I got a great (at least honest) comment on the blog about wanting this EQ in Utah. I cannot remember what the commenter called me, but it wasn't flattering....lol
Likely from someone who lives in SLC - but who I am surprised reads the blog....
The "Spring EQ" I am looking for is not necessarily one that is destructive (other than a few old masonry buildings), but it will be one that is just strong enough to wake people up. To start taking a long look around them and to take the words of the Prophets seriously and to see the awfulness of our situation.
I will never forget when we made a trip down to Gen Conference and my oldest daughter began commenting on how many billboards were up along I-15 referencing plastic surgery. She felt that was wicked in some form. When we were back, I looked up the stats and found that Utah has the highest per-capita plastic surgeon density in the nation. Even more so than LA or Vegas..... That means lots of nips and tucks and implants for lots of people worried very much about looks. I remembered the 33 gallon garbage bags stuffed with clothes from gay cruising (anonymous sex in the bushes) in City Creek Park. I remembered the article on King5 talking about how EQ Presidents and many others who were recommend holders were actively wife swapping down in dRaper. Pretty disgusting stuff - unless you are perverse; then it is defensible. And I remembered the statement from Heber C. Kimball that Utah would be classed among the wicked cities of the earth.
The fact is, generally speaking, the people are ripe. I have to say I am still scratching my head over the nuke in Ogden. Are the people there (in and out of the Church) really of that kind of nature? There will be few survivors close in (including my co-worker). Those who are not ripe, will have to rely on the Lord to bring them through (like Spencer). The same applies to Cardston or any other place where the people have been given much. The same thing applies to the USA, that somehow just turned a blind eye to the wholesale slaughter of the unborn (until Trump and a few others have tried to turn the tide). Coming up now on 50 years of bloody carnage. How ironic would it be if we had it removed either by a SCOTUS reversal of 1973, or by force of circumstance (inability to power lights and operating tables, etc). If this nations wants blood, I am sure the Lord will oblige them. Especially in the big cities where abortion can often be a form of birth control.
Many will rail against this kind of talk. Many did in Lehi's day. Many did in Jesus' day. And this, to their temporal and spiritual peril. The archealogical layers are littered with the testaments of their folly.
So why would I take any pleasure in this (if any at all)? Because I know that these things must come to pass prior to a better way being revealed. I did not like my wife's body being cut apart or torn apart (literally) to bring our five children into this world. It was incredibly brave and selfless of her - but I knew it had to happen in order to grace our lives with the spirits we were sent. For me, the sacrifice and possibility of losing her in the process, was far less of a risk than what good would come of the sacrifice. I believe she would obviously say the same. There is no reward of lasting value in something where there is no risk involved.
So, if you read this and feel anger as many did in the days of Lehi. Repent. Simple. If you cannot repent, come and get me. After the border opens, of course....
On a different note.... I have seen some level of whispering about President Nelson. There have been no real tweets or messages from him (other than pre-recorded stuff) since the jab in Jan. If you have seen him in the past four weeks (in person), please reach out in the comments. I have also heard that Elder Holland is using a walker to get around since the jab in Jan. I have some theories about what may be going on - but do not want to feed the rumor mill until I have fleshed out my channels of information.
Thanks in advance for chiming in (I will not share comments, if you request it).
Meanwhile, for the faithful. Continue to watch and wait. Only those who have their lamps lit (as a sign of welcoming the Bridegroom), will be called into the Wedding Feast. We should desire this invitation with all our hearts and seek now to qualify. He is knocking - and possibly has even entered already.

I am a long time reader from Ogden and I live on the bench overlooking Hill Air Force Base of all places. I started reading your blog and prepping back in 2014 and have plenty of food, and supplies for my family. I pay attention to the prophets and the signs and study the second coming. I have a neighbor who works on base who has the same mindset as me and we discuss different scenarios that could play out.
ReplyDeleteWhat brings me comfort is the wonderful community of resilient people that live here. We have a rock-solid ward and stake full of amazing, spiritual people, who serve each other. We have been tested over the last five years with a wildfire, a tornado, a terrible wind storm that left us without power for a week, and the minor earthquake last spring. Many people have been awakened and are preparing. I don't think that our bishop, stake president or area leader would allow us to be vaporized without warning so I attend all my meetings, pay attention, and take notes but I haven't received a warning or prompting to move quite yet.
I am grateful for your dream because it has opened my eyes to the dangers of living here. So when the time comes and the call goes out we'll hitch up our trailers, head through the canyon, and hopefully avoid the calamities. Keep up the good work my friend!
One of the very first things I noticed in Pres. and Sister Holland's Roots Tech visit to St. George with his three children was that he was using a walker. Dear Sister Holland also doesn't talk as clearly anymore. I love them. They are definitely aging like my parents. He was president of BYU when I entered as a freshman. Here are the Hollands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2otJ3fnJuU
ReplyDeleteI feel bad that you think you are smarter then the Prophet and the Apostles.
ReplyDeleteWe moved here from Arkansas 3 years ago. I would have to agree with you on many points, but also there are some really great members here. Most of my ward are member that have lived outside the bubble for many years. We were brought here through fasting and pray like you to Cardston. We choose our house the same way. We are some what shielded from a blast at the airbase, after the EQ last year I looked at our soil composition, and with a 7.0 in bountiful we would have minor damage according to the USGS. we live west of I15 in southern kaysville.
ReplyDeleteI would have never imagined being here but when you have that witness you must. I took a downgrade in my job to do this, but we have no debt and a good house. I feel blessed to be here and when it is time to take a hike we are ready to so that too.
I have it on good authority that Elder Holland has cancer and his wife has MS.
ReplyDeleteElder Holland has been using the walker a lot longer than just since he got the vaccine. He was using it last year, even before last conference. And though I have not personally seen President Nelson recently, others I know have who work for the church. PLEASE don't feed the rumor mill!
ReplyDeletewhat is the guy talking about "the jab in january"
ReplyDeleteJab = covid vaccine.
ReplyDeleteJab = covid vaccine.
ReplyDeleteThe vaccine