Thanks for your comment. I could not publish it because of a personal e-mail. That is mostly my fault because I have no direct contact info on the blog. I do that because I am horribly paranoid, if you could not Actually, I have limited time (because I am rooting around the internet on my glowing box for new material) and am old school in that I like to try to respond to most correspondence, if possible. Also, I DESPISE spam. If in power, I would make it punishable by some sort of fine if someone objected.
When writing and including your e-mail, please add two comments. One with your e-mail and one with your comment. I will figure it out. If you put it all in one comment, I cannot publish it to protect your privacy from bots and stalkers. If you do not want your commentary published and would like a personal response, put the e-mail at the beginning of the e-mail and a statement that it is not for public consumption. Sometimes, the stuff at the end is cut off from my view and I let it fly thru inadvertently.
Here is the comment: I just found your blog about a week ago. It is so nice to hear from other like minds out there. I'm curious about your EOTW conference you had, do you have any contacts or know of any similar meetings in Utah? I'm in Salt Lake and would really like to connect with other like minded folks in my area. I'm sure they exist but I'm having a difficult time finding them.
Here is my response: I think you should join the FB crowd, "Awaken to Our Awful Situation" that is run by Heather Jackson. She was at the EOTW Conference and is just one of the best people I have ever met. The Elders that are supposed to rise up and keep the Constitution from hanging by a thread are losing it to the ambitious gals out there like Heather - a real Samuelita.
Next conference that I plan in the area, I will try and open up generally.
Iraq, you need to check out this's happening! Crazy!