Thursday, October 25, 2012


In previous posts, I have talked about the nature of prophesying - it is RARE to non-existent that someone can accurately come up with all three elements that lock in agency - the event, the time, the place.  The minute you give away something of the future in a prophetic statement, you begin to change the very nature of what was said. 

Much like declaring that a boat is going to sink by a direct impact on the starboard side from another ship on a foggy bay causing many people to drown in the process.  Sometimes, when people believe a statement to be accurate, they will move to avoid that stated effect; possibly moving to the opposite side of the ship, causing it to capsize and the disaster to come about - but not exactly as initially predicted - because people acted on their agency and skewed the outcome in a different direction.  It is for this reason - and the fact that people are naturally lazy and would not heed a warning until the last possible moment - that prophecy is not given very often, or in enough clarity to make it useable to the average person, thus making it generally unbelievable due to its vagueness.  Only striving and feeling after something will unlock the vague meanings of things and give the seeker the prize of having that vision unfolded on their mind.

Then, there is the obstructionist element of people; the tendency to not want something to happen to the point that you will do what it takes to try and make it stop.  The most famous example of that is trying to stop the work of God by killing the one sent to re-kindle the movement; such as Jesus or even Joseph.  What folly - that (the death of the testator) usually results in the igniting of a movement that rallies around the martyr that is virtually impossible to extinguish over time.  This was the reason that the U.S. made sure they got Bin Laden's body out of Pakistan, and the reason that the authorities of the day put the Roman Centurion to guard the Savior's tomb.  No body, no shrine, no cult worship; or so they thought....  Another example of this obstructionist behavior is manifested by the Islamic world in that they blocked up the Golden Gate on the east side of Jerusalem's Herodian walls and planted a muslim cemetery in front of it in hopes of making the Great High Priest unclean so that he could not triumphantly enter His temple in the Holy City in fulfillment of prophecy.  The idea being that throwing up enough road blocks would somehow prevent God from fulfilling one of the greatest moments in history.  I watch with wonder and amazement, because I know that the chess pieces will be summarily swept from that board in a decisive and humiliating manner - it stinks to be them.  My God is great - and will not be mocked - even by an ignorant and backward people who are still His children.

A little closer to home, we have the copper "dome of the rock" occupying our most holy site in Independence, MO - one quarter of it anyway.  Placed there by impostors who have weakly attempted to change history as stated by our common accepted leader, Joseph Smith - in that a massive temple complex will be built on that spot.  I get a little disturbed by the arrogance of that chess move - and expect also a decisive sweeping motion to take care of that mis-step on their part.  Again, it stinks to be them.  And reminds me to always choose my words, positions and sides wisely; for it truly is survival of the spiritual fittest in this life.  It was also thus in the pre-existence as 1/3 of our spirit siblings discovered.   Choosing the wrong side of an issue can be disastrous.  These are words of warning when it comes to our near-future as a great test and division is coming within the Church.  How we choose will determine whether we move to the next scenario, or whether we are damned in our progress, or halted altogether.

I often think of the alternate scenario we would have had the people of the day (both in and out of the Church) had allowed (through their collective righteousness) Joseph to live in order that he reach 85 years of age - in 1890.  Where would we be today?  What laws would we be living right now?  I say basking in Millennial peace and glory with no need for two world wars of hell on earth and the third one just around the corner that will take billions of lives.  That was billions with a B......   Another, more astounding thought, is what would have happened if the collective righteousness of the day had meant that the Savior would not have been so cruelly lifted up - well, okay; that had to happen......

Here is a recycled snippet from a previous post that I endorse when it comes to the operation of the the gift of prophecy:

Kevin Williams' research conclusions

Many people were given visions of the future during their near-death experience. Generally, these visions foretell a future of catastrophic natural disasters and social upheaval followed by a new era of peace and have actually already come to pass. Some of them did not happen as foretold. Many of these apocalyptic visions are to happen within the next few decades. Remarkably, these visions agree with prophecies of the Bible, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, and the Virgin Mary visitations of Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje.

Scientific Evidence Supporting the Ability to Successfully Predict the Future

The 9/11 New York City terrorist attack seems to have affected global consciousness through more than news channels. There seems to have been a psychic dimension to the response. Since August, 1998, the Global Consciousness Project, located at Princeton University, has maintained observation of about 40 radioactive random number generators placed at locations around the world. Previous research has shown that the activity of such devices can be affected by psychokinesis (mind over matter). The project tracks psychokinetic effects on these sensitive instruments produced by dramatic events impinging upon global consciousness.

After the terrorist attack, the project assembled data from the generators to see if there had been any extraordinary output from these devices. According to the project's report, there was indeed an unmistakable and profound response. The interpretation of the result is that the world's awareness of the terrorist tragedy created a powerful moment of global awareness, a unified and coherent psychic event which impacted the output of the radioactivity in data collectors. The global consciousness event appears to have begun approximately 10 minutes before the first crash until about four hours afterward. (Kevin Williams)

A Successful Apocalyptic Prophecy Is One That Doesn't Happen

The goal of apocalyptic prophecy is to warn people to prevent it from happening. The reason prophecies are given to humanity is to change current trends and change enough people so that the prophecy will be diverted. Well-known prophecies that were foretold to occur around the millennium have not happened. Skeptics point out that this proves these prophecies to be false. But a better understanding of prophecy reveals that either (1) or (2) is true:

The prophecy was successful in permanently diverting the outcome by the raising of the world's consciousness.


Because the prophecy gives an exact date, the prophecy may still be valid and the date may be wrong.

Prophecies from very credible sources rarely give an exact date. Even Jesus said he didn't know the date and time when he would return. This should be a lesson to everyone who comes across a prophecy with an exact date. (Kevin Williams)

The Future Is Not Fixed And Can Change

During Karen Schaeffer's NDE, she was shown her children's future as it would exist if she decided to remain in the light. Because she decided to return, the future she was shown did not happen. This suggests that the future is always changing from moment to moment based upon our current actions and decisions. This principle supports quantum mechanic principles. (Kevin Williams)

One of Margot Grey's NDE research subjects stated:

During my experience ... I was also shown events that are likely to happen in the near future, but was made to understand that nothing is absolutely fixed and that everything depends on how we choose to use our own free will, that even those events that are already predestined can be changed or modified by a change in our own way of relating to them. (Grey, 1985, p. 123)

Rev. Howard Storm was given information on how the future is not fixed:

We have free will. If we change the way we are, then we can change the future which they showed me. They showed me a view of the future, at the time of my experience, based upon how we in the United States were behaving at that time. It was a future in which a massive worldwide depression would occur. If we were to change our behavior, however, then the future would be different. (Rev. Howard Storm)

Howard was also told how a single person can change the world:

All it takes to make a change was one person. One person, trying, and then because of that, another person changing for the better. They said that the only way to change the world was to begin with one person. One will become two, which will become three, and so on. That's the only way to affect a major change. (Rev. Howard Storm)

During Ricky Randolph's NDE, he was told virtually the same thing:

You must return and help others to change by changing your life! (Ricky Randolph)

Dannion Brinkley was told how the future is conditional upon human beings:

If you follow what you have been taught and keep living the same way you have lived the last thirty years, all of this will surely be upon you. If you change, you can avoid the coming war. If you follow this dogma, the world by the year 2004 will not be the same one you now know. But it can still be changed and you can help change it. (Dannion Brinkley)

Dannion was also told that the future is not cast in stone:

The flow of human events can be changed, but first people have to know what they are. (Dannion Brinkley)

Dannion gives the following advice on how people can change the world:

The quickest way to change the world is to be of service to others. Show that your love can make a difference in the lives of people and thereby someone else's love can make a difference in your life. By each of us doing that and working together we change the world one inner person at a time. (Dannion Brinkley)

During George Ritchie's NDE, Jesus said that Ritchie had 45 years to accomplish a particular mission:

It is left to humanity which direction they shall choose. I came to this planet to show you through the life I led how to love. Without our Father you can do nothing, neither could I. I showed you this. You have 45 years. (Dr. George Ritchie)

When Ritchie was revived, he had no idea what he was supposed to accomplish within 45 years. Years afterward, his NDE attracted the attention of Raymond Moody. It was Ritchie's NDE that inspired Moody to begin his ground-breaking research into NDEs and become of the father of the near-death experience. In 1985, Ritchie published his near-death account which was 42 years after his NDE occurred.

During Ned Dougherty's NDE, a Lady of Light told him how to change the world to prevent these catastrophic visions of the future from happening:

I was told that the world could be saved, not by its leaders, but by prayer groups throughout the world. I was told that the prayers of a group of twenty could save a nation from war. I was told that the fate of mankind rested on our ability, individually and collectively, to change the direction of mankind in accordance with God's plan ... Depending on mankind's response to God, these events may be altered, postponed, or cancelled. (Ned Dougherty)

One particular experiencer told NDE researcher Margot Grey that catastrophic Earth changes are a reflection of the social upheaval and violence that is happening all over the world at the moment. (Margot Grey)

Fulfilled NDE Prophecies Predicting the 9/11 Terrorist Attack

During his NDE, Ned Dougherty was given a vision of the future involving a terrorist attack. He wrote about it in his book, Fast Lane to Heaven, six months before 9/11 occurred. Here is what he wrote:

A major terrorist attack may befall New York City or Washington, DC, severely impacting the way we live in the United States. (Ned Dougherty)

This description of Ned Dougherty's vision of a future terrorist attack is a perfect description of what happened six months later in New York and Washington.

Dannion Brinkley received a psychic vision of the September 11th terrorist attack before it happened. On September 1st, ten days before the New York terrorist attacks, Dannion announced that the world is on the verge of a...

"... spiritual awakening which calls for deep self-examination." (Dannion Brinkley)

On September 1, 2001, Dannion Brinkley also called for a global Day of Truth to occur on September 17 where people could...

"... take time before this date to personally examine our own lives and priorities as citizens of Earth in this time of transition. This is a wake-up call ... For it is only as we are willing to see and to embrace all of our deeply human fragmented realities that the light of grace can shine upon us." (Dannion Brinkley)

Dannion Brinkley gave this announcement ten days before the September 11th terrorist attack. Something certainly provoked Dannion Brinkley to make this announcement.

Dr. PMH Atwater received a vision of the September 11th terrorist attacks which is documented in her free downloadable PDF file entitled The Challenge of September 11. (Dr. PMH Atwater)

NDE Visions of Future Catastrophes

In Howard Storm's book, My Descent into Death (2000), he describes the future of mankind as given to him by light beings he encountered during his NDE in 1985. Storm wrote how they told him, in 1985, that the Cold War would soon end, because "God is changing the hearts of people to love around the world." Storm states, "Since the time in 1985 when I was told these things about the future the Cold War ended with little bloodshed due to the hearts of people being unwilling to tolerate oppressive regimes."

Storm described what the light beings told him concerning the way things will be on Earth in about 2185. He asked the light beings the question: "Will the United States be the leader of the world in this change?" The light beings replied:

"The United States has been given the opportunity to be the teacher for the world, but much is expected of those to whom much has been given. The United States has been given more of everything than any country in the history of the world and it has failed to be generous with the gifts. If the United States continues to exploit the rest of the world by greedily consuming the world's resources, the United States will have God's blessing withdrawn. Your country will collapse economically which will result in civil chaos. Because of the greedy nature of the people, you will have people killing people for a cup of gasoline. The world will watch in horror as your country is obliterated by strife. The rest of the world will not intervene because they have been victims of your exploitation. They will welcome the annihilation of such selfish people. The United States must change immediately and become the teachers of goodness and generosity to the rest of the world. Today the United States is the primary merchant of war and the culture of violence that you export to the world. This will come to an end because you have the seeds of your own destruction within you. Either you will destroy yourselves or God will bring it to an end if there isn't a change."

Storm wrote, ".... I don't know if the richest country in the history of the world is doomed to lose God's blessing or if the people of the United States will become the moral light of the world. How long will God allow the injustice to continue? The future lies in the choices we make right now. God is intervening in direct ways in human events. May God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!" (Rev. Howard Storm)

In a Spirit online newspaper article on August 18, 2003 by Michael H. Brown entitled Near-Death Prophecy: Man was shown Failure of Infrastructure, Power Grid, Reverend Howard Storm discussed America's future as shown to him during his NDE. He stated:

"They made it very clear to me that God had given this country the greatest blessing of any people in the history of the world. We have more of God's blessing. Everything that we have comes from God. We didn't deserve it, we didn't earn it, but we happen to be the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the world. And God gave us all this so that we could be the instruments of God's light in this world, and we are not instruments of light. In other countries people see us as purveyors of exploitation, military might, and pornography. They see us as completely hedonistic and amoral -- we have no morality. People can do whatever they want wherever they want with whatever they want. Our amorality is a cancer on the rest of the world, and God created us to be just the opposite.

"People get mad at me for saying it, but God is very unhappy with what we're doing. When I came back from the experience I was almost out of my mind trying to convert people. God wanted a worldwide conversion thousands of years ago. God pulled out all the stops 2,000 years ago with Jesus. From God's view, that was the definitive moment in human history. And the impact of the prophets and teachers and the Messiah has been a big disappointment to God because people have by and large rejected it. I was told that God wants this conversion. And if we don't get with the program fairly soon, He is going to have to intervene in some ways that from a human point of view are going to seem cataclysmic. God is really tired of what we're doing to one another and the planet and to His Creation. We were put in this world to be stewards and live in harmony with His creation and one another and we don't realize the important spiritual consequences of what we do when we raise a child in a faithless society."

"I asked how [America's purification] would come about, and they said it would be simple, that our society is very dependent on a lot of very fragile things -- energy grid, transportation. In each geographical area of the United States people used to be relatively self-sufficient as far as agricultural products. Now, how long would any state survive without the transport of food and energy?

"What would happen is these very complex and delicate grids of our economic system would begin to break down. We've created a society of such cruel and self-centered people that the very nature of civilization would begin to break down. The angels showed me that what would happen is that people would begin robbing the grocery stores, hording goods, and killing one another for gasoline and tires, and as a consequence everything would break down and would end up in chaos."

When Guenter Wagner was a child, he had a NDE during which Jesus had an extensive conversation with him about averting a nuclear war.

Jesus told Guenter that there were very powerful and cunning beings who were his enemies with whom he had been constantly fighting. He told Guenter to warn the world against them. Then Jesus told him to turn around. When he did he heard people screaming and saw fire and smoke that gradually took on the shape of a mushroom. Jesus told Guenter that he will do everything in his power to prevent this from happening.

Jesus told him that this war has been going on for a very long time and the evilbeings had become more and more powerful. Jesus said that if this continued he would not see any means of preventingthem from taking over everything. He said that if the enemy had really succeeded in coming into his world, thewar would have been lost. He would have been powerful enough, no doubt, to fight them off, but the war wouldhave been lost in the long run. Jesus was afraid of loosing this war. Then it was intimated to Guenter that Jesus needed help. Jesus told him that the only way he could help him was by going back and telling the world about his experience. (Guenter Wagner)

Almost every day, several times a day, for more than forty years, Edgar Cayce would induce himself into a unique out-of-body state identical to a NDE. Through his sojourns he would reveal profound information on various subjects. But it was the information that he revealed about the future that he is most known for. The following is an listing of his prophecies fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled:

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