Good thing for adult diapers and adult-sized binkies for the malcreants to suck on.......
Honestly - they were doing so well in their mother's basements, playing video games all day long.
I am SO grateful I do NOT have to look at that lying, cheating face of that old hag (in all the sense of that word - with the witchcraft undertones and all) for another four years: http://imgur.com/gRdJpTU

Now, we just have to picture her in prison attire...... That is something I would NEVER get tired of....
And on a happy note, the blog will pass the 3 million mark sometime within the next 24 hours. Thanks for your readership. It has been a gratifying journey for me, sharing what is important to me and maybe having an infinitesimally small effect on attitudes and events that are shaping America. My pledge to do whatever I could in whatever way I could to stamp out corruption after seeing it wholesale in Brazil is being kept.
Though we are making some positive progress that I expected to not see until the NJ burst forth and we were liberated by those coming from the North, I have a nagging feeling that something bad will go down. These, sick and twisted hypocrites will do anything to stay in power - and I am constantly reminding myself that they still retain power at this time. Let's just say that I will breathe a sigh of enormous relief on January 21st when team Donald starts to rock it. If he enters office at full steam - it will be hard to stop that train. Even the establishment Repub who are suffering from TARDs, like Reid and Hatch will have to get out of the way or risk getting run over. This last election put them on notice that they are IRRELEVANT to the will of a big enough of a majority of the people that not even killary and company could throw the election.....lol
Do not cease to pray for them.
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