Lately, I have been wondering about the institution angle and wonder if it is not the banking/stock market/money institutions. We truly worship it as a people and hang our lives and our futures on it. I am trying to disconnect myself from that world because I think the pursuit and the interconnectedness of money and our relentless pursuit of it is toxic in our lives and truly is at the root of most of the evils out there. If we would like to participate in these markets (and survive in today's world) you will have to submit to the mark of this thing (probably some kind of electronic chip), etc. Right now, you cannot fly, rent a car, buy gas after hours, pretty much do anything without the plastic and participating in this thing. So much for self-sufficiency and the autonomy and self-determination that is required of all free men so that they may be judged for themselves. We have virtually no freedoms left - and most of this promulgated from (the former) "most free nation on the face of the earth". People are beginning to wake up to their awful situation that they find themselves "occupied" with. Good people will not remain slaves forever....
Here is a graphic and headlines that caught my attention on the Drudge report this morning....
Do you worship? Or are you extracting yourself from the teat of this thing from which you have been taught to suck since you were a child?
I can't wait until the Lord comes again. These institutions that seek to get gain from the fortunes and misfortunes of others will come to naught and man will once again live organically off the land relying only on God and His power and goodness to make it through their lives.
Rise of the second wounded head of the beast?