Kudos to that gal!
"We have laid upon us as a people a greater charge, a greater responsibility than any other people have ever had in the history of the world. We are responsible for the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all who have lived upon the earth, to all who now live upon the earth, and to all who will yet live upon the earth. No other people have had so great a responsibility as that." (Gordon B. Hinckley, Stand a Little Taller, 326)
"The Lord is not trifling with us when he gives us these things (speaking of the scriptures), for 'unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.' (Luke 12:48.) Access to these things means responsibility for them. We must study the scriptures according to the Lord's commandment; and we must let them govern our lives and the lives of our children." (Spencer W. Kimball, "How Rare a Possession-The Scriptures," Ensign, July 1985, 5)

Iraq again here. On a sober note - this is why we, as a people, will take it in the shorts and will be doubled over due to our lack of diligence and sole focus on the things of the world instead of God's errand. When we call evil good and good, evil; we are there. So many of the rising generation are doing just that.
When I called out my wife in a recent blog piece and my BIL ran with it on an ex-mo site, I was not kidding. When you have been given much - and then you trample all over it, you can expect a "curse". Now, let me be clear here for all the bleeding heart liberals who hear that word and picture a sadistic God throwing all of His screaming, terrified children under the bus. A "curse" is simply a lack of blessings.
If I, as a father, have a child who has chosen to wander. I will not go out of my way to sadistically "punish" them for their "departure", but may rather pull back and let them experience this fallen sphere with all the pitfalls that it has to offer - and to do little or nothing to intervene or soften the blows that may come their way. This is analgous to a "lack of blessings" that I have experienced in my "waywardness" as I have grown spiritually.
Fact is this: any normal father wants in the worst way to shower his children with all that he can provide. ALL - in fact, if anything, a father might be found guilty of giving his deserving children TOO much and spoiling them. It is hard-wired into a father as the provider. However, for example, if a kid is not appreciative of what they have been given and begin to gain a sense of entitlement (the "you owe me" mentality), a normal response is to pull back and provide less and less.
In a Godly sense, when children begin to throw caution to the wind and flaunt their agency (wickedness), the same mechanism goes into effect - and there is pullback from a doting and caring Father. In a sense - a cursing; or better, a withdrawal of blessings, whether spiritual, physical or temporal. It is a self-correcting mechanism. It is the pride cycle that the Book of Mormon so clearly teaches.
We are cyclical beings, whether it be emotional, physical (women know what I am talking about with the 28 day cycle) and also spiritual. Just like the tides coming and going, the sun rising and setting or the climate cooling or heating ever so slightly, we are - and reside on - dynamic systems. We are not static. Part of spiritual maturity is understanding that cycle - and short-circuiting the bad part in order to smooth the experience out by learning from and avoiding both the highs and the lows of the experience. The Jews have it down the best and recognize the cyclical nature of things and have smoothly woven it all into their culture and life. The American Indian seems to be quite adept, as well (as an extension of that lunar-based culture of ancient Israel).
So, to bring this full circle to the ex-mo's out there who don't "get it" very well. Yes, our attitudes (good or bad), do affect our outcomes in life. If we choose to trample on good things, we will reap what we sow. If our lives are spent in a spiritual vacuum where there is no seeking out the face of the Lord in serving our fellow man, our lives will feel empty - and substance abuse will most likely result as that vacuum is filled with something. A vacuum never remains a vacuum for long. The very laws of nature demand that it not be so. Something will fill it as it comes into equilibrium with the ambient. Over time, as spiritual maturity begins to take hold, that reality will become apparent.
As spiritually vacuous people watch their joy in life dissipate and they turn to chemical means of "fulfillment", they will finally have to accept that they somehow missed the boat and that there must be more out there. Time is the ally of all that is good and right. In the end, just as in most Star Wars episodes, evil finally utterly fails and good prevails. It is the guarantee of that cycle and a Cosmic Constitution set in place eons ago. It goes something like this:
Those who do not support moral agency, get no body and no chance to reproduce in this physical world or go on in a meaningful context in the eternities - a spiritual waste, if you will. Those who get a body and the privilege of reproducing, but do not obey the commandments in this life, get no chance to create spirit children as their unions do no go on in the eternities. The cycle is broken - and only the spiritual fittest move forward. All else lose their chance to move forward. Only those who overtly decide to bend that knee and accept Christ as their Savior have a "continuation of the seed". It is your turn to decide how it will end. Repent now - while it is still day and you are still able to perform your labors in the light.
Iraq.The moral relativists have deceived you - and have it all wrong. It NEVER was about survival of the physical fittest. It indeed has EVERYTHING to do with survival of the spiritual fittest. The choice is in your hands.
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