Spencer said that they would take the people who do not have food and be able to manipulate them into doing their bidding and keeping "their" rules - that most likely will fly in the face of God's rules. There agenda will be in line with the agenda of those who infest the halls of power in DC right now. I will vigorously resist that agenda. I have always said that living that kind of life is no kind of living and that I would rather be dead than submit. So, I have already decided my future - and so be it. Live free or die.
Here is what got me spun up:
FEMA disk given to school children (Photo: Cassius Methyl, Intellihub.com)
by Cassius MethylIntellihub.com
May 23, 2013
FEMA , the Red Cross, and the department of homeland security are now using taxpayer money to educate children in public schools about ‘getting ready for disaster’. But why would government agencies hold interest in this? Is it because they want schools to be safer, or because they want citizens to flee to FEMA camps in a time of crisis?
A disaster that very well could be orchestrated by a government agency, one might add. So what are these ‘disaster relief’ camps like? A quick google search for ‘FEMA camps’ would turn up thousands of results. Yet contrary to what one may think, leaving these camps may not be voluntary.
In fact, a leaked document signed by Joyce E. Morrow (administrative assistant to the secretary of the army) suggests that disaster relief camps may actually be military internment camps. The document is titled ‘internment and resettlement operations’ , and it describes these camps in great detail, stating that ‘civil support is the department of defense support to civil authorities for domestic emergencies. Civil support includes operations that address the consequences of natural or man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks, and incidents in the U.S.’ .
To sum it up, this leaked document confirms plans by the department of defense to operate internment prison camps for citizens during a crisis . But why would they need a crisis to imprison large amounts of people, and why would they imprison large amounts of people in the first place? But the real question is, do these prison camps tie in with FEMA?
And if so, is FEMA preparing children in public schools to accept going to an internment camp if there is a disaster? Perhaps the military internment camps to be used for disasters, and the FEMA camps to be used in times of crisis, are unrelated. But given the recent NDAA , allowing for the legal indefinite detainment of American citizens, and the political weather, it seems this isn’t such a far out possibility. It isn’t a nice issue to think about, but spreading the word about the possibility of an American holocaust would be arguably the most effective way to stop such an event.
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