Studies in Revelation
My thoughts on the 'Half Hour of Silence'.... Up until the year 2000, the Apostles were giving powerful talks that often spoke of 'preparing for the great and dreadful day of the Lord'.... then, for the most part, those types of talks stopped and the Apostles began speaking of "Faith, Hope & Charity".
We find the same pattern in the Book of Mormon.
I have heard many ask in frustration - and have repeatedly asked myself over the past decade "Why is the church not emphasizing preparedness much anymore? Why are they not shouting at us from the pulpits like they used to? We are even closer now to the Second Coming than we were 20 years ago... why are they not speaking much of it anymore?"
DUH! because we are in the half hour of silence... He told us and told us and told us - now he is waiting to see if we will do what He asked without Him having to tell us what He already told us....
When you read Revelation, you see that in chpt 7, Elias is holding back the destroying angels until the saints are prepared (as much as they will be) and temples dot the land.
Then you read of a Temple Dedication where ALL would attend.(April 6, 2000 Palmyra)
Then immediately after that in 8:1 the Seventh Seal is opened and the half hour of silence begins.
Continuing in chpt 8, you see that the angels are unloosed to begin the destruction.... but not yet the Tribulations... those will be the last part of the half hour of silence, and possibly an additional 3 1/2 years after the silence ends. (depending on which timeline is correct)
In Rev 11:19 we are seeing the 144K beginning to understand the mysteries as 'heaven is opened'. The Eclipse happened Aug 21.... here is vs 19:And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament (revelation flowing to the awake saints. The ark of the covenant is aka The Ark of the Testament):... and then after the Eclipse – or this sign of heaven - this began: " and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail."… all of which happened in that 5 weeks before the Rev 12 sign…
Then in Rev 12 - the Sign of the Woman in the Sky on Sept 23.... the 144K are prepared. Michael and Satan have a war over these - Satan says they are not perfect enough to be Translated - Michael kicks him back out of heaven. Then Satan knowing he cannot stop these 'awake and prepared saints' from their destiny of becoming the 144K, he makes war on the woman - which is the Church and the remnant of her seed which were not prepared. *
Chpt 13 – Hang ON! Satan’s power of deception will be ramping up. The Anti Christ should soon be revealed. Things will get much worse than they are now with the evil that will cover the earth.
Chpt 14 – HURRAY for Christ! He has come to the earth and stands with the 144K – which will be from among us… they will have been here working among us.. they will be many of us… Have you felt to sing the song of Redeeming Love as spoken in vs.3? I do not know the words – but when you feel it, it feels different than any other time when you have felt exceeding joy – more intense, more pure… it is amazing.
NOW in 14:6 HERE is where the 144K go out to fulfill the prophecy of teaching ALL Nations, Tongues & People… it is the 144K that will complete this prophecy – NOT the regular missionaries who have been laying the ground work and building the Church…. the missionaries will be called home as it get too dangerous for them to go out and the 144K/Translated/Terrestrial men and women will take over this final gathering during the worst of the Tribulations as people repent and turn back to God.
** Many members are waiting for the prophecy of ‘every ear to hear’ to be fulfilled – but it will not be fulfilled by our missionaries… the world will be in such turmoil, that the everyday member will likely not even know when it has been fulfilled. When they get called home – that might wake up more of our members…. Let’s hope.
Chpt 15 – we see that these 144K are still in constant communication with the heavens – (in Rev12 we are told that the Lord would rule with a rod of Iron – meaning DIRECT REVELATION to the 144K) more plagues….. then at the end of 15:8, we see that the temples will be closed for a season…. Daniel also prophecies of this.
…. During all this time, the number of the 144K will grow as more become worthy of Translation/Terrestrial. The New Jerusalem will be under construction. Therein will be a place of Refuge and safety… but members must have qualified for C&E to enter. Meanwhile other places of refuge will be set up where the saints will be safe IF THEY ARE LISTENING from the worst of it …..