Biblical events that occured on Tishrei 15
Hag HaAsif (Feast of Ingathering) Exodus 23:16All males to appear before the L-RD in Jerusalem. Deuteronomy 16:16Read the Law on Succoth in Sabbatical year. Deuteronomy 31:9-13Construction of the Tabernacle is begun. The clouds of glory reappear.Ritual of the libation is performed. day 1. Sukkah 42bJoshua read the Law for the people. Joshua 8:34-35The ark of the covenant is brought into the holy of holies. II Chronicles 5:2-3Solomon dedicates temple II Chronicles 5:3 - 7:9, 1 Kings 8:65Ezra Read the Law for the people. Nehemiah 8:1-18No rain, during millenium, for non-observance. Ezekiel 14:16-17, Zechariah 14:16-19Torah section is Leviticus 22:26 - 23:34; Numbers 29:12-16. Haftorah is Zechariah 14:1-21.Torah section, in the triennial cycle, is year 1: Genesis 32:3 - 33:17. Haftorah is Obadiah 1:1, Psalm 27Torah section, in the triennial cycle, is year 2: Leviticus 8:1-36. Haftorah is Ezekiel 43:27, Psalm 74Torah section, in the triennial cycle, is year 3: Deuteronomy 8:1-20. Haftorah is Jeremiah 9:22-24, Psalm 126
If I were a betting man, I would say the date of the nuke in the Ogden area would be on the 9th of Av of 2014 (which corresponds to August 4-5, 2014) - which is the date that all of the temples have been destroyed in ancient Israel (not sure of the outcome of that blast in relation to the temple - what I saw in my dream was the wave coming at me and the temple but did not see how it affected the Ogden Temple). I have not taken the time to see what happened on the Nauvoo Temple (click link for more info) to see if the date of its burning (October 9th, 1848) or final destruction by tornado (May 27th, 1850) also corresponds to this date of terror (for ancient Israel). October 9th seems a little late in the calendar year to correspond to the 9th of Av. But often, the appointed times for ancient and modern Israel fall on the same godly calendar dates.
Here is some more info on the month of Av:
The Month of Av Disaster and Consolation
by Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller
The Month of Av Disaster and Consolation - click here.
By every measure the Jewish month of Av is tragically unique, one in which the worst disasters in our history took place.
The 15th of Av was a time of joy. In ancient times it was a day in which marriages were arranged and new beginnings celebrated. It was a time in which we began again, expressing not just who we don't want to be but who we can be.
Jewish history: Aaron died on 1st of Av (
Aaron died on the first day of Av (in the year 2447). He was 122 years old when he died, being three years older than Moses.
The entire people of Israel, both men and women, mourned the death of Aaron for 30 days. Everybody knew Aaron as a great lover of peace, who brought love and harmony among people and in many a home.
17 Tammuz to 9 Av — 21 days of mourning
The 21 days from 17 Tammuz to 9 Av, and the fast days of 17 Tammuz and 9 Av, are times of morning for the Jewish people.
The fast of the 17th of Tammuz, the day of the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem, marks the beginning of the "Three Weeks." The fast of the 9th of Av commemorates the day of the actual destruction by fire of the Holy Temple and is the last day of the Three Weeks. The Three Weeks is a period of mourning over these destructions.
Tisha B'Av:
Crash Course in Jewish History Part 35 - Destruction of the Temple - click here.
The 9th of Av 2008–2015
Tisha b'Av will occur on the following days on the Gregorian calendar:
* Sunset Aug. 9 - sundown Aug. 10, 2008
* Sunset July 29 – sundown July 30, 2009
* Sunset July 19 - sundown July 20, 2010
* Sunset Aug. 8 - sundown Aug. 9, 2011
* Sunset July 28 - sundown July 29, 2012
* Sunset July 15 – sundown July 16, 2013
* Sunset Aug. 4 - sundown Aug. 5, 2014
* Sunset July 25 – sundown July 26, 2015
Chart of 2014-2015: four blood-red moons and two solar eclipses
Mark prepared the following chart that shows the years 2014 to 2015.
Mark says, "You have the religious year beginning with the total solar eclipse on Adar 29/Nisan 1 (March 20, 2015); two weeks later, a total lunar eclipse on Passover (April 4, 2015); then the civil year beginning with the solar eclipse; followed two weeks later by another total blood-red moon on the Feast of Succoth — all in 2015."![]()
It probably is not coincidental that things are escalating between Israel and Palestine right now also. The 17th of Tammuz (July 15) is also a tragic time for the Jewish people.