Saturday, February 19, 2022


 Well, I just got off the phone with a contact who gave me permission to share this.  If substantiated, it is ridiculous and outrageous.

First of all, I have to share my feelings about the Church.  The "church" is an organ or scaffold whose mission it is to deliver the plain and precious things of the gospel to the world.  It is run by imperfect people, to be sure.  In the Mark Hoffman case, a few of my favorite people obviously fell for an obvious scheme and did not have the Holy Spirit warn them off from it.  I have done the same thing.  I am a human of lesser social status, but I give most people some serious slack, because I require it of my fellow humans.  I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  I have no hope in this life or the next without His atoning blood.  My debt of gratitude is rather large.  I know the Book of Mormon and all of our accepted canonical works to be the word of God.  I know Joseph Smith was a Prophet of this dispensation and that we have had many inspired Presidents since our original Prophet/Seer and Revelator.  I sustain any actions by those in leadership so long as they promote Liberty and they are acting prophetically, revealing hidden things and using a seer stone (man, would I love to get my hands on one of those....).  It is non-sense to sustain them in those roles unless they are acting in that role.  My wife has a uterus and ovaries - but until she was with a man, she was never acting as a mother.  Any other line of thinking is ludicrous.  Even in the role of mother, if she were a drug abusing, kid beating hell of a person, she still would not be acting as a mother or in that sense of the word (nurturing, caring, etc).  A similar line of logic applies to our leadership.  If they are not actively acting in their roles, I can only sustain them when they are actively in this role, while acknowledging their keys (handed down by Joseph Smith) to act in that role.  So yes, I do strongly question why the church switched from calling the head of the Church as the "President" to the "PS&R" sometime in the 1950's.  At a time when there was no additional revelations given through them - other than administratively and as counsel (as given in Conference talks).  I also have to state here that I have a monster testimony of tithing and the Word of Wisdom.  I have always done right by adhering to them.  However, I am not paying tithing to the Church right now (my wife is on her earnings and she pays the offerings for the family, though I protested the giving of dozens of millions of dollars to GAVI who is run by eugenicist and crappy software provider, Bill Gates) until the emphasis is turned from supporting the hellish globalist agenda with the attendant vaccine hell, back to supporting liberty and freedom as well as the poor, where ever that may be.  Heck, we are currently supporting Pastor Artur Pawlowski in his fight for freedom here in Canada (currently in prison thanks to jack-booted thugs).  I go to where I can do the most good - and I will let God judge me if that is out of line....

So, having stated my beliefs, there is a fellow who is obviously very critical of all things LDS.  I am not sure if he is apostate (I have not got the macro view/backstory of his blog) like John Dehlin (who just spews stuff that is slanted to try and put the Church in a bad light), but this blog writer appears to be an okay guy based on his FB profile.  He is/was the author of the blog, ldstruths which just appears to point out the facts.

I have not been through even a small portion of it, but I did peruse the section on sexual abuse.  He laundry lists probably the more major lds abuse cases that made the papers, etc.  It was not flattering - yet not surprising.  For Utah, the state with highest pornography usage, you simply will get men/teens acting out what they are viewing online and inappropriate relationships will often ensue by those with lesser impulse control/lack of spiritual nurturing.  If it is true that 95% of men in the Church have indulged in pornography, then you will be extremely hard up to find any male to be a Bishop or even YM leader who has not dealt with that stuff (including myself).  So, out of a larger population with those kinds of statistics, you will find numbers on par with those that he highlights.

The problem is not so much in having those numbers (apart from the hellish sin of abusing innocents - so long as they are not grossly out of line with the average human experience, given the circumstances), it is in trying to hush them and shut them down.  People might attempt to call me apostate for even talking about this kind of stuff.  I happen to disagree.  I just call myself a realist.  I believe in keeping things real.  When you cover up stuff, it festers much like a covered wound in a jungle during rainy season.  What we SHOULD be doing is shining a massive spotlight on the problem.  Stuff like that tends to wither in the presence of intense light.  Any cover up of that kind of thing just makes the problem worse than it originally was.  We are losing the battle.

So, the blog writer was about ready to release an article on Sharon Eubanks' marital status.  Before I get the hater comments, let me reiterate that I really do not give any kind of worry about what a person does in the privacy of their own home - unless they try to convince me or mine that their perversions are normal and to be mainstreamed (which she has attempted to do - along with pushing the abortion narrative).  Then, I become a papa bear....

The blog writer just died.  When he was taken into the hospital, the doctors were asked if he had Covid as I believe organ failure was manifesting.  The blog writer and his wife (both he and his wife simultaneously became deathly ill) were told that it was not Covid - but something else.

Here is the kicker.  Right around the time he was about to release the article on the marital status of our RS President, during the night, the neighbors complained on FB the next day that a helicopter was hovering over the blog writer's house for some period of time, and then it flew away.  The next day, the couple was in dire straits and hospitalized.  The wife is still alive while the husband passed a few days ago.

I am going to go out on a limb here and talk about DEWs, or Directed Engergy Weapons, which would include the use of microwaves.  If a large microwave horn (similar - but much larger - to what you have in your microwave at home - behind the clock and control panel) were pointed down for 2-5 mins above the bedroom of the sleeping (retired - no kids at home) adults, you could theoretically cook their organs containing blood or liquid and eliminate them with relatively no trace.  Do I have proof of this?  Nope.  Is there probable cause?  Possibly.  Is the Church capable of it?  Quite possibly, considering that the deep state has taken care of their whistle blowers in very precise ways, such as Michael Hastings who had the dirt on one of the NWO generals.  He got droned for his trouble in uncovering the truth:

I could list dozens if not hundreds if I had the time.  I consider the Church to be a deep state organ as they spew out more and more information in support of the globalist agenda.  Any reasons as to why that may be the case, I generally ignore.

There are people within the highest ranks of the CIA and FBI who are LDS.  These people are recruited by firms like Deloitte Touche (I call them Toilet Douche...) because they have foreign language and cultural experiences as well as they are often quite good and loyal "yes men".  If they were convinced of a threat to an org they are loyal to, it is quite possible that they could justify taking out a thorn in the side.  I know one former black ops guy (a sniper), and they are looped in their thinking.  When I found out, I have to say that I lost all respect.  Killing for hire?!?  Wow.  And his statement that: "It's all about the treasure (looting of those that you kill)!", that made my blood run cold.  Killing for money....  Just WOW!

So I have a small taste of how that twisted world operates.  Trump got a good fix on it when he attempted to drain the swamp.  The only way to navigate that swampy world is to not have to worry about finances and to not necessarily care about your life.  Also, they will try and leverage your love for your kids against you.  The second being the most important.  I know the Lord will sustain me until my mission is over.  I just passed through my 11th close shave with death and I do not give two shits about death because it is WAY better over there than over here.  The death of a martyr is a good one as the Good Master says, "Blessed is he who will lay down his life for his bretheren."  I hear the retirement plan is pretty good....

So, why did I put this out there?  Because I think our institution is severely compromised (as much or more than Kanadastan is right now) and that, as their stupid little plan to poison the world is called into question, they will get nasty as they try to keep their minions in line.  Thus the doubling down by little dick tater, Son of Castro....  Using excuses like, "just trying to keep the temples open", is no longer valid.  The recent statement on masking continuing in the temples is so much BS - the only thing it will do is keep the guy who is sneezing or coughing up sputum from spraying it around the room.  A cold virus will never be stopped.....  Just ignorant.

The best thing to do is admit that you are wrong and move along.  Covering up stuff does not work.


  1. Come on, really. Sorry but this is the sp dumb. I cant believe you would try to connect this to the church. Maybe the deepstate had it in for him. I have heard Steve Quayle and Mike Adams had some health issues after a helicopter went over there home. But i am certain the church not only would never do that but i am sure they would never use it even if they could.

    Thsi whole Eubank thing is totally stupid to. I am certain that some one went on google and manipulated that to list that. I am sure some wiz kid could do that in a matter of minutes. I was contemplating this that story and the spirit told me that she is not guilty of those sins.

    Think better of the church. I agree with some of your conclusions on the covid situation. But it sure seems like president nelson is pretty spot on on every thing else. Home base church supported, great trials ahead...... Think of it. I wish the church just stayed silent on covid. But think about it. IF they came out against it. I guarantee you probably half the nations of the world would have kicked missionaries out and temples would have had much more disruption. Yes they have to kiss butt with UN and nations leaders a little bit. But they arent niave. I know some of the brethren and boy of boy could i tell you some stories. They know very much what is going on and what is coming..... and they are very inspired...

    1. Aside from the Sharon thing, I am waiting for there to be actual gifts of the spirit being manifested from top leaders of the church, insteading of "kissing butt with UN and nation leaders a little bit." That's not even scriptural to kiss butt with Babylon. The Lord tells us to come out of Babylon and be separate. "Knowing" some of these brethren really means nothing until these men start acting like prophets. In the meantime, they are just placating to Babylon. Anyone can give platitudes and say good, obvious things. A title means nothing when you are actually promoting false prophesies: the vaccine is a godsend and it is safe and effective, using their leverage to get people to comply to medical tyranny.

    2. I have seen directly them use prophet gifts to help me directly. I could share many experiences. Ill share one very briefly. In 2000 i moved to utah and hated it, had a great job downtown. Lord told me i needed to stay in utah. i rebelled. I was going to turn in my 2 weeks notice. On the day i was going to turn in my notice. i went to lunch. when i did this guy met me at the place i was eating. he came up to me and asked if he could eat with me. i said yes. He was a GA i wont share his name. He asked me to come across to admin building and said the lord sent him across the street to tell me not to leave and that i had to stay in utah to fulfill my mission. He gave me a blessing and said to never ignore the lord like that again. So yes they are very inspired. The fact the lord sent him right to me when i was about to make a stupid dec........ It is like joseph smith said vision flow before them more than their meat and drink in most situations..... but even still like joseph some times the lord likes to hold back certain things. Josephs big thing was not understanding how the lord would redeem zion after zions camp. etc.

    3. "The vaccine is a godsend and is safe and effective." You are utterly naive and ignorant as to the origins of both covid and the jab, criminal acts proven to have been done by Fauci and EcoHealth. The church follows CDC guidance to the letter on vaccines, not God. Since when does God endorse a man-made (mysterious) drug when the natural immunity he gave us works 25x better against covid?

      It scares me, knowing there are members like you with no judgment, out there ready and willing to walk off the cliff with everyone else. Church makes policy mistakes now and then, and their position on the covid vax is the biggest one they've made in decades. The jab will ultimately kill more people than covid ever could--it works like a slow-acting poison on our weakest health issue--and you'll never know it's happening. The question is, will the church ever admit their blunder? Eventually, they'll have to.


  3. 1st of all, what is the compelling reason why anyone would make up that stuff on Eubank? Why not any other member of the top positions in the church? It is an excuse, and there are no end to excuses people will manufacture in their mind to permit them to hold on to their warm fuzzies and all is well in Zion. I put the Eubank thing up on the shelf as 70% guilty.

    I don't really believe that the church would order any such Hit on anyone. It is more likely the "Powers That Be" have compromised people within the bureaucracy on the inside who merely report "problems" that could destabilize or embarrass any organization that is obedient to the PTB. It is unlikely Bill and Hillary ordered deaths of all those people that were associated with them. They have handlers under them who report to the PTB who make those kinds of decisions; plausible deniability.

    On the leadership of the church's. They are most possibly naive as to the extent of power of the PTB have, or option 2 they are plain evil to deceive the membership as to the safe and effective nature of the shots for which at least 10% of the shots, have been willfully destructive, according to Mike Yeardons testimony:

    At least 10% of us are damaged or will prematurely die who have taken the shots. Most true believers would never connect these damages to be from the shot. If there was ever a time when we needed a PSR this would be it!
    Or it is a test to see if we will listen to our own conscience instead of what authority tells us to do.

    I have no doubt that the leadership are very clever and smart. But that is the problem...could this be pride since this malady is so prevalent in all people, one degree or another. I can only see the behavior by the actions the church takes tells me something is off. I doubt that the Leadership would bother investigating the fringe element, and work in concert with the establishment. I call that pride with no capacity

  4. I don't beleive that our prophet or apostles are directly involved with the UN's Agenda but I defi ately beleive their are factions within the walls of the church office building and and other leadership organizations within the church as was pointed out in the video that are directly involved in influencing and putting pressure on the leaders of the church to go along with some of these agendas.

    Some people say that our current Latter Day Saint Prophets and apostles no longer have revelations for the church therefore they aren't true Prophets.

    I beleive they are having them. They just never share them with the general public. I know that it is commonly said in the church that we are to avoid sharing sacred experiences in public settings. Perhaps this is the reason we don't hear about them and and perhaps it is to help learn to to have faith and develop our own testimonies and walk by the spirit so that we are not overly depend on borrowed light. With that said I do beleive that the Quorum of the twelve apostles and the Prophet do from time to time receive revelation individually as well as collectively for the callings they function in as well as for the entire church.

    Take for example when President Kimball declared that he received revelation in 1978 that blacks can now receive the priesthood.
    Some people would say that the church did it out of social pressure or to avoid having their tax exemtion taken away but that is not true. It was a revelation from god.

    If you ever wanted to know what happened when President Kimball received that revelation for blacks receiving the priesthood click on the link below.

    Here in this video Prophet Lorenzo Snow receives a visitation from the Lord telling him that he would be taking the place of Wilford Woodruff as Prophet.

    There are other videos I can share but I think that is enough to make my point that our Prophets and apostles from time to time have miraculous revelations from God but it is usually kept private because of it's sacredness.


    There are other videos I can share but I think that is enough to make my point that our Prophets and apostles from time to time have miraculous revelations from God but it is usually kept private because of it's sacredness.

    Although they are called of God and are given the keys to direct the church as a whole that does not mean that they are infallible or cannot make mistakes or be deceived. Look at most of the apostles of Joseph smith time. After he was murdered many of them apostisized. There was even an apostle who committed adultery in the 1940's and was later excommunicated for it.

    I spent 10 years doing research on the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and as a result have created a 24 DVD Documentary on the evidence that I have gathered on the church. As I studied the life of Brigham Young
    It appears that much of what has been said about Brigham Young may be true. Almost all of the problems in the church that the anti Mormons want to blame on Joseph Smith is actually attributed to Brigham Young. Remove Brigham Young from the history of this church and we would probably have over a 100 million members by now.

    With that said despite all of Brigham Young's follies and personal flaws, it appears for whatever reason God allowed him to proceed Joseph Smith as the following Prophet. As is explained in this video below, he was given the keys to lead the church several months before Joseph Smith was killed.

    Also this video below quotes Joseph Smith at the 15 minute mark that once the priesthodd keys were established on this earth they would never be taken from this earth or this church until Christ returns. As I did my research into Joseph smith it became more and more clear just how inspired and prophetic Joseph Smith really was. He has been proven right again and again. He was a true prophet and I beleive Joseph. This whole video is great!

    There are millions of testimonies around the world myself included all receiving the same witness that this is Christ Restored church. To this day I have never heard one testimony of someone praying to God and receiving an opposite answer that this is not Christ Church.

    Surely after 200 years you would have someone get an answer from God that it is not true if it wasn't true. For anyone that leaves this church you will notice that they don't leave because they receive a revelation from God to leave. If they were really seeking truth and wanting to know the truth and will of god before they make that decision to leave the church you think they would take it to God in humble prayer just like we are taught to do in the scriptures.

    The reason you don't find testimonies of people humbly praying to God to know if they should leave this church and then receiving an answer that it is not true and that they should leave this church is because it has never happened. Any sincere seeker of truth is always told it is true and are told to stay even if it goes against what they want to believe. I know this from personal experience

    For example In this video below at the 11 minutw mark, Brother Darius Gray shares how he would never be baptized after finding out that blacks could not receive the priesthood. Ultimately in the end what matters is what God says about this church. When he takes it to God in prayer, he hears a distinct voice from God telling him this is the restored gospel and that he was to join it. As far as I am concerned God has the final word on this matter. God will sort everything else after we die.

  6. This is hands down the best and simplest way to test wheather a Prophet or a leader in the church is giving his own wisdom on a matter or wheather he is giving the word of the Lord. It's called the Collective Witness Model and it should be preached through out the church around the world. The First Presidency Message to get the Jab cannot even pass the test as being the word of the Lord on one of these Witness Models.

  7. With that said insomuch as President Nelson and the Quorum of the twelve apostles are speaking on behalf of the Lord and I can verify that using this Collective Witness Model, I will sustain them as prophets, seers and revelatory. And as Joseph Smith said if there happens to be a break up in the church, stick with the majority of the 12 apostles and you will never go astray which is what happened after Joseph Smith died and also when Polygamy ended. Those who stayed with majority of 12 apostles stayed with those who hold the keys today in the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints.

  8. As you already know, I disagree with your stance on the Brethren and the church. I sustain them... period. However, I also agree with you that we all need to make up our mind on the vaccine and you can do that through personal revelation.

    I for one am pissed at this report and I've seen this in my own extended family. Those that got the vaccine seem to get Covid (delta, omicron), whereas those that got covid (me), never got the others.

    Now I don't quite understand the flip on this one. Still trying to process it.

    Don't get me wrong... I'm glad they don't require it. I just sent my son on a mission and he had to get the Vax. Both of us were not happy about that but he wanted to serve.

  9. IRAQ, I've followed your blog since around 2010 and have found it to be a great resource for little gems in relation to last days events. You are just as passionate as I am for the Second Coming, and for that you have my respect. Sometime in 2018 I went another direction and stopped reading your blog, but in revisiting today I see that you have come to many of the same conclusions regarding the state of the church as I did. One of the things that gave me a lot of comfort was reading all of the prophecies and references to the gentiles in the BoM. The Lord knew what was going to happen! Joseph Smith's last dream visiting his farm was a foreshadowing also. The Lord has not abandoned the Restoration and has set His hand a second time. Why would the Lord need to send one mighty and strong to set His house in order if it wasn't in disarray?

    The Revelation 12 sign of the woman on 23 Sept 2017 was given lots of attention. It was a marker for an important event that largely went unnoticed in the world. Do you know what it was? Significant on a Biblical scale, I can assure you.

    If you find time, I'd recommend that you read Adrian Larsen's latest blogpost series called Destruction. Actually, any of his series are excellent. Anyway, he gets down to the nuts/bolts of the timing of the last days events as laid out in a BoM model. The 1-200-320-400 pattern.

    I empathize with the difficult position of waking up to realize the church you have loved and dedicated your life to is in a state of ever increasing apostasy. There is a pattern to these things. Perhaps you can now reconsider the letter you wrote May 11, 2014. Maybe he was right all along.
