater than normal nervous disorders as adults. I know that other traumatic childhood events, such as sexual or physical abuse heighten the tendencies towards these things.
Here is the map:
Use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
When the big one hits, it will unzip from AK to Chile. We are coming up on the 50th anniversary of the biggest quake in N. America (2nd biggest in the world, next to the biggest one in Chile) on April 15th, 2014. This also happens to be the day of the first of the tetrad blood moons. Also, the day that the IRS draws yer last ounce of blood.....
Here is some footage from the event:
The shaking lasted for well over four minutes. It would have been terrifying. One funneled wave scoured cliff sides 200' up. Wiped them clean. The one that finally comes off the Pacific will be well over 1500'. I have no plans to stick around for that one. It's time to get off the coast unless you have really good hip waders......
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