Can anyone tell who is working for anyone anymore over there? We have mercs from every nation who switch sides like we used to switch dating partners on high school band trips and the back and forth is like a meth-fueled, marathon ping-pong match...... My neck is getting sore just watching this....
The number one rule to remember here is that Israel has the same big-boy toys that Russia has - just less of them. I got that from a Rabbi who was former Mossad and a change agent for the Libertarian Party here in America.
And let us all not forget the mantra of our muzzie-lovin anti-christ prez who got us into this mess on the last half of the seven year period before it really gets exciting:
I had a most interesting dream last night, where I was given some twist of events and ended up in Jerusalem right as things got hot there - and a small nuke exploded on the south side of the city. I was with Putin in one of the grottoes or caves there. We were seeking shelter from the blast we knew was coming. I told him to not look back to the entrance of the cave and he did and got some serious retina burn from the light. We were safe from the shock wave as we worked our way into the cave through some man-made passages. There are a lot of details I cannot remember - but wow; crazy dream, eh?
I think I remember bummer being there and dying in the melee. How ironic (if Natan's version is correct), that Mr. Nobel PP man would end up going there and starting the 1260 + 30 day event which led to all this war (that was back on 3/22/13) and then ending his life at the end of the process (on 10/16/16) as a casualty of that which he started and manipulated through hitlery, sorass and his other goons?
I love a great poetic justice and end to a person that should have been dead for crimes against humanity so long ago. I think the count that he (and billary) has on his head rivals that of hitler and others of the greats (as far as megalomaniacs go, that is....). Let us hope that there is some form of justice in this life and that he is sent to his demise as quickly as is possible. We all could use a break from this nation buster.
And let us all not forget as we criticize the ridiculous and the absurd:
I had a dream too. Not to do with this though. There were multitudes of people turned away from God and then it was a t.v. screen of some sorts and then the words, "All who turn the face toward Hollywood will be accountable before Me."
ReplyDeleteEasy to interpret. Idol worship, a people gone a whoring after strange gods watching movies, reality shows, dramas, and following internet articles on the likes of the Kartrashians, and so forth.
I can tell you after that dream/voice, I look at such things totally different now and don't fall for the "click bait" headlines for these trashy, godless satan worshiping folks.
The sands in the hour glass isn't endless and continually falling and the God of Israel is looking at His watch with a "Time's up!" gavel in His other hand so to speak. Jesus said, "The prince of this world (Satan) cometh and he hath NOTHING in ME!" Satan had NOTHING to accuse Jesus of before our Father in Heaven.
Can we say the same for ourselves? He's watching us constantly like a hall monitor on steroids. Stay clean brothers and sisters! Stay clean! Repent and ask for God's fire to burn out of you anything that makes you unworthy to enter His Kingdom for no UNCLEAN THING can enter HIS Kingdom. "Therefore he must be fit for some OTHER Kingdom".
I've heard testimony that Hell is definitely a place no one wants to go. Stories of torture being carried out by demons. I have no intention of taking a chance that that's true!
Get out of Babylon NOW!!!! God bless!!
I remember in the 1970's my dad and I would watch Johny Carson at night before bed to relax and enjoy, as time has gone and by the time we got into the 1980's I was having trouble watching late night programing that much as people started becoming more course, by the nineties I lost all interest in late night programing. I watched as Jay Leno started to become more course I lost all interest and watching Letterman trash those of conservative representation I just could not stomach it anymore. Don't talk to me about reality TV, they so infuriate me and insult my intelligence because they offer absolutely nothing.
DeleteWe end up watching more PBS to get somewhat decent programing inspite of underlying themes of societal rot.
Obviously I am not as orthodox as the above commenter. But my great frustration is how so many good Mormons put so much trust in the evening news. Whatever comes from the establishment, MD's, University authorities, ect. are absolutes. They rarely ever look for alternate solutions and I see so many torture themselves to death because this is what their doctor tells them to do. Here, they say, give all these inoculations to your children and risk all kinds of degenerative conditions as well as autism.
But I digress as well
Thank You
Your sensitivity to the gradual decline of decency on T.V. is a good sign you listen to the Holy Ghost! I am the "orthodox" commenter above as you described me.
DeleteCan you imagine how Satan laughs with glee as we sit mindless staring at a t.v. giving hours of our lives away that could've been devoted to strengthening ourselves against the coming day when he is unleashed in all his horrific power?
That same t.v. I believe is going to be a tool of the Anti-Christ to enslave weak minds.
And you're right, MANY members of the Church have fallen prey to the endless big pharma company's ceaseless ads for man made medicines that do this and that. "Talk to your doctor about (insert drug name)" then two years later you or your family is eligible to file a lawsuit for said same drug because you've either died or been damaged by it.
I've educated myself in herbal medicine and thank God for His healing herbs that WORK! Doctors can't cure viruses with antibiotics. And antibiotics are FAILING with the super bugs arising. Herbal medicine can and does kill super bugs along with killing bacteria, plague, parasites, mold and fungus. My confidence to take care of my family is 100 fold now and I don't depend on doctors for everything.
I spend many days with my t.v. OFF. The silence is golden and the Spirit is unrestrained to teach me as I ponder while doing my chores. Satan's access to display filth and mind control has been cut off with the click of the remote.
And the evening/daytime news anymore doesn't mind showing us women news casters/weather reporters who dress like harlots! And they think we all care what the celebs and Victoria's Secret models are doing.
I'm sick of this world of filth at every turn. It's getting worse each day and we're blessed we don't witness or are a part of the most horrific of it that occurs each day upon the innocents but it's coming.
So many will be crying like cut pups to God for "do overs". "Oh why didn't I drown myself in Thy Word O Lord instead of watching the Super Bowl or visit the sick and afflicted temporally and spiritually? Can I have another chance to do it right?" Comes the reply
"NO! My Son's suffering and sacrifice obviously didn't mean enough to you! Now take your place among the unprofitable goats!"