Fact is this: when a Conservative loses, he/she is upset and maybe a little bitter - but they go their way peacefully and return to their jobs, their families, their civic and church duties and go on with life, hoping and praying for a brighter future after the next election.
When a demonscat (liberal/"progressive") loses, fact is this: They were parasitic in nature and have no real job to return to, hoping to have been paid in the spoils of the election that was stolen and the inflated tax windfall they will be able to corruptly tap into with cushy worthless jobs and public grants for their meaningless research into the mating habits of Namibian Bonobos..... They have no families or other real responsibilities, maybe a cat or a dog and possibly a gay partner - but live a largely selfish lifestyle. They have nothing to do but sit around, be a dreg on society and gritch and moan about their situation for the next four years. From a "model citizen" (of earth and of heaven) standpoint, they are complete and total losers..... Seriously! Could y'all have taken a powder and split with the other third of the "something for nothing" crowd early on, so we would all not have to suffer so much at your hands? I mean, had it been 4/9ths instead of 3/9ths, would it have hurt so bad? Grab a few fence sitters and push them off the fence while the giant, pre-mortal realm sucking sound was going on?
Sorry for all you faith, hope and charity folks out there - my patience and cloak of charity is getting a little threadbare with the special snowflakes who need a little more coddling because they lost their blankey and can't find their binkey. These folks need a good butt tanning to bring them back into reality......
So - when things should be getting down to business - these losers are out making trouble where the rest of the productive, straight-thinking people just hope they will melt away and be gone until they rear their ugly, meth-faced heads the next round in four years......
Here is a fine example:
I have endured the scathing demonic gnashing of teeth from liberals who don't like me, the messenger, simply pointing out that GOD said we should not become addicted freaks to anything we can sell our souls for, should wait until we are married so every kid gets a mommy and a daddy and not a baby daddy, that we should give our devotions to the one who can fundamentally change our lives instead of the local football club, the other woman, the almighty dollar and whatever else we have filled our center of attention with.
So, please: just quit yer whining and go back to yer basements, yer swamps, yer dens and nurse your wounds like the rest of productive America had to do in 2008 and again in 2012.
We did it - and we know you can raise yer pull-ups to your waist and put yer binkies in yer mouths (to shut you up) and move on. Dot org.....
See, it is a two-way street, folks...... The silent majority did it. Twice - and so can you. It is possible, I can assure you.
WOW ! this is heavy !!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG ! you're gonna love this IRAQ !
check this out Trump lovers -
God chose Trump ! 5min 45sec.
btw she sure is pretty
An Urgent Message To The Body of Christ In America
Hilly VaNilly
Published on Oct 25, 2016
Officially it's not "official" that he is our president. I am still waiting to see how this all shakes out...
ReplyDeleteElectoral votes later this month
Possible assassination on Trump / poison or gun
But who knows maybe nothing big even happens and we walk gracefully to Jan 21st with no big events or any major events. And who knows maybe Trump will begin to jump some hurdles and reverse a bit of the damage done by Clinton, Bush and Obama... but sometime soon enough God will intervene and take charge (although it will appear as if Satan has all the power, has all the magic in the world - only the very few righteous will know what is going on).
Exciting Times - Joyous times - as we all sit around and wait for the earthquakes, financial collapse, plagues, - why don't we just relax a bit and try to have a little normalcy of a life during all of this - because man I sure love HOT showers and not looking forward to camping for 3+ years (thanks Avraham Gileadi for that reality check!!!).