I always get hammered pretty hard when I bring up costume choices at Halloween. I have no problem with kids dressing up in benign costumes and having fun. I DO have a problem with anything that glorifies evil, like witch's costumes (we have enough of that when we get to see yet another wardrobe choice of hitlery....) or a Freddy Krueger mask. Do we really want to glorify anything that has to do with breaking the second most serious commandment - even if it is using a most excellent Stihl chainsaw?
Our traditions are really quite weird when you think about it (from Awaken):
"One of the most important means by which Satan can corrupt and deceive the children of men is through the traditions of their fathers. If these traditions are corrupt and lead to evil rather than righteousness, then the evil one has a powerful tool to corrupt the children, for they usually follow the traditions of their parents....
Much of the lack of success of such missionary efforts was because the people wouldn’t give up their false traditions...
Today, Latter-day Saints must learn to discern and choose between the righteous traditions of the gospel and the evil traditions that surround them."
The Traditions of Their Fathers - Ensign Nov. 1972 - ensign
https://www.lds.org/ensign/1972/11/ the-traditions-of-their-fat hers?lang=eng

The observance of the Feasts of the Lord were given to be observed for ALL generations. The blood of Israel the man and Israel the people runs through my veins. I choose to honor God doing things HIS WAY, not the traditions of men who glorify Satan and involve their children in it. Jesus Christ never did away with THE law as some try to reason it away. He fulfilled it. A New Covenant? YES. It's not funny that people try to contain God in a box and do things in His name and expects that "Well at least I'm doing SOMETHNG so He should be happy with that." God is HOLY! If you think He's pleased with Christmas, Easter, (associating the name of His Son with the pagan, you're WRONG!), and Halloween, think again, and obviously, some of us don't KNOW the God of Israel and don't want to bother with these uncomfortable truths. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. But WHY our church observes these pagan holidays with devotionals and little "harvest" festivals and neglects the Lord's feast days is beyond me. You've been told the truth and if you choose to ignore it, that's your choice.