Well, check this out! killary just lost another re-count. How many times can one lose an election. Just remember, kil' - this whole thing can be resolved by violence...... Allz ya gotz to do is call up yer ole assassin buddies and gives them a whole buncha cash..... When you are already in the hundreds, you can't go much lower in hell than that...... What could it hurt??
You know, I much prefer winning. I am going to put my considerable weight behind Trump.......

On that note, at the Houston Wood Zone Conference last night, a gal came up afterwards and said that she is lonely (another dreamer/visionary with no one to talk to - her hubby is all checked out on this kind of stuff....) and that she has seen how Trump is killed.
I will give a loose overview of what she said and will release details if things start to go down. She said a male child is kidnapped. They use it to bankrupt and pull Trump in - it is a trap and they kill him, complete with lots of blood and bullets to the torso. Typical gad ending to their nemesis. I would not doubt it - and this woman (native American descent) was serious as a heart attack. I was intrigued by her gift. Quite frankly, I hope she is wrong.
Right now, the recount attempts have completely failed - and they now desperately have rolled out the "conspiracy theory" that the Russians helped throw the election. This coming from the people who mocked Romney for saying the same thing about Obama.....lol What a bunch of TOTAL loooooozers!
The demonscats simply do NOT know how to win gracefully!! We will see if it turns to blood letting. From there - we most likely will have a whole lot more in the form of a civil war.
Amazing how the Democraps cry foul and a rigged election when someone exposed their culture of rot and rigging of the election from behind the scenes! Otherwise, their cheating, lying, cackling, corrupt candidate would've won.
ReplyDeleteSo, THANK YOU! to whoever really exposed her rotten core and all the other rotten apples on her tree.
They're freaking out due to all the back door deals that won't happen now. It's all unraveling as gads want their money back for promised favors from Killary's victory OR they want a pound of flesh for favors granted to help her cheat her way to the nation's top seat.
This aint over folks. It's quite apparent they're ready to do anything and everything to overturn our election results. They're as desperate as it gets now and time grows short between now and January 20th.
And here's Podesta calling for a CIA briefing for the electoral voters. The Gads have no fear of being exposed anymore folks and that is a sign things are ramping up.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Trump's life is in God's hands. God is ALWAYS working behind the scenes and in complete control of how far things can go. Nothing thwarts HIS plans and HE cannot be defeated on any playing field.
All we can do truly with each day is be still and know that He is God, live by the Spirit, and move and do exactly as He commands and when He commands.
Said another prayer for your father. Hope things are getting better for his quality of life.