THIS is how you play the game - wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.
One wrong move and we get all the photos of podesta and his fellow molestas - a mountain of damning e-mails (probably the illegally deleted ones) and so much else.
We are in the final stretch, folks. One bad move - one key player taken out - it all comes out in a torrent. There is a dead-man's key associated with this encrypted release. If there are shenanigans - the encryption key is released and it is game over for the freaks out there. Man, I CANNOT wait. I would prefer to see Trump in it for the duration - but I especially would like to see just how bad these pukes are. Proof - and satisfaction.
This is the ultimate brinkmanship - the gads have met their match. May God brood over and protect those who have brought the gads to their knees. THIS is the moment that we have been waiting for for almost 50 years - maybe well over a hundred since they began to maneuver to steal and sap our nation's strength away.
God bless Trump - oh, and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all - including any libtards that may be reading. We are celebrating the birth and life of Christ. Get over it.
You can have your big day on May Day or whatever you want to celebrate. As for the 90% of the rest of the sane and rational Americans, we would like to enjoy our season without guilt and political correctness!

Why Christians should celebrate Chanukah. Outstanding commentary/education/spiritual enlightenment. Jesus celebrated Chanukah at the Feast of Dedication in John 10:22.
ReplyDeleteLet Your Light Shine
God has led and inspired me to read/study the entire history of the Maccabees. Yes, there was an extreme to the max "Captain Moroni" type by the name of Judas Maccabeus and he was someone who would cause the gads today to mess their pants and run from.
The more I read, the more astounded I become. Accounts of angels in armor coming to the rescue. Seen surrounding Judas in battle, firing arrows and lighting bolts at the enemy. Accounts of YHVH Himself defending His temple. An account of a people who would NOT offend their God nor give up being HIS people and living HIS laws and statutes. It's an epic true account every sincere truth seeker should read.
And, the Spirit is whispering to me, this account is going to be repeated in it's own way and time but it's coming.
There are 4 "books" of the Maccabees history/story. It's hard to put down once you begin. The Spirit envelops, sets the heart on fire, and transports to another time and place.
More than anything I've prayed for God to create in me a new heart like the one the Maccabees and those who followed them had during their mortal probation.
Nothing was going to come between them and serving their God in purity of Truth. They sought for peace before battle but fought like lions of liquid ferocity when it was necessary to defend their families, their temple, their faith and freedom to practice it, and their land.
They were the real deal and I want to be just like them. They are the epitome of Zion.
God bless all on their quest for further Light and Knowledge.
ReplyDeleteSo the Russian had no blood shown in the video after being shot, plus it looked like the shooter only shot 1st (really, if you dislike someone are you going to stop at 1 and not try for the head etc). Pictures of the killer has blood splattered everywhere.
Are we being setup? Smells fishy...
Is Obama still trying to hold on to power? In any case I am willing to bet that Russia knows this has been orchestrated through the UN, US and Saudi's.
DeleteBro! Your blog is nowhere to be found online! I had to go back in my history file to get here! DID YOU JUST DROP OFF and are never coming back? What's up? No goodbyes? Is everything okay? Hope you get this and reply or at least come back on and say something to us about what's happening. Yes, it's SUPER WEIRD without you around already!!!!!! :( :( :(
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I go to Yahoo, type in The Wood Zone or The Wood Zone blog and your site doesn't come up at all. Again, I had to get here from going through my history. So weird. Can anyone explain? I'm just glad to know you're still around bro'. I really panicked!
DeleteMills Crenshaw passed away last night from a "flu" virus. He will be sadly missed but not only that I met him in person a few years ago and he was "prepared" for the tribulations that lay ahead of us. Comforting to know we have a warrior in heaven...
ReplyDeleteThe good ones are being taken at such a fast pace these days!
Very sad news indeed! Time is growing so short. In some ways I envy him I must admit.