Sunday, June 20, 2010


I glanced casually at this link and thought it might be worth looking at (even though this is not a political blog, this does deal with the complete moral collapse of the US and the World:

Let the Lord come quickly and take this trash to the curb!!

And, for those who may not be initiated, here is a much deeper look into who the Gadiantons were and how they operated (from one of my favorite sites):



I think the article title might better read, "The Ancient Capital City of the Israelites Discovered"......

Lets see;
Semitic origin
In the Nile Delta region
Warlike (conquering people)
Hated by the Egyptians
Most references to their time in Egypt destroyed/covered up by the Egyptians......

When will these archeologists ever become politically incorrect and state the facts or make a minor jump to the logical conclusion and say what is truth??

I have zero respect for that community who mostly pushes their own sectarian agenda at the public expense:

Friday, June 4, 2010


I dedicate this read to my former Scoutmaster who decided to leave the church over DNA evidence - oh, and then decided to leave his wife for another woman. OR did I get that wrong?? Sorry, it was commit adultery and then use the whole hokey DNA thing as a convenient excuse to make a clean escape from the truth.....without the searing conscience eating away at you quite so hard - at least until the final smackdown at the judgment bar.
Sometimes, you can just see through people....
I would have some pity or compassion on the guy - but it was a complete and total coup by the lefties and something-for-nothing-throw-your-hands-in-the-air-say-Jesus-I'm-saved-while-ravishing-the-neighbors-wifie BACs- but-that's-okay-cuz-I-found-Jesus.... types that I grew up with. My former Scoutmaster was so well known (and liked by all in the community) that the damage to the Church due to his "defection" was quite far reaching (on a local scale). It could forseeably take decades for the effects to completely wear off. Not unlike William W. Phelps apostasy that ended up with far-reaching consequences for the Prophet Joseph and his incarceration in the oxymoronically-named "Liberty" Jail.....
Here is a great teaser from the attached expose which is going in the blog (and I watched the Nova special on this and came to the same conclusion about the age of our ice sheets/earth and the whole DNA thing, in general - before I read this). Why is it, the more I find out about these supposed global warming 'scientists' and their associated ilk, that I feel I need to take a shower. For the most part - they are complete idiots and goons - oh, and then there is Al Gore.... Who can blame Tipper?? But I digress; read the whole thing and you will know why I feel the way I feel:

For several years scientists have been drilling ice core samples in the arctic regions of the world. The ice accumulating in areas such as Greenland and Antarctica are often several thousand feet deep. There are an alternating series of light and dark rings found every few inches on these ice core samples pulled up from the ice. Scientists believe these rings are are laid down annually. They believe the light rings are indications of winter when the ice accumulates, and the dark rings are indications of summer when the top layer of the ice slightly melts. They have counted hundreds of thousands of these rings in the ice, which they believe proves the earth is at least hundreds of thousands of years old.
The scientists have used these rings to predict global climate changes from the past stretching back what they believe is hundreds of thousands of years. By measuring the thickness of the ice layers, they believe they are able to predict periods of warm and cold periods throughout the earth's history. DNA researchers have used this data in conjunction with their own DNA data to predict migration patterns of people, based upon when they believe "ice ages" occurred.
Many scientists and Christians have gone so far as to say this evidence irrefutably proves the earth is at least hundreds of thousands to millions of years old. Unfortunately for these scientists and Christians, there is a remarkable story, that is now sixty years in the making which completely disproves the entire ice core theory.
During the second world war, an entire squadron of p-38 aircraft en-route from the United States to Europe had to make an emergency landing while over Greenland. The flight crews were rescued, and the planes have been sitting intact on the ice ever since.
Fifty years later, in 1992, a group of individuals thought they could retrieve the aircraft, and restore them. They launched an expedition to Greenland to retrieve the aircraft. When they finally located the planes, they were surprised to find that they were under 263 feet of ice. They then set up camp and bored a hole down through the ice and brought one of the planes up piece by piece. While they bored the hole they found hundreds of these ice rings above the planes. If these layers were annual rings as suggested by the scientists, then there should not have been more than fifty layers of ice above the planes. But there were hundreds of layers. They could not possibly be considered annual layers. In the twelve years since this recovery, an additional sixty feet of ice, and dozens more ice rings have accumulated over the level of their camp in 1992. The layers do little more than count the number of storms that hit the area. These are not tree rings we're counting.
Yet, thousands of scientists have devoted their entire lives toward studying these layers of ice. Uncounted numbers of theories concerning the earth's history have been formulated in part from using this mis-interpreted data. For years, atheists have been beating creation scientists over the head with this ice core theory. Yet now the tables are turned, the atheists now deliberately ignore this evidence promoted by the creation scientists.
The fact that so many scientists could so badly bungle evidence as simple as counting ice rings, does little to bolster one's confidence in other scientists ability to interpret far more complex data such as DNA samples. The more complex the data, the greater the potential for error. The greater the potential for error, the more elaborate a web one must weave.


Does DNA evidence Disprove the Book of Mormon? DNA Experts, and Christians Attack the Bible as Well as the Book of Mormon.

One of most basic tenets of the LDS faith maintains that the Book of Mormon is a literal history of the ancestors of the present day American Indian peoples. The Book of Mormon teaches that the ancestors of the present day American Indians were led out of Jerusalem by the wisdom and power of God to live here in this land - the Americas. The Book of Mormon plainly teaches that this land is given unto the present day American Indian peoples for their inheritance. The Book of Mormon teaches that the present day American Indians are the literal descendents of Abraham, that they are a remnant of the House of Israel, and they are God's Covenant people, whom God will redeem in the last days, and they shall be a righteous people.
Joseph Smith said that:
"The Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our western tribes of Indians; having been found through the ministration of an holy angel, and translated into our own language by the gift and power of God, after having been hid up in the earth for the last fourteen hundred years, containing the word of God which was delivered unto them (the ancestors of the American Indians). By it we learn that our western tribes of Indians are descendants from that Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and the land of America is a promised land unto them, and unto it all the tribes of Israel will come, with as many of the Gentiles as shall comply with the requisitions of the new covenant." (History of the Church, volume 1, page 315)
There can be no question as to what Joseph Smith and all the early Church leaders plainly taught concerning who the Native American peoples really are. The American Indians will be the principal builders of the City of New Jerusalem, which will be built here on this continent. There can be no question as to what the Book of Mormon plainly teaches and prophesies concerning the American Indian people, who were anciently called Lamanites. Joseph Smith also emphasized that any man in the church who teaches a Doctrine different than what he taught would be cursed. Yet, in spite of all this, over the last several years, we have been witnessing a remarkable change taking place in the LDS Church; where the learned men in the Church, including B.Y.U. professors and the Church leaders themselves have begun to deny the American Indians as the covenant people of God.
Recently, much attention has been given to the latest attacks against the Mormon religion by certain DNA experts, who claim the American Indians are not descended from the House of Israel as the Book of Mormon teaches, but they allege that they originated from Eastern Siberia. Genetic researches have tested the DNA of several tribes in Eastern Siberia and found them to be related to American Indian tribes. Scientists have formulated a theory that tens of thousands of years ago, there must have been a land bridge which enabled people to travel from Asia to America, and when this land bridge somehow disappeared under water, the people in Asia and the Americas were seperated with no further contact. They have attempted to hold this as proof that the Native Americans have originated in Asia.
Many Christians have celebrated this so-called "DNA evidence" to refute the Book of Mormon. Some Christian ministries have spent large sums of money spreading and promoting this idea among the Mormons. If these Christians came to the realization that their efforts are also attacking the Bible, would they stop doing this and begin looking at the reasons that refute this argument? Or are these people part of a growing "Christian" movement who believe that the Bible is merely an inspirational "story", and not a factual history of the world?
Likewise, the many learned defenders of the Mormon faith, have attempted to reconcile this new DNA evidence into their faith; by claiming the Book of Mormon history only took place in a small area of Central America, and did not involve the entire continents and people as the Book of Mormon teaches. These scholars now say that Joseph Smith was wrong, when he taught that the present day American Indians are the direct descendants of the Lamanites mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Many Mormon scholars now believe the Lamanites merely blended in over the generations with the Siberian "immigrants" who "already" populated the Americas. These learned scholars say this explanation best fits in with the "evidence" provided to us by the geneticists, and they have adopted it as their belief, in spite of it's many contradictions with the Mormon religion. Many LDS Scholars have gone so far as to say the Book of Mormon is not a historical record, but merely an inspirational story written by Joseph Smith.
This rationalization and many other "stories" currently being promoted within the LDS Church, have caused many of the Mormons who are not knowledgeable in the basic precepts of their faith, to lose what little testimony they have left, and turn against their religion.
For years, these prominent men in the LDS Church have been contradicting the teachings of Joseph Smith, and all of the other early Church leaders, who clearly taught that the American Indians truly are of the House of Israel, as taught in the Book of Mormon. Unfortunately, to our knowledge, there is now absolutely no one in the LDS Church who is defending the original teachings of Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon on this matter. Not one single Mormon do we know of, is remaining true to their beliefs.
Not many years ago, the church was filled to overflowing with people who believed the American Indians were Lamanites. They believed that not only was Joseph Smith a true prophet of God, but the principles he taught were the literal truth. As for today, one can travel from one end of Mormondom to another, and scarcely find a truly believing member. The vast majority have now come to believe in the opinions of the genetic researchers, BYU professors and Church leaders who teach a totally different doctrine than what Joseph Smith taught. Where did all the true Mormons go? Why did they change?
1. The historical record has always indicated Siberians and American Indians are very similar people, who have been trading and intermarrying with each other for centuries. So what does DNA evidence tell us we shouldn't already know? These theories that American Indians migrated from Siberia to the Americas, rely heavily on "ice age" and "land bridge" theories which requires the earth to be at least hundreds of thousands to millions of years old. For all the Christians who have lauded these theories, how do they reconcile them with their belief in a young earth according to Genesis?
2. The Bible declares that the wisdom of the wise will perish at the coming of the Lord. If Christians realize this then why do they constantly use the theories of men in an attempt to disprove the Book of Mormon?
3. Many geneticists have claimed that they can trace certain genetic markers back through thousands of generations, or tens of thousands of years. They claim through their studies that there are no significant relationships to be found between Jews and American Indians If some Christians do believe in a young earth, and believe we are all descended from one family just over four thousand years ago, how do they reconcile this belief with the theories of the Geneticists? Don't these DNA theories attack the Bible just as much as the Book of Mormon?
The historical record has always indicated Siberians and American Indians are the same people. So what does DNA evidence tell us we shouldn't already know? These theories that American Indians migrated from Siberia to the Americas, rely heavily on "ice age" and "land bridge" theories which requires the earth to be at least hundreds of thousands to millions of years old. For all the Christians who have lauded these theories, how do they reconcile them with their belief in a young earth according to Genesis?
These genetic researchers have treated the obvious relation between Native American and the Siberian tribes as some sort of revolutionary discovery that no one ever considered before. They claim that during an "ice age" tens of thousands of years ago, a land bridge existed which connected Siberia and Alaska which enabled the Siberian tribes to migrate into the new world. The ice then subsided, filling the oceans with more water and submerging this "land bridge." Over the next thirty thousand years, these now isolated Siberian tribes in Alaska eventually populated the Americas. They claim their DNA research proves that these Siberian tribes are the ancestors of all American Indians. And they say their research from annual ice ring layers taken from ice core samples proves the existence of an "ice age" tens of thousands of years ago. These scientists believe that the Siberian and American tribes have been "isolated" from each other since the loss of this land bridge so many tens of thousands of years ago after this "ice age" receded.
But recorded history tells us a far different story than the one laid out by these so-called scientists. History tells us that the tribes in Siberia, and North America have been trading and intermarrying with each other for many centuries. Whaling boats from the tribes in the Northwest from California to Alaska have been known to travel hundreds of miles across the sea on their hunting trips. Native American tribes have colonized hundreds of remote islands throughout the Canadian Arctic. Some of these islands are accessible only by hundreds of miles of journey by boat. Islands which are far more remote and difficult to reach than Siberia, which is only a journey of about fifty five miles from Alaska. Relative to this, a thousand years ago, the Viking colonists in Greenland encountered Native American tribes already living in the region. Yet Greenland is much more remote and harsh than Siberia.
During the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, when the Russian Empire expanded it's boundaries eastward into Siberia, the Russian army engaged in armed conflicts with the native tribes in Siberia. It is a story that is strikingly similar to the plight of the American Indian tribes in the United States, during the same time period.
The major case in point is the Chukchi tribe in Eastern Siberia. Much of their traditional coastal lands in Eastern Siberia lie within a short few hundred miles of the American Indian tribes in Alaska. This is the tribe that is most often quoted by geneticists as being the ancestors of the American Indians, that they believe were cut-off and "isolated" by the receding of the land bridge.
At one point during the Chukchi war against the Russian army during the eighteenth century, the entire tribe consisting of some ten-thousand members fled across the Bering straits by boat to spend the winter in Alaska with their Eskimo cousins. They regrouped, and many returned again back to Siberia the following spring to continue their war against the Russians.
One website at gives a short history of the chukchi people in Siberia. This website describes how the the Eskimos, Itelmens, Evens, Kereks, and other tribes were long accustomed to traveling to Chukchi lands in Siberia to speak in the Chukchi language and carry on extensive trading with them. It describes how many of the people in these Alaskan tribes even became Chukchis. It describes how there has always been a lively trade between all the peoples. This website also says that if the Russian government did not enter into a peace treaty with the Chukchis when they did, all the wayward Chukchis would have ended up in Alaska.
The assumptions and theories of these scientists could not contradict the historical record more! All the arctic peoples have been freely traveling, trading and intermarrying with each tribe in both Siberia and North America for more centuries than anyone can possibly know. Their numerous colonies stretch across an enormous arctic region from Siberia to Greenland. There should little doubt in any reasonable person's mind that all of these tribes from Siberia to Greenland, and even across most of the Western Hemisphere are very similar genetically, and are basically all the same people.
It is a very interesting but shocking display of ignorance on the the part of these scientists to suddenly come along and study the DNA of these people in Eastern Siberia, and "discover" that their DNA is similar to the American Indians living across the Bering Straits. It is interesting how they treat this as "evidence" which somehow "disproves" the Book of Mormon.
It is interesting to note how these "scientists" draw an imaginary line down the Bering Straits between Siberia and Alaska, and then ignorantly conclude that that this narrow body of water has kept the sea faring tribes on both sides of the straits in "isolation" from each other since the loss of this supposed "land bridge." This concept of "isolation" is a very important point for these scientists. In order for them to say that American Indians came from Siberia, they must maintain that the Siberian and American tribes have been living in isolation from each other for a very long time. Without this very important point, their theory simply does not hold water.
Everyone reading this article should seriously ask themselves how absurd it is to label the tribes on the west side of the straits as "Siberian" or "Asian," and then treat them as if there is some sort of distinction from the American Indian tribes living on the east side of the straits who are for the most part, the exact same people.
Several times during the twentieth century, dog sleds have even successfully traveled across the Bering Straits when it is frozen in the winter. On a clear day, Siberia can be seen from Alaska.
It is simply a fallacy to believe as these scientists do, that the American and Siberian tribes have remained genetically isolated for tens of thousands of years. It is not reasonable to believe that seafaring American Indians could reach as far as Greenland, yet, never colonize into Siberia. There is absolutely no valid evidence a land bridge ever existed between Alaska and Siberia. The people who made up this land bridge theory had to have a reason for how the American Indians came to be on this continent, and they considered the ancestors of American Indians too primitive and inept, to figure out how to build a boat. In a way it is quite insulting to the intelligence of the Native American People. It was totally unacceptable to them to entertain the idea that they arrived by boat, because it might also provide evidence to support the Book of Mormon. They decided there had to be some connection by land which enabled them to arrive on this continent. Hence the land bridge theory was born. The historical record plainly contradicts the strange beliefs of these scientists. We know for an absolute certainty, that nearly all the Native Americans living in coastal and river regions from Alaska to Peru, had the complete ability to travel by water craft. It is long overdue that this land bridge theory be put to rest.
Mormons should not be surprised and shocked to learn that there are tribes of American Indians living in Siberia any more than they should be surprised and shocked to learn there have been tribes of American Indians living in Greenland. This does absolutely nothing to refute the Book of Mormon in any way.
Scientists have found that the deeper into Asia they go, the less related the people become to American Indians. How did these so called "experts" come to the conclusion, that they originated in the mostly uninhabited areas of eastern Siberia, and then migrated across a "land bridge" to Alaska, then built a huge civilization in Central America thousands of miles away? How did they rule out that it was not the other way around? That they originated in Central and South America, where the bulk of population clearly has it’s base, and then migrated north into North America, and eventually into Eastern Siberia, and mingle with the people there? The Arctic regions of the world are harsh, and for the most part, uninhabitable. There have been mysterious catastrophes there in the past which has destroyed all life in the region. How have the geneticists reversed logic, and rule out that migrations did not begin in the major population centers in Central and South America, and eventually reach as far north as the uninhabited areas of eastern Siberia?
The "ice age" theories also do not hold up to the facts. A member of an anti-Mormon "Christian" ministry wrote to us that the earth is at least four hundred thousand years old, based on ice core evidence.
For several years scientists have been drilling ice core samples in the arctic regions of the world. The ice accumulating in areas such as Greenland and Antarctica are often several thousand feet deep. There are an alternating series of light and dark rings found every few inches on these ice core samples pulled up from the ice. Scientists believe these rings are are laid down annually. They believe the light rings are indications of winter when the ice accumulates, and the dark rings are indications of summer when the top layer of the ice slightly melts. They have counted hundreds of thousands of these rings in the ice, which they believe proves the earth is at least hundreds of thousands of years old.
The scientists have used these rings to predict global climate changes from the past stretching back what they believe is hundreds of thousands of years. By measuring the thickness of the ice layers, they believe they are able to predict periods of warm and cold periods throughout the earth's history. DNA researchers have used this data in conjunction with their own DNA data to predict migration patterns of people, based upon when they believe "ice ages" occurred.
Many scientists and Christians have gone so far as to say this evidence irrefutably proves the earth is at least hundreds of thousands to millions of years old. Unfortunately for these scientists and Christians, there is a remarkable story, that is now sixty years in the making which completely disproves the entire ice core theory.
During the second world war, an entire squadron of p-38 aircraft en-route from the United States to Europe had to make an emergency landing while over Greenland. The flight crews were rescued, and the planes have been sitting intact on the ice ever since.
Fifty years later, in 1992, a group of individuals thought they could retrieve the aircraft, and restore them. They launched an expedition to Greenland to retrieve the aircraft. When they finally located the planes, they were surprised to find that they were under 263 feet of ice. They then set up camp and bored a hole down through the ice and brought one of the planes up piece by piece. While they bored the hole they found hundreds of these ice rings above the planes. If these layers were annual rings as suggested by the scientists, then there should not have been more than fifty layers of ice above the planes. But there were hundreds of layers. They could not possibly be considered annual layers. In the twelve years since this recovery, an additional sixty feet of ice, and dozens more ice rings have accumulated over the level of their camp in 1992. The layers do little more than count the number of storms that hit the area. These are not tree rings we're counting.
Yet, thousands of scientists have devoted their entire lives toward studying these layers of ice. Uncounted numbers of theories concerning the earth's history have been formulated in part from using this mis-interpreted data. For years, atheists have been beating creation scientists over the head with this ice core theory. Yet now the tables are turned, the atheists now deliberately ignore this evidence promoted by the creation scientists.
The fact that so many scientists could so badly bungle evidence as simple as counting ice rings, does little to bolster one's confidence in other scientists ability to interpret far more complex data such as DNA samples. The more complex the data, the greater the potential for error. The greater the potential for error, the more elaborate a web one must weave.
There is no historical evidence in existence, that the earth is older than six thousand years. Many Creation scientists have proven that not only are many of the theories of contemporary science wrong, and totally unsupportable; but they have provided sufficient evidence that these theories were concocted for the express purpose of destroying Christianity. Christians have clearly documented the overwhelming bias against religion in the halls of academia. They provide numerous cases of scientists and professors losing their jobs because they expressed a belief in the Bible, and questioned the validity of the atheists’ theories. These geneticists trying to disprove the Book of Mormon are hardly the unbiased, open minded intellectuals they try so hard to portray themselves as. These geneticists simply have an agenda, and they diligently search for any "evidence" or statistics that can be manipulated to support their agenda.
These geneticists are also making the claim that humans and Chimpanzees are 99.9% the same genetically and should be classified as the same species. They say that humans are nothing more than a sub-species of chimpanzees. How do these Christians honestly reject the geneticists argument on the one hand, and then openly accept and support their posturing against the Book of Mormon on the other hand.
The Bible declares that the wisdom of the wise will perish at the coming of the Lord. If Christians realize this then why do they constantly use the theories of men in an attempt to disprove the Book of Mormon?
It is written in the Bible that the wisdom of the wise shall perish at the coming of the Lord. The Doctrine and Covenants states that all knowledge shall pass away, save that knowledge which comes from God.
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe." 1 Cor. 1:18-21.
Many geneticists have claimed that they can trace certain genetic markers back through thousands of generations, or tens of thousands of years. They claim through their studies that there are no significant relationships to be found between Jews and American Indians If some Christians do believe in a young earth, and believe we are all descended from one family (Noah's) just over four thousand years ago, how do they reconcile this belief with the theories of the Geneticists? Don't these DNA theories attack the Bible just as much as the Book of Mormon?
For anyone who literally believes the Bible to be an accurate and inspired history of the world, both of the Christians and of the Mormons; the claims of these geneticists presents a number of challenges to them. The Bible teaches that the Earth was created about six thousand years ago, and Adam and Eve were our first parents. The Bible teaches us that these were the first two people on the Earth, and there were no other people prior to this time. Adam and Eve had many children, and over the next two millennia the entire earth was populated with people. The Bible also teaches that about 4,000 to 4400 years ago, there was a great flood of water that covered the entire surface of the earth, and every one on earth was drowned save Noah and his family, who were preserved in the ark. After the flood, Noah’s children replenished the earth with people. The Bible teaches that every person now living on the earth, without exception is directly descended from Noah.
The Book of Mormon teaches that about 2600 years ago, God led a number of Israelite people out of Jerusalem, prior to it's destruction and captivity of the Jews by the Babylonians. Led by Lehi, these Israelites came to the Americas, and eventually populated the entire Western Hemisphere with their descendants. These people were the direct descendents of Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and who was the brother of Judah, who is the father of the Jews. The Book of Mormon teaches that the present day American Indians are the direct descendants of these Israelites, who are of the tribe of Manasseh and that great blessings are promised to them in the last days by God.
In contrast, these geneticists maintain that the American Indians migrated into the Americas from Siberia thirty thousand years ago. This attack against the Book of Mormon should be of great concern to any Bible believing Christian, because it attacks the validity of the Bible as well. The geneticists say that certain DNA markers pass from father to son with little change. They claim they can trace these DNA markers back for tens of thousands of years, and thousands of generations, far longer than the Bible teaches how old the earth is. The geneticists claim there is no significant relationship or common ancestry between all the races of people on the earth going back these tens of thousands of years, long before the time of Noah. Yet it is the Christian ministries themselves who are some of the prime supporters and promoters of this so called "evidence."
The Bible records in Genesis Chapter 11, 1 Chronicles Chapter 3 and Matthew Chapter 1, most of the generations between Noah and Christ. Probably around 60 to 80 generations. If we assume that the average generation span in the two thousand years since Christ is about 25 to 35 years, then there is only an additional 60 to 80 generations until the present day. That leaves a total of only about 120 to 160 generations between Noah until the present day. People cannot honestly lay claim to a belief in the Bible, without also believing that all the races and wide variations of men, are directly descended from one family about 4000 years ago.
In spite of this DNA research which many "Christian" ministries now believe in, some Christians still hold the Genesis account in the Bible to be the infallible word of God. All the early Mormon Church leaders considered this account in Genesis to be the gospel truth as well. On the other hand, many atheists do not believe in the Bible, and have carefully crafted their own philosophies with the purpose of refuting the Bible, and destroying many peoples belief in God. As everyone is aware, there has been a war going on for quite some time now between those who believe in God, and those who try to destroy that belief. The fields of science have been one such battleground.
If we believe the Bible is true, that everyone now living on the earth is descended from one man 4,000 years ago, and if we take the claims of these DNA experts to their logical conclusion, then DNA research should be able to prove a common DNA heritage to every man in the world. If they make the claim that they can trace heritage back tens of thousands of years, because certain genetic markers remain little changed over that period of time, then every male in the world should have elements of a common father from four thousand years ago. But there is a very diverse variety found in all the races of people today. This makes the beliefs and motives of the Christians who support these geneticists' theories, contradictory and confusing.
It is no doubt true that certain genetic markers do remain little changed and can be traced from parent to offspring. But given the extremely numerous variations of people present in the world today, using such means to accurately trace a person’s heritage over thousands or even hundreds of generations is a claim that is highly questionable,
If every man in the world has a common father from four thousand years ago, and these genetic markers remain little changed over this length of time, then why are there so many variations in the people that allows them to find distinctions in every race in the world? Why are Christians supporting these geneticists claims that there is no relation between American Indians and other races of people for tens of thousands of years, if everyone in the world had a common father in Noah 4000 to 4400 years ago? What is the Christian's explanation for how the people of the earth have come to be so varied over the generations, and so "unrelated" by geneticists standards?
Lehi came to this continent 2600 years ago, only about 1400 to 1800 years removed from Noah, which is not very long at all by geneticists standards. His children who are now the population of American Indians have remained mostly isolated from the rest of the world ever since. This makes American Indians about the most isolated population in the world. Assuming all these uncountable variations of people in the world today came from one man four thousand years ago, and assuming that variations increase from generation to generation as fast as the Bible suggests it does; then would it not be reasonable to assume that the American Indians so isolated would have developed traits unique to the world, over the past 2600 years?
It is most unfortunate that the Christians proudly point to the work of these geneticists, in an effort to disprove the Book of Mormon, knowing full well what these same geneticists beliefs are concerning the Bible. These geneticists do not believe in the Bible. In order for their theories to work, they cannot accept that every person in the world has a common father in Noah, just over four thousand years ago. In order for their theories to work, they must put their faith in the dubious claim that they can accurately trace the genetic markers of people back tens of thousands of years.
These DNA researchers must completely disregard the account in Genesis; because the Bible records Abraham was born 292 years, and only 9 generations after the flood. Abraham was 58 years old when Noah died, and may even have known Noah personally. One of the basic premises of these DNA theories against the Book of Mormon is that Abraham could not have been related to the rest of the world. The reason being is because these geneticists claim that the present day Jews have a common genetic makeup which is traceable from son to father through the Y-chromosome all the way back to their father Abraham who had his own unique DNA from the rest of the races then living in the world. Yet, if the Bible is true, and Abraham was only nine generations after Noah, then Abraham would still be closely related to everyone then living on the earth.
The Book of Mormon records that Lehi is a descendant of Joseph, while the Jews are descendants of Judas who were both great grandsons of Abraham.
If the Bible is true, it would not be possible for the world to "unrelate" itself by geneticists standards in the approximately 300 years or 9 generations between Noah and Abraham, and then according to geneticists standards maintain a common relation or heritage for each of the 120 to 160 generations of the past 4000 years. In order for the DNA experts' theory to work, the Bible must be thrown out the window alongside the Book of Mormon, and the history of the World must be thrown back tens of thousands of years, in order for the world to "unrelate" itself to the point that would fit the geneticist theories. How do the Christians reconcile this, because the very claims the geneticists are making attempts to disprove their own beliefs in the Bible as well?
For all of you Christians who have bought into this DNA argument in your lifelong attacks against the Book of Mormon, you better be aware of just what you are doing, because you are unwittingly attacking the Bible with your arguments, and contradicting your own beliefs. You either believe the Bible, that the earth was flooded 4400 years ago or you don’t. There is a world of evidence that the flood really happened, you can’t prove there wasn’t a flood. That overwhelming evidence for a worldwide flood blows a major hole in the geneticists’ theories. So if you are a Christian who has bought into the fairy tale that there were nomadic tribes of people wandering the earth 30,000 years before Adam and Eve, and say the Bible is not really history, but was just mythology written down, you better start honestly asking yourself why you even bother to call yourself a Christian.
Likewise the Mormons who have bought into this DNA argument, and are attempting to reconcile these DNA posturings into the fabric of their religion, should take a history lesson from B.H. Roberts. Mr. Roberts tried to reconcile the theory of evolution into the fabric of L.D.S. church doctrine, because he considered evolution too overwhelming to ignore. He eventually lost his testimony in the Church, and became an apostate over the issue. Evolution seems like a foolish reason to reject the Church; considering how preposterous the theory of evolution has come to be regarded by honest people. We are told in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon to not put our trust in the arm of flesh, but to trust in God only, so our doctrines may be sound, and we are not cursed. The Book of Mormon is a precious gift from God, which the world rejects with the same enthusiasm as when the world rejected the Messiah when he walked the earth. There is no known provable fact, no unalterable scientific law which conflicts in any way with anything written in the Book of Mormon. But the Book of Mormon conflicts with petty opinions and philosophies of nearly everyone alive, including most Mormons.
Everyone reading this article should honestly ask themselves which religion is more reasonable and logical, and which is more absurd and contrary to the facts. You can choose to believe in the religion that says humans are descended from chimpanzees millions of years ago, and crossed an imaginary land bridge between continents 30,000 years ago if you want, but don't expect honest people to take you seriously for much longer. The wisdom of the wise will truly be confounded, very shortly.
The American Indians truly are a branch of the House of Israel, and the day is soon coming that the American Indians will be convinced of the truth, which has already gone forth among them, as prophesied in the Book of Mormon. The time will soon come when the hearts of the American Indians will turn to their fathers in the Book of Mormon who prayed so hard for their children of these last days. With so many Mormons now turning themselves away, and rejecting the truth of their religion; the American Indians remain the greatest hope for the future of the Mormon Church.
(page created 02/22/04)