I know there is a similar thread already here, but In researching this prophecy, I've found that much of the information and accounts are spread out over several threads and the internet. To make it easy to research, I've gathered together all the accounts and quotes I could find on this prophecy, and complied them into one, easy to find, post.
There are at least three known accounts of the prophecy given by President Smith, and it is indicated that he told this to other people (including Hugh Nibley's mother), so there are likely more. He also hinted at this in a General Conference a couple of times.
Account 1
Source: David Horne
October 28, 1988 or Dec 23, 1988
This short account is one of two written by Bro. David Horne in 1988. It is unclear which date this account was written, or where the other written account is. This summary is the main source as to the timing of the events in the George Albert Smith prophecy.
Account 2
Brother David Horne
Feb 28 1989
This much longer and complete account by Bro. David Horne is on file at the Harold B. Lee Library and is the main source of the George Albert Smith prophecy. It greatly expands on his earlier summary of the prophecy, but also leaves out the timing of the prophecy.
NOTES: It should be noted that Bro Horne has since indicated that he may have gotten the word "greek" wrong, but that the impression was, that the President's ancestry was not your typical White European.
Our very own Bob, here on the forum, has indicated that when he was a lad in Ogden, the word "greek" was often a polite way to refer to someone who was black, instead of the common vulgar terms of that day.
Account 3
Source unknown, but cited in an email that Dr. Jones, from this forum, received:
If anyone has information as to the source of this account, I would greatly appreciate it
Various quotes:
Pres. George Albert Smith quote from October 1946 General Conference:
Pres. George Albert Smith from April 1950 General Conference:
Elder Bruce R. McConkie gave a supporting address in the April 1979 General Conference:
There are at least three known accounts of the prophecy given by President Smith, and it is indicated that he told this to other people (including Hugh Nibley's mother), so there are likely more. He also hinted at this in a General Conference a couple of times.
Account 1
Source: David Horne
October 28, 1988 or Dec 23, 1988
This short account is one of two written by Bro. David Horne in 1988. It is unclear which date this account was written, or where the other written account is. This summary is the main source as to the timing of the events in the George Albert Smith prophecy.
Shortly after World War II ended, President George Albert Smith had a vision of another great and terrible war which would yet take place. He said it would be so bad that it would make World War II look like a "training exercise." It would involve many of the countries of the world, including Germany, Hungary, Israel, Turkey, the United States and the Soviet Union.
Thousands of tanks would be transported in huge trucks so they would be in place where they were needed when the war began.
The United States would have missiles in Europe which carried an atomic bomb. However, the United States would be committed to many far-reaching alliances and would withdraw its missiles to satisfy the Soviet Union. Then the war would begin and people would "die like flies". The military power of the Soviet Union at this time would be much greater than the United States.
He said the United States would take away the weapons of the people. They would have their missiles in big holes in the ground, which he described as being like grain silos. The Soviets would send their own missiles to try to destroy them, as well as U.S. military bases and cities. They would also send in ground troops. President Smith indicated that this attack would take place on a holiday after the Presidential election, but before the official inauguration. He said that the President at this time would be of Greek ancestry.
President Smith said that the conditions after the war would be "dreadful" and would make the worst times of the depression seem "like a Sunday School picnic" in comparison.
Account 2
Brother David Horne
Feb 28 1989
This much longer and complete account by Bro. David Horne is on file at the Harold B. Lee Library and is the main source of the George Albert Smith prophecy. It greatly expands on his earlier summary of the prophecy, but also leaves out the timing of the prophecy.
Chemical Engineer
28 February 1989
Sometimes rare, traumatic or shocking events become emblazoned into one's memory. This paper documents such an event. In 1946 I witnessed a prophetic utterance made by George Albert Smith, the Prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter—day Saints from 1945 to 1951. I am a son of Dr. Lyman Merrill Horne and Myrtle Swainston Horne. My father was a g-grandson of George A. Smith, cousin of the Prophet Joseph and Counselor to Brigham Young. His grandson President George Albert Smith was dad's mother's first cousin. From 1944 until March 1947 we lived on the same block in the Yale Ward as George Albert Smith and frequently had contact with him. Many times he paused at our home while on his evening walk and talked with me as I worked in our front yard. My family visited him a few times at his home, and he visited my family at our home several times. He always showed pleasure when I met him and once told me what work the Lord had for me to do and what I must do to be prepared to do His work.
One day our father arranged for George Albert Smith to speak to us in a family time. The Prophet told us of a vision he had had. At least 11 elements of it have occurred, and the rest may occur soon. My record of his prophecy may be important, because it may not be officially recorded. Last year I visited the Church Historian's Library to read Pres Smith's journal to see what he had written about it but the staff knew nothing about it. I then discussed it with Leonard Arrington, former Church Historian, who said, “I have never heard of it.” Even Arthur Haycock, his faithful secretary, did not know of it, but he did not work with Pres. Smith until July 1947.
We dressed up in our best clothes. I shined my shoes again and again. Our father was disappointed with a sister who went to a movie with her boy friend. Dad asked her to stay with her beau, who had finished his navy service in August 1946, and share the evening with the Lord's Prophet, but she would not. We were seated at the given time in the living room ready for the Prophet to arrive. Present were my father, mother, sister, Alice Merrill Horne II (age 17), my brother, Robert H. Horne (14), my twin, Jonathan H. Horne, and I (11). It was after dark, and we had difficulty making the front porch light work. It was cold in that room, and I was glad to wear a coat. Thus I think his visit was between Oct 1946 and January 1947. Thereafter we were preparing to move. President Smith said much more than what I remember exactly, but some of his statements were so impressive that I have a brilliant recollection of them.
When George Albert arrived we sang a verse of “We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet.” He stood and talked without notes for some time about the importance of keeping the commandments, always giving a full tithe, and being a good example wherever we are. He told us he once was on a train, in Mexico, with no other Northern European descent individuals. He said that a man recognized him as a leader of the “Mormon” Church, and introduced himself as a Mexican government official. President Smith noted how embarrassed he and the Church would have been had he not been acting as a faithful servant of the Lord should. I also heard him tell that story in another talk.
Then President Smith said, “I have had a troublesome vision of another great and terrible war that made the war just ended look like a training exercise, and people died like flies. It began at a time when the Soviet Union's military might dwarfed that of the United States, and we, that is the United States, would have missiles that carried an atomic bomb in Europe. I saw the United States withdraw its missiles to appease the Soviet Union, and then the war began.” He also said that we would have big missiles in deep holes he described like grain silos which the Soviets would try to destroy by their own missiles. They would hit military installations and some cities also. He said that the president at that time would be of Greek extraction.
Until then all the presidents would be of British or Northern European ancestry. He continued that the U.S. would be bound by numerous entangling alliances and would take away weapons owned by the people. He talked some about the initial attack and the ground warfare, but I can't remember enough to document all their tactics and in which countries various things occurred. One tactic, especially in Europe, was to transport tanks in thousands of big trucks like semi trailers on the super highways to have them located where they wanted them when the war was to begin. During that explanation I asked, “What about the Atomic Cannon?” to which he answered, “I didn't see anything like that.” Then he said, “The aftermath was dreadful. Think of the worst, most difficult times of the depression.” He turned to us children and said, “You won't remember the depression,” which was true. I didn't know there was a depression as I was growing up; the sun came up every morning, flowers bloomed, we went to school, and there was church every Sunday. But he repeated to our parents, “Think of the worst condition of the depression. Can you think of something?” to which our father answered, “Oh yes!” Then President Smith continued, “You know how Sunday School picnics are complete with salad, chicken, root beer, and dessert, and everyone has a wonderful time. That worst time of the depression will seem like a Sunday School picnic when compared with how conditions will be after that great war.” When he finished speaking, he turned around and went to the front door. As he left I thought to myself, “What he said is really important. I've got to remember it!”
To understand Pres. George Albert Smith's woeful statement, “I have had a troublesome vision...” one first must comprehend the kind of man President Smith was. Those who knew him best describe him as the most humble, compassionate, magnanimous, kind, and merciful person they knew. He exemplified the Pure Love of Christ and showed his love for all of God's children by his unqualified service. For example, at World War II's end he organized a relief program for war torn Europe's destitute people. The Relief Society sisters made quilts and clothes. The Church welfare cannery produced millions of cases of food donated from farms and home gardens. Other materials and food were purchased from donations by church members world wide. Then he obtained U.S. Pres. Truman's permission to send the aid and assigned Elder Ezra Taft Benson to administer its distribution in Europe. The aid was not restricted to L.D.S. Church members. The government of Greece honored Pres. Smith for his and the Church's service to its people. Thereafter the Government initiated The Marshall Plan, and organizations like CARE sprang up. Thus for him to see an event of which he also said in his April 1950 Conf concluding speech, “..people by the millions will die like flies,” CR—4/50:5,l69 indeed must have been a troublesome vision (see also Harold B. Lee CR—l0/5l:28—29).
When President Smith told us of his vision, the U.S. and the USSR were allies. Some tiffs had occurred between the USSR and the U.S., but the idea that the Soviets would become an enemy wasn't popular. In 1946 the USA was the world's great military power. It seems the allies of the U.S. succeeded in World War II because we had sent them material. The idea that the USSR would dwarf the US's military might was contrary to any reasonable expectation, but today it is exactly true. The Soviet‟s military might is awesome. Nearly all their population including peasant farmers serve in their reserves and may become part of their army in time of war. They have amassed a year's supply of food (including U.S. grain) so they will not have to farm the first year of any war. They have about five times as many fighter and several times as many modern bomber aircraft as we do. They are well made, effective aircraft with well trained pilots and crews. Their infantry‟s weapons and logistics preparations are staggering. Thus, two elements of Pres. Smith's vision were exactly correct; the USSR became our enemy, and their military might dwarfs our own.
It's no secret we have nuclear warhead missiles in Europe and underground silos here But in 1946 nuclear missiles were beyond imagination. Even Massachusetts Institute of Technology's president in 1950 said, “Intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads are impossible.” But we had them by 1963; I've worked in Minuteman Missile silos which accurately fit Pres. Smith's description. But our cruise missiles were made after 1980. General Bernard Rogers, NATO Commander, was so outspoken against the INF treaty that he was removed. General John Gavins, his successor, said that he could not maintain Europe in a war for more than two weeks without nuclear weapons. So five more elements of Pres Smith's vision are verified; we have missiles, in Europe, and in silos, that carry atomic bombs, and are essential for U.S. defense.
Next President Smith said that we would withdraw our missiles from Europe to appease the Soviets. Former UN Ambassador Jean Kirkpatrick said that the INF treaty hurts us militarily, but we have to do it. Dr. Eugene Callens says the treaty was politically motivated, missiles were used as bargaining chips in negotiations with the Soviets, which is a form of appeasement, and Pres. Reagan may have been buying time with their removal until other new systems were in place. During the negotiations we revealed we knew the USSR plans to violate the treaty. Thus two more elements of Pres. Smith's vision are verified; on 1 Sept 88 the U.S. began removing missiles to comply with a treaty designed to appease the Soviets. By 31 Dec 89 our missiles should be disarmed.
Just before Pres. Smith visited us, the newspaper headlined a giant, about 24 wheel, artillery piece named the Atomic Cannon. It was to have been like Big Bertha Germany used to batter Liege, Namur and Paris. The Atomic Cannon was designed to fire atomic bombs 100—miles to assure no potential aggressor ever would start another war. But Pres. Smith said he did not see anything like that. History reveals the Atomic Cannon was a flop, and by about 1948 the program was canceled. The U.S. has a howitzer able to fire a nuclear weapon about 20 miles, but it is very different from the colossus shown in the news. Thus another element of Pres. Smith's prophecy is verified.
As predicted, all U.S. presidents have had North European or British ancestry. But in 1988 a man of Greek descent led the polls for a time. He may run again. Thus one more element of Pres. Smith's vision is realized; we see how another element could occur.
The next elements in President Smith's prophecy were another great and terrible war, it would make World War II look like a training exercise, and people would die like flies. This obviously hasn't happened, but consider some of the Soviets' weapons and military preparations and the results of their use. The Soviets have 100—megaton hydrogen bombs which could be used against military bases and cities. Also, when the Soviets tested one of their first 100—megaton bombs the Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), which is an incredibly high energy radio wave produced by the detonation, melted an electrical system power transformer's windings l90—miles away. The Soviets are far ahead of the U.S. in space technology and the number of satellites in orbit. From January through September 1987 the Soviets fired more than 700 vehicles into space, mostly military. The U.S. space program for that same time was almost stopped. And some military analysts believe some of the Soviet satellites in orbit above the U.S. contain high yield nuclear bombs purposefully to destroy the all transformers in the nation wide power grid, computers, radios, TVs, telephones and most other electronic devices in the U.S. Pacemakers and electronic watches may be blown out, too. Most transistors, diodes, integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices can tolerate less than 30—volts, but EMP is about a 50,000 volt/meter wave. Evacuation from cities before the bombs hit may be difficult, because new vehicle engines and alternators today have semiconductor controls. Their junctions could be melted in a millionth of a second by the EMP. It may be as if for an instant the entire continent Were a microwave oven. Older vehicles with points in their distributors and mechanical voltage regulators may continue to operate if their alternator diodes are not blown. Diodes and electronic auto parts can be replaced if spares exist that were shielded. Amateur radio gear with electron tubes still may work afterward. But well pumps that supply our drinking water may be out of service for a long time.
The USSR's military buildup is not to protect their country from invasion. Who since Hitler has invaded the USSR? Instead, the USSR has been the aggressor in many wars throughout the world. Two reliable military sources have told me that on 4 July 1987 a Soviet Bear bomber 2,000 miles from Hawaii fired an intermediate range missile at Hawaii. When it was about 100 miles from Honolulu the U.S. had not destroyed it, and a Soviet aircraft that was there shot it down. The military information officer reported that when he revealed the story to the news media the media managers refused to air it saying, “It would be bad for business.” Recent reports of Soviet landings on the Aleutian Islands and other places suggest they are practicing for an Invasion.
If the war Pres Smith saw occurs, conditions will be like our pre—1800 ancestors knew with some shelters but few modern machines by which we work. Conditions will be worse for a long time. Government and major services including police; electricity; potable water & waste; fuel; and commercial food, medicines, & clothes may not exist. Engines to power pumps, vehicles and machines may not work; 3 Nephi 21:14—15 says that if the gentiles don't repent the Lord will destroy their chariots, cities, and strongholds. Our ancestors had wagons and horses for transportation and work. Shovels, hoes, seed, and bikes with puncture resistant tubes may be scarce. There may be no food from farms other than what will be carried, no manufactured goods, or any safe drinking water. Our forbearers knew how to do things without our machines that we do not know how to do. Thus, conditions could be exactly like Pres. Smith described; the worst conditions of the depression would seem like a Sunday School picnic in comparison.
In about 1940 my parents started a Sunday evening study group which their friend Dr. Sidney B. Sperry taught. In about 1964 while studying the Doctrine and Covenants Dr. Sperry noted Sect 1:17 said a calamity would come upon the children of men. He told us of an experience he had with Pres. George Albert Smith at the end of a conference. Dr. Sperry said, “I rushed up onto the platform to speak with Pres. Smith after the prayer. When I arrived at his side he was standing, overlooking the congregation. The people were just starting to stand up, and the ushers were just starting to open the doors so they could leave. And I heard the President woefully mutter as he looked over the congregation... They‟ll die like flies.‟” Dr. Sperry explained his concern that Pres. Smith looked at the Saints and said, “They'll die like flies,” Neither my father, mother nor I said anything to the group what Pres Smith told us in our home. Knowing Pres. Smith considered Saints would be among those whom he told us would die like flies greatly concerns me, too. For I am one of them and was in the Tabernacle when that occurred. I went to conference in the Tabernacle when I was young and saw Dr. Sperry rush up to the speakers' platform at the end of a conference. Perhaps I feel like Laman felt about the Jews at Jerusalem being righteous- that many Saints are honorable, diligent in the Lord's work, and doers of the word, not hearers only. Yet I know Pres. Benson has said that the revelation on the production and storage of food may be as important to our temporal salvation as it was for Noah to get into the ark. And few have complied with this Counsel of the Lord's Living Prophet.
Remember the Lord said, “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.” Ancient prophets knew our day would be difficult yet yearned to see it. The Saints are commanded to obey & teach the Lord's laws; to multiply and fill the earth; and build the Lord's Kingdom. Our task is not to shrink but to prepare for challenges that may demand our greatest efforts to survive free from AIDS or plagues that otherwise might infect everyone.
I record this as a witness of my friend and cousin, George Albert Smith's description of a prophetic vision he saw. I began writing it last Sept and have remembered more as I concentrated on his comments. I've not recorded here all I now remember. See also Pres. Smith's General Conference speeches CR-1O/46:149-153 & CR-10/50:180-181.
After reading my 28 Oct version my brother Robert said he remembered Pres. Smith's visit exactly as I wrote it but doesn't remember some I since added. Alice said she remembered some of the 23 Dec version. On 18 Dec Dr. Hugh Nibley said his mother (a close friend of Pres. Smith) told him about the vision which Pres. Smith received at a conference in the Bay Area and related it in his talk. Dr. Nibley also said he was close to LeGrand Richard's family and Sister Richards told him about the vision, too.
Copyrighted-All Rights Reserved. David Hughes Horne, P.E.
NOTES: It should be noted that Bro Horne has since indicated that he may have gotten the word "greek" wrong, but that the impression was, that the President's ancestry was not your typical White European.
Our very own Bob, here on the forum, has indicated that when he was a lad in Ogden, the word "greek" was often a polite way to refer to someone who was black, instead of the common vulgar terms of that day.
Account 3
Source unknown, but cited in an email that Dr. Jones, from this forum, received:
If anyone has information as to the source of this account, I would greatly appreciate it
My father was one of the three men who started the church’s “Road Show” drama program in the early years of the 20th century. Through that exposure to church leadership, he formed many lasting relationships which lasted all of his life. He eventually graduated from college with a masters degree, which is now equivalent to roughly PhD, and was widely used in the church’s building program, designing and building the first few church canneries. After his first wife died from what is just a minor medical problem these days, he went south to become the superintendent over the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) program that was started during the depression to provide a jobs program for the destitute out of work men who comprised over one third of the workforce. His gang built the Zion’s Park tunnels, and the bridge over the Virgin River between Hurricane and LaVerkin, UT, and then he left to work building projects for the church again. The canneries in Hurricane, Kanab, St George, and several others I will decline to mention in the interest of brevity. During his CCC days he married my mother and they began their family. I only bring this history here to AVOW because it lays the foundation for what subsequently happened.
After WW2, George Albert Smith was a regular visitor to our home in LaVerkin. He always came with the church architects to have dad go over plans for this building or that one because dad was extremely good at looking at blueprints and envisioning spatially what was being built, thus being able to see right off hand what many architects could not, even with their education. He was able to see if the building could even be built as drawn, and if not, what changes were needed to make it buildable.
On one of these trips, President Smith drove down in the limited edition Lincoln Continental convertible Henry Ford had given to Heber J. Grant as president of the church. While he was there, dad and the architects were in heads over coattails discussing the plans of a proposed temple, and the discussion got so involved that George Albert was lost, and so he invited my oldest brother, who was then 11 going on 12 to go for a ride with him. During that ride, President Smith interviewed my brother and gave him quite a priesthood worthiness interview. He then got after him for being more interested in getting all of his friends in town to notice the fact that he was riding in a Lincoln Continental convertible with the top down, than he was in conversing with a living prophet of God.
At that point, President Smith quite abruptly stopped and turned in the seat so that he was facing my brother and related to him what sounds basically like the same vision that Brother David Horne related. Everything that my brother wrote down in his journal (which he didn’t have until he got home, and told mother what had happened, and she got him a journal and had him write down all that Pres. Smith had told him).
Every thing that he wrote down correlates except that there is no mention of a Greek anything in the version my brother recorded. After reading “Dreams and Visions” and reading that vision as related by Bro. Horne, I asked my brother specifically if Pres. Smith had said anything about a Greek president being the key event to watch for, and he tells me that nothing like that was mentioned. He just said that it would be a president of different extraction than the normal northern European ancestry that we had had up to that point.
However, Pres. Smith did tell him to look specifically for the day when the American Dollar was so worthless that no other country would allow payment in dollars, for that would signal the beginning of such a severe depression that only LDS people who had their food supplies and clothing supplies and whatever they needed for heat and to cook with would be able to survive. Then he stopped for a moment as though he was going inside himself, and then said that there would be other survivors, but they would only survive because they were the honest in heart whom the Lord would miraculously bring to the Saints to teach and nurture, and that their survival would be something truly spiritual to those of us who were prepared for the calamities that would befall the LDS people who were not prepared, and the unprepared LDS would be affected the worst and die the more agonizing deaths because they had been warned, and yet rejected those warnings.
1. Weapons would be taken from the populace (advised to have weapons and ammo stashed where it would be unobservable but which could be gotten to in a moments notice)
2. Russia would appear to fall from it’s mighty position, but that would only be a ruse, because they would continue to only grow stronger because they would not have to support all of the poor countries they had taken over.
3. The US would give up it’s strategic power base, and become the scourge of the world because of the abuse of power they would leverage against all other lesser countries, and the other world powers would force the US to take their bombs out of Europe. (Doesn’t remember anything being said about whether bombs were nuclear or not)
4. Missiles would be hidden in grain silos – didn’t way anything about them being the buried silos we all know.
5. Nations would move huge battle tanks around to where they needed them on trucks that are bigger than any you have ever seen up till now (1949)
6. Then a terrible war would break out that would pit the powerful nations of the world against the US, and that the US would find out what it was like to have war waged in their backyards, and America would find out that WW2 had merely been a training exercise.
7. The worst time in the depression would look like a picnic in comparison.
He then reiterated to him that he needed to put away guns and ammo where it could not be confiscated so that he could protect his family until he could get them to one of the refuge’s that the Lord would provide his worthy Saints. After he got to the refuges he would not need those weapons, but that perhaps his children and grandchildren would to go fight for the constitution. He then quit talking, and refused to give any further clarifications.
After recording what he could remember, my brother felt like he had left something important out, and was concerned, so since Pres. Smith was still in residence, my brother went back to him and had him read what he had written. President Smith told him that he had all that needed to be recorded, and that he now felt he had overstepped his bounds in telling my brother all that he had, and prayed that the Lord would forgive him, and that my brother should only record and tell his family the elements that needed to be kept sacred in his journal.
Various quotes:
Pres. George Albert Smith quote from October 1946 General Conference:
“I fear that the time is coming, unless we can find some way not only to prevent the destruction of human life by careless accidents, but also unless we can call the people of this world to repent of their sins and turn from the error of their ways, that the great war that has just passed will be an insignificant thing, as far as calamity is concerned, compared to that which is before us...
We are not out of the woods. This world is in for a housecleaning unless the sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father repent of their sins and turn to him.' And that means the Latter-day Saints, or the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with all the rest, but we, first of all, ought to be setting the example.”
Pres. George Albert Smith from April 1950 General Conference:
It will not be long until calamities will overtake the human family unless there is speedy repentance. It will not be long before those who are scattered over the face of the earth by millions will die like flies because of what will come.
Elder Bruce R. McConkie gave a supporting address in the April 1979 General Conference:
We do not say that all of the Saints will be spared and saved from the coming day of desolation. But we do say there is no promise of safety and no promise of security except for those who love the Lord and who are seeking to do all that he commands.
It may be, for instance, that nothing except the power of faith and the authority of the priesthood can save individuals and congregations from the atomic holocausts that surely shall be.
And so we raise the warning voice and say: Take heed; prepare; watch and be ready. There is no security in any course except the course of obedience and conformity and righteousness.
Last edited by Sam_I_Am on Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
- mes5464
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
This is helpful. Thank you.
Vote Jesus
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Jesus 2016
- BringerOfJoy
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Yes, thanks from here, also. Earlier today I was trying to go through the various GASmith threads to figure this out, so this is very helpful.
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Yes! Thanks for this information- very helpful.
"Never forget in the darkness what you have learned in the light."- Unknown
"...I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things." 1Ne. 11:17
"...I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things." 1Ne. 11:17
- seekinghislight
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Doctrine and Covenants 50:24
24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
I remember when Pres. Obama took the oath of office it was messed up. They did it again in a hallway and it was still messed up. He never accurately took the oath of office. I don't know if he took the oath again when he had his second inaugural ceremony or party. I don't remember it was ever televised, but I don't have TV
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Hi everyone, I have been a regular visitor to this forum for about 6 years but I just registered today. I have loved reading all your posts and opinions over the years
One thing I have really wondered about is the part of the GAS prophecy about the nuclear attack being "on a holiday, after an election but before the president takes office". In all of the stuff I have seen it seems to be a side note that wasn't included in anything Bro. Horne wrote himself but hearsay from someone else. Is there anything whiten by Bro. Horne himself to substantiate this?
Thanks, you guys are awesome!

One thing I have really wondered about is the part of the GAS prophecy about the nuclear attack being "on a holiday, after an election but before the president takes office". In all of the stuff I have seen it seems to be a side note that wasn't included in anything Bro. Horne wrote himself but hearsay from someone else. Is there anything whiten by Bro. Horne himself to substantiate this?
Thanks, you guys are awesome!
- A Random Phrase
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Thank you for putting it all together like that.
- - Toni
Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief.
Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief.
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Hi everyone:) I just joined the forum but I have been a frequent visitor for the last 5 years.
I have a question. In studying the GAS prophecy I am having doubts about the part about the nuclear attack being "on a holiday after an election but before the new president takes office". This does not appear to be part of anything Bro. Horne wrote as part of the prophecy but seems to be something someone added as an addition or afterthought. Is there anything Bro. Horne wrote to substantiate this?
I have a question. In studying the GAS prophecy I am having doubts about the part about the nuclear attack being "on a holiday after an election but before the new president takes office". This does not appear to be part of anything Bro. Horne wrote as part of the prophecy but seems to be something someone added as an addition or afterthought. Is there anything Bro. Horne wrote to substantiate this?
- A Random Phrase
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- Location: Staring at my computer, not sure whether to laugh or cry.
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
- - Toni
Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief.
Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief.
- AmericanBulldog
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
NOTES: It should be noted that Bro Horne has since indicated that he may have gotten the word "greek" wrong, but that the impression was, that the President's ancestry was not your typical White European.
Our very own Bob, here on the forum, has indicated that when he was a lad in Ogden, the word "greek" was often a polite way to refer to someone who was black, instead of the common vulgar terms of that day.
Signs are everywhere that our current POTUS is trying to destroy this country.
When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads. ---- Ron Paul
- Benjamin_LK
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
AmericanBulldog wrote:NOTES: It should be noted that Bro Horne has since indicated that he may have gotten the word "greek" wrong, but that the impression was, that the President's ancestry was not your typical White European.
Our very own Bob, here on the forum, has indicated that when he was a lad in Ogden, the word "greek" was often a polite way to refer to someone who was black, instead of the common vulgar terms of that day.
Signs are everywhere that our current POTUS is trying to destroy this country.
Something interesting I have heard, was the idea of President Obama being idolized by the General Hollywood Crowd, Hollywood, as we know it is often symbolized with Greek Columns? Any thoughts?
Regardless, I have to agree, thanks to Clinton, Kerry, and Obama, I have officially become a DINO (Democrat in Name Only). Because it irritates me to no end how much people fall for the misleading idea that there's something decent in what these people do for the nation. The only reason I didn't mention the Bush's in here, and while I consider GW Bush something that's not fit to type on this forum, is the fact that when Clinton, Kerry, and Obama throw some less than decent ideas that would get Bush grilled, people think it's a great idea, because it's from a Democrat.
Hebrews 11:1
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
remember "greek" when used with a lowercase g simply means "foreign", as in "it's greek to me"
The truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent...till the purposes of God shall be accomplished & the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done. http://www.ldslastdays.com
~Love all, Serve all~
~Love all, Serve all~
- r0ck$74r15
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Thank you for putting this together. Great to finally be able to have all this info in one place.
Swag is for boys. Class is for men.
"Arise from the dust, my sons, and be men, and be determined in one mind and in one heart, united in all things, that ye may not come down into captivity;" - 2 Nephi 1:21
"Arise from the dust, my sons, and be men, and be determined in one mind and in one heart, united in all things, that ye may not come down into captivity;" - 2 Nephi 1:21
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Something interesting I have heard, was the idea of President Obama being idolized by the General Hollywood Crowd, Hollywood, as we know it is often symbolized with Greek Columns? Any thoughts?
On a possibly related note, he had "Greek" columns for a backdrop in 2008, FWIW - excerpt from article -
http://townhall.com/columnists/luritado ... ek_columns
"Four years ago, Barack Obama chose to use ten, grandiose, Greek columns as the backdrop for his speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. The staging was a rather clumsy effort to substitute showmanship and theatre to help disguise Mr. Obama’s hostility towards American enterprise.
What many Americans watching the Obama speech four years ago may not have realized was that Obama’s fake Greek columns were a bad omen of things to come. Mr. Obama was about to put the United States on the same economic path as Greece."
Arguing with a fool only proves there are two.
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
If all goes according to this prophecy, we have about 3 1/2 years before the real destruction starts in America. Perhaps, this is one of the main reasons the Lord is "hastening" His work....missionary, family history, perfecting the Saints and helping the poor. The time is getting short.
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Stella Solaris wrote:"Four years ago, Barack Obama chose to use ten, grandiose, Greek columns as the backdrop for his speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. The staging was a rather clumsy effort to substitute showmanship and theatre to help disguise Mr. Obama’s hostility towards American enterprise.
What many Americans watching the Obama speech four years ago may not have realized was that Obama’s fake Greek columns were a bad omen of things to come. Mr. Obama was about to put the United States on the same economic path as Greece."
Sometimes prophets see visions and they do the best to describe what they see. This fits.....
L'apocalisse viene
- oxbloodangel
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Thanks for putting it all in one place! Nice.
Just came across this video on the New World Order, and he said the coming economic collapse would make the economic crisis of '08 look like the proverbial Sunday School picnic. Is this guy Mormon? That's just really coincidental that he used the same wording as G.A. Smith.
Just came across this video on the New World Order, and he said the coming economic collapse would make the economic crisis of '08 look like the proverbial Sunday School picnic. Is this guy Mormon? That's just really coincidental that he used the same wording as G.A. Smith.
To prepare the weak for those things which are coming...in the day when the weak shall confound the wise, and the little one become a strong nation...
And by the weak things of the earth the Lord shall thresh the nations by the power of his Spirit.
And by the weak things of the earth the Lord shall thresh the nations by the power of his Spirit.
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Here is another similar vision.
Just one of many visions shown below.
Just one of many visions shown below.
Contributor 5:411
The present times seem to be more than usually prolific of prophetic dreams among the Latter-day Saints. In nearly every settlement the people have been warned of events soon to occur; and visions of the future glory of the Kingdom of God upon this earth have passed like a panorama before many of those who love God and obey His commandments. Some two or three years ago, I had retired for the night, when suddenly a glorious messenger appeared at my bedside and awoke me from my slumber. The light of his presence filled the room, so that objects were discerned as clearly as at noonday.
He handed me a book, saying, "Look, and see what is coming to pass." I took the book in my hands and, sitting up in bed, examined it carefully and read its contents. In size this book was about seven by ten inches, opening like a copybook and bound in beautiful covers, on the front of which was stamped in gold letters its title, which was The Book of the Plagues. The leaves were printed only on the front side of each, and were composed of the very finest quality of pure white linen, instead of paper. The typography throughout was in the finest style of the printer's art. Each page was composed of a picture printed in colors as natural as art can copy nature, which occupied the upper half of the space, below which was the printed description of the scene represented.
[80] On the first page was a picture of a feast in progress, with the long table set upon a beautiful lawn, over which were interspersed clumps of fine shrubs and towering trees. In the background through the foliage, could be discerned a stately suburban villa, adorned with all the ornaments of modern architecture. The landscape presented the appearance of midsummer. The sky, and indeed the whole atmosphere, appeared of a peculiar sickly brassy hue, similar to that which may be observed when the sun is wholly eclipsed, and the disc is just beginning again to give its light. Throughout the atmosphere small white specks were represented, similar to a scattering fall of minute snow flakes in winter. About the table a party of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen were seated in the act of partaking of the rich repast with which the table was laden. The minute specks falling from above were dropping into the food apparently unheeded by all, for a sudden destruction had come upon them. Many were falling backward in the agonies of a fearful death; others drooping upon the table, and others pausing with their hands still holding the untasted food, their countenances betraying a fearful astonishment at the peculiar and unlooked for condition of their companions. Death was in the atmosphere; the judgments of God had come upon them as silently and swiftly as upon the proud Sennaeharib and his host of Assyrians.
In one corner of this picture was a small circular vignette, showing the front of the store of a dealer in pork. The wide sidewalk was covered by an awning supported on posts at the outer edge, and on this walk were shown barrels of pork, long strings of sausages, fresh slaughtered hogs, piles of smoked bacon and headcheese; and along the edge of the walk, next to the store, beneath the front windows, [81] leaned a number of large hams and pieces of side meat, reaching across the whole front, except a small space at the doorway. There were twelve of these pieces, and on each piece was painted a large letter, in order to make as a whole the word abominations.
Below this scene was the description: "A Feast among the Gentiles, commencement of the Plague." And in smaller type below, a note saying that the particles of poison, though represented in the picture, are
so small as to be invisible to the naked eye.
On the next page was another picture. It was a street scene in a large city. In the foreground were the residences of wealthy city merchants. The character of the buildings gradually changed; along the view and in the distance were shown the great buildings of trade and commerce in the heart of a large metropolis. On the sidewalks throughout the long vista, the busy, throbbing, rushing crowd had been cut down like grass before the mower.
Again it was a midsummer scene. The same atoms of poison were falling through the air, but their work was done; the same sickly brazen atmosphere that seemed thick with foul odors laid upon the earth, in which no breeze stirred a leaf of the foliage. Upon the balconies of the richly decorated residences, across the thresholds of the opened doorways, along the walks and upon the crossings, lay the men, women and children, who a few days before were enjoying all the pleasures of life. Further on, the dead were everywhere. Houses of business that had been thronged with customers stood with open doorways, frowning upon streets covered with the dead. Across the thresholds of the banks lay the guardians of wealth, but no thieves were there to [82] take the unlocked treasures within. The costly merchandise of a thousand owners laid untouched upon the counters and shelves. In the noonday glare of the sickly sun, not a soul was shown alive; not one had been left to bury the dead--all had been stricken or had fled from the death-dealing plague and the doomed city. Along midway upon the street, a hungry drove of those horrible ugly slaughterhouse hogs, (which may be seen in the pens attached to the filthy slaughtering places in the outskirts of many cities), was tearing and devouring the dead and feasting upon the bodies of rich and poor alike with none to molest them.
Below this picture was the description: "Progress of the Plague among the Gentiles. A street scene in a large city." Nearly fifty of these pictures I carefully observed, wherein the fearful effects of this and other plagues were almost as vividly portrayed as if I had actually seen them.
The last scene in the book was descriptive of the same plague as the first. A beautiful park-like, grassy prairie was surrounded by elm and cottonwood trees, the area embraced being about eighty rods across. In the centre of this enclosure was a large cone-shaped tent of a bright purple color, about thirty feet in height by twenty in diameter at the base. Midway in height in this tent was a floor dividing the inside into two stories. Near this tent was another, a round wall tent, about thirty feet in diameter, and nearly as high as the first. This was clean and white. Leaving a space of about a hundred yards from these central tents were hundreds of small rectangular wall tents in rows, reaching as far as the surrounding trees, each tent clean and white, and appearing to be of a size suited to the wants of [83] an ordinary family. Not a human being, animal, bird or vehicle was in sight. Not a breath of air appeared to be stirring. The same atmosphere as in the previous pictures, with the atoms of poison, was represented, and the same time and season of the year.
Below this picture was the description: "A camp of the Saints who have gathered together and are living under the daily revelations of God, and are thus preserved from the plague." I understood from this that each family was in its tent during the hours of the day that the poison falls, and thus were preserved from breathing the deathly particles.
Handing the book to the messenger, who all this time had remained by my side, he vanished from my view as suddenly as he had appeared. I awoke my wife, who was soundly sleeping, and commenced to relate to her what I had just beheld. After telling her the description of the two pictures at the beginning of the book, and commencing on the third, this third picture and all up to the last was suddenly taken from my memory, so that I have never been able to recall them; but still I remember that they were scenes about the plagues and judgments.
In the revelations given to the Prophet Joseph, among the many plagues and judgments portrayed, that given in the Doctrine and Covenants, Sec. 29:17-20, has always seemed to me to fully coincide with what has been related in the account of that dream. But whether that plague or another is meant, it does not matter. Plagues will come and the wicked must suffer; but the Saints will be preserved by the very principle for which the wicked persecute them, which is present revelation from the Almighty.
101:38 And seek the face of the Lord always, that in patience ye may possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life.
Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Copy one more over
A vision seen by Newman Bulkley, veteran of the Mormon Battalion, on January 8, 1886, in Springville, Utah.
I retired to rest about 9 o'clock in the evening. In a short time I drowsed off to sleep, and it seemed as if the spirit of my dead wife was hovering round about me.
Suddenly I awoke, and sleep departed from me, and the vision of my mind was opened, and I beheld the members of the Senate of the United States. And while in session they were hurled from the hall by an unseen power. They rallied again, and the second time they were thrown from the hall. They rallied the third time and were again thrown from the hall with such violence that a great number of them were killed. All those that remained alive had the name of "EDMUNDS" printed on their foreheads.
Next I saw a whirlwind commence in the center of the House of Representatives which increased until it frightened all the members out of the House, and they then scattered to various parts of the United States; and the inhabitants of the city of Washington, D.C., became frightened and scattered until the city became almost desolate.
Then I saw a great tumult commence all over the United States, which ended in a great deal of blood [110] being shed. And a great many of the people who had heard our Elders preach, and had believed what they heard, but had not had the courage to embrace the Gospel when they heard it, gathered what little effects they could take with them, and came to this people in the Rocky Mountains.
Then I saw many thousands of women and children take refuge in the timber, hazel rough, or any place they could conceal themselves from the turmoil that was going on in the States. And when word reached this people of their situation, there were hundreds of Seventies called upon to go and hunt them up and bring them to this people in Utah.
Then the Government of the United States patched up their difficulties, and elected a new Congress, which assembled to do business. The crusade continued against the Latter-day Saints.
Our enemies attributed all their troubles to the Saints, and the crusaders raised such a howl and sent forth their petitions to Congress, that the first business they did was to order one hundred thousand of the best and most able-bodied men that could be obtained, to come against us.
When this became known to the Saints, instructions were sent forth for all the inhabitants of this territory to gather into the valleys, as near as possible to the Temples. And the people gathered into Salt Lake, Cache, Utah and Sanpete Valleys, and to St. George, until there was a family to nearly every acre of land, and all the country around was filled with our people. And water broke forth, where before there had been no water, so that all the land could be cultivated.
[111] I saw, also, that all the old men who had honored their Priesthood, became spry and young again.
I also saw that the greater number of those who had gone into polygamy for the principle thereof, had to go to prison; while those who had embraced it for lust, escaped, as the officers appeared to care nothing about them.
I saw no preparation of any warlike demonstration in the midst of the Saints, but all appeared to have the spirit of peace and contentment. And when the soldiers came near our borders, the United States officers and all the Gentiles were seized with fearfulness and left in haste by night and day, until they all got outside of the borders of this people and united with the soldiers.
Then the army surrounded this people on every side, and there was no possible way of escape. They then raised their standard and sent forth a proclamation to all who wished to save their lives to come to them for protection. And about one-third of our men and as many women as they could persuade to follow them, went over to the army and joined it.
Then I saw the preparations commence for the entire destruction of the Saints. It consisted in their gathering together all the combustible (explosive) material they could obtain, and making a complete wall all around this people. It looked to me to be some fifty feet high, and from six to ten rods wide on the bottom.
During the time of their gathering this combustible material, our people were laboring in the Temples, endowing men with the FULNESS of the blessings of the Priesthood, for their protection.
[112] And when the army had fired their combustibles, these men, endowed with the FULNESS of the Holy Priesthood, walked along, like sentinels at their posts, and waved their hands, and the flames, smoke and ashes that were intended for the destruction of the Saints, turned upon our enemies. And when this combustible matter was consumed, and the fire and smoke had cleared away, lo and behold, the enemies of this people were not to be found.
During all this time, our people were laboring in the Temples day and night, endowing the Elders of Israel with the FULNESS of the blessings of the Holy Priesthood, until they got the number of fifty thousand endowed. During this time the Temple in Salt Lake City had been completed, and in one of the rooms situated in one of the towers, Jesus and Joseph, with their council, were sitting. Then preparations were made for the fifty thousand to go down to the Center Stake of Zion, with Jesus and Joseph at their head, riding in their chariots of fire. They seemed to be somewhere about six to ten rods above the earth.
While all these scenes had been transpiring, the remnants or Lamanites of the land had gathered in from all quarters east of the Rocky Mountains, and some had come from South America. When our brethren passed down to the Center Stake of Zion, the remnants went forth and redeemed the land of Zion.
When my attention was drawn back again to the mountains, I saw that the young men and middle-aged men had been called away upon different missions; and the old men and women and children had to do all the farm work; and all those who were laboring to build up the City of Zion in Jackson County, had to [113] be sustained from these valleys, with the exception of the remnants of the house of Jacob. The buffalo and other game had returned upon the plains to feed them until they could be taught the art of agriculture.
The earth in the valleys was sanctified and cleansed so that it brought forth in its strength, and instead of its bringing from 15 to 40 bushels of grain to the acre, it brought forth from 100 to 200 bushels. The water broke forth in the parched ground, and all these valleys were filled with the Saints of the Most High, who had gathered in from the nations of the earth, to be schooled in the Temples that are now built and that will yet be built, to prepare them to go forth to the Center Stake of Zion.
I saw all this pass before the eyes of my understanding; and when it had passed once, it was repeated again, which occupied about the whole of the night. I turned over and tried to sleep, but sleep had fled from me, and soon it was daylight. I was not asleep, but was awake the whole time, and I arose, filled with the glory of what I had seen, resting upon me.
* *
This vision was originally published in a small pamphlet which is very rare at the present time.
[114] * * * * *
For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. (Job 33:14-16)
101:38 And seek the face of the Lord always, that in patience ye may possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life.
Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
kathyn wrote:If all goes according to this prophecy, we have about 3 1/2 years before the real destruction starts in America. Perhaps, this is one of the main reasons the Lord is "hastening" His work....missionary, family history, perfecting the Saints and helping the poor. The time is getting short.
If there is a 42 month part of the prophecy, and a holiday attack part of the prophecy, the SCOTUS gay marriage decision was on 26 June 2013 and 42 months from that is 25 December 2016.
But there are other factors currently in play now. The imminent start of World War III being one of them. Obama will be discussing this any minute now from the Rose Garden.
- Benjamin_LK
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Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
samizdat wrote:kathyn wrote:If all goes according to this prophecy, we have about 3 1/2 years before the real destruction starts in America. Perhaps, this is one of the main reasons the Lord is "hastening" His work....missionary, family history, perfecting the Saints and helping the poor. The time is getting short.
If there is a 42 month part of the prophecy, and a holiday attack part of the prophecy, the SCOTUS gay marriage decision was on 26 June 2013 and 42 months from that is 25 December 2016.
But there are other factors currently in play now. The imminent start of World War III being one of them. Obama will be discussing this any minute now from the Rose Garden.
Here's a thought: when will we start seeing actual advanced nations' warships start sinking from a primitive enemy? When will we start seeing domestic terrorist attacks be an occupied nation's normal means of fighting back. I don't know what else is going on, but increasing poverty, currency value loss, and other factors have a threat as well right now.
Hebrews 11:1
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Benjamin_LK wrote:samizdat wrote:kathyn wrote:If all goes according to this prophecy, we have about 3 1/2 years before the real destruction starts in America. Perhaps, this is one of the main reasons the Lord is "hastening" His work....missionary, family history, perfecting the Saints and helping the poor. The time is getting short.
If there is a 42 month part of the prophecy, and a holiday attack part of the prophecy, the SCOTUS gay marriage decision was on 26 June 2013 and 42 months from that is 25 December 2016.
But there are other factors currently in play now. The imminent start of World War III being one of them. Obama will be discussing this any minute now from the Rose Garden.
Here's a thought: when will we start seeing actual advanced nations' warships start sinking from a primitive enemy? When will we start seeing domestic terrorist attacks be an occupied nation's normal means of fighting back. I don't know what else is going on, but increasing poverty, currency value loss, and other factors have a threat as well right now.
Lots of things right now. Read this post from Martin Armstrong citing 2016 as an event horizon year:
http://armstrongeconomics.com/2013/07/1 ... t-horizon/
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
I have no idea if the GAS Prophecy is real or not, and frankly won't care one way or the other. However, there are A LOT of things out there all pointing to 2015-2017 as being a rather significant years. From Book of Daniel stuff, astrological events, to Israels 70th anniversary (in the general timeline), to prophecies in multiple religions, to how our country is changing and who is in power. It'll be an interesting ride.
I see differences between the various foreshadowing works but also many commonalities that interestingly enough all line up during these years that have me paying attention. I will have no power over if they happen or not, but I do have power over getting my family right with God. Even if none of them pan out, the end result of being right with God is never a disappointment.
I see differences between the various foreshadowing works but also many commonalities that interestingly enough all line up during these years that have me paying attention. I will have no power over if they happen or not, but I do have power over getting my family right with God. Even if none of them pan out, the end result of being right with God is never a disappointment.
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
TheLion wrote:I have no idea if the GAS Prophecy is real or not, and frankly won't care one way or the other. However, there are A LOT of things out there all pointing to 2015-2017 as being a rather significant years. From Book of Daniel stuff, astrological events, to Israels 70th anniversary (in the general timeline), to prophecies in multiple religions, to how our country is changing and who is in power. It'll be an interesting ride.
I see differences between the various foreshadowing works but also many commonalities that interestingly enough all line up during these years that have me paying attention. I will have no power over if they happen or not, but I do have power over getting my family right with God. [size=200] Even if none of them pan out, the end result of being right with God is never a disappointment[/size].
Amen to that brother.
Re: The Ultimate George Albert Smith Prophecy Thread
Can we reinvigorate this discussion in light of what is going on in the world now?
President Smith stated: "I saw the United States withdraw its missiles to appease the Soviet Union, and then the war began."
This just happened last year. Hillary Clinton met with Sergei Lavrov (Russian Foreign Ambassador) to "reset" nuclear tensions with Russia. The plan unfolded in 2012 with a program called the Life Extension Program (LEP).
On October 29, 2013 - 90 % of the U.S. nuclear defenses were removed from Europe because of the pressures from Russia.
You can read the details here: http://armedservices.house.gov/index.cf ... splay=2013
Now we see Russia invading Ukraine and flying into the airspace of Finland. The reality of this prophecy seems to be unfolding and on track for a 2016-2017 full our war.
President Smith stated: "I saw the United States withdraw its missiles to appease the Soviet Union, and then the war began."
This just happened last year. Hillary Clinton met with Sergei Lavrov (Russian Foreign Ambassador) to "reset" nuclear tensions with Russia. The plan unfolded in 2012 with a program called the Life Extension Program (LEP).
On October 29, 2013 - 90 % of the U.S. nuclear defenses were removed from Europe because of the pressures from Russia.
You can read the details here: http://armedservices.house.gov/index.cf ... splay=2013
Now we see Russia invading Ukraine and flying into the airspace of Finland. The reality of this prophecy seems to be unfolding and on track for a 2016-2017 full our war.
Here is just some other info. I copied some years ago.
ReplyDeletePresident Smith also told David Horne some things about the President of the US at the time of the Russian attack.
*** David Horne originally said that it would be at the time of a President of Greek origin. But reportedly, later after talking with his older brother D.H. changed this recollection to say only that it would be a man of a different extraction than all the preceding presidents.
The second witness that I quoted above said the same thing about the US president at the time of the Russian attack.
"It would be a president of different extraction than the normal northern European ancestry that we had had up to that point."
This leads me to believe that, if these accounts are accurate, the attack will occur at the end of Obama's administration.
Just confirms my Patriarchal Blessing which states:
"that I will see war with Russia and we will return bomb for bomb with them and our cities will suffer here etc."
Statements he made in October Conference of 1946 support both the idea that the vision indeed occurred and that it was a warning revelation because the word "if" is always associated with it. He stated,
"I fear that the time is coming ... unless we can call the people of this world to repent of their sins and turn from the error of their ways, that the great war that has just passed will be an insignificant thing, as far as calamity is concerned, compared to that which is before us."
This vision supports the one by John Taylor as recorded in Wilford Woodruff's journal regarding a nuclear and biological attack on the U.S. that will destroy much of the country. George Washington also had a vision in Valley Forge that references this attack on America
I don't claim to be right, but this is a forum for all to share their ideas and dreams. I do pray that all the pure in heart will be spared suffering in the days of tribulation, especially children. In my own selfish mind I really hope things do change and soon because I cannot bear the thought of my children attending school and having to learn the ways of this world. I fear they will be lost.
ReplyDeleteThanks to everyone who has shared their dreams. I am amazed and really enjoy reading them. I have been praying lately to know what to expect in my little section of the world (Alberta Canada) but I haven't got anything yet. If anyone in this forum is from here and had dreams or knows of anyone who has, please send me in that direction."
Looks like things have their own way of working out.
2017 may well be the beginning of the 3 1/2 + 3 1/2 years of tribulation, but not THE YEAR OF OUR LORD.
I think most of us have formulated how the future will be
and what we think might happen. I know I have.
The other thing I wanted to tell you with all good intent
The Last Days Unsealed by Robert Smith.
He is a good member of the church, served 2 missions, lives in Utah, and studied under or worked with Avraham Gileadi.
He mentions Gileadi several times in this book.
PLEASE READ IT. It will answer many of your questions about the future and reveal WHO we are as Gentiles in the church and what happens to us according to Isaiah and our other scriptures.
There is a lot that I wish to share with you but don't know how to get a hold of you.
I appreciate what I've learned on this site and from you.
I hope you will consider these things - I only mean good.
Lets all spend more time while we can
with those that we love.
WOW! What a inspired post! I'm reeling. I can't speak for anyone else but LOTS of stuff in it is matching up to things I've been studying, doing, and pondering over lately and reminded of things I'd forgotten. Like the "after the election/during holiday attack" Lots of nuggets to be mined here.
ReplyDeleteOne thing mentioned in the Book of Plagues mentioned was those nasty pigs. We felt VERY prompted to stop eating pork months ago. The Lord forbade the Israelites to eat pork among other unclean animals. I don't see where that's ever been revoked. And these days, the way animals are processed, especially pigs,....swine flu. Not trying to tell anyone what to do in the least.
I had a dream last night. I was among people who seemed "distasteful" to me. I was walking along with my sister and one guy driving an old beat up truck wearing an eye patch almost ran into me with his truck and then proceeded to slowly cruise by and didn't seem to care that he almost hit me! In return I turned around and gave him the ugliest scowl of anger and disgust I could.
Later in the dream I saw this same fellow. He was holding a baby about 7 months old lovingly in his arms while visiting with her parents whom I could tell were his family members. He looked to be about 21 and like the most PERFECT/HANDSOME Israeli I've ever seen. Another guy I dismissed as a flirt was actually approaching us because he was curious about the scriptures I had in my hands but didn't give him a chance to explain himself.
I looked down later to see the Book of Psalms in my hands in Hebrew and read to him Psalm 23 in Hebrew. He was fascinated and genuinely interested in the Word of God. I later saw him working in the grocery store being nice to customers. Not a flirt at all. Just a really nice fellow who loves people.
The Lord chastises those He loves. I'm embarrassed/ashamed but I deserve it and I'm glad to know He loves me. The guy with the eye patch probably couldn't judge distance very well and he was driving VERY slowly. I also judged his old beater truck and thought him a pirate hoodlum. Then I see him later being kind and loving and looking like an ANGEL. The other guy was someone seeking God's Word and here I am MISjudging his intentions. He probably sensed I could teach him and look how I acted! I'm so ashamed!
I've learned such a valuable lesson from God to try to help me remember WHO I am. I have become a blind self righteous angry/disgusted with society citizen poisoned by Satan. I have since repented and thanked God for pointing this out to me.
So so true !
Delete2 Nephi 28:21,24,25
21 And others will he pacify,
and lull them away into carnal security,
that they will say: All is well in Zion;
yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—
and thus the devil cheateth their souls,
and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.
24 Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!
25 Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!
Speaking about The Book of Plagues as mentioned
ReplyDeletein the comment and post above; A while back I studied it
for a few days because my thoughts on it differed from
those like in nofearpreps where she mentions July 4th.
Anyway here (below)is what I decided about it.
I will probably have to post several comments below
one after another because it's long.
Many many months ago many people and groups speculated that this could be the 4th of July.
But I didn't believe that, so I wrote the following below.
Dream of Plagues - 4th of July ?
I really think we all need to look at the Dream of Plagues
closer and the time frame it might be in.
The FALL time fits MUCH MORE with other visions
and the time frame they happen in - (in the Fall)
rather than July 4th holiday.
Please read the wording carefully -
I know he says 2 times "midsummer scene"
"The landscape presented the appearance of midsummer"
but the words in the actual scene or book are more important
and have more validity than what he thinks or describes what he sees.
Example -
and WHO ever made this book said and TITLED the picture -
"A Feast among the Gentiles, commencement of the Plague."
with that alone - would you title a picture of
the 4th of July that way ? NO
What is "A Feast among the Gentiles" ?
Thanksgiving Day
also please read the wording below carefully.
Dream of Plagues
"Below this scene was the description:
A FEAST among the Gentiles, commencement of the Plague. "
"On the first page was a picture of a FEAST in progress,
with the long table set upon a beautiful lawn."
"About the table a (party of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen)
were seated (in the act of partaking of the rich repast
with which the table was laden.)
remember - what is being shown and he is seeing is an event of the future-
our time NOW (not his time).
"party of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen"
does this look like and sound like our typical 4th of July
family get to gethers ? Hot, shorts on, t-shirts etc.
also what is this "act of partaking" ?
Also - We have had some beautiful weather for
Thanksgiving Day
in the past years - the weather is changing.
I truly believe this could be Thanksgiving and NOT the 4th of July
My last thought about The Dream of Plagues
Perhaps the "FEAST doesn't represent any specific day at all,
but because the Gentiles (us) are so blessed and have so much
in this "choice land", and have forsaken God and are greedy
and indulgent and have become like rich pigs at a "Feast"
represented by the pork in the "vignette" - WHY is there this scene ???
"showing the front of the store of a dealer in pork"
"and on this walk were shown barrels of pork, long strings of sausages, fresh slaughtered hogs, piles of smoked bacon"
"leaned a number of large hams and pieces of side meat"
"There were twelve of these pieces, and on each piece was painted a large letter, in order to make as a whole the word ABOMINATIONS."
"europeans call americans pigs"
Also in nofearpreps she says that -
ReplyDeleteFrom The Great Gathering
"CLUE #3
Economic Collapse - SEPTEMBER 2016 - Which triggers Civil War
Notice the economic collapse is right before the earthquake. -
SEPTEMBER 2016 - Which triggers Civil War "
so my question is - if so many visions - etc. and everyone says ***
that the first thing is an Economic Collapse in ? Sept. Oct. then
how can the Dream of Plagues be on July 4 2016
Spencer - Visions of Glory
Massive Earthquake in that area in the FALL of the year.
"ABOUT THIS SAME TIME ( Fall time ) the same plague
which devastated so much of the east coast arrived in Utah."
So apparently Spencer says that the Plague is in the Fall.?
President George Albert Smith
"There will be a nuclear attack on a holiday after a new president is elected but before he takes office." (could this be Thanksgiving ?)
If the Plague is in the Summer and kills everyone, (immediately)
(because it shows in The Dream of Plagues that -
"for a sudden destruction had come upon them. Many were falling backward in the agonies of a fearful death; others drooping upon the table, and others pausing with their hand still holding the untasted food,"
street scene in a large city
"On the sidewalks throughout the long vista, the busy, throbbing rushing crowd had been cut down like grass before the mower.
" not a soul was shown alive; not one had been left to bury the dead—all had been stricken "
Also in George Albert Smith - vision he said -
"The people were just starting to stand up, and the ushers were just starting to open the doors so they could leave. And I heard the President woefully mutter as he looked over the congregation... They”ll die like flies.‟” Dr. Sperry explained his concern that Pres. Smith looked at the Saints and said, “They'll die like flies,” (could this be the Plague ? see descriptions above)
*** How can these other things happen later (after the Plague)
after everyone is dead ?
Economic Collapse
Civil War
Marshall Law
Foreign Troops (invade WHO) if we're dead ?
also- below is just some other info. I took from somewhere
America Invaded During Football Season
Today I dreamed America was under attack. It was during football season and everyone was totally distracted by either attending the games or watching them on television. Suddenly, our nation came under attack as we were invaded right here in our land.
this was taken from another dream
But this morning he got up and immediately wanted to tell me of a dream he had last night. He said that it was Thanksgiving Day and an American soldier in uniform came to our door dressed as his older brother does when in his National Guard uniform. The soldier told us we had 15 minutes to evacuate. We got everything we could into our car but were low on gas. He said he knew that gas was $7 a gallon at the time. Just as we were ready to leave we saw foreign soldiers, some with dark skin and spoke another language and some looked Chinese.