All of Bill's gal-pals show up at the debate.....lol
Dude - that is CLASSIC.
Got this off the Drudge. Excellent.
I love great theatrics like this. Perfect.
The only question I have is where is Monica - and others.....lol I wonder if Trump paid their airline tix to get there. lol Kind of puts Trump's locker room talk (although I never remember anything like that in my locker room days....) woes in perspective.
This is the problem when you have guys who were not raised with a value set, who are alpha males (take what they can get), who were spoiled (think they can just have whatever they want at any expense) and who think that women are just objects to please them. We have a serious problem and it did not start with Bill. It did not start with Kennedy. It goes way back - all a bunch of cheap philanderers who have no self control. Even if a woman throws herself at a man in a position of financial and social power, it is a mark of a man to politely or even stridently decline the advances and, at the very least, remind himself that she could be his own daughter. At the very least - someone else's daughter. How would Bill like it if Chelsea was treated this way? How would Trump like it if someone grabbed his daughter, Ivanka in the privates and had his way with her? Ridiculous.....
Fact is, we have predators in the highest office of the land. While I was not a huge Romney supporter because he could not keep his political position from flapping in the wind, I have the feeling he could at least keep his thingo in his pants, except where appropriate. We have a Jerry-Springeresque population who does not consider that kind of stuff a disgrace to a male's character. To most, this is male bravado. I remember it growing up - the most loudly-lauded males in high school were those who had de-flowered the most beautiful girls. There were several alpha-males who were football stars dating the most beautiful cheer leaders - and all the guys could talk about in the locker rooms were when the guys would finally overcome the girls' resistance to their advances and "give it up".
We live in a sick and fallen culture. Now, this stuff is no longer whispered about - it is part of mainstream millennial culture where we now have hook-up apps. Like dogs on the streets..... There is no decency left in our culture. And we then give lip service and sing about God blessing America. I highly doubt it. Not given the circumstances......
Anyone else notice how the end of Bill Clinton's nose looks like a "thingo"? Suits him. Great post IRAQ. To make the excuse of "locker room talk" still doesn't make it RIGHT!