First of all, it does not mean anyone who suffers from SSA. There are many out there who do. Some of it is environmental (gonadotrophism from too many plasticizers, soy in our diet, birth control pill residue in our water, etc. A form of chemical castration) and some of it is related to a social factor such as sick Uncle Ped(r)o who molested a little boy and created intense confusion in said kid. I firmly believe that, after having observed the effects of molestation on my wife (a hetero molestation), that true and complete healing can take a lifetime and possibly going into the arms of the Lord to fix it. To this, I am saddened. It is a tough row to hoe for those who suffer under these circumstances. Likely, they signed up for it - in order to produce a more perfect testing ground, and will be rewarded handsomely, if they endure to the end and endure well and with as much grace as is possible, given the circumstances.
Where I do have complete exception, is when one of the above cases takes it and goes full activist against the will of the Lord on the matter (read the Proclamation on the Family). These are they who think the leadership is out of touch and that, by prancing around the BYU campus or behind a lectern, or on a corner during Gen Conf, they can change the course of the Lord's restored church. This is part of a cultural war - and I intend to be a part of the resistance. Largely, it is the equivalent of resistance fighters in the street because we have lost the rainbow generation to the "cause" of the hell n degenerates who have couched their arguments so craftily. They are everywhere.
I was front line to my two kids who used to love Studio C, a BYU comedy creation. It was quite good. There was one of the actors on the show, who was very loved and lovable. An RM, the whole nine yards. Well, on the show, he came out as gay and apparently had a boyfriend (implied sexually active). Most of the cast/crew of the show went on the record to show their support of him and the whole thing blew to pieces.
First question is this: how do you know you are gay or will even like being a homosexual man or even woman unless you have had sex?? Gay sex to be specific? It cannot be done! You may find that you struggle with SSA, but will never know whether you are truly gay unless you cross a line. This is fornication. I have heard that many times, it is a female spirit that materially possesses the body of a male that causes these feelings. This is done when a rupture in the spirit occurs (likely during a molestation or other traumatic childhood event). I have no data to back this theory up - but it is intriguing. A person then fixates on this desire until it becomes a reality and the evil spirit gets to experience debauchery through the person they are parasitically attached to.
The old NT saying that "knowledge of sin, leads to it's commission" is spot on. So, now in the name of diversity, we have Taylor Trannie teaching little kids unspeakable things and we expect them to not be perverted or at least swayed in their allegiances to their conscience, etc? This is worthy of fire - because the water obviously was too long ago to have the desired effect. I believe in preserving innocence of my kids. In fact, I have called a few adults "spiritual pedophiles" as a way of shocking them into the reality of where they are going. One of them was my older sister (the family rebel) that kept signing my oldest daughter up for the latest subscriptions to Teen magazine (without my consent) because she said that my kids were too naive and needed to be wordly wise..... Yep, those articles on how to keep from getting pregnant or how to seduce the boyfriend really came in handy.... When a person does anything to harm the spirit of an innocent, it is much worse than doing something physically to them. Thus my harsh comparison.
My goal is to conserve the innocence of my children/grandchildren. Having to have the discussion about homosexuality with my two youngest because some BYU activist decided he wanted to "come out" was a little raw for me. They were confused why someone they idolized had gone there (apparently left the Church and shacked up with buttsex Barry), and why their parents were staunchly in the other camp. You have to understand that I would not have cared if he had struggled with SSA quietly. No harm no foul. To cave into the lustful feelings and hang out with Barry and even going inactive? Between him and the Lord. But, to take up a whole campaign and pull an entire generation after him? I hold malice - and will hold him accountable in the Courts in Heaven. Because it impacted me and my family directly.
Here is a Wood Zone standby from some time ago that sums up how I feel about apostates, forgiveness, and going renegade on the principles of the Gospel:
HYPOCRISY BY THOSE WHO WANT TO CHANGE GOD’S COMMANDMENTS TO FIT THEIR OWN SELFISH WANTSThe teachings of the Lord are clear in regard to the way we must deal with sinners. Christ treated them with compassion -- as long as they confessed that their sin was a sin. Only when they attempted to pretend that their sin was righteousness did he harshly name them for what they were: fools, hypocrites, sinners. Hypocrites because they were unwilling to change their behavior and instead attempted to change the law to fit it; fools because they thought that deceiving an easily deceivable society would achieve the impossible goal of also deceiving God. These are they who are “kicking against the pricks” and “fighting against the Saints of God”. Joseph Smith taught that it is never enough to physically leave the body of the Church and then leave the Saints alone. You can leave the Church, but the Church never leaves you -- because immutable truth is just that, immutable. It will gnaw at you at every turn and every choice in life until you either bow the knee and confess Christ as your Savior or raise your fist to heaven and curse God and wish to die because of your defiance at the failing to give heed to saving laws and ordinances which can bring peace and lasting joy.The Church has plenty of room for individuals who are struggling to overcome their temptation and bad behavior. But for the protection of the Saints and the good of the persons themselves, the Church has no room for those who, instead of repenting of gross sin, wish it to become an acceptable behavior in the society of the Saints. They are wolves in sheep's clothing, preaching meekness while attempting to devour the flock, or their families, etc. No act of violence is ever appropriate to protect Christianity from those who would rob it of its meaning. None of us are without sin -- the casting of stones is not our duty or our privilege. All that must ever be done to answer them is to declare the truth, and to deny them the right to call themselves Latter-day Saints while proclaiming their false doctrine. Even as Christ freed from her accusers the woman taken in adultery, he told her, Go and sin no more.Quote attributed to Orson Scott Card with modification by Iraq.
It is fine to struggle - but not fine to go activist and try to change the Lord's stance..... Not mine or President Nelson's; but the Lord's stance.
The greatest irony of all, of course, is that they took the very symbol of a reminder of the destruction of those who "knew every man his brother" in the antediluvian world, and tried to make it their anthem of equality, while persecuting those who will not bend. It will get ever more intense in the next little while until the Lord hammers the unrighteous in order to provide relief to the more humble (those who will not raise the fist to heaven in defiance of God's laws) followers of Christ.
And so comes the fire. Before the water came Enoch. Before the fire came Joseph to warn for the last time. Enoch/Noah; Joseph/One Mighty and Strong.
If you harbor these feelings and choose not to repent, enjoy the black bags and the fire. It is coming.
About this gay situation, I still remember when I taught a gay man during my mission. He had to go to the MP to have his interview with him before he got baptized, but he overcame his desires and is now straight.
ReplyDeleteThat for me was more than sufficient to see for myself that the idea that gay people cannot change and that they are "born that way" is completely false. When President Boyd K. Packer called them out in General Conference and many people members included protested it (as they do with President Oaks today) I was like, "Why all the hubbub?"
That said, there are people that do struggle more with this than with other sins. There are people that have different sins, each having their own cross to bear. We are to support the people as they make the proper Teshuvah / Tawba / Repentance towards God. We are by NO means to support the sins that they make. Calling them gay or lesbian will simply have a reverse Scarlet Letter syndrome in that instead of being ashamed of their sin, they will openly parade their sins to the public and then expect the people to follow them down the gutter. I don't know too many people that like to be called Killer, or Covetous One, or Liar, or Adulterer. People would be ashamed of the title. But they aren't offended by "Gay", or "Lesbian" or their multitudinous abbreviation of choice right now. The thing is, stop calling the people by the sins that they are doing, and start calling them by other names that show that it IS possible to leave the conducts behind.
We have to change the language to be more in line with the Lord's way. Instead of using "gay" or "lesbian" use "person that suffers from same sex attraction." It is better to be spiritually correct than to be politically correct.