Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 One thing that became toxic to me at Boeing was the pervasive action of the cronies covering each others' asses and doing some very bad schitt.  A rather benign one was one of the production managers on the 777-FWDSI would be gone for some period of time beyond the usual half hour dinner break (second shift) and then come ambling back in "quite happy" along with a few cohorts.  They had been out somewhere smoking some weed and - they reeked of it.  I am not sure if it was the fact that the manager was black and thought he was untouchable due to his race, or what - but the fact that he was allowing ANY of that kind of thing to go on under his watch and then encouraging it with his underlings - was beyond the pale.  And we wondered why we had quality issues at Boeing...  You could have told him that he had just been fired, car re-po'd and his wife was sleeping with his best friend and he would have just laughed it off.  Let alone dealing with serious issues on the 777.  Around that same time, I had witnessed and was investigating a bolt that snapped in half and fell on the floor overnight (third watch) after it had been torqued to spec.  No big deal right?  Nope, it was on the steering mechanism for the nose landing gear.  Me and one other employee were sober-minded enough to chase that one to ground and discovered a faulty case hardening process at a vendor and released a Service Bulletin.  A bunch of work on our part - but necessary to keep a plane hurtling down the runway at 160mph from going up in a fireball at the end of it.  The worst of it was that the head of the bolt was facing down, so a very little movement of the mechanism in flight (possibly even first flight) would have dis-lodged this particular bolt and all hell would have broken loose in a split second (no warning).  So, I also had to drive a drawing and assembly change.  Simple things; huge results and benefits.  What I am saying here is that intoxicated people could really have no cares in the world about serious schitt.  But this was the good old boys system at Boeing.  If you were on the inside, you could literally get away with murder.  If you asked too many questions or ruffled too many feathers, it was schittsville for you.

I already talked about how I had to threaten my manager to do the right thing when it came to a 40 year old employee who was one of the level 5 engineers and was the wing to body join guru on the 747-8.  He totally accused me of screwing up a database and basically putting the name of a fellow engineer on a non-conformance that was a Britishism for "penis".  Who knew what a "knobhead" was?  Thankfully, the false recording showed that I had done it at 1:47am and I was clearly off shift and resting in the arms of my wife at that time.  I had multiple cameras, gate entrances to prove it, etc.  I had left a few hours before.  But, when the crony engineer with 40 years experience is on his third strike with HR for making sexual references to women who were just around the corner of the cubicle farm, my strike would have been his third and last even though I was just trying to NOT get walked out by security when this very 40 year schmuck had accused me of messing with an official FAA record.  He (the guy with two strikes) actually had the gall to tell me he could have me fired (the guy who had never been to HR in his life) for my supposed indiscretion.  All of this happened around the time my wife was also falsely accusing me of diddling the kiddling after she snapped during a two week power outage where we were heating our house with the gas fireplace only and cooking on our camp stove in the kitchen.  This was the event where my Bishop went to pains to put me on two deep leadership in my Scout calling when there were no others in the program who were two deep.  I was pretty much, blow-a-fuse pissed off at the whole mess and went on the warpath.

When others from around the Everett factory came to me asking me why I had been so stupid as to pull a stunt like the "knobhead" affair, I fired off an e-mail and told my boss that he would comply with a list of five of my demands (correcting the narrative) within 72 hours or I would blow the whole thing sky high and possibly take legal action.  At that point, he had gone completely radio silent on my attempts to reach out to him via e-mail to resolve/reverse the situation.  I had received multiple visits from past 777 managers asking me to just drop it.  My response was that "asshole" needed to learn to apologize or he would just continue his entitled and atrocious behavior.  At about hour 70, I got a response with reversing actions on all of my demands and I walked away from that brink.  The guy who mis-judged a situation got to continue his 40 year career while still maintaining his reputation (among all engineers) as "resident asshole" and I was left with the very uncomfortable prospect of having to deal with S. Israel as my boss until I decided to leave the company with a golden handshake (half a year's salary as severance) along with 12,000 other engineers.

Needless to say, I despise cronyism.  The good old boys...  I just had a Boeing contact reach out to me and let me know that the company may not recover because of favoritism in appointing engineers to a Tech Fellow position within the company.  Apparently, it is more or less granted as a political favor instead of being based on merit.  A very dangerous thing - as the Tech Fellows are usually Phds and are the brain trust of the company.  The elite of the elite.  They are tapped to drive future innovation within the org.  But that may not be important any more where the bean counters are only focused on stock performance and care little about what the stock performance may be beyond their tenure on the Board or before they can cash out their options from the compensation/severance packages.

But I see it here in Cardston in spades.  There are those who are connected.  And those who are not.  If you have a contrary opinion of one who is connected, his brothers rise to protect and defend and you will quickly find yourself on the outside.  For example, if you work in the temple and your boss who sets your officiating schedule accuses someone of polygamy (namely me) and the person who was actually snogging on other married women (in the hopes they would be one of his multiple wives) are best (eat Sunday dinner together regularly) friends, then you take your cue and drop the lesser friend for fear of damaging relationships within the clique and whom you are really trying to impress and upon whose ladder you are attempting to climb.  And this was how Jesus got crucified.  The filthy priests in the temple were held in such reverence and awe due to position, that they could call on the simple-minded (low-IQ) crowd to chant "Crucify Him!!".  I used to marvel at this ability of the Priests to have a hold over them people to take out the very Son of God.  I no longer hold that same level of marvel - because I have witnessed it firsthand.  I no longer marvel that 70% will end up in body bags.  I am now quite certain.  Because people cannot stand on principle and follow the Spirit to arrive at a correct conclusion - but will follow popularity over principle.  This has gone on at largely LDS beer bashes in high school.  Once the most popular crowd is in, everyone is in except for those who are principled.  I had to navigate this on the outside during my time in high school.  It is a lonely road.  One I am fine with - but baffled how adults do not get past the high schoolish behaviours.

So many other examples that I do not have time to list.  But fascinating to witness nonetheless.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 It is quite possible that this is the best witness of the book.  I wish I could make this required reading for temple counselors…:

You know i have a very interesting experience with this book. I was lead to it by the spirit at Seagull book. After reading ill be honest, it scared me and i had some issues with how some things were presented. Because of how somethings were presented i didnt like it and spoke ill of the book. However if i were being honest with my self i knew it was true i couldn't dismiss it like some of the other fraudsters. I decided to really study it, i probably put in close to 200 hours picking it apart. I didnt like certain aspects but couldnt dismiss it still. I was till negative at this point. Then after fasting and praying i finally got my answer. After all, with things that happen in book one must know for sure and then prepare if true. So anyways after walking up stairs to go to bed. I felt and amazingly strong spirit. As i came into my room i felt the presence of an angel but could not at this point see. I was told to kneel and pray. I was told what to pray and received immediate answers. I was then told to lay down. After doing so i was told to lay down and immediately i was taken into the future and found myself on the streets of SLC after the earthquake. My angel turned to me opened the book and pointed at it and said " you see it is true" I said "dang it" I was shown other things as well. But because of my diligence of trying to find out the truth the Lord showed it to me and i have just a strong a witness of Thom as the three witnesses of BOM. Sadly it will all happen and probably very soon.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 This is cool stuff.  Sounds like he is DoC:

[FYI: I would not have included this information, if the individual was not seeking a public audience.] 

Several weeks ago, I arrived at the Church History Library to bide time before a lunch appointment with some good friends. As usual, before taking my seat I walked over to the display cases at the far side of the room. As I did so, I noticed a well-dressed man in his mid-40s speaking with an elderly sister missionary. She wanted to tell him about the different items on display, but the man clearly had other plans. I overheard him say, “I am just a messenger” and I knew this was going to get interesting. “Just messengers” show up on temple square all the time and I’ve had some fun interactions with them over the past decade. 

 I walked to the front desk and asked an acquaintance what was going on. She smiled and told me that this gentleman had been trying to get copies of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon to general authorities that morning and had finally settled (maybe with the help of security?) to bring them to the Church History Library. That is where the Church collects items after all.  


 A few moments later, I heard the sister missionary profess her desire to read the papers that were being left at the CHL and the man was on his way out the door. To the horror of the officials in the room (I imagine), I followed him out, introduced myself, and invited him to come back in and tell me his story. His name was Shane Baldwin and we sat together for 30 minutes. 

 A decade ago, he was convicted for some charges related to investment fraud that amounted to $14 million (he didn’t tell me the details but you can look them up). In prison, he found his faith and began entertaining angels in his jail cell. One angel told him that he would one day provide Shane with the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. And at some point when Shane got out of prison, he received an email—apparently from the same angel—with the promised record in an attachment. And the best thing about it was that Shane didn’t even have to translate the record (although he seemed to suggest he had perhaps amended it.)  At the end of our conversation, Shane suggested a number of scriptural passages I could read to learn more about him. These were, of course, the same scriptures would-be Latter-day Saint messiahs have been reciting for two centuries. 1 Nephi 3; D&C 85; Isaiah 28; etc.  

My friends had shown up and so I thanked Shane for his time. I went to greet them and Shane got up to again leave the building. On his way out, he turned back to me and said there was another scripture I should be aware of. Hebrews 13:2. “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” He then said that sometimes you speak to angels and don’t know you are doing so – implying that Shane was an angel in the flesh. (Now this is the oddest claim, because I’m a Latter-day Saint – I think everyone is an angel in the flesh.) 

This was not that unusual of an interaction. I have met One Mighty and Strongs, Davidic Servants, and Roots of Jesse over the years. Shane is just the latest of many – unaware that he is reciting the same script that so very many have recited before him. (In Terrible Revolution, I explained how Brigham Young responded to these claims when he encountered them.)

In the coming days, I noticed that Shane had started a new YouTube channel in which he is bringing in a series of ideas to shape his brand. The major theme is conspiracy. These include polygamy denialism, the Nemenhah Records (these are the sealed portion that Shane is promoting), Joseph Smith’s assassination was an inside job, etc. Michelle Stone, Jacob Isbell, Cloudpiler, and a few others have shown up on his show. 

Friends, I'm not interested in digging into this in too much detail, but I am concerned about individuals’ abilities to discern truth from error; healthy from unhealthy paths. The scripture I would point us to is Jacob 6:12 “Oh be wise – what can I say more?”

Oh and a new episodes of Angels and Seerstones will drop tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 It is so sad to watch the fall of those who have loosened their grip on the Iron Rod.  One more example is this gal who now is openly bashing one of the most sublime ordinances that exist out there - which many people long for to give them comfort for those that their religion would condemn to hell and make my God an arbitrary God who bases Salvation on mere chance; a form of spiritual Roulette.  

I have been training my wife and others to watch for the change in the light that radiates from their countenances.  Almost across the board, their countenances give them away.  Of course, the more light they possessed prior to their descent, the more pronounced the change:

This kind of stuff will become more common place as time goes on.  The middle ground is eroding away and leaving only those who are all-in and those who are all out.  As Joseph pointed out, you can leave the Church, but it is never enough to leave it alone.


 Interesting!  I had only been privy to snippets of this letter:


LDS Near Death Experience Discussion

Greg Neal

What does this group think about the Visions of Glory book seeing as how it has been linked to so many extremist people lately like Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow, Julie Rowe, Jodi Hildebrandt, and Ruby Franke? I never read it when I was first told about it because it just gave me a bad feeling. And now we have seen Thom Harrison(Spencer in the book)come out and separate himself from the book.

Edit: For those of you that asked here is a letter written by Thom to his priesthood leaders in March 2014 regarding VoG:

Thomas Gene Harrison

March 23, 2014

Regarding “Visions of Glory”

To Whom it may concern and My Priesthood Leaders as now constituted;

After meeting with my Stake President on this 23rd day of March 2014, I write this letter to disclose my feelings and present opinions of the book “Visions of Glory”, which was published by Cedar Fort Publishing Co. on December of 2012.

I disclose that I am “Spencer” the person whom the majority of this account is written about. I have been asked to discuss the origins and my present feelings associated with this book.

I first met John Pontius via a person whom I met when she was in her youth. She and John’s daughter had moved into the same ward in Colorado. She thought that he and I had shared many similar experiences from our mutual years of illness and my three near-death experiences and that it would be “good for us to meet.” After our first meeting I was pleased to speak with John, an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who had the capacity to talk openly about these things we had in common, which much of these things I had kept to myself for a number of years. It was refreshing to be able to speak openly of these things with him.

Shortly after our first meeting John suggested that these experiences should be written down, even if it were just for my posterity. This concept was initially contrary to everything I had been taught and had read about regarding the sharing of sacred experiences with others. We continued to talk and I began to see the possible purpose in having this record for my family. John was a published author of many books dealing with LDS church topics. John assisted me by sharing his insights into the things I spoke with him about. Many of these experiences I shared with him I had and seen when I was very ill over a protracted period of time. In hindsight, I see far more clearly that it would have been better to follow the counsel of Elder Neal Maxwell, a member of our ward, when he said to me, “Brother Thom, do not try and interpret these things or read into them.” He counseled me that I should wait to see and experience these things in the proper timing of the Lord.

It was not until I attended a leadership meeting at my Stake Center when I heard our present Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson tell us as priesthood leadership that we needed to share more openly our testimonies and special sacred experiences with our friends, families and fellow Saints on social media and in writing, to strengthen one another by that which we have experienced. After hearing this counsel, only then did I start to think maybe John Pontius was right and that I should express these experiences, to strengthen those who might read of these things, that they might remind them that God cares for each of us and is mindful of us. It was at this time that I also read Elder Melvin Ballard’s experience with a personal visitation with Christ and also read of Elder Haight’s story of Seeing Christ in Gethsemane.

I prayed expressively about this and after these experiences, believing maybe the Brethren had relaxed their view regarding disclosure, I agreed to disclose a portion of these things to John and go forward from there in association with what would become of these communications. I knew John had terminal cancer and he would leave my life as quickly as he had come into it. In hindsight believing, John would pass away before this book would ever see the light of day.

After 50 hours of meeting with John Pontius he asked if he could share some chapters of what we had written with his publisher, Cedar Fort. He did so and they were reluctant to publish them, stating their would not be an audience for such a story. They told John that if they did publish the Book, they would start with about 550 copies of the manuscript, however they did not think there would be a market for this book. I believed them and after consulting with John about his thinking, knowing that this was there business not mine and they must be familiar with what sells and what does not sell. I believed at best maybe a few copies would sell and John would have his last wish before departing this life, from the complications associated with his terminal intestinal cancer. John had a blog spot, “un-blog my soul” were I believed a few of his faithful readers would read such a book as this, it would be a flash in the pan and then done.

John continued to work on the book and sent me manuscripts to edit and comment on. We were doing this all electronically and I believed he was receiving all of my comments and changes as I sent them. I surprisingly learned after his death in December of 2012, when I was finally given a copy of the published book, that many of my corrections and the entire last editing of “Visions of Glory” had not either been received by the publisher or that John, in his profound state of illness in those last few weeks of his suffering, did not include. Realizing after reading the published book for the first time, that this was a joint effort and I would estimate that a third of the book was John’s interpretation of what I had seen or experienced or even that more of the content of the book was the facility that an author needs to use to place these experiences into a context and a story line scenario. John also added to the book things, which he had seen and experienced which were different from that, which I had experienced.

I have no need or do not want to give the impression that I am “throwing John Pontius under the bus,” however I can only be responsible to that which I actually related to him and experienced for myself. The remainder is John’s work, capacity for writing and his placing my experiences into an appropriate context and story line.

From the start, I do not or have not seen myself, or “Visions of Glory”, the book, as attempting to speak for the church or saying this is in any way doctrinal or a true account of what we as a people have in store for us. It was and is experiences given to me alone. Not meant to be generalized in to what will happen to the church or people as a whole. I believe much of it is a metaphor or analogy and should be seen as such. It is and has been just what I saw, my own experience. Not always depicted as I saw or experienced it but more as a writer would take a story and try to flesh it out for the reading public.

At this time of my life, I wished I would have kept it all to myself. That, “Visions of Glory” the book, was just those experiences one man had and that no one else had ever read this account. It has caused me great grief, despair, family discord, public ill treatment, derision and criticism. I have learned that when we undertake to cast sacred things before the masses that they turn and rend you and that the rending is very severe.

There are doctrinal incorrect aspects of the book. Some being my perception and some being errors in the transmission of the work. Some, out of my or John’s misinterpretation of what was being said, or what was shown to me. It is difficult for two minds to have complete accuracy in trying to explain what was seen into words that convey the true meaning of what was shown.

It is my intent to not speak of this account any further other than this letter. I do not have the rights to this work they belong to the Pontius family. So I have no power to stop the printing of this book.

Under no circumstance did John or I ever mean or conspire, deceive or acquire gain from these sacred things. Our hope was to lift, bless and bring people to Christ.

If asked about this work I will give those who inquire a copy of this letter. I will not give firesides or presentations regarding this book.

I hold my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as my most prized possession. I apologize for any injury or misunderstanding this has caused the Church, my family or any individual associated with this book. I am sorry for any offence this has caused any member.


Thomas G. Harrison


 I absolutely think so.  I find few anxiously (excitedly) watching and waiting.  The closer you get to the top, the worse it seems to be:

Not "less prepared", rather "as much mistaken".

As others have found and shared, Brigham Young said "the Gentiles will be as much mistaken in regard to his second advent as the Jews were in relation to the first". (JD Vol 8 p.115)

I have two other ideas for your consideration.

1) How mistaken were the Jews regarding the first?

They all mistook his mission, and some mistook him (did not recognize him).

There were those among the Jews who recognized their prophesied Christ and followed him, becoming Apostles and Disciples.  Even these righteous and devoted followers expected a military deliverer, and in this they were mistaken.

The rest of the Jews did not recognize Jesus as their Christ.  This is the group that we typically think of when we say "Jews" here, led by the highly antagonistic leadership.  We could say that they were twice mistaken, first because they expected him to come as a military deliverer, and second because they did not recognize him when he came.

2) Did Brigham Young say "Gentiles" to mean only members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Or did he say it to mean all people in the Gentile nations?  Or something different?

I conclude that he is saying that ***the Gentile nations as a whole will be as mistaken regarding the Second Coming as the Jewish nation as a whole was mistaken about the First Coming***.

I analyzed his use of the term "Gentiles" in JD Vol 8, and he uses it to refer to non-Jews as a whole, and sometimes even uses it to EXCLUDE members of the restored Church.  I did not find any usage of "Gentiles" that meant exclusively members of the restored Church.


Within the same discourse, the very next thing Brigham Young said was about the Gentiles, making a distinction between those that understand by the Spirit and those who do not:

"The eyes of the Gentiles are like the eyes of the fool, wandering to the ends of the earth.  They are deceived, blinded, and far from understanding the things of God.  All who would understand the things of God must understand them by the Spirit of God."

This leans toward "Gentiles" meaning all of those among the Gentile nations (JD vol 8 p.58), and not specifically church members.

I searched this volume of the Journal of Discourses for the term "Gentiles", and found that he presented

 1. "Jews and Gentiles" (JD vol 8 p.146), and

 2. "our Elders" vs. "the Gentile priests" (JD vol 8 p.198).

In the first, he uses "Gentiles" in the broader sense of everyone who is not a Jew, and in the second he even uses "Gentile" to exclude those in the church.

When referring to church members, he typically uses "Elders", "brethren", "saints".

I conclude that he uses Gentiles to mean non-Jews in general, sometimes including members of the restored church, and sometimes excluding them.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 This was my response to a good question on FB about the viability of plural marriage vs standard marriage; and this testimony does not make me a plural marriagist:

My mother hated the whole concept of plural marriage and told all 8 children that we were not allowed to let our father re-marry if she went first.

I had told my wife for a decade we were married that I thought I would go early - to be exact, in my 33rd year.  In that year, our baby was taken by SIDS at just under 9 months.  After the funeral, I told my mother she had about six months before it was her turn to go, even though she was perfectly healthy.  Five months, three weeks later, she was gone from DVT and sitting in a car all day.

The night our kid passed from SIDS, I had a dream wherein he said goodbye and that we must not blame ourselves; it was his time to go.  By a miracle, we recorded the whole thing on tape.  There were three distinct parts to the dream, and the second involved Christmas traditions and then a sign from the other side meant to provide comfort specifically to his mother, my grieving and now pregnant wife.

As we wrapped up our Christmas meal 8 months and 20 days after his short life of 8 months and 20 days ended, I sat down on the couch with the phone to try and call a sibling or my dad who had a lonely day without his wife just one month after her funeral.

The phone rang before I could dial anyone; it was my father.  He was emotional and could hardly speak, but proceeded to tell me that I would not believe what had happened the night before.  I told him I was all ears.

He said my son and my mother had appeared to him at the foot of his bed as the room slowly went from pitch black to bright light.  He had been just laying there thinking when it happened.  I had seen him two weeks before and he had hardly eaten since the funeral and looked terrible.  I had taken  him to Dairy Queen and bought him a whole tray of food and we sat there for hours and talked until he had eaten it all.

Christmas Day, he was animated again and the depression was gone.  My profound depression was about to leave.  The year before, our baby boy had played the baby Jesus in the Ward Christmas play while his mom and dad played Mary and Joseph.  It was a magical year - and the current one sucked to high heaven.  Other than my wife and two oldest kids, all the people that really mattered to me were gone and I was only getting out of bed to do my duty to provide for our truncated family.  I felt like a zombie for months; all mechanical.  Just emotionally numb from head to toe.

I asked my dad what my mother and son looked like and  he said they both were in their prime adult stature (appeared to be about 25) standing about 18” off the ground.  Of course I asked him if my son said anything and he said no that he just stood behind Mother smiling, but that Mother was sent to correct her previous stance and then to give Dad counsel on how to spend his remaining years productively. 

Specifically, she said “I was wrong (about not allowing him to remarry).  It is different over here.”  If his future included the chance for love, he was to take advantage of it.

He did find love later and is sealed to two women.  Her first husband is a real louse, apparently.  Mydad is a good man and now, is a linear polygamist with an interesting situation to deal with on the other side.

The only reason I typed this out is because I do not want sacred things trifled with due to lack of understanding.  Is the whole polygamy thing abused by evil or misguided men?  Yes it sure can be and has been.

Is it a way to exalt a man and a woman who can actually pull it off in an affirming and positive manner, when most cannot make a far less messy and complicated singular marriage work?  Absolutely!  You now have my sacred witness.  Please be charitable with it, for your salvation may be at stake after all is said and done.  They (those who were commanded to practice polygamy) are not on trial; we are.  Trifle not with sacred things.


Reality is finally catching up with Prophecy:

It will be a humdinger.  Many harbor resentments (whether it be social/monetary/political/religious) about others (as we found out in post WWII Germany) - and those tend to bubble over once there is regime change or the power structure status quo changes.

In those events, we often see the worst in people.

My quest will be to just get out of the way.  Those in the countryside of Germany mostly avoided the shenanigans of those from the cities and manufacturing centers.  By design, that is (for the most part) where the wicked were concentrated and they suffered the most.  I would love to know the demographics of those who voted for the hitler goons and those who did not.

Thursday, June 6, 2024


I rest my case...


 I grew up on Karen Carpenter.  This takes me back to simple times.  Hanging out with my mother in the little yellow farmhouse on 1090 Sunset Rd.

Great cover.  They have some good Chicago pieces prior to this one:


Wednesday, June 5, 2024


If you want a really good movie that will provoke some thoughts, please go see this movie.  My wife and I love anything WWII involving the Germans because she served in Austria and because we both cannot figure out how such a disciplined and advanced people could screw things up so badly.  Especially when they were largely correct in their move to bring forth a rebdellion against Catholicism via Lutheranism.  What a shocking swing from one extreme to another.

In this movie, there are some VERY interesting points brought out about what sacrifices needs to be done by one to benefit the group (keep them alive).  We always debate or discuss these elements after a good thought-provoking movie like this.


Monday, June 3, 2024


 We all know that Heber J. Grant dedicated the land of Japan for the spreading of the Gospel prior to WWII.  Apparently, in this dedication, he pointed to the Nephites as having given some of their blood to that great nation of incredible people.

I have been an instrument in the Lord's hands to have Him guide people to me and this blog so that their stories could be exposed regarding the dispersion of the House of Israel to the islands of the sea - along with their subsequent gathering home to (in the future) the New Jerusalem where a world capitol will flourish with most all of God's children represented there.

Earlier in this blog, I have presented the case that the Shinto religion is a Japanized version of Judaism along with the Samurai, the Damascus steel (Samurai swords) and advanced building techniques, advanced textiles and advanced irrigation and farming practices when Judah was grafted into that people.

This is one more testimony of that grafting, dunging, pruning within the Lord's extensive vineyard.  If we knew of our interconnectedness, why would we fight and kill each other over stupid pieces of land, oil rights, money, gold and so much else.  We would instead, raise each other up.  But, it is the devil's intent to erase all historical references to Adam, the eight people that survived the Great Flood and so much else that binds the human family together, so that we are miserable, bickering, greedy and so that we do not do what is right by each other.  The way to bring about world peace is to acknowledge the very thing the athiests and godless minions seek to promulgate, which is:  we are not brothers and sisters, but mere evolved apes who are fighting for their piece of the jungle.  How diminuitive!!

Here is the gem I found (Hannah Stoddard):
