Oddly, as we (the modern Gentiles) become so fixated upon our things, we have lost our moral high ground. We have become corrupt - therefore, we will lose it all in a massive economic collapse, followed by the social collapse. The Lamanites will rise and will prowl amongst the Gentiles in their hour of extremity.
Here is an interesting meme that hilights how Millennial leadership will be. Less is more:

This is a true principle (D&C 130:20-21 & 6th Lecture on Faith) and those who go to Zion will already be practicing this principle to qualify them. Most all LDS members have lost the understanding of this truth, seeking after the riches of this world, and only those who repent (3 Nephi 21) will be saved "by their works" to be able to assist the remnant in building the Zion society. This is the pattern God uses to test us to see who is obedient to His word as has been given amply in the scriptures for this people and to which we are held accountable...
ReplyDeleteGee, you'd think we'd be in a much better situation with all the "Sitting Bulls" we have in the White House, Congress, and the Senate.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne Freeman through her NDE books has probably helped so many really understand the Law of Consecration. She put it thus, "We all throw in everything we have and then share. Then when it runs out, we'll all be in the same boat!" But miracle of miracles, she saw that when this is the attitude of the members of the little company they started out in, that wasn't the case. The Lord made it so things didn't run out or spoil. She said when people were stingy is when their food storage spoiled or ran out. Or these people didn't feel or were repelled by the Spirit of the group and moved on.
'Through the Window of Life' is the book that tells of this and what she was shown of the Last Days. I love her book and it gives me hope! 'Visions of Glory' by John Pontius does the same.
We can do this! We can be ZION! We just need to remember that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. He can give and He can take away. We're simply stewards. So let us be kind and share. Yes, it will be hard when it seems like we've been more obedient than others with preparedness. All of us, no matter what level we're on still come short of the Glory of God and are in need of His mercy to go home to Father. God gave EVERYTHING for us to come home. So "Here Lord, take what I have, it's yours! Let it be for the glory of Zion and let history show that me and my family served faithfully, gave willingly without grudge, and gave all until we had nothing left to give."