Indeed, while the rest of us celebrated our pagan easter a month ago on the wrong calendar date (the Julian calendar does not account for the Jewish calendar leap month, that most are not aware of), he broke bread on the real day, two days ago. This is why, when it talks of 1260 plus 1260+30, the second 3.5 year/42 month/1260 day period when war is poured out upon all nations has that extra 30 days thrown in there. It is NOT random - it accounts for that extra leap month that just happens to coincide with the Jubilee, Jubilee year (the two do not normally sync by natural timing).
It is ALL in the scriptures, along with the timing of the blood moons, etc. The timing of the wars and Damascus becoming a ruinous heap. It is ALL there. We are in it - just as that Jewish boy said last September (the vid showing we had just entered the 13 month war that I posted earlier). It will end in Jerusalem in October of 2016.
I am so excited to get this over with - and get on to the new phase with the trash at the curb. I have to say that I do weary of having to constantly chuck it there. We are awash in trash like a mafioso-induced trash strike:
Here is the original piece that chilled my blood. When I heard of this Prince (of darkness) death thing on the date it was on, I kind of sensed something as afoot - just like when bummer went to Jerusalem on Passover in 2013.
This gal kind of nails it down. The baal thing on the harp at the temple to baal ceremony was pretty freaky:
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