Jerusalem has risen and fallen on their righteousness. There is a GREAT push right now to find the lost city of David so they know where to build the third temple in the next few years.
Each of the layers they are digging thru represents a cultural lapse in judgement where they have departed the way and crossed that line.
The Prophets and prophets have warned, pleaded and finally been killed or driven off. Either way, they won. My daughter was a little irritated that I managed to get myself walked out the door in spectacular fashion. I reminded her that this was only the first volley and that while it may appear that you have lost the first battle, when God is directing the coordinates and has greater ordinance (did you pick up on the double entendre?? which should in no way be construed as a physical threat by spiritually dense people....), you do not lose the war.
So, yeah it may have appeared that Lehi lost in 589BC, but he and his posterity went on. The others had an end to their dominion. That saga is still playing out as his righteous posterity take front and center in North American events as Ephraim loses her fortress and Manasseh rises up like a lion to use OT imagery.
Here is what got me spun up:
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