Folks, you cannot make this stuff up. I just went to Revelations and re-read what it has to say in Ch 12 and 13 and it talks about this joker's shennanigans for another 1260 days, which takes us to September 2nd, 2016. You might add on another 3.5 days to account for the two prophets lying dead in the streets, but that pretty much seals it..... The first week or so of September 2016 as the big day for the Jews in Jerusalem.
Our big day (and I cannot reveal the source) will most likely be the first week of October 2014 when Utah gets nailed by the big one and the cleansing begins over here. I believe we may have the economic collapse and a few other things before that, but you pretty much can begin to flesh in a timeline from this.
Still shaking my head that bummer is the A/C. I expected so much more - but he fits the bill perfectly......
What a steaming pile......
If you voted for him, I hope you are profoundly ill right now. I know I would be.
After America is cleansed it will build NJ and welcome back the lost tribes, ***this is still a 6th seal event*** (read D&C 77:10) The AC is a 7th seal event! The 2 prophets that do a stint in Jerusalem for 3 1/2 YEARS before they are killed is a 7th seal event. Your timeline can't possibly be correct. Obama is NOT the AC.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion: I think your focus is way too limited on Obama. The anti-Christ will have GLOBAL POWER and GLOBAL REACH. For Obama to be the AC he will need to be in control of the vast majority of people on planet earth (starting with Americans who at that time will be dead). In other words the people will give him their control and as America is hated world wide I just don't see that happening. I was watching a documentary on the history channel about the book of revelation. When asked what role America plays in the end days, every Biblical Scholar on the show said that they don't see America playing any role in the end days according to how the scriptures read. One scholar even said something like "its as if America just disappears". To me this makes perfect sense. America will be "cleansed" first. Think about what the word cleansed means symbolically. Why would America be cleansed but its corrupt leaders be allowed to become more corrupt and more evil?
I agree with the last comment to an extent. It doesn't seem like Obama has Global Power just looking at how world leaders mock him...Russia, China, Ecuador, Syria.
ReplyDeleteAmerica as we know it will already be destroyed when the 2 prophets go to Jerusalem. However, America will not cease to exist. America will play a significant role in the last days as the New Jerusalem is established. As I understand it the government (Christ's government) will build upon our current government and Constitution. Nation's will either stand with this government or be an enemy to it.
I confess I have a very limited knowledge on events of the second coming. Or it's hard for me to make sense of all the information and try to organize it. I tend to agree (Hope) with the Tent Cities concept and I really hope those in Utah who are living righteously will be given warning to leave prior to an earthquake. That goes for all those living righteously throughout the United States. You have made statements that you look forward to watching DC and LA be destroyed. I find that a little disturbing to be honest. There are some wonderful, wonderful, people fighting for good in those areas. They're not hiding in remote areas with the goal of protecting themselves. They are in the middle of the "spiritual battle" fighting for morals and good to win. The apostles have not asked us to leave our homes in the name of saving ourselves prior to the second coming. They are asking us to go to the four corners of the earth and do missionary work to seek out those willing to stand for righteousness. So I do hope somehow the good people of this continent will be gathered prior to the catastrophic events that will inevitably come.