I have earlier posted about bho (I refuse to capitalize anything to do with him, so as to not legitimize him.....), who is the a/C.
bho ascended Temple Mount on March 22nd, 2013 on the Skull and Bones date (CLICK LINK FOR 3/22 PICS) and the year being the occultic date of 13, 33 years after the Georgia guidestones were put up in 1980, declaring their intentions to bring the world population down in a major way - years before it will actually occur in a few short ones. Yes, your goose is about to shortly be cooked if you are not ready.
Here is more on 322:
33 is a reoccurring number in many things from the the number of vertebrae in the human spine to the measure in which the earth vibrates.
Copy and pasted from http://www.virtuescience.com/322.html
The Number 322
Prime Factors of 322=2x7x23.
322 is a Lucas Number.
322 is a 17-gonal Number.
322 is a 55-gonal Number.
322 is the 35th number which is the Product of 3 distinct primes.
322 is the number of + signs needed to write the Partitions of 12
According to the Skull and Bones Society lore in 322 B.C., a Greek orator died. When he died, the goddess Eulogia, the goddess, whom Skull and Bones called the goddess of eloquence, arose to the heavens and didn't happen to come back down until 1832, when she happened to take up residence in the tomb of Skull and Bones.
Now take your place at the bottom of the pyramid (and shut up!):
The content is NOT mine, but I found it rather instructive in detailing the Lord's way over the devil's way...