Folks - it is going to be interesting..... and this article came from a guy from Chicago. It is already a tinder keg over there.....with multiple killings on a daily basis. It is one of those american "gun-free" zones that isn't working out too well with the highest murder rate in the nation......
Joseph Smith said the next civil war will start in Chicago. It will happen around the time of the economic collapse and our Federal gubbimint just requested 15,000 Russian troops to help maintain order around the capitol in case of some unspecified problem(s)..... I said years ago on this blog that there would be two periods where there would be Russians on the east coast. The first one would be a relatively short period and they would move off and the second one would be when there would be the actual occupation, desolating scourge, etc after the EQs and devastation hits our nation. They will go home only after Russia/Asia are devastated themselves and need to focus what they have left at home - after they have raped and pillaged here.
Wow..... Things that make you go "hmmmmmm".......
Ex-Chicago Cop: Zimmerman Acquittal to Cause Race Riots
Social unrest will “dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots”
Paul Joseph Watson
June 28, 2013
Following a number of tweets making threats to kill white people if George Zimmerman is acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin, a former Chicago police officer warns that the outcome of the case could spark race riots in cities across America.
George Zimmerman. Image: Wikimedia CommonsAs Infowars reported yesterday, following the woeful performance of Rachel Jeantel, the state’s so-called “star witness,” a number of Twitter users took to the social network to express their intention to kill white people in retaliation for Zimmerman going free.Tweets included remarks such as “If Zimmerman get off ima shoot the first #hispanic/white I see,” and “If they don’t kill Zimmerman Ima kill me a cracka.”In an article entitled, America Will See Its Worst Race Riot Yet This Summer, Crime File News’ Paul Huebl remarks that the case against Zimmerman should never have been filed in the first place and that when the trial inevitably collapses with Zimmerman’s acquittal, “I fully expect organized race rioting to begin in every major city to dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots of past decades.”Huebl is a licensed private detective and a former Chicago police officer.“If you live in a large city be prepared to evacuate or put up a fight to win. You will need firearms, fire suppression equipment along with lots of food and water. Police resources will be slow and outgunned everywhere,” writes Huebl, adding, “America may see some combat related population control like we’ve not seen since the Civil War. Martial Law can’t be far behind complete with major efforts at gun grabbing.”Huebl is not the only prominent voice to express fears that the outcome of the trial could lead to widespread social disorder.Columnist and former senior presidential advisor Pat Buchanan warned last month that, “The public mind has been so poisoned that an acquittal of George Zimmerman could ignite a reaction similar to that, 20 years ago, when the Simi Valley jury acquitted the LAPD cops in the Rodney King beating case.”Political Strategist Charles D. Ellison also warns that, “There is the risk of a flashpoint as intense as the aftermath of that fateful Los Angeles police brutality verdict in 1992,” if Zimmerman walks free.“At that time, many underestimated the potential for social unrest. And a bit over 20 years to the date, many could be making the same miscalculation at this very moment. The ingredients are there in Sanford and they loom large nationally, from an economy barely managing its own recovery to an unemployment rate that’s much higher than it should be, particularly for African-Americans,” adds Ellison.Some are even asking whether the law should be ignored and Zimmerman convicted simply to avoid race riots.“Regardless of whether or not Zimmerman acted in self defense, a large segment of the population, particularly the black population, are demanding Zimmerman be punished. And if they don’t have their demands satisfied, it is possible they might riot,” writes a poster at the Aesops Retreat forum. “So would it be appropriate to consider potential riots when deciding on whether or not to prosecute Zimmerman? Or should justice be blind and follow the rule of law?”Critics of the attempt to convict Zimmerman have cited numerous points of evidence which clearly suggest Zimmerman acted in self-defense and that the case against him was built largely on the back of contrived racial politics.- Photos taken after the incident show Zimmerman with a bloody nose and lacerations to the head, suggesting he had been physically attacked by Martin;- NBC News edited a 911 tape of Zimmerman’s call to the police to falsely depict him as a racist;- Prominent black figures like Spike Lee and Jesse Jackson immediately portrayed the incident as an assault on the black community, stirring racial tension;- President Barack Obama got involved in the case on the side of Trayvon Martin by stating, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”- A police report suggested Zimmerman had been flat on his back during the altercation and an eyewitness said that Martin was sat on top of Zimmerman beating and pushing him down;- A responder at the scene said Martin’s knuckles were bloodied, suggesting he had injured Zimmerman with a punch;- The lead investigator on the scene, Officer Christopher Serino, wrote that Zimmerman could be heard “yelling for help as he was being battered by Trayvon Martin.”If some form of social disorder, be it limited or widespread, does ensue should Zimmerman walk free, authorities will be well prepared. The Department of Homeland Security recently put out another order for hundreds of items of riot gear in order to prepare for “riot control situations.” The federal agency has also committed to buying around 2 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last year.
Here is an account of the Rodney King riots in LV, NV and LA, CA. You could not pay me any amount of money to live there.....:
In 1992 I was driving big rigs on a part time basis from SLC to LA round trip for a few extra coins. I was headed “down hill” .(to LA) when the Rodney King riots started. Truckers keep in constant communication via CB radio, and as I was headed down hill I was hearing how bad things were getting in the LA area (South Central) where I was supposed to drop my trailer, pick up another trailer and return to SLC (commonly called a drop and hook). . Long haul truckers carry coolers full of food, at least the smart one’s do! I had filled my cooler in SLC before I left.
Listening to AM radio broadcasts and the reports from drivers going up hill from LA, I learned that the rioting had spread to Las Vegas. This concerned me a great deal, because my Mother and Aunt lived in LV. And my concern turned to worry in a big hurry. I started making plans to get to where Mom lived, I’d pick them up turn the truck around and get them the heck outa Dodge. I was pulling a dry load, diapers, so spoilage wasn’t a problem, but keeping the load protected was one of my responsibilities. I’d probable not be ask to drive another load for that company but that was alright with me, Mom and Auntie’s safety was far more important then that load of diapers.
At that time we truckers could park our 18 wheelers in the parking lot behind the Excalibur Hotel, it was inside a high fenced area, I thought it might be safe to park there, find a phone, call Mom to get her and my Aunt ready for evacuation, however I was not prepared for what I saw as I topped the last hill heading into Las Vegas
A thick solid cloud of black smoke hung above the city, there were fires and emergency vehicles everywhere. Emergency vehicles were passing me on I-15 at a very high rate of speed, it was just after dark and I could feel my worry intensifying . Big rigs were starting to park along the side of the freeway, drivers not willing to go into or through LV. I went past them asking North bound truckers if South bound traffic was stopped, I was told that traffic had slowed, but I could get through. I had to endure several “that’s plain stupidity” remarks! I explained several times I was going after my mother, and the snide remarks were replaced with comments of “good luck!” I really felt I needed blessings, but I’d take some good luck.
Mom and my Aunt lived in a trailer park a short distance away from the Sams Town Casino, there was a high wall around the park, and I knew there’d be guards walking around inside that wall, but they were all old men (like me now) and I wasn’t trustful that they could control things if they were rushed by a large number of rioters armed with firebombs. I just wanted my Mother out of there
I managed to exit the freeway in the right place, found the casino I was looking for, pulled into the almost empty lot, locked up my rig and run into the casino. There were armed guards at all the doors, and they weren’t armed with just pistols--- shotguns and Uzi’s were the weapons of choice. A guard stopped me asking why I was there, wondering why I had stopped at all. I explained my problem and he nodded and led me to a phone where I was finally able to get a hold of my Mother.
Shock of shocks, Mom wouldn’t go! She told me that men were indeed patrolling the wall, only one firebomb had been thrown towards the trailer park and one of the men had exploded it in mid air with his shotgun. Those outside had taken the hint and fled the scene. Mom and Auntie felt safe and were not leaving, they in fact had just finished their walk around the park! They were both adamant that I should come to them and be safe. But I couldn’t leave my truck, besides that, the guards at the casino told me I had to get my rig out of there, it was a tempting target.
I realized that my truck would be a tempting target anywhere in Las Vegas, so I elected to get out of there, trusting the men in the park to protect Mom, and get to Barstow California where there was a large truck stop, I’d stop there and wait for things to calm down. I had heard that National Guard troops had been called in, so I figured they’d be able to quell the violence like they did in the Watts riots many years ago.
I had been on the road all day, I knew all the police were busy, and the down hill traffic was very light (small wonder). So I stepped on it, hammer down, and drove until I reached Barstow, planning on catching some z’s there. But again, I wasn't really prepared for reality.
There were thousands of trucks parked at Barstow, parked everywhere, no room in the inn, big, big mess. I continued on, knowing that if I could get to Fontana California I could park there in safety in a fenced truck yard, a yard owned by the company I was hauling the load for. I saw few fires in Barstow, so my confidence was starting to rise, and I was still hearing that the National guard was getting into the problem areas, so I figured if I made it to Fontana, I could drop my load, they could deliver it, and if they wouldn’t give me an uphill load I would simply deadhead it back to SLC without a trailer.
I had been driving for many hours and I needed to get some sleep, but where? About 3 Am I come across a road block, the police were stopping all traffic because of some trouble ahead. I didn’t care, I was to tired to care, so I pulled off to the side, crawled into my sleeper and was instantly asleep.
About 7:30, 8 am, I was awakened by a police officer who wanted my truck moved. I explained that I was headed for Fontana, and he said things were pretty clear to Fontana, but I better not try to go further because the National Guard had tied up the freeways into the LA area. I attempted to explain that I hadn’t had my legal rest time, he didn’t care, get out of here I was told. I left! On the way I started hearing about Reginald Denny incident, the trucker who was pulled from his truck and beaten almost to death . Then I was starting to get angry.
I’m not sure of the time when I finally pulled into Fontana, but again there were fires all over the place. My confidence started to wane a bit, but I found the yard and pulled in, right past the guard who was yelling “the yard’s full” (there’s no room in the inn). I didn’t care, I was going no further, my load had just become their responsibility. There were fifty to a hundred big rigs parked along the roads outside the yard, the yard was overflowing, but blessings were on my side, a North bound rig was just pulling out, I pulled into his slot as he left, opened my cooler got a sandwich and a drink, crawled back into my sleeper and again was instantly asleep.
About 2 am the next morning I was awakened again, but this time by another trucker, he had a shotgun and wanted to know if I’d take my turn patrolling the fence. I was more then happy to do so, he commented that he had to get some sleep, hadn’t eaten for some time, and was grateful I’d be taking a turn. He was black!
I ask him why he hadn’t eaten, he told me he was a local driver, worked for the company, and didn’t have a cooler because he didn’t need one. I reached into my cooler handed him a sandwich and a drink, took his loaded shotgun and ten extra 00 rounds, locked up my rig and commenced patrolling the fence. We had no problems the rest of the night, still a lot of fires, but none in or near the yard. About 8am I was relieved by another trucker.
I went back to my rig, ate breakfast, saw the black driver who had awakened me, talked to him a bit, got him another drink and sandwich, we walked together to the yard office. There was one person in the office, I told him I was dropping my trailer, it was now his, and if he didn’t have an uphill load, I was deadheading it back to SLC. He told me he didn’t have authority to give my a load, I’d have to wait. I “explained” I’m leaving now, with or without a load. He smartened up, gave me a load of tires. I shook my new friend’s hand, dropped my load, drove over to the new trailer, hooked up and left.
There’s more to this story, a lot more. But what’s important is the fact that I not only had a cooler full of food, I also had my 72 hour case, a large knife and a small .45 cal weapon originally hidden in the 72 hour kit. I had removed it from it’s hiding place, it was now in it’s holster, firmly affixed to the side of my seat.
I had not been able to call home, and I wanna tell ya, I heard about it when I finally got to a phone that worked. JoAnn was very unhappy, furious might be a better word. She flat out told me she knew I was just “dumb enough” to deliver my load into that hell she was seeing on the television! Humbled, I explained, stretched the truth a bit, that the problem area she was seeing was still fifty miles beyond where I had been, she cried, and I mean real tears.
When I finally got home, she demanded that I stop driving long haul, I did, for awhile, later I took a couple more loads to the spot the first load was supposed to go. There was one building left, in the middle of a very large area. I ask the folks in charge how they saved that one building, I was shown a shotgun, and told it took several men with shotguns to hold off the mob. I was impressed! There’s more to this story, but it’s not important, I’m not grateful I had the experience--- However, I did became a bit more educated as to the realities of life, how easy it is to get riots started, how so many supposedly good people can all of a sudden turn deadly. I learned a lot! And, I had a few more stories for my kids!
I personally know an officer that works in a large major city in America. He tells me that their department of approx 70 officers provide law enforcement for millions of people. He said things at that city (and others) are always on a razor's edge, that if a major earthquake, court ruling of some kind, or virtually anything else happened it would descend in looting, shooting, killing and pure pandemonium in minutes. He said it is well known that various groups of people and different races are just waiting for the moment to go on the looting, shooting, killing spree. Mainly looting. With the ratio being millions of people to 30 street officers on duty, he said that they have already been trained that unless it involves human life, to just let the mobs do their thing
ReplyDeleteRemember certain people would then see an event like that as on opportunity to control even more. If you can find the aerial news news footage of the people racing towards the Rodney King riot central locations you will see people in trucks and cars handing out AK rifles to the rioters headed to that location.