is one about persecution coming:! is one about persecution coming:!
What’s coming, how you can get ahead of it and prepare for it this summer.
We all need messages of hope. My faith is the biggest reason I can even do talk radio right now. This Covid thing has been tough. I came out with strong views from day 1 and I’m sure it ticked some people off. That’s okay. I knew that the media propaganda was so fierce on this that anything I said was going to be considered divisive. But we needed a slap -in -the -face -wakeup -call. So if I offended you I’m sorry. I was just shocked at our response collectively.
We really need to use this summer to get prepared. This fall is going to be more lockdowns. More thick propagada. We may be looking at years of rolling lockdowns until we give into mandatory vaccines. I don’t think it will be the government that makes people as much as it’s the businesses that “comply” with “suggestions” from health departments and jobs will be threatened. This is no secret. They have announced what’s coming. Have you been listening?
Because we complied with the taking of our liberty for months SO WELL, they WILL keep doing it. That’s what I was afraid of and why myself and so many others tried to sound the alarm bell so often. And because the message wasn’t rainbows and lollipops and love-your-lockdown-look-the-perks-lets -save-people-from-dying-around-us-even-though-they-aren’t -actually-randomly-dying mantra, I got a ton of crap from people. It’s okay. Let’s learn from this, myself included.
We have stuff coming - and right now, is when we need to be thinking ahead.
Here’s some ideas/solutions/ things we need to start thinking about.
1. Spend this summer picking up those things for storage that you ran out of before. We ran out quickly of things like yeast ( you can store in the freezer) flour, toilet paper, feminine products, bleach, medicines, etc. what if we faced a food shortage? What can you spend a little extra on now?
2. If your employment requires you to vaccinate, think about what you will do about that right now. I personally would not inject that Covid19 shot into my body. And if 99.7 percent of people are recovering without any treatment, why would you need one? Print out the letters I’ve posted and get them signed for a attempt at exemption using the ADA Disabilities Act as to why you don’t need one.
3. If 100 businesses in every city decided they would open regardless of a shutdown, more would follow and there is no way the cities will try to fight so many of you. Strength in numbers.
4. Now that you have seen the truth that is glaringly obvious- you won’t get Covid at a riot but you can at church -mentality- think creatively about how to keep your doors open. Church meeting at Walmart? Maybe so.5. Create funding groups for legal fees for businesses to fight in court against their local and state governments. This is where you can win but many can’t even think about loss of business and legal fees on top of that so they go along with the silly guidelines from the health departments. Help them fight. It’s good place to put money. It’s the only recourse we will have is to put our Constitution to work for us. Government will not fight for you- but they will look to control you under the guise of “safety and health”.
6. Are there doctors that can form a network - the ones that understand what’s going on. More on that later.
7. Think outside the box. If flying and travel become more difficult, what will you do when that need arises?
(8. If you think this list is too dramatic, think about the fact that you were just quarantined for a cold virus for months on end. No one saw that coming.)
9. What do you have at home in the way of things to do and keeping kids occupied. Trampoline? Hot tub? Pool? Gardening? Sports? Games? If we end up spending more time isolated, working from home, you may want to get prepared for a very long winter. Think about things away from watching movies/tv/Netflix.
10. Have you met as a neighborhood yet? Talked this over? Have a neighborhood barbecue now and make some plans. Do you have skills to share or teach? Are their older couples in your neighborhood who would help you homeschool? Haircuts? That kind of thing. Network. Work together. Help each other. If Mayors shut down parks again like little Hitlers, can neighbor kids access different backyards in the neighborhood to have more creative fun?
11. They will be going crazy on pressing the flu vaccine issue. According to the scientists I’ve talked to and interviewed, do not get a flu shot. Since 2017, there have been major issues with the flu shots and that’s coming from someone who worked on the vaccines under Fauchi and tried to expose him. She said the flu shot will open you up to even more illness. That was her advice.
12. If you have an older person in your life, are they set up with Skype and FaceTime and more importantly do they know how to use it? Lol. More isolation could be devastating for them. Can neighbors discuss meal deliveries or devise ways to check up on those more isolated?
13. What will you do if you get a loss of income. Can you fix up a room to take on a renter? Can you reduce costs?
14. Can you set up networks of friends and associates through texting, email that can help each other if someone’s business needs support? Or family?
Look. You may be thinking- why so gloom and doom- enjoy the summer! I am, believe me.
Let me put it this way. Commercials for the vaccines are already made and ready to be rolled out. Social shaming will be in high gear. There’s a reason we didn’t just get THROUGH the spring but instead they are pushing a “new normal” for no reason- and keeping the color code lockdowns around.
MIT came out clear back in March and announced rolling lockdowns for up to two years. Everyone realizes by now that they had well laid plans drills already done to get our entire nation to comply that quickly, right? Even down to the social distancing signage. So we better be making plans too.
My personal thought is that they want to create chaos- uncertainty-fatigue so that we cave to the loss of liberty -just to restore peace again and stability - and sadly many will.
All I’m saying is look ahead. Prepare. Think ahead. Solve problems now while you can. Think outside the box. Remember history. We succeeded through creating underground solutions.
Do people have property to use for solutions to gatherings? Cell phone tracking will hurt freedom. Look at their use of Emergency Alert System to track you going out of state!
What can you do about that?
We created a spy ring to help win the Revolutionary War.
We devised an Underground Railroad.
Christians had ways of identifying other Christians in the dirt without saying a word.
We have a history, in history, of solving issues.
We are not exempt from having to get creative, as well. It’s just a different time and we are up against other challenges. Like our State governments.
This is not a message of fear. At all. And I hope you don’t feel that way. I hope I’m wrong. Wouldn’t that be great? Maybe I am.
If we are prepared, have thought these things out and just like a fire escape plan- we have at least planned for the future as best we can and rely on the Creator to inspire us and help us , we can feel more empowered and more at peace. The future doesn’t scare me- I just want to know what I can about it.
Spiritually, we need to be more in tune than ever. It will help us see through the load of propaganda that is coming our way.
Prayer works.
War would be brought to our coast line, but we would not be invaded at this time. However, a Russian invasion of the U.S. and Canada would come later.
One time in about 1946 an attorney who was quite interested in the Mine, and sometimes he attended the thursday night meetings, said to the Bishop, "How are you going to stop the Government from taking about 94% of the gold away from you?" The Bishop said, "Turney, there ain't goin' to be no Government when the Mine comes in!"
Bishop Koyle said that on the first shipment of gold that there would be a small piece in the paper near the mining page and few people would see it. It would be about one inch long in the paper. At this same date and on this same paper there would be four-inch headlines. We were never told what those headlines would be about. Also, when the second shipment of gold was made, there would be a jam at the mountain and hundreds of people would never get up there to be in the midst of it. I understood this jam would reach for several miles.
Koyle saw that the US President would die in office just a while after the mine came in. He saw them look up and down the country everywhere to try to find a man to take his place and they would not be able to find one and the nation wandered in chaos. That's how bad it will get.
He was shown that a Republican Administration would made great efforts to save the economy. He also said prices would go higher and higher and all at once something happened and in one night the props would be knocked out from under everything and down would come everything. This condition of rising prices would be brought about by strikes.
When the props give away there will suddenly be an overnight price and wage crash or deflation that seemed to occur the same time as the death of the republican president. The disaster which followed rated 4-inch headlines in newspapers throughout the country.
According to Velma Kunz who was the wife of a miner that lived on the hill near the mine, the bishop would many times get the miners off to work and then come on down the hill. He would many times stop in and talk to Velma. One day she asked when the economic crash would occur. He was sitting at the time with his arms across his chest and then he dropped his head down. She thought he had gone to sleep. After a period of time he opened his eyes and looked up at her and told her this. The overnite crash would occur on a holiday weekend where the holiday falls on a monday.
Koyle was shown that our entire wage and price structure had risen higher and higher so that it was like it was up on high stilts, and then suddenly it was as if someone over-night had kicked the stilts out from under it, and the whole thing came down with a crash to about 20 cents on the dollar. Property would only be worth l/5 of its form er value, but his mortgage and other fixed debts would remain the same.
The US would call it's military home from all over the world just to keep the greenbacks home and to keep the peace.
Bishop saw that after the Mine came in, that all the churches and schools would be closed down for a while. He saw this in about 1930.
Additionally Koyle said, not long after the mine came in, the U.S. money would become totally worthless.
A small notice would appear in the paper about the mine shipping it's first shipment of ore to be processed but the biggest economic disaster in the world would be the news of the day and would affect everyone.
The mine would pay it's first dividends or relief from the mine in November or December. Koyle said he had a dream that after the mine came in, many were sitting around and giving praise to God for this happy Christmas. In time we would learn to live without money under the Law of Consecration.
The Bishop said probably in the thirties that when the Mine comes in, we will have a queer lot of Dream Miners that want to do many things. One would buy a large automobile and tour many countries in the world; many would buy large ranches and stock them well with cattle; and Parley here would charter a ship and go down into Central America and hire a lot of men and uncover one of those ancient temples, and bring his findings back and give them to the BYU.
Well now, Bishop Koyle will tell you the most important thing for you to do. You should have your houses filled with a large amount of food, and go inside and cut off your radio, TV, your telephone, and your daily papers. You will not want to know what is going on in the outside world at all. I saw that two out of every three people on the earth would lose their lives from starving, or from being killed on account of the judgments of God that would be in full swing. I saw that I could walk great distances right here in Utah, by stepping from one man's dead body to the other. After you get inside your houses, you will be in there for quite some time. To me, my own opinion would be we would be there for the third and fourth years of famine, and probably another one because there was such a shortage of seeds to plant that there was not an abundance until the sixth year. I have been wrong before, and the best thing to do is to pray to Him for advice.
Contributor 5:411
The present times seem to be more than usually prolific of prophetic dreams among the Latter-day Saints. In nearly every settlement the people have been warned of events soon to occur; and visions of the future glory of the Kingdom of God upon this earth have passed like a panorama before many of those who love God and obey His commandments. Some two or three years ago, I had retired for the night, when suddenly a glorious messenger appeared at my bedside and awoke me from my slumber. The light of his presence filled the room, so that objects were discerned as clearly as at noonday.
He handed me a book, saying, "Look, and see what is coming to pass." I took the book in my hands and, sitting up in bed, examined it carefully and read its contents. In size this book was about seven by ten inches, opening like a copybook and bound in beautiful covers, on the front of which was stamped in gold letters its title, which was The Book of the Plagues. The leaves were printed only on the front side of each, and were composed of the very finest quality of pure white linen, instead of paper. The typography throughout was in the finest style of the printer's art. Each page was composed of a picture printed in colors as natural as art can copy nature, which occupied the upper half of the space, below which was the printed description of the scene represented.
[80] On the first page was a picture of a feast in progress, with the long table set upon a beautiful lawn, over which were interspersed clumps of fine shrubs and towering trees. In the background through the foliage, could be discerned a stately suburban villa, adorned with all the ornaments of modern architecture. The landscape presented the appearance of midsummer. The sky, and indeed the whole atmosphere, appeared of a peculiar sickly brassy hue, similar to that which may be observed when the sun is wholly eclipsed, and the disc is just beginning again to give its light. Throughout the atmosphere small white specks were represented, similar to a scattering fall of minute snow flakes in winter. About the table a party of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen were seated in the act of partaking of the rich repast with which the table was laden. The minute specks falling from above were dropping into the food apparently unheeded by all, for a sudden destruction had come upon them. Many were falling backward in the agonies of a fearful death; others drooping upon the table, and others pausing with their hands still holding the untasted food, their countenances betraying a fearful astonishment at the peculiar and unlooked for condition of their companions. Death was in the atmosphere; the judgments of God had come upon them as silently and swiftly as upon the proud Sennaeharib and his host of Assyrians.
In one corner of this picture was a small circular vignette, showing the front of the store of a dealer in pork. The wide sidewalk was covered by an awning supported on posts at the outer edge, and on this walk were shown barrels of pork, long strings of sausages, fresh slaughtered hogs, piles of smoked bacon and headcheese; and along the edge of the walk, next to the store, beneath the front windows, [81] leaned a number of large hams and pieces of side meat, reaching across the whole front, except a small space at the doorway. There were twelve of these pieces, and on each piece was painted a large letter, in order to make as a whole the word abominations.
Below this scene was the description: "A Feast among the Gentiles, commencement of the Plague." And in smaller type below, a note saying that the particles of poison, though represented in the picture, are
so small as to be invisible to the naked eye.
On the next page was another picture. It was a street scene in a large city. In the foreground were the residences of wealthy city merchants. The character of the buildings gradually changed; along the view and in the distance were shown the great buildings of trade and commerce in the heart of a large metropolis. On the sidewalks throughout the long vista, the busy, throbbing, rushing crowd had been cut down like grass before the mower.
Again it was a midsummer scene. The same atoms of poison were falling through the air, but their work was done; the same sickly brazen atmosphere that seemed thick with foul odors laid upon the earth, in which no breeze stirred a leaf of the foliage. Upon the balconies of the richly decorated residences, across the thresholds of the opened doorways, along the walks and upon the crossings, lay the men, women and children, who a few days before were enjoying all the pleasures of life. Further on, the dead were everywhere. Houses of business that had been thronged with customers stood with open doorways, frowning upon streets covered with the dead. Across the thresholds of the banks lay the guardians of wealth, but no thieves were there to [82] take the unlocked treasures within. The costly merchandise of a thousand owners laid untouched upon the counters and shelves. In the noonday glare of the sickly sun, not a soul was shown alive; not one had been left to bury the dead--all had been stricken or had fled from the death-dealing plague and the doomed city. Along midway upon the street, a hungry drove of those horrible ugly slaughterhouse hogs, (which may be seen in the pens attached to the filthy slaughtering places in the outskirts of many cities), was tearing and devouring the dead and feasting upon the bodies of rich and poor alike with none to molest them.
Below this picture was the description: "Progress of the Plague among the Gentiles. A street scene in a large city." Nearly fifty of these pictures I carefully observed, wherein the fearful effects of this and other plagues were almost as vividly portrayed as if I had actually seen them.
The last scene in the book was descriptive of the same plague as the first. A beautiful park-like, grassy prairie was surrounded by elm and cottonwood trees, the area embraced being about eighty rods across. In the centre of this enclosure was a large cone-shaped tent of a bright purple color, about thirty feet in height by twenty in diameter at the base. Midway in height in this tent was a floor dividing the inside into two stories. Near this tent was another, a round wall tent, about thirty feet in diameter, and nearly as high as the first. This was clean and white. Leaving a space of about a hundred yards from these central tents were hundreds of small rectangular wall tents in rows, reaching as far as the surrounding trees, each tent clean and white, and appearing to be of a size suited to the wants of [83] an ordinary family. Not a human being, animal, bird or vehicle was in sight. Not a breath of air appeared to be stirring. The same atmosphere as in the previous pictures, with the atoms of poison, was represented, and the same time and season of the year.
Below this picture was the description: "A camp of the Saints who have gathered together and are living under the daily revelations of God, and are thus preserved from the plague." I understood from this that each family was in its tent during the hours of the day that the poison falls, and thus were preserved from breathing the deathly particles.
Handing the book to the messenger, who all this time had remained by my side, he vanished from my view as suddenly as he had appeared. I awoke my wife, who was soundly sleeping, and commenced to relate to her what I had just beheld. After telling her the description of the two pictures at the beginning of the book, and commencing on the third, this third picture and all up to the last was suddenly taken from my memory, so that I have never been able to recall them; but still I remember that they were scenes about the plagues and judgments.
In the revelations given to the Prophet Joseph, among the many plagues and judgments portrayed, that given in the Doctrine and Covenants, Sec. 29:17-20, has always seemed to me to fully coincide with what has been related in the account of that dream. But whether that plague or another is meant, it does not matter. Plagues will come and the wicked must suffer; but the Saints will be preserved by the very principle for which the wicked persecute them, which is present revelation from the Almighty.
A vision seen by Newman Bulkley, veteran of the Mormon Battalion, on January 8, 1886, in Springville, Utah.
I retired to rest about 9 o'clock in the evening. In a short time I drowsed off to sleep, and it seemed as if the spirit of my dead wife was hovering round about me.
Suddenly I awoke, and sleep departed from me, and the vision of my mind was opened, and I beheld the members of the Senate of the United States. And while in session they were hurled from the hall by an unseen power. They rallied again, and the second time they were thrown from the hall. They rallied the third time and were again thrown from the hall with such violence that a great number of them were killed. All those that remained alive had the name of "EDMUNDS" printed on their foreheads.
Next I saw a whirlwind commence in the center of the House of Representatives which increased until it frightened all the members out of the House, and they then scattered to various parts of the United States; and the inhabitants of the city of Washington, D.C., became frightened and scattered until the city became almost desolate.
Then I saw a great tumult commence all over the United States, which ended in a great deal of blood [110] being shed. And a great many of the people who had heard our Elders preach, and had believed what they heard, but had not had the courage to embrace the Gospel when they heard it, gathered what little effects they could take with them, and came to this people in the Rocky Mountains.
Then I saw many thousands of women and children take refuge in the timber, hazel rough, or any place they could conceal themselves from the turmoil that was going on in the States. And when word reached this people of their situation, there were hundreds of Seventies called upon to go and hunt them up and bring them to this people in Utah.
Then the Government of the United States patched up their difficulties, and elected a new Congress, which assembled to do business. The crusade continued against the Latter-day Saints.
Our enemies attributed all their troubles to the Saints, and the crusaders raised such a howl and sent forth their petitions to Congress, that the first business they did was to order one hundred thousand of the best and most able-bodied men that could be obtained, to come against us.
When this became known to the Saints, instructions were sent forth for all the inhabitants of this territory to gather into the valleys, as near as possible to the Temples. And the people gathered into Salt Lake, Cache, Utah and Sanpete Valleys, and to St. George, until there was a family to nearly every acre of land, and all the country around was filled with our people. And water broke forth, where before there had been no water, so that all the land could be cultivated.
[111] I saw, also, that all the old men who had honored their Priesthood, became spry and young again.
I also saw that the greater number of those who had gone into polygamy for the principle thereof, had to go to prison; while those who had embraced it for lust, escaped, as the officers appeared to care nothing about them.
I saw no preparation of any warlike demonstration in the midst of the Saints, but all appeared to have the spirit of peace and contentment. And when the soldiers came near our borders, the United States officers and all the Gentiles were seized with fearfulness and left in haste by night and day, until they all got outside of the borders of this people and united with the soldiers.
Then the army surrounded this people on every side, and there was no possible way of escape. They then raised their standard and sent forth a proclamation to all who wished to save their lives to come to them for protection. And about one-third of our men and as many women as they could persuade to follow them, went over to the army and joined it.
Then I saw the preparations commence for the entire destruction of the Saints. It consisted in their gathering together all the combustible (explosive) material they could obtain, and making a complete wall all around this people. It looked to me to be some fifty feet high, and from six to ten rods wide on the bottom.
During the time of their gathering this combustible material, our people were laboring in the Temples, endowing men with the FULNESS of the blessings of the Priesthood, for their protection.
[112] And when the army had fired their combustibles, these men, endowed with the FULNESS of the Holy Priesthood, walked along, like sentinels at their posts, and waved their hands, and the flames, smoke and ashes that were intended for the destruction of the Saints, turned upon our enemies. And when this combustible matter was consumed, and the fire and smoke had cleared away, lo and behold, the enemies of this people were not to be found.
During all this time, our people were laboring in the Temples day and night, endowing the Elders of Israel with the FULNESS of the blessings of the Holy Priesthood, until they got the number of fifty thousand endowed. During this time the Temple in Salt Lake City had been completed, and in one of the rooms situated in one of the towers, Jesus and Joseph, with their council, were sitting. Then preparations were made for the fifty thousand to go down to the Center Stake of Zion, with Jesus and Joseph at their head, riding in their chariots of fire. They seemed to be somewhere about six to ten rods above the earth.
While all these scenes had been transpiring, the remnants or Lamanites of the land had gathered in from all quarters east of the Rocky Mountains, and some had come from South America. When our brethren passed down to the Center Stake of Zion, the remnants went forth and redeemed the land of Zion.
When my attention was drawn back again to the mountains, I saw that the young men and middle-aged men had been called away upon different missions; and the old men and women and children had to do all the farm work; and all those who were laboring to build up the City of Zion in Jackson County, had to [113] be sustained from these valleys, with the exception of the remnants of the house of Jacob. The buffalo and other game had returned upon the plains to feed them until they could be taught the art of agriculture.
The earth in the valleys was sanctified and cleansed so that it brought forth in its strength, and instead of its bringing from 15 to 40 bushels of grain to the acre, it brought forth from 100 to 200 bushels. The water broke forth in the parched ground, and all these valleys were filled with the Saints of the Most High, who had gathered in from the nations of the earth, to be schooled in the Temples that are now built and that will yet be built, to prepare them to go forth to the Center Stake of Zion.
I saw all this pass before the eyes of my understanding; and when it had passed once, it was repeated again, which occupied about the whole of the night. I turned over and tried to sleep, but sleep had fled from me, and soon it was daylight. I was not asleep, but was awake the whole time, and I arose, filled with the glory of what I had seen, resting upon me.
* *
This vision was originally published in a small pamphlet which is very rare at the present time.
[114] * * * * *
For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. (Job 33:14-16)
Brother Richard Draper is a religion teacher at BYU.
Why Leaders Are Quiet About The End Times!!
Richard Draper is an authority on the Book of Revelations, and he answers these questions.
"Between now and the time we build Zion - we are vulnerable.
Why don't church leaders speak out more and warn about the last days and what's coming?
Why is there no show of strength by the Church?
Why is there so much evil?
Why is there no parting of the Red Sea, as it were, or the ten plagues?
Why is there no drying up of the heavens, or plagues under the administration of the prophet?
Why is it that the church leaders do not march forth in strong defense, rising up to condemn the nation like the prophets of old?
Where is the equivalent of the burden of Babylon, or the burden of Assyria, or the burden of Moab?
We are just not hearing about these things!
Why do the leaders sit quietly, doing the inner work of the kingdom - rather than battling for righteousness by buying prime time slots on TV, holding huge rallies, or shouting hell fire against the sin centers of the world. Even the missionaries are encouraged not to contend, but to preach with love.
Could it be that we are now in the one thousand two hundred and sixty days when the beast walks the land? Are we now in the time, times and half-time, when the three and ½ years commence? Are we in the midst of the forty two months? Could it be that evil really is supposed to have the upper hand, to do its work ... almost unhindered (at least for the time being)? Is it really possible?
The Book of Revelation in the New Testament provides an answer. It shows us that the path of the church is not to actively fight against Babylon, or to put her down. She is to grow fat and sassy and to grow ever more arrogant and
strong; and to remain ignorant that the day of her destruction is not far distant.
Our job is to flee Babylon (repent), gather Israel through the preaching of the gospel; perfect the Saints, redeem the dead, and build Zion.
The church does not have the resources to fight against principles, institutions or people. Every ounce of energy (financial and human) must be used for people, for morality, for goodness - not for actively opposing Babylon. In the Book of Revelation neither the 144,000 nor the Saints take part in any opposition against Babylon, the dragon, the beast, or false prophets. The Saints are absent from all battlefields. The 144,000 are engaged only in the gathering of those of Israel who will come to the church of the firstborn. The only task that The Book of Revelation assigns to the Saints is to worship God and not the beast, to endure in faith, maintain virtue, to withstand
persecution, and to preach the gospel of God.
Evil really does have to have its day! Therefore, the church, for the present, is in a kind of isolation mode - concerned mostly with itself and internal affairs, strengthening its doctrinal and theological foundation - adding to
its membership all who will come and leaving the rest of the world to build that part of hell in which they will soon fall.
Yes, evil really has to have its day. This world experiencing the stage on which the cosmos will be able to see the self-destructive nature of unrighteousness. Wickedness is going to come down! It is wickedness that is going to
bring wickedness down. (The prophet won't need to do it - the wicked will bring it on themselves.) The cosmos is going to be able to see that. And just at the point where everyone has learned this lesson . . . then God is going to
step in and save the world."
God laid out the plan for this world before it was created, and Jesus Christ is carrying out that plan in flawless detail. The Prophet and Apostles today are doing their part in carrying out that plan just as it was designed by God.
We have been warned. We are now being tested to see if we will be obedient to the prophet.
God's plan is working. The question is - ARE WE ON BOARD WITH HIS PLAN?