I am a lifter - largely because most of the links of a decade ago are now broken. Stuff like this (once Trump has been dispatched with), will be outlawed and at the very least, you will be persecuted for having a belief in this.
My oldest two have come under the delusion that is talked about below. The product of indoctrination in public screwels. Part of the reason we exited and went to Cardston where a Bishop often is found teaching Biology or Physics or Math instead of some regurgitated hippie who either secretly or openly harbors extreme anti-religious sentiments.
Folks, this nails it. Heck, Spencer has nailed most of the narrative going on today (plague, etc), so why not this? Only because it would make sense.....:
The Mark of the Beast October 26, 2011I asked Spencer yesterday what he thought the Mark of the Beast was mentioned in scripture, which one was supposed to receive in your right hand or forehead, or you could not buy or sell in the latter days.I was interested in his reply, because it was not what I expected. Remember, this is Spencer’s opinion, and my interpretation of what he said. It is not church doctrine, just something to consider.Spencer suggested that the “mark of the beast” began about 10 to 15 years ago, and has been very subtle, but today it is more bold and more invasive in our lives. He didn’t describe it as a microchip that everyone had to have at the grocery store.He said in all of the visions he has had of the latter days, that there was no effort he saw to “mark” people in this way. He said it began when we were all assigned social security numbers, and we were given the mindset that some great new order would take care of us. That was the beginning of the lie that was to become the “mark of the beast” over time.He went on to describe it as beginning as a culture, a new way of thinking, a form of political correctness that could take any truth and recolor it as a lie, and take any lie and relabel it as truth. He said, one of the first things it did was to begin to make traditional Christian believing into the counter culture. It ridiculed traditional families, traditional marriage, traditional prayer in schools, traditional patriotism, traditional self-reliance, and traditional religion. It recast all of these traditional things as wrong, outdated, and incorrect. They made true and virtuous things “insensitive” and other labels. They took things like homosexuality and made it acceptable and modern, and natural. They took basic liberties, like freedom of speech, and built walls around it, abridging it and excluding words and remarks from its protection. It took expressions of faith, like Christmas music and nativity scenes, and made them “offensive” and “inappropriate”.Traditional values became the “stick in the mud”. Through our faith, and defense of what is true, we became the power to carry the Lord’s purposes forward, and thus the enemy. Christianity in any form became bigotry, paranoia, radical or some other unsavory label.For more than a decade we have had the choice to either join into the new-age thinking, and become politically correct, or to choose to believe and to be what the Lord has commanded, and is guiding us to do.Someone accepts the mark of the beast when they buy into the lies of political correctness and all that it promotes, including abortion, homosexuality, sexual licentiousness, gender confusion, gender blending, and gender changing, persecution of Christians, Robin Hood social programs, social distinction and class envy, just to name a few. It causes you to merge into the world, to melt into the homogeny of “everyone else” who supposedly believes as you now do. You begin to defend and promote things which are politically correct, but which are not true in an eternal sense.My children have been trained in school to literally shudder to think of being called upon to offer a prayer in school. They feel as if they should be arrested and thrown in jail for public prayer. This is a lesson the Beast has successfully infiltrated into their generation. It is a true revulsion they have expressed from time to time, and nothing we can say has altered that element of their indoctrination.When you decide to embrace this false religion of political correctness, it changes you into the image of the world. The world looks upon you as “enlightened” and “liberated” which feels good to most people. But, the mark of the beast is burned into our bone and sinew. It becomes a part of us. It deafens us to the Holy Spirit, and blinds us to the process of spiritual growth and the building Zion.Zion is the pure in heart and the mark of the beast is the exact opposite. The mark creates disunity in the name of diversity and tolerance. No longer are we God’s children, or Americans, we are a part of some “special” class which must be embraced by all. It creates the illusion of unity by building distrust and hatred of what traditional beliefs and traditional families, which the majority of Americans still believe.The mark of the beast creates dependency on government. It makes us fully dependent upon the structure of government to survive. Thus, we give up our liberties and freedoms and vote away our foundation of liberty, because it is necessary for the “beast” to continue as it is in order for us to survive. When you suckle the teat of unearned benefits, the teat must not run dry. We become willingly feed the beast anything it demands, including our life, liberty and soul, to keep it lactating.The order of Zion is to be pure in heart, to gather with unity and mutual support, and to become one with Jesus Christ and with His disciples. In order to receive the mark, one must betray these principles in order to live. It is to choose a Gadianton lifestyle, where the Beast takes from those that have, and redistributes it to those who think they have-not. It creates the belief that one can, and should, and deserves to survive by preying upon someone else. That’s probably the reason it is characterized as a “beast” because it devours many to enslave even more.The mark is in the right hand – because it is the hand with which we make covenants with God. With the mark of the beast in the right hand, it overlays and eventually ends the blessings of covenants.The mark is in the forehead – because it is in the face and countenance that we see the Light of Christ. It is in the face that we see the glow of righteousness and the image of God in our countenance. When the mark is fully made, it creates darkness there, instead of light.When one embraces and accepts the mark and the protection of the Beast, you are no longer independent, but a slave to whatever the Beast demands, whether it is a work schedule that sacrifices home and family, or the enslavement of millions for the illusion of security, or demands that you must believe and do certain things in order to be acceptable, or to be “appropriate”.It has already occurred that it is almost impossible to make a living or buy and sell anything without using the number of your name. You can’t hold a job, get insurance, rent or buy a home, borrow money, or travel without that number. That part of the prophecy has been fulfilled. But, this fulfillment is more of a statement of evidence that these times are here, and that the Beast is alive and active, than a sign that we are all doomed. It is not to say that we should all “opt out” of “the system”, and go create a commune somewhere.The Beast wants to enslave something much more important than our bank accounts and ability to buy. He wants our enslavement to a set of beliefs that will effectively keep the Holy Spirit from purifying our hearts, and bringing us to the great, greater and greatest blessings this gospel offers in the latter-days.We can still have a job, and buy at Wal-Mart without selling our souls – but we must not allow the darkness of uninspired philosophy and political correctness to stand between God’s voice and our desire to conform to the “new normal”.The real war is a war of philosophy, belief and obedience to God’s voice. We must choose to believe truth, to reject the lies – no matter how “correct” the world screams they are, and walk a path that will bring us to our greatest potential. Then we will have the “mark” of God in our right hands (for those with ears to hear) and in our foreheads (for all to see the Light which originates from the divine Lamp) to eliminate the beastly darkness from our lives and deliver us from the enslavement of evil.Brother John© October 2011, John M. Pontius, all rights reserved. Non-commercial reproduction permitted.
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