This is a fascinating perspective from a mentor of mine who is a huge Nibley fan and a really sharp gal. She is having health issues right now, which is a good thing because suffering brings power as humility, meekness and dependence on the Lord are amplified, bringing great power to those who possess those qualities in great quantity. Please ask for an intervention on her behalf. Gotta keep her in a good state because she is Millennial material; one of the best people I know:
(talking on FB about the Georgia guidestones that mysteriously popped up about 40 years ago)
Freaky, isn’t it?
I had been reading in Book of Revelations 17 about 3 weeks ago, pondering what the “one hour” of power those Kings had.
Then you posted that about those stones... sooo... there it was.
The damned Watchers (not a swear word, they are actually damned) always set things up that they are going to do by announcing it beforehand because apparently to them “humans are too stupid to get what they are doing, so why not just blatantly tell them...”
But that means one more year and the limit on the population goes off the charts. And the beast... which I personally believe is a Watcher based on the whole of Rev 17, as well as a construct of dominion, will gain full control... or that is their plan.
I was looking at Revelation 17:8 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. The bottomless pit was where the Watchers during Enoch’s time, were cast into.... “...Was and is not, and yet is..” is referring to something that existed upon the earth in the past, but not at the time the Book of Revelation was penned by John. Yet, it will happen again. Also the thing the symbol of a “beast” or in the German version the word being “creature”... Is that of something that comes from where the watchers were cast and then later goes into perdition.
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