We all know that Building 7 was brought down by implosion. If so, WTC was likely brought down by man-made means. If a portion of it was fake, it can be inferred that all of it was fake.
Most of the deniers have their stuff scrubbed. The question is, who is doing the scrubbing? Probably the same people who have made the choice to deny that a group of people of European ancestry ever lived here in America.
Can we trust the gubmint? No we cannot.
What is their agenda?
1. To enslave the people and involve them in needless wars to weaken the greatest nation on earth.
2. To remove their weapons, so they cannot fight back.
3. Remove their ability to speak out by removing the 1st amendment by controlling the internet and
also labeling truth as fake news (when, in reality, the fakes are really transmitting from Fax
News and other propaganda organs.
In the case of Sandy Hook (Shady Hooax), an actor that showed up at three other gubmint operations was also on camera there as a character witness to the "event". Either she was amazingly uncanny - or the events she showed up at were all fakes. I cast my vote with that conclusion. ALL ELSE IS IRRELEVANT. Sorry for those who supposedly "know" Robbie Parker - I feel as if he is a fake and I do not see light in his wife's eyes, either. I worked with a fellow who was one of the most sincere blokes I have ever met - and his wife was a sexual abuse victim at the hands of her biological father - who was a powerful business executive and who held powerful callings in the Church. Just because you go to church on Sunday, does not make your narrative unimpeachable.
FACT is this. Much of our news is CIA disinfo, as they are imbedded in the news orgs. They have been since 1992 with operation Desert Storm and follow-on attempts to build empire.
So, to those who say this should not be questioned - who is this woman and what was she doing at each event? Not the next day (as she might be if she had to fly in as part of a CNN "reality tv" team) - but right there on location live, as it was happening.
Here is the vid once again:
If CNN knew beforehand what was going on, where and how did they get that information in order to get her in place? Answer that one with a straight face - and you have it.

I recognize that the international Gadiantons compartmentalize the people they control. I wonder how aware these people are of the overall plan or maybe all this obfuscation fits their leftist ideology where in the ends justifies the means. Either way they are truly damned.