I get the distinct feeling there is precedent. I say (and have repeatedly said) that they be strung up on ropes and swing until the fowls of the air and the wild dogs have ripped their carcasses to shreds as a memorial to those who ever attempt to do what they have done again. Then, they ought to be tried for their treasonous acts against the Constitution (the first stringing up ought to be over molesting children, etc). reid, pelosi and so many others - all swinging for their crimes against freedom.
Am I really so radical for thinking so? Well, if you happen to be LDS - there is a precedent for this treasonous crap:
4 Now these are not all the sons of Pahoran (for he had many), but these are they who did contend for the judgment-seat; therefore, they did cause three divisions among the people.
5 Nevertheless, it came to pass that Pahoran was appointed by the voice of the people to be chief judge and a governor over the people of Nephi.
6 And it came to pass that Pacumeni, when he saw that he could not obtain the judgment-seat, he did unite with the voice of the people.
7 But behold, Paanchi, and that part of the people that were desirous that he should be their governor, was exceedingly wroth; therefore, he was about to flatter away those people to rise up in rebellion against their brethren.
8 And it came to pass as he was about to do this, behold, he was taken, and was tried according to the voice of the people, and condemned unto death; for he had raised up in rebellion and sought to destroy the liberty of the people.
9 Now when those people who were desirous that he should be their governor saw that he was condemned unto death, therefore they were angry, and behold, they sent forth one Kishkumen, even to the judgment-seat of Pahoran, and murdered Pahoran as he sat upon the judgment-seat.
10 And he was pursued by the servants of Pahoran; but behold, so speedy was the flight of Kishkumen that no man could overtake him.
11 And he went unto those that sent him, and they all entered into a covenant, yea, swearing by their everlasting Maker, that they would tell no man that Kishkumen had murdered Pahoran.
So - I know what I would at least propose if I were in power......
Could I run on that platform? I would call it the Liberty Party and I would be running on a platform called the Gallows Platform...... Those who were wronged the most would simply be in a lottery to pull the lever. It would be a sort of French Revolution all over again. Vive la resistance - to evil!!
The other option is this:

The other option is this:

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