Wednesday, November 30, 2022


 This is very weird this fellow that died in the helicopter crash, tweeting just a few hours prior that the CIA/Mossad were going to kill him:

These helicopters do not just fall out of the sky.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


This is a fascinating video:

I get the feel that the narrator is Christian, telling the history from a Christian perspective. 

Please pray that I am part of the party that does a vendor audit there the first few months of 2023.  I really want to take my wife there.  Probably the highest thing on my bucket list and I would like to do it on the cheap (just paying for my wife's ticket and meals).

Back in '96 my job sent me to a technical conference in Boston, MA so I was able to pay her ticket and meals and it was a free vacation.  Lots of history to see there including Salem and Plymouth Rock.  We made a quickie trip to Niagara Falls to check out where I spent three years as a boy.


 Wow - if I am reading correctly between the lines, this is fascinating....  And a warning of epic proportions:

We have been warned.

Monday, November 28, 2022


 As a young teen, I used to read those historical books (about 100 pages or less) on all of the notorious figures in history.  Daniel Boone, George Washington, Davey Crocket, Brigham Young, etc.  All very good reads and they lived in a world I could scarcely fathom.  Real danger, real problems as they navigated nature in all her fury and they had to rely on what they could do for themselves.  Ultra responsible.  Our safety nets have made us complacent and lazy; just as satan would desire.  And not one soul shall be lost!  No ability to experience real failure due to helicoptering parents and helicoptering gubmint.  This lack of drive and sense of entitlement (satan's plan), is what is causing such an epidemic of mental health issues amongst the rising generation.  In giving them everything and doting on every last detail in their lives, they have developed no backbone for life.  It kind of freaks me out to think of what their children will be like....

Sure, we have a tendency to gloss over any rough spots on any of these historical figures and we point out the bad things, only if there is a strong lesson to be learned.  But, by and large, they tower above most of us in stature just by virtue of what they had to pass through.  I remember this every time I turn up the thermostat or go grab a glass of chilled milk from the fridge.  It humbles me and makes me weep for gratitude at times.  We are horribly spoiled.  And that is okay - so long as we remain in a repentant and humble state without having to be compelled to do so.  Because God will surely do it as we round the last base to home plate on the Pride Cycle....

Here is some commentary that I have to share.  I think that, often the best parts of this blog are the comments:

A perspective the Marxist Educator attempts to keep hidden:

“Thank you. Happy fourth to you and hear us some history:

Slavery Founding Fathers

A Message of truth for this Independence Day weekend:

Many people do not know, (because of history revisionism by Marxist professors) that President Thomas Jefferson, the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd POTUS, was very much opposed to slavery. So much so that a huge portion of the original Declaration of Independence was written about the horrors and evils of slavery that King George had forced upon the entire English empire. Jefferson indicated that this was the primary reason, among many reasons, for declaring independence from Great Britain. Unfortunately, Georgia and South Carolina refused to accept the section vilifying slavery, and so the other 11 colonies reluctantly agreed to edit it out of the Declaration in order to preserve a united front in the quest to declare independence from the greatest military power on earth at the time. Without unanimous support of all 13 colonies, they would not have much of a chance to be able to succeed in rebelling against the King.

Yes it is true that both Washington and Jefferson had slaves. But it is also true that they were both very much opposed to slavery. What is not taught is that neither of them ever bought or sold any slaves. Both of them inherited the slaves they had along with the plantations that they inherited. Both of them wanted to free their slaves, but the laws of Virginia prohibited freeing slaves and also prohibited paying a wage to slaves. If they had broken those laws, they would have been imprisoned, and the slaves on their plantations would have been confiscated and sold by the state to to other slave holders, who no doubt would have mistreated them harshly as many slave owners did in those days. Both Washington and Jefferson treated their people with kindness and respect. None of them were ever abused or beaten. Neither of them ever sold the children of the slaves. They refused to break up the slave families. Many years later, after independence from Great Britain had been won, both Washington and Jefferson gave freedom and pensions to their slaves who wanted them. Many of them refused to leave, choosing instead of stay for the rest of their lives until their masters deaths.

In todays world, Marxists seek to destroy the true history of our founding fathers, because most of what they did was very much rooted in the teachings of God. And the main purpose of Marxist communism is to, "Dethrone God." Marxism is inspired by Satan, literally speaking, and runs 100% contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jefferson and Washington were both true believers and followers of Christ, and it was largely because of their dedicated Christian lives, of making Covenants with God and keeping those Covenants, that America was founded, won the war for independence against the greatest military might in history at that time, and became the greatest and freest nation in the history of the world, where all men and women are allowed to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience.

I testify that what I have written here today, I know for sure and for certain to be true, despite any claims by Marxist history revisionists to the contrary. I am willing to stand by my written testimony here for time and all eternity. So help me God.
And so it is. Amen”
-Adam Ruplinger
Independence Day, July 4th, 2022

Photo is at Glacier Park, Yellowstone National Park

  1. Thank you for this! I’ve heard too much of the other view point and always thought it disgusting to bash the early founding fathers and cause us to lose faith in them and what they did. Awesome piece.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


I am sure this is a question that God wrestles with, or has to deal with at least, on a regular basis.  How do you give the chilluns enough rope to hang themselves while not letting things go too far.

For example, do you let the Children of Israel deal with the depravity of the Canaanites in the surrounding cities, knowing they will drag those you have carefully nurtured down?  Or do you send in the very people you are trying to nurture (dung about/transplant from one part of the vineyard etc) to do the deed of wiping out the excessively bad influence to the man, woman and child?

Do you allow the wicked ante-diluveans to just keep keepin' on with who knows what kind of depravity?  Or do you pull the plug?  What we (my wife and I) understand is that they began messing with the genetic makeup of the people (as we are today with mRNA tech) and so much else.  This, at the behest of the devil, because he is the father of all lies and because he will never get the privilege of passing along his spiritual DNA, nor his physical DNA (yes, I believe there is both; and can you imagine being the mother who passed that spiritual DNA along? - with all due respect, it must have been heart-breaking in the extreme, let alone God; to know that your creation had crashed and burned so badly to the point that your own parents had to discontinue your line of authority and procreation because they had to save whom they could?).

So there are three cases there (and literally dozens of feet of rubble in the historical record showing where the plug was pulled on so many other situations that were in varying degrees of corruption, because a loving Father chose to give his remaining children a better chance and curtail their agency).  No, I do not "celebrate" the agency of some to do whatever the hell they want so they can "explore" themselves.  No more than (on a slightly different level), I want my pre-pubescent kid to just go out and figure whether he just has an overactive clitoris and is indeed a woman in embryo or whether he is a really a man in the making.  Too much to decide or even comprehend for a 5 year old or even a 9 year old or even a 35 year old.  What I want, is for the transgender agenda wolves to stay the hell away from my innocent kid until they are spiritually and intellectually mature enough (most trannies regret their impulsive decision later in life and rail on those who led them to a bad place).

In like manner, I verbally and almost to the point of physicality rail on those wolves out there (the adherents of the DoC and John Dehlin, etc) who prey on those who are still developing (spiritually) who may be confused because of this whole jab thing, polygamy or a host of other difficult topics to navigate without extreme spiritual acumen and a honed sense of discernment.  Some topics are not to be handled by fools...but people still attempt to at their own peril.

I was asked by someone recently on what gives me the right to chime in on someone else's journey.  My answer was; first of all, I am not passing final judgment.  I only have to pass judgment on whether I choose to hang out with someone based on their actions.  I know someone who knew a 16 y.o. girl who decided to run off with an 18 y.o. buffoon (predator) and started listening to his arguments on the WoW and chastity and soon found herself living in a trailer on the other side of the tracks and knocked up and subsisting on welfare.  This person had to judge that the person was no longer a role model (when they had been in the past) and had left the common value set shared by a posse of friends.  The smoking of pot, likely other drug use and drinking and so much else simply was too much for them.  It actually ended up casting them into a relatively friendless zone as the original posse broke up due to a shattering of the value set by one or more people.  But just the other day, the two ran into each other and there was still mutual respect and little or no judgment; probably just sorrow that a better outcome did not happen.  It will be a hard row to hoe for that young mother.  Opportunities squandered.

I am sure this is how God sees most all of us.  Many squandered opportunities.  Much sadness in this laboratory of life.  Some utterly convinced they are on the right path until the lightbulb comes on for them.  For many, far too little; far too late.  As with the whole Daybell/Vallow mess, I am sure the allure of "knowing more than the Brethren" and having special knowledge led a predator (Chad is the mastermind, I assume) to leave his plain-Jane Librarian wife (more accurately, remove her from the picture) so that he could carry out his adulterous affair with the hottie that was giving him what he needed in life.  Surely, they both thought they were on the "higher path" in their mental fog; when in reality, they were headed to additional murderous binges and eventually, a life of incarceration on this side of the veil and, I am pretty sure of (I do not hold the keys of judgment - just guessing here) a life of incarceration and hellish buffeting on the other side.  Some will clamor at <--- this "condemnation" and "judgment" and HOW DARE I GIVE BREATH TO THAT!!!   Well, let me tell you what.  If you are inclined to do so, I dare say you are at least 50% of the way there yourself.  Once we start condemning those who hold the standard aloft, we are already sliding down that slippery slope and the bottom is, honestly, not too far away.  Once a palpable bottom is reached and the 4G touchdown is over, the dust has settled, the damage assessed, it is always a very painful realization.  I am sure both Chad D. and Lori V. are in some stage of that process right now.  It has to be one hell of a shock.  I wonder if some tried to warn them while they were on their downward trajectory.  It could have been back in the AVOW (A Voice of Warning) days, it could have been their friend that jumped ship just before the two teen-age kids of Lori were dispatched with (and I still wonder what she knew).  All of them possessed "special knowledge" that was well beyond that of the "confused and mis-guided" Brethren.  This is the arrogance.  Most know much more than those who have been set apart and ordained to forge the path that we are invited to follow.

One of the DoC posse attempted to twist some statements in the Book of Mormon and statements since that time about the nature of God and roll back modern revelation to a single God who basically, is the false notion of the Trinity.  Folks, that is doctrinal regression.  And no, Jesus did NOT throw his body on a hook when He got done with the Atonement/Resurrection and only take it up when He had to go down and show off the prints in the hands and feet.  This, folks, is pure poppy-cock; but some people have bought into it because they have a "higher knowledge" that a chocolatier in Provo is feeding them.  And I am sure they have a plan on how they are going to wrap things up in Jerusalem (the two witnesses) and also make the gathering happen in the New Jerusalem (and the old Jerusalem, for that matter), just like they did for the physical gathering of the Jews (I am sure they sent the analog of Orson Hyde over to dedicate the land twice which set in motion the return of the Jews to their ancestral lands and completed the Lord's cursing on them (that they would be driven as a dumb ass basically until they were sufficiently humble to be ready to accept Christ)).  If you are wise enough to call out the Lord's anointed, you had better have a better plan than what has been presented since 1834, because newsflash; the existing plan seems to be working quite well on a macro scale.

So, do we have our agency?  You bet we do; but only to a limit.  Satan found that out.  We have enough case studies that we can assess that there are limits to it.  Alma the Younger found that out - and was supremely grateful that Father cut his "agency binge" poppycock short with an intervention that was not too overpowering and (hopefully) not too impactful to his eternal salvation (as satan and others who did not qualify for a body, got).  To declare that one finally has one's freedom (from the WoW, or tithing, or chastity or the "patriarchy" or anything else God has ordained is reminiscent of a snooty, rebellious teen....  Really?!?  I mean, heck, let's just run it to it's logical conclusion until a disgusted spouse leaves to protect the remaining chilluns from the insanity and then get knocked up by some guy who tells him he loves you and then let's throw in an abortion to top it all off and to cover up the sin.  If a person is going to go big, they really ought to go big...  And in the end, let's throw in being deceived by an angel in true Korihor fashion.   All the while with the words of Jesus ringing in the ears of "Any man, having put their shoulder to the plow, and looking back, is not fit for the kingdom of God."  Then, very Vallowesque, after the wreckage and dust has come to a stop and settled down, they look up from their hell and beg for reprieve.  No, I would rather warn them at the top of the slippery slope, than sort through the wreckage for body parts at the bottom of the slippery slope (or cliff, as the case might be...).  If I did not give a damn, I would not say a thing.

Someone asked me recently how I could be judgmental.  Do I think I am God?  Nope, was my response.  But I am an engineer and every single stinking little thing has to pass a smell test.  Everything (including poisonous needles hanging out of arms) has to pass a logic test.  All statements in scripture have to neatly fit.  Every Conference talk has to pass muster.  Every action in public and even those observed in private have to pass muster, especially where the bar is high.  If it does not, I have to reject it.  I also have the overwhelming notion that, if Jesus could do it, I can do it (it may just be on a more muted scale since I am 100% mortal, but I do possess the same authority and power).  After all, spiritually, we were carved out of similar blocks of spiritual DNA (likely different mothers?).  But, if principles were adhered to in scripture, and I follow them, I can (and do and will) have similar results.  Not only can I, I have been commanded to have them.  Very plain. Very simple.

If God judged a people because they rejected principles of Agency and the Savior's Plan of Happiness, then I need to act in similar fashion.  Not final judgment - but judgment of how I should react and act in regards to them.  And, if I choose a similar path, to say the ante-diluveans, that I can expect the same or similar outcome (being wiped out; but this time by fire instead of the original watery demise).  See, being an engineer is both a blessing and a curse - but it simply puts God's ways in a ton of logic gates (IF; THEN and AND; OR statements).  Once you set up the programming, all you have to do is plug in the inputs (history, scripture, statements by those who are acting under the Spirit and my own inputs given while under the direction of the HG) compare them against current events and the outputs are consistent and never fail.  THIS is how you get His image written in your countenance.  Your thought patterns simply become His thought patterns (at least they mimic them) and eventually, you even enjoy all the gifts that He enjoys (a fullness).

The opposite is true.  If we begin to love and make a lie and begin to believe it, then the devil's contorted visage is written in our darkened countenance until we have no light in us.  I read countenances.  Not always very well.  But I do rely on that.  I will go through a person's historical pictures on FB, etc and will make assessments based on the rise or fall of their countenances.  While considering my wife for an eternal companion, my only concern was her countenance.  I pored over her photos not necessarily assessing whether she had a hot bod or whether she had cool 80's hair or if she was at the height of fashion (although I did and still do have to have that spark of physical attraction), but I was making sure the story written on her countenance matched with her story of virtue and adherence to gospel principle.  If she had not shared with me the story of her abuse, it became apparent (when it all blew up in her mid-teens) with the sudden drop in grades and the troubled countenance she had at the time in her life as things exploded.  Not of her own doing, but from the circumstances she was under.

So, to wrap this up.  Do we judge?  Do we assess and make value calls?  Absolutely we do!!  Not only that, we must.  Do we pass final judgment?  Never.  It is not in anyone's purview or stewarship unless that person is capable of forgiving.

Can we declare cursings (or declare something will happen, based on the Law of the Harvest)?  Absolutely, blessings and cursings over those whom we have stewarship and those we love.  As well as those who do them harm, either wittingly or unwittingly.  It is our duty (at least as males) to wield the sword (both physical and spiritual) of justice and truth to the dividing asunder of truth and error.  I judge no man or woman; but based on the principles above, I know where those lines are and am glad to defend me and mine.  It is my eternal duty to do so.  Secondly, it is my duty to defend the Lord's anointed, whether it is the current person at the helm or Jesus or any other person (as mortal as they may have been) between here and the ministry of Jesus and then back to Adam.

Is this life some kind of a joke where we can flit about doing as we will with no consequence?  Nope, it is in fact, quite serious in this phase of our existence.  If you do not believe it, just ask satan or one of billions of minions whether it is some kind of a game.  They are still taking their poor choice seriously and influencing countless people here to not take their privileges seriously.  Privileges of temple blessings, blessing that come from adherence and performances related to keeping the commandments.  Relaxing the grip on the iron rod (even for a moment in order to experiment like a mentally deficient teen - the brain is not fully developed until 25) is not a wise choice.

Monday, November 21, 2022


 I have not given out any sart and prepper tips lately.  Here is a really cool one I just happened onto:

I think every farm truck out there should have a set up on it that allows you to weld in the field and take care of emergency repairs or stuff after the zombie apocalypse.  I think the most valuable skills out there when things go to pieces will be the MacGyver skills (making something out of almost nothing).

Also, there is this one which allows you to use your alternator to crank out some AC for running a grinder and other kinds of tools from the alternator.

Friday, November 18, 2022


Okay, one of the biggest anti-Brighamite detractors posted this hit piece by the DoC.  He will not say it but he (the "professor" in this video) is a full on poser.  In it, an assertion will be made that will undermine faith in authority of the Lord's anointed who are tasked with running the kingdom until Christ comes and takes the reigns.  See here is the problem.  The DoC crowd says there is NO authority (since 1834) and that the Church was lost back then, but it miraculously was able to beat the odds and take the gospel to every nation, kindred tongue and people while also taking it (via proxy ordinance) to billions of people awaiting the command on the other side to be born of water and of the Spirit.  It is non-sense to assume that this (like evolution, successful herding of cats, and so much other poppycock) just kind of happened on it's own.  Pure rubbish.  God has been in charge the whole time.  And He will be until the rightful transfer of keys is made at Adam-ondi-Ahman.  Not from some (herd of cats) DoCer who makes the assertion that there is no rightful authority on the earth, but who will gladly step forward to imply that they do (or something along those lines) and that they will be the ones to make the meeting at Adam-ondi-Ahman happen somehow.  Talk about posers and usurpers.  Heck, I think satan himself had a better argument in the pre-mortal realms when attempting to tear down the authority of Jesus Christ and set himself up as the one on the moral high ground with some kind of "disorganized/disjointed/hairbrained, herding cats" bs plan that was going to take the place of the Savior's plan of happiness.... 

These charlatans put this stuff out there to make our Prophet look bad along with others.  It is calculated.  It is as nefarious as any actions by the gadiantons to infiltrate at the top (and yes, I do not discount that it is possible and even likely that we have been infiltrated in most echelons of Church leadership).  They cast the same light on the Founding Fathers.  And my position is this:  either most of them showed up in the St George temple to get their work done.  They either were good enough to be allowed to go there, or they were not.  I believe they were (in spite of any warts they may have had in any involvement in slavery or other practices of the day such as hitting the pub for a beer, etc) good, honest and just men and their works generally prove it.  No amount of poo flinging by some leftist historical revisionist will change my mind.  Nor any amount by some piece-of-work anti....  So sick of them all.  Chances are quite good they are just simply projecting their blackness of souls onto otherwise good people.  I have witnessed this by pieces of work in my family that I am forced to deal with who have slandered myself, my father and so many others that I know, for a fact, are not what these POW are trying to paint them to be.

When I was in high school, I was invited along with several other fellow Valedictorians in my class, to a banquet in our honor and we were all given scholarships at the local Freemasons Lodge.  One was chosen for a national award.  That was me.  I accepted their money and there was a big write-up in the paper with photos of us all at the Lodge.  The same was true of the BPOE - which is another (less secretive) brotherhood/service organization where I observed that alot of alcohol was being served as I gave my acceptance speech for quite frankly, a ton of scholarship money both which basically paid all the tuition of my college education.  Never once have I ever set foot in one of those buildings again - even though I am grateful for the assistance I received and gladly accepted at the time.  I would not want someone to assume (knowing what I know now), that I associate with a group of people who potentially participate in nefarious initiation rites (33rd Degree Masonic rites) that I now know I would disagree with and disavow the actions of.  The fact is this:  I did stuff in college that I might now do now.  Not because I am more moral today necessarily; just that I am more wise to the things of the world, and less naive.  To the point that I might steer my kids clear of these orgs and even of accepting any monies from them for scholarships, etc.

So, to imply that President Nelson has been involved in something more serious than what was done at a Yale skull and bones initiation rite (which includes confessing their sins while masturbating in a coffin so they have extortion material to hold you in check) just by association in a Utah chapter, is a far leap and I would not take that leap, nor make that assertion unless I had solid proof of actual mis-deeds.  It is interesting information (which I have known about for years), but I would never make the leap unless I were harboring ill intentions and trying to tear down character.  Or, if I could conceive of this happening, because it were something in my life that I was projecting from.

Fact is this; alot of the former Denver Snufferites (from the nest of them in Meridian, ID) have become embroiled in adulterous affairs.  I even have (what I suspect was one) make a move on me.  I have never seen anything like it before as a married man - and I rebuffed her and her posse.  The head Snufferite there which shall remain nameless, left his wife for another woman and many marriages were imploded because of this tripe.  This is where a lot of this ends up; as wicked and adulterous people seek after signs when the truth is sitting right in front of them.  So, for those who call out the Lord's anointed, I push it right back on you as you make assertions about sacred temple ordinances and so much else.  It will bite you right in the arse.  Mark my words.  This is not a threat.  This is a simple assertion/statement of fact based on years of observation.  A corrupt tree produces corrupt fruit (maybe not at first - but surely over time).  I get called out on cursing those who refuse to repent.  This is a perfectly good and precedented thing from Joseph Smith cursing the man with blindness to Abinadi calling out King Noah and all the king's men that they would suffer the same manner of death that they subjected Abinadi to.  This was not so much a cursing as it was a man prophesying that natural consequences of the actions of the wicked would bring upon them the natural consequences of disobedience to the governing law.  Very plain.  Very simple.  Just as Gene Matthews who openly cursed my position and my belief if God ended up with a very direct and natural consequence of having done so when the effects of HPV took him down with throat cancer.  Very real.  Very direct.  Good teaching moment for everyone there who I hope took me seriously and ceased their Millennial hook-up ways.

Anyway, here is the video that got me spun up:

I know people that know people and I am need to get this piece to Ben McClintock with the Utah Freedom movement, so he can wake up and quit promoting the opposition.

It takes a heightened sense of the Gift of Discernment to know how these DoCers operate and what their agenda is.  They truly are the wolves in sheep's clothing.  Subtle is their watch cry.

And again, I warn that they will fall into the very pit they have digged for others.  Repent.

Saturday, November 12, 2022


 Never seen this before:

“Elder Jesse W. Fox, Sen., received the narration from Father Taylor, the father of the late President John Taylor. The old gentleman said that at one time the Prophet Joseph was in his house conversing about the battle of Waterloo, in which Father Taylor had taken part. Suddenly the Prophet turned and said, ‘Father Taylor, you will live to see, though I will not, greater battles than that of Waterloo. The United States will go to war with Mexico, and thus gain an increase of Territory. The slave question will cause a division between the North and the South, and in these wars greater battles than Waterloo will occur. But,’ he continued, with emphasis, “‘when the great bear (Russia) lays her paw on the lion (England) the winding up scene is not far distant.’

“These words were uttered before there was any prospect of war with Mexico, and such a thing as division in the United States was never contemplated. Vet these fierce struggles came, and though Joseph himself was slain before they occurred, Father Taylor lived to witness some of the world’s most remarkable battles.

“The struggle between the bear and the lion has not yet happened, but as surely as Joseph the Prophet ever predicted such an event so surely will it not fail of its fulfillment.” (Juvenile Instructor vol 25, no 6, pg 162).

Friday, November 11, 2022


 So, the DoC have declared the Priesthood inviolate.  Authority not necessary.  Yet, they have not carried the call to take the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue and people.  In fact, I have seen NO elevation of people under their tutelage.

In the end, the result is adherence to a lower set of principles.  Instead of the higher ideals of consecration, it will turn it’s people out to not even bear up a telestial law of tithing.  Instead of exalting a person by adherence to a greater law of health, it will give license to baser and baser laws until, in their infinite wisdom, they and theirs are embroiled in addiction of higher and higher orders.  Instead of moving from virtue to virtue, the DoC adherent will fall until the Law of Chastity has become a hiss and a byword; all the while smugly railing upon the ordinances and covenants made in the House of the Lord.

In the end, they are sealed his; incapable of spiritual reason and stripped of the gifts they once fully enjoyed.

Here is a great quote by one I do admire:

Thursday, November 10, 2022


So, here is a little more exposing of the tactics of the DoC crowd that has gone activist and does not know how things work.  Two of them have been tag-teaming on yet another FB group hoping to take down more people who are anti-vax.  The best of the best - who are in danger of losing it and possibly even their salvation if they ride this out to one of it's possible conclusions.

81 Now, unto what shall I liken the children of Zion? I will liken them unto the aparable of the woman and the unjust judge, for men ought always to bpray and not to faint, which saith—

82 There was in a city a judge which feared not God, neither regarded man.

83 And there was a widow in that city, and she came unto him, saying: Avenge me of mine adversary.

84 And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself: Though I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow troubleth me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

85 Thus will I liken the children of Zion.

86 Let them importune at the afeet of the judge;

87 And if he heed them not, let them importune at the feet of the governor;

88 And if the governor heed them not, let them importune at the feet of the president;

89 And if the president heed them not, then will the Lord arise and come forth out of his ahiding place, and in his fury vex the nation;

90 And in his hot displeasure, and in his fierce anger, in his time, will cut off those wicked, unfaithful, and aunjust bstewards, and appoint them their portion among chypocrites, and dunbelievers;

91 Even in outer darkness, where there is aweeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

92 Pray ye, therefore, that their ears may be opened unto your cries, that I may be amerciful unto them, that these things may not come upon them.

93 What I have said unto you must needs be, that all men may be left without aexcuse;

94 That wise men and rulers may hear and know that which they have never aconsidered;

95 That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my astrange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may bdiscern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God.

Truly, this is God's battle to fight.  The only thing besides our membership in the Kingdom that we stand to lose is our peace and the guidance of the HG.

81 Now, unto what shall I liken the children of Zion? I will liken them unto the aparable of the woman and the unjust judge, for men ought always to bpray and not to faint, which saith—

82 There was in a city a judge which feared not God, neither regarded man.

83 And there was a widow in that city, and she came unto him, saying: Avenge me of mine adversary.

84 And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself: Though I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow troubleth me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

85 Thus will I liken the children of Zion.

86 Let them importune at the afeet of the judge;

87 And if he heed them not, let them importune at the feet of the governor;

88 And if the governor heed them not, let them importune at the feet of the president;

89 And if the president heed them not, then will the Lord arise and come forth out of his ahiding place, and in his fury vex the nation;

90 And in his hot displeasure, and in his fierce anger, in his time, will cut off those wicked, unfaithful, and aunjust bstewards, and appoint them their portion among chypocrites, and dunbelievers;

91 Even in outer darkness, where there is aweeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

92 Pray ye, therefore, that their ears may be opened unto your cries, that I may be amerciful unto them, that these things may not come upon them.

93 What I have said unto you must needs be, that all men may be left without aexcuse;

94 That wise men and rulers may hear and know that which they have never aconsidered;

95 That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my astrange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may bdiscern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God.


Sheesh, so glad I saw this.  Terry (John’s widow) just basically said she had enough with the DoC trolls.  I have had to toss a few of my own lately who refuse to be respectful or use my platforms for recruiting.  These guys are everywhere.  Some good words here:

This site has always been a wonderful forum for gospel discussion and sweet fellowship among like-minded Latter-day Saints. However, I have noted a hint of criticism creeping in lately, and this concerns me greatly. I feel compelled to immediately stop this apostate-leaning conversation, and have deleted a few of the postings. I hope I do not offend anyone in doing so.
Let John Pontius himself bear his testimony of the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
"With words that thunder in our hearts and around the world, NOTHING IS AMISS! The Church is not damaged or asleep. We have all we need; everything is before us. The doctrine is pure, and the promises are being poured out." (Journey to the Veil II, pg. 90)
Here is another quote from my husband, which he wrote in "Following the Light of Christ Into His Presence" (and similarly in other writings):
"In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we are uniquely blessed with multiple sources of truth. The “word of God” takes many valuable forms, all of which are indispensable in our lives. The scriptures are the standard of truth and the yardstick by which all doctrine is measured. The voices of the living prophets are God’s mind and will to the church. There could not be a true church without a living prophet's divinely inspired guidance. Personal revelation (among other things) is the divine witness whereby we are able to recognize the scripture or the words of the latter-day prophets as the “word of God.” Without the inspiration of personal revelation, we would not have a testimony of any form of the “word of God” (Moroni 10:5).
"There should never be a circumstance when any of these three conflict. Particularly in the case of personal revelation, we must measure, and judge the validity of what we receive by those other two sources. If we find we have received a prompting that conflicts with either of these other two, it should be abandoned immediately as being incorrect. Any person who achieves a full and profound measure of personal revelation will be in full harmony with the Brethren, and with the scriptures."
This was John's fervent and often-expressed testimony, and it is mine as well. If you are having struggles with your faith, we will be happy to communicate with you personally; however, I do ask that this UnBlog group remains TOTALLY free from any and all criticism of the Church or the ordained Brethren. The Lord honors that priesthood line of authority, there is no doubt about it.
Let's all just take a deep breath, and accept in faith that despite all, this Church will continue through the Millennium, and will never be taken from the earth (Daniel 2:44; D&C 65). When this fact becomes a solid of our faith, we will find true peace, no matter what comes along. And we will be aligned with Christ so that we may receive His charity and better serve His children--the greatest gift of all.

Here is a response of mine to a comment on who they are - and yes, they are the worst of the worst anti-Mormons out there, who seem to fit Joseph's statements that you can leave the Church, but you can never leave it alone.  The problem being that you are not leaving the Catholic Church or some other entity to make an upward move greater light and knowledge (you would be glad to move on to the better thing, and quite frankly, be happy for the upward bump, as you would leaving a toxic relationship and being with the spouse of your dreams; you almost forget that they existed).  But, it is an entirely different scenario if you leave something because you do not measure up (WoW, tithing or adultery issues and so much else) and then have to settle for a lesser lot in life.  This is why the d'evil and his minions gnash and fight and quarrel.  They know they screwed up and have gotten the short end of the schtick and will never be truly fulfilled by the peace that true Gospel adherence brings.  Their goal then is to make everyone miserable like unto themselves.  Instead of repenting early on, they are now stuck in a cycle of misery and their flame is never quenched.  A bad place to be.

I have been at the brink of the cliff.  I recently (thanks to my wife's gentle nudging) felt to repent of my poor attitudes towards the Brethren (my criticizing of the shaht) and for the first time in some time, I have had the Spirit back in my life in some measure.  Had I continued to harden my heart, I would have just kept sliding.  Fact is this:  no one is truly happy outside the net of the Gospel.  It simply is not possible.  I could cite hundreds of cases.  It just simply never ends well with the person in a better place.  In fact, buffeting comes to mind along with much else.

The plight of the devil and his minions prove it - and it provides a quantifiable end point of where the whole thing ends up when you are finally sealed his.

It is NOT a game and the consequences are real.  They are as real as they were for 1/3 of the hosts of heaven in the last critical juncture and it was decision time on whom we would choose to follow.