I am on a two week self-quarantine because I was in the States on business this past week. I was waived through the border because I am part of the "medical mafia" and have nearly diplomat status.... Go figure.
While down in the states, I wore a mask at my vendors out of respect for their wishes - but only when I was around someone else. Supposedly, this mask works. Yet, when I crossed the border, the mask is not good enough to go in public, so I have to be at homes at all times.
We need to resist this. The logic is blatantly false and mostly non-existent.... As Elder Bednar said, religious gathering has been trivialized to below the level of getting gasoline, or as I said in my mind as he was sharing his views, more trivial than a gathering for a riot....
Just sick:
What’s coming, how you can get ahead of it and prepare for it this summer.
We all need messages of hope. My faith is the biggest reason I can even do talk radio right now. This Covid thing has been tough. I came out with strong views from day 1 and I’m sure it ticked some people off. That’s okay. I knew that the media propaganda was so fierce on this that anything I said was going to be considered divisive. But we needed a slap -in -the -face -wakeup -call. So if I offended you I’m sorry. I was just shocked at our response collectively.
We really need to use this summer to get prepared. This fall is going to be more lockdowns. More thick propagada. We may be looking at years of rolling lockdowns until we give into mandatory vaccines. I don’t think it will be the government that makes people as much as it’s the businesses that “comply” with “suggestions” from health departments and jobs will be threatened. This is no secret. They have announced what’s coming. Have you been listening?
Because we complied with the taking of our liberty for months SO WELL, they WILL keep doing it. That’s what I was afraid of and why myself and so many others tried to sound the alarm bell so often. And because the message wasn’t rainbows and lollipops and love-your-lockdown-look-the-perks-lets -save-people-from-dying-around-us-even-though-they-aren’t -actually-randomly-dying mantra, I got a ton of crap from people. It’s okay. Let’s learn from this, myself included.
We have stuff coming - and right now, is when we need to be thinking ahead.
Here’s some ideas/solutions/ things we need to start thinking about.
1. Spend this summer picking up those things for storage that you ran out of before. We ran out quickly of things like yeast ( you can store in the freezer) flour, toilet paper, feminine products, bleach, medicines, etc. what if we faced a food shortage? What can you spend a little extra on now?
2. If your employment requires you to vaccinate, think about what you will do about that right now. I personally would not inject that Covid19 shot into my body. And if 99.7 percent of people are recovering without any treatment, why would you need one? Print out the letters I’ve posted and get them signed for a attempt at exemption using the ADA Disabilities Act as to why you don’t need one.
3. If 100 businesses in every city decided they would open regardless of a shutdown, more would follow and there is no way the cities will try to fight so many of you. Strength in numbers.
4. Now that you have seen the truth that is glaringly obvious- you won’t get Covid at a riot but you can at church -mentality- think creatively about how to keep your doors open. Church meeting at Walmart? Maybe so.5. Create funding groups for legal fees for businesses to fight in court against their local and state governments. This is where you can win but many can’t even think about loss of business and legal fees on top of that so they go along with the silly guidelines from the health departments. Help them fight. It’s good place to put money. It’s the only recourse we will have is to put our Constitution to work for us. Government will not fight for you- but they will look to control you under the guise of “safety and health”.
6. Are there doctors that can form a network - the ones that understand what’s going on. More on that later.
7. Think outside the box. If flying and travel become more difficult, what will you do when that need arises?
(8. If you think this list is too dramatic, think about the fact that you were just quarantined for a cold virus for months on end. No one saw that coming.)
9. What do you have at home in the way of things to do and keeping kids occupied. Trampoline? Hot tub? Pool? Gardening? Sports? Games? If we end up spending more time isolated, working from home, you may want to get prepared for a very long winter. Think about things away from watching movies/tv/Netflix.
10. Have you met as a neighborhood yet? Talked this over? Have a neighborhood barbecue now and make some plans. Do you have skills to share or teach? Are their older couples in your neighborhood who would help you homeschool? Haircuts? That kind of thing. Network. Work together. Help each other. If Mayors shut down parks again like little Hitlers, can neighbor kids access different backyards in the neighborhood to have more creative fun?
11. They will be going crazy on pressing the flu vaccine issue. According to the scientists I’ve talked to and interviewed, do not get a flu shot. Since 2017, there have been major issues with the flu shots and that’s coming from someone who worked on the vaccines under Fauchi and tried to expose him. She said the flu shot will open you up to even more illness. That was her advice.
12. If you have an older person in your life, are they set up with Skype and FaceTime and more importantly do they know how to use it? Lol. More isolation could be devastating for them. Can neighbors discuss meal deliveries or devise ways to check up on those more isolated?
13. What will you do if you get a loss of income. Can you fix up a room to take on a renter? Can you reduce costs?
14. Can you set up networks of friends and associates through texting, email that can help each other if someone’s business needs support? Or family?
Look. You may be thinking- why so gloom and doom- enjoy the summer! I am, believe me.
Let me put it this way. Commercials for the vaccines are already made and ready to be rolled out. Social shaming will be in high gear. There’s a reason we didn’t just get THROUGH the spring but instead they are pushing a “new normal” for no reason- and keeping the color code lockdowns around.
MIT came out clear back in March and announced rolling lockdowns for up to two years. Everyone realizes by now that they had well laid plans drills already done to get our entire nation to comply that quickly, right? Even down to the social distancing signage. So we better be making plans too.
My personal thought is that they want to create chaos- uncertainty-fatigue so that we cave to the loss of liberty -just to restore peace again and stability - and sadly many will.
All I’m saying is look ahead. Prepare. Think ahead. Solve problems now while you can. Think outside the box. Remember history. We succeeded through creating underground solutions.
Do people have property to use for solutions to gatherings? Cell phone tracking will hurt freedom. Look at their use of Emergency Alert System to track you going out of state!
What can you do about that?
We created a spy ring to help win the Revolutionary War.
We devised an Underground Railroad.
Christians had ways of identifying other Christians in the dirt without saying a word.
We have a history, in history, of solving issues.
We are not exempt from having to get creative, as well. It’s just a different time and we are up against other challenges. Like our State governments.
This is not a message of fear. At all. And I hope you don’t feel that way. I hope I’m wrong. Wouldn’t that be great? Maybe I am.
If we are prepared, have thought these things out and just like a fire escape plan- we have at least planned for the future as best we can and rely on the Creator to inspire us and help us , we can feel more empowered and more at peace. The future doesn’t scare me- I just want to know what I can about it.
Spiritually, we need to be more in tune than ever. It will help us see through the load of propaganda that is coming our way.
Prayer works.
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