I really get nervous for him. When he was here in Everett, WA he just parked his A/P at the end of the runway by Boeing and I did not see a lick of security anywhere. I am sure they had the perimeter covered - but nothing around the airplane that I could see and I was only about 150 yards away behind a fence. He has to realize that he is running against a very sick, twisted megalomaniac and her sick, twisted megalomaniarch ( = megalomaniac + oligarch), georgy sorass, the head boy-loving pedo of the "every man knew his brother" club....... whose founder is the head homo himself, the d'evil.
Man, I sure love insulting these sick pukes..... Gotta get my licks in while the internet is not shut down, chicom-style after the end of the month - and just in time for the election cover-up or to REALLY hide what the hell is going on over in syrias.
While I am on this topic - I have to comment on that little detail about the d'evil and his minions. Are they all female, all male, or a nice mix? It was the opinion of the son of Joseph Smith's bodyguard (Mosiah Hancock) that the males followed the d'evil as his minions and that the females did not go with their males (the males were paired with their females as spirit entities according to him). Now, he was a pre-1890 polygamist and so was his father - as devout followers of Joseph and in the inner circle during the social explosion in the Church (when the Victorian people would not accept it and rumours were flying) - and this may have influenced his thinking and world view - but I would tend to go with him because he and I are kind of carved out of the same block of wood (can take things seriously at times and devout). So, this was his reason behind why polygamy existed - lots of valiant pre-mortal women and fewer valiant pre-mortal men - since a bunch went chasing after a d'evil's ideology.
Aaaaaannnnnddd I have to throw in here that the two devils that I ran into down in Brazil were male (including one that I saw in a dream right before it jumped on my comp in his sleep - which woke me up). I have to say, I have never seen a she-devil - except in the flesh in this life; after I got married (hint; not my wife)...... And here is a pic of a representation of a d'evil in baphomet (a cross-dressed tranny who looks like Brucie Jenner sans wings and horns...:

IF that is the case - then it may explain why every single megalomaniac (adherent to satanic doctrines) from Hitler to Alexander the Great to BHO and most male members of Congress were boy-lovers, as adherents to this perversity that is now being foisted upon this country and the whole world (other than Russia - that is resisting it stridently). Putin is no fag (freakish anti godder).....
So, yeah - gads firmly in power. Orders to kill anything that opposes the corrupt machine. I would not be surprised if that previous post on Esra and the eagle feathers will come about. The prophecies all state (Koyle and others), that they will look high and low in this land and from the economic tatters, to threats of assassination, etc - no one will take the reigns. Not even John Galt.....
And here is the article that got me spun up:
And I will go one step further to say that you are being prepped for this event:
Just as you were for the reception of the black, anti-christ/prez with Morgan Freeman playing God and the prez on so many different movies. They love showing what they are going to do - before they do it.
Mosiah's story does not make sense if we were all created spirits male and female and if you will notice that there is practically an equal ratio of male to female on the earth including the disproportionate females aborted in China. I like your story more but the numbers don't lie - just the people controlling the numbers if there happens to be a leftist ideological reason to mess with it.
ReplyDeleteI'll "see" your "does not make sense" comment and raise you one Jezebel witch spirit who is definitely female. Plus, the fact I can testify I've been attacked by female evil spirits. One of them was a Succubus whom I was given to know by the power of discernment how to deal with.