Raise the roof just a wee bit, like he did during that lovely campaign - calling out the NWO globafascists like he did.

Get on board the Trump Train, we gonna make America great again!
Now, to be sure here, the bundle of sticks this meme is referring not to a particular brand of sin, it is referring to a latte sipping, wimpy, whining, leftist who wants to chuck Molotov cocktails and break stuff in a little tantrum because the poor thing did not get his way - and he will now have to retreat to mommie's basement to play more video games and lick his wounds of a dose of reality of American indignation that said we do not bow down to leftist threats, we do not accept gun control of any kind (unless it involves proper hand position prior to firing said weapon), we are sick of the pedos in power that love little boys to create more of their political drones in the future and push the satanic homosexual agenda, and we think abortions are a satanic sacrament that MUST be banished forever from this land!!!.....
So - take them agenda items, put them in yer pipe and smoke them....
One last thing:
I have to laugh, because the supplier I am currently at is called Triumph Aerostructures. Woohoo!! I went deep during this historic election.
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