Monday, February 7, 2022


Steve Harmon chimed in on a comment on the previous article calling me like unto Korihor for not "following the prophet"...

First of all - thanks for your perspective.  I usually don't argue with other perspectives as this is a journal I happen to be publishing.  It is not an open forum for debate.

Second of all - I think you are off base.  Korihor was fighting against the truth.  I am championing the truth.  Right now, we still have the official stance in SLC that this jab is "safe and effective".  That is so much bullshit - pardon the expression....  I have been practicing my french alot lately....

Thirdly - I follow Christ and none else.  If a church leader happens to point to Christ, then I will listen to their counsel.  Largely, we have a cult of personality going on the in the church wherein we worship the man (leader) more than the message.  Some talks are completely devoid of references to Christ or to accepted scripture.  Some talks are purely what I call "neu-speak" or New Age BS that I can get in any self-help book mixed with the world's sophistries.  Many talks are filled with the Spirit.  I have had all I can take of characters like Eubanks and company.  Corporate shills who are pushing the One World agenda (2030 Agenda specifically) in the name of God.  I literally just tune out of it.  It is more than I can bear....

Fourthly - the best people I know in the church are leaving it and wandering because the leadership (not all) are largely out of touch with their doctrine (from the days of Joseph Smith) and their conservative base.  This because they are seeking the middle and that is not where the strength is in this church.  The strength and backbone is with the conservatives.  What you are seeing happen politically in the USA (and now Canada), is what is happening in the Church.  The Repubs have tried to broaden their base by moving to the middle and, in doing so, they have lost people like me.  Trump came in and filled in the vacuum created by the right wing shift and people were energized because they felt someone was listening finally.  The same thing with the Trucker phenomenon here in Canada.  Until the leadership of the church reconnects to their base, they will bleed their best blood until the body of Christ is DOA.  This happened to the Catholic church.  Many left that flock and sought out ours, only to be confused as the shepherd here appeared to be leading the flock to the very thing that was despised (control and lack of agency/liberty).

Last of all, I would be perfectly happy to have my Stake President read my blog.  Sadly, the two here in Cardston are entrenched in the medical cabal here and would likely not be impressed with the clear statistics that fly in the face of what the PS&Rs have spoken.  To know what I mean, you would have to turn off CNN and read Congressional testimonies showing a massive spike in bad juju related to the jab.  If it was the last thing I had to do to save my life, I would shun it as a matter of principle and keel over and die.  It is demonic.  The way it is being forced and foisted on people and them losing their livelihoods, etc over it is just sick and wrong.  This is a raw war between good and evil and the church, so far, is on the wrong side of the equation.  They need to pull their heads out of their arses and figure it out.  A good place to start is Isaiah 28:7-19.  The guy who is over the two Stake Presidents here, openly stated in a P'hood meeting that those who got the jab were the wheat and those who refused are the tares.  What a total POS!  I have ZERO respect for him and he is from Raymond (where Wendy Nelson is from), and a medical "professional".  There is no getting away from it.  You either comply, or you are blacklisted up here.  No agency.  This is worse than nazi Germany....  At least there are not firing squads as of yet....

Saturday, I witnessed many desperate people at the Coutts crossing who have been pushed out of jobs and careers and pensions over them standing on principle and not giving into the intimidation.  When I first realized where this was headed (forced vaccination/mark of the beast crap), I said to myself that I had this thing in the bag because I was surrounded by the best people on the planet (the Saints in Cardston).  Now I realize (especially after seeing the virtue signaling by the top dog with the needle hanging out of the arm), that I was screwed.  That, on the same day the election was stolen from Trump and a senile and habitual liar and slimy career politico had just been coronated....  Second worst day of my life.  I then realized that people were going to fall into line, lock-step like so many sheep.  I lost hope until some rednecks who had been tossed from the oil fields in Alberta by a carbon tax-loving Son of Castro decided to rush the capitol while the bastard child ran for cover....  What a wuss!

We are literally at our end game.  Most fiddle while Rome burns - completely clueless.  So sad.  A few of us soldier on, doing what we can.  We know how it ends.  Some make it some don't.  In the end it matters not.  What matters is that we stood for Liberty at any cost.


  1. from my perspective you must of been terrified of what is going on. I remember when the AIDS virus was going on in the 80's. It was just like it was back then when everyone was scared to get it by spreading false stories about how to get it. Then I was assigned to someone who had the HIV which leads to AIDS. Then I decided to ask Heavenly Father what I should do. His response was that I go about the Lord's work and He will take care of me. That was good enough and I went out and did what I was expected of me. 7 months later he came back to church with loving arms and got his temple endowment after that. This virus is scary and it makes everyone nervous. So my suggestion is to follow the prophet he will not lead you astray. I had the same feeling about getting the vaccine and yet I had a calm feeling that everything is going to be okay just I did when I went out to help out the guy who had the AIDS virus. You will be okay if you take the vaccine and the Lord will take care of your needs so just follow the prophet and stay on course.

    1. The prophet can lead you astray though he's not infallible that comment is totally out of context and takes away from one of the fundamental doctrines of the gospel and that's agency we don't have agency suspended for us and the prophet doesn't have agency suspended for him just because he's the prophet

    2. I think it is important to tell you that the Prophet will never lead you astray from DOCTRINE. All Prophets make mistakes with temporal issues in a fallen world.

    3. Agency is Doctrine people run into trouble when they take getting a vaccine as Doctrine because the prophet said so

  2. great article on prophets

  3. i couldnt have said it better. the government is run by gadianton robbers.actually all world governments.and every organization, cia,doj,fbi,irs,nih,cdc,etc etc etc. anyone who follows evil people like this, you have to question? so many woke sheep in the church, infiltrated at every level.

  4. great article about prophets

  5. All I can say is Amen to that I have a hard time figuring out how so many people don't know the difference between PR policy and revelation

  6. Can I chime in here? A tool of Satan is the role of an accuser. By their actions ye may know them. And thank you for your perspectives, they are much needed in today's world.

  7. If the spirit directs you to get vaccinated you'll probably be ok. If the spirit directs you to not get vaccinated you'll probably be ok. The unvaxxed may die of the virus and the vaxxed may die of the vax even when the spirit directs. There are no guarantees either way. You can also be vaccinated and strongly oppose mandates and the gads that run the world or unvaccinated and totally compliant with the NWO otherwise. Vaccination status does not necessarily mean you support or shun evil. Some of the best people I know have been directed by the spirit to be vaxxed. Some of the most awful people I know refuse it at all costs. When Pres. Nelson said "it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost" it was not for the collective, but for the individual. Pres. Nelson is in a high risk group, I would encourage him to get jabbed. My kids are not so there is no reason to do it unless the spirit says otherwise, which as of yet has not happened. This is all meant to divide us and I refuse to be divided!

    1. I am also in the high risk group because I am a teacher, but I had a choice whether I get one or not. It was a good decision because most of my students were tested positive and some of the got really sick. I thought I was going to lose them. Likewise when Polio came out it devastated some people until they created a virus that would prevent us from getting that. The Spanish Flu came out and killed millions of people. The Swine flu came out and killed thousands of people. You see we are facing some tragedies today and yet some people fear that getting a vaccine will kill them. It did not kill me and my wife. It did not kill my friends who has the vaccine. If it happens to my friend who did not take the vaccine it would devastate me. I for one am not a fan of death even though it is part of life. I do not like my friends depart to the next life. So taking the vaccine does help us prepare for a greater calling such you never know what will come out unless you are prepared. President Nelson has not been out lately because of government restrictions in other countries like he wanted too. So you see I like to live a little longer and enjoy life to the fullest and the blessings knowing I listen to a living prophet today. So I would admonished you to listen to President Nelson who is the mouthpiece of the Lord and then pray about what he said because he said we are in for wild ride and I am excited to see what is ahead

    2. Dustin I tend to disagree with what you said about the spirit telling where you should get the vaccine. You should get the answer where the spirit will tell you either yes or no. Not both answer because what you have said is misleading. I have friends who has left the church because they said they felt the spirit telling them that the church is false. So this is a red flag when you said it tells them yes go ahead and take the vaccine and the other no do not take it.

    3. If you research Fauci, Mrna, Bill Gates sept 2019 buying into the company that produces Mrna, if you were to study the FAILURE of Mrna over the last 10 years and follow the money trail... well you may not say what you said.

      God chooses our death date, and maybe death isn't so bad. Those with vaccine injuries will have to live with their choices probably for the rest of their lives. No one knows what is being injected in them and now heart attacks etc. Life insurance companies are reporting 40% increase in non-covid deaths. Never at any time have we ever exceeded a 10% increase. Main Street Media will not report this, the government knows and not saying anything.

      Guess what's next on the agenda - 1 universal insurance. Guess what it will fail big time - doctors will QUIT overnight. Look up Tenncare, Hawaii universal Child insurance - it's been tried and destroys the state. California is pushing for it, Idaho is pushing for teachers on the government insurance.

      Insurance crashes, stock market crashes, pensions are wiped overnight.

  8. Remember the congress is not required to get vaccinated so if you are looking for a new job that's the safest place to start.

    Let's follow our US governments example and not get vaccinated.

    "President Joe Biden's new vaccine mandates for federal employees don't apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system"

    Postal Workers are exempt as well.

    Here in Utah it's been pretty flexible however recently the SLC mayor enforced mask mandates. I find myself at the post office wearing pa mask while none of the employees wore them because they are exempt from these dumb laws. Fine by me: masks don't protect you from viruses.

    Thankfully this should be the last year as long as the vaccinated stop shedding these variants.

    And PS the LDS MTC requires everyone inside to be fully vaxxed and boosted and they still are getting sick look up the news articles - vaccine and booster do not prevent you from getting or spreading covid - therefore by definition they aren't vaccines. They are useless unless as Gates said a great way to control the population.

  9. Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief:

    Last week, I covered how only a small percentage of bad batches have been implicated in the severe reactions and deaths associated with all 3 of the mRNA vaccine manufacturers, and why I think the perpetrators are intentionally limiting the damage so as to not destroy people’s ill-informed confidence in vaccines. This week, I present excerpts from an interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon, former chief scientist at Pfizer now turned whistleblower, telling why he his so certain these bad batches have to be intentional. Check this out before it's gone

    Another link I got from World Affairs Brief:

  10. Any person who blindly follows his or her leaders is not capable of acquiring the Celestial Kingdom

    Please check out this article, it is very positive and uplifting.

  11. The timing of the article by Erekson seemed especially disingenuous—genuine, though, in pointing something out that has not been pointed out officially by the church in a long time, except while studying the 116 pages once every four years in Sunday School class. During that Doctrine and Covenants Sunday school class seems to be the only appropriate time to talk about that a prophet can make mistakes. Having said that, I am not convinced mistakes were made at the top. I think the prophet knows a lot more about the Gadiantons and their plans than he volunteers. We haven’t seen the scenario of what would have happened had he taken them on directly. Timing is everything.

    So, I thought I had better listen to Erekson’s address as I could gain more from it and better appreciate the spirit in which it was said.

    It actually made it worse for me to hear and see it. I felt as I do when I listen to most politicians or salesmen.

    I think the focus on this, “Prophets do not urge us to follow or imitate them, but to follow and imitate the Savior,” Erekson said. And I agree with his sentiments completely. President Nelson consistently encouraged us “To Hear Him.” But it feels like a shell game, when Erekson points to the example only part of President Nelson getting the shot, and ignores the “urging” to get the shot by President Nelson and the rest of the First Presidency, during the end of summer. After the “urging” to get the shaft in summer, the regional and more local leaders came down hard in parroting that “urging.” Erickson skirts that point. Regardless, time will yet tell us what the reasons are of the urging that was written.

    “Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.” [Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives]. This is what gave me strength to hold on to the answer God gave me, when I asked God as President Nelson had counseled me to do in this talk and other talks. A prophet can stand or fall on his own merits. He has his reasons for doing what he does.

    We need to be sober and quick to observe. When the Gadiantons are above/within society and above and within the church, the observation from Ammaron to Mormon that he noticed he was “sober and quick to observe,” may help us to understand what we need to do.

    Some observations:

    •The significant day that our prophet chose to receive the shot should not be lost. Some make more ado about that he received it and made it public, than why he received it and made it public on the day that he did. This symbolic act spoke volumes more than words could ever say about being “awake to the sense of our awful situation.” Symbolically, this was a stern wake up cue to me (us), so much so, that it changed the nature of our priorities and well-laid plans for the year. If he had received it any other day, but THIS DAY was significant and you could unpack a lot of meaning in the timing and the act.

  12. •Fall Conference last year: When ever has a prophet had to say at the beginning of conference, “I invite you to listen for three things during this conference: pure truth, the pure doctrine of Christ, and pure revelation.”[October 2021].

    “I invite you to listen to all of Conference.”

    no, instead…

    “listen for… pure truth, the pure doctrine of Christ, and pure revelation.”

    Wow. In other words, you need to look for (from what is spoken), these three important things. You need to look (listen) for it?!? Yes.

    Why can’t he just speak directly? Why so symbolic or cryptic and not direct? We all need to start preparing ourselves to speak symbolically, likewise.

    Hopefully we get a break from the censorship and the suppression of reliable data and evidence and truth. Hopefully we break free from and overcome the modern-day Gadiantons. But if we don’t, and we have to communicate important things, we are going to have to find other ways. We may have to speak and act like this some day soon.

    So I guess according to Erekson’s break down, I am imposing/viewing my ideas of President Nelson’s actions and words as symbolic or cryptic expressions as a “sphinx, riddler or soothsayer who speaks in anonymous riddles.”


    •Another interesting video clip that is unofficial, that circulated around was of a talk Sister Nelson gave about impressions from the Holy Ghost during General Conference. She gave
    two examples of this—one being from her own life, where while listening to General Conference, she heard talks about marriage and she got the distinct impression not to marry someone. Later in life, when she re-listened to the same talks, none of them were about marriage, yet the spirit was able to convey an important message to her during the first time she listened to them.

    So her talk again emphasized the role the Holy Ghost plays in directing and teaching us, more so than even someone’s words.

    •So before this period of time when the biowarfare Covid-SARS-2 is released after years of gaining function prior to the release, we are given numerous counsel on personal revelation by President Nelson. This is one of the fewest quoted, yet one of my favorites. He said this in the context of gaining a testimony.

    “Regardless of what others (other being even him) may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.” [Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Me] So no matter what is said in the future, he gave us a grand key. And we should not use it to just have our way. There is a difference doing what the Holy Ghost says and what we want. They are not always the same.

    • Does President Nelson have to oversee everything and every department of the church and all content everywhere that goes forth from someone representing the church? Is one person capable of that? If he has the fullness of the priesthood could he rebuke or stop the Gadiantons that have taken physical actions to attempt to damage church property and its people? Could he set in order anything that is amiss since he holds all the keys? Why does he stay his hand? Why does God stay His hand on some things? Why didn’t the Savior clean up most of the Pharisees before his crucifixion, leaving only enough to onset the road to atonement?

    I know Isaiah 28 and 56, Jeremiah 23, Ezekiel 34, 2Nephi 28, Mormon 8 and descriptions of what was done in King Noah’s time are dualistic warnings, yet I am not sure how they fit in exactly. I know a lot of things seem to fit and match up today to these ancient warnings, yet I have felt the Holy Ghost bear witness strongly of words I have heard President Nelson speak.

  13. I know the Lord’s gospel is true. The church is the vehicle by which the gospel goes to the ends of the earth and to those waiting to be gathered on the other side of the veil. The church is also a scaffold by which the Kingdom of God is being built. The spreading of the gospel is not limited to members of the church. There are many from other “places” who bring people to Christ in preparation for future ordinances.

    So we probably need to spend less time speculating and more time making an intentional effort to be worthy of the Spirit.

    And it is quite inspiring to go back and listen to President Nelson’s talks and pick something to do. He is very good at inviting us to put principles of the gospel into actions. If you rolled up your sleeve before, maybe you can do it again, but in a different way this time. ��

  14. Interesting dream -
