The timing is uncanny. The timing is perfect. The timing is surreal. No one can deny it - not even the most brazen atheist. We are in the times of fulfillment.... and furthermore, the article says that there are five elements to the Jubilee
“There are 5 mitzvot connected to the Jubilee: counting the Jubilee, letting free slaves, returning land, blowing the shofar, and forgiving debts,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “We have reinstituted one: the counting of the Jubilee.”
Letting free the slaves, returning land, blowing the shofar (not sure) and forgiving debts will occur when Christ sets His foot on the Mount of Olives and frees the oppressed Jews.
All things will fall into place (I believe within a few weeks and definitely within the confines of the Jewish calendar year that corresponds to our Julian calendar year of 2017 (their "2017" year just started a day or two ago).
I have had a few people question why I am so far away from my preps during potentially turbulent times. My answer is, I have to do what I have to do to feed my family. If it brings death or destruction - that is the way it goes. They are set where they are. My concerns are relatively moot in that regard. They would likely fare better if I were there - but they have the tools and resources around them to rock it - and rock it good. I usually leave no stone unturned when it comes to me and mine. I take the whole provider/protector thing quite seriously to the detriment, in fact, of many who have gotten in my way. It is hard-wired. God always wins. I am God's advocate - therefore, if you are in the way of the right thing for my family, woe to you..... No offense - you just made a bad choice. It will all make sense after you repent and see things AS THEY REALLY ARE (and take the Proclamation on the Family verbatim and at face value).
The second part of that equation is that I expected that things would be well under way before the Texas stint. And here I am - and there goes the bright, shiny mushroom cloud in the distance..... Time to go fishin':

Apparently, the US and Russia just severed diplomatic ties in Syria. It may be why they are doing a nationwide CHTF exercise involving millions of people. Things are getting real.... In the event that I see things hop a line, I am hopping in the rental car and driving north......
Jubilee is Counted in the Land for First Time in 2,000 Years“And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a Jubilee unto you.” Leviticus 25:10 (The Israel Bible™)

Unbeknownst to all but a few witnesses, as Rosh Hashana ended eleven months ago, the nascent Sanhedrin concluded months of deliberation by ruling that certain conditions had been met requiring the Nation of Israel to begin counting the Jubilee cycle. Rabbi Avraham Dov Ben Shor recited the blessing and the 49-year cycle began again.
When Rosh Hashana – the Jewish New Year – ends next Tuesday evening, it will be time for Jews to count the second year of the Jubilee cycle. The blessing and the count are as follows:
Baruch Atah Adonai Elohenu Melech Ha-olam, Asher Kidshanu B’Mitsvotav, V’Tsivanu Al Sfirat Shemittim v’Yovalot.
Blessed art thou, Ruler of the Universe, who sanctifies us in his commandments, and has commanded us to count the sabbaticals and the Jubilees.
This year is the second year of the first Jubilee, and the second year for the first sabbatical in the first Jubilee.
Specific conditions outlined in Jewish law had to be considered by the Sanhedrin before reinstating this mitzvah. Unlike most Torah commandments being observed today which are incumbent on an individual, the Jubilee is a national mitzvah. Its observance is dependant upon most of Israel being in the land of Israel.
To begin counting the Jubilee last year, the Sanhedrin, as a bet din (rabbinic court), ruled that the Jews have returned to inherit the land as a nation, and not just as individuals. This requires at least 600,000 Jews, equal to the number of Israelites that returned to Israel from Egypt under Joshua.
Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin, explained to Breaking Israel News, “The Sanhedrin ruled that we are now clearly in the prophesied third inheritance of the land, the first being by Joshua, the second after the Babylonian exile.
“There are 5 mitzvot connected to the Jubilee: counting the Jubilee, letting free slaves, returning land, blowing the shofar, and forgiving debts,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “We have reinstituted one: the counting of the Jubilee.”
Rabbi Weiss added that blowing the shofar, performed on Yom Kippur, has not yet been reinstituted as part of the mitzvah of Jubilee, but if an individual feels so inclined, he can do so without a blessing.
It has been exactly one complete Jubilee cycle since the Six-Day War and the unification of Jerusalem. Had the Jubilee cycle not been interrupted 2,000 years ago by the Diaspora, the first year of the ongoing Jubilee cycle would have been in 1967, the year Jerusalem was unified, and again last year, when the Sanhedrin reinstituted the Jubilee. The next Jubilee will be declared in 2065, 48 years from now.
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