For the most part, I dismiss the likes of Castro, Chavez and Iran's leader (don't even care to learn his name....) because they are just too far into the freak zone.
One guy that really does make me uneasy is Iran's nutcase prez. Here is the article:
My concern is that we have statements from people like Sarah Menet who said 15 years ago that Iran would launch a nuke to Israel from Northern Africa (probably the Shahab 3 shown above - thanks N Korea and Russia....) and nail Tel Aviv (a rather worldly city - the Las Vegas of Israel). I do not doubt that as completely possible, given what has transpired in the last 15 years.
Time will tell - and I think prove her words correct.....
This is off topic for this post, but applies so well to other posts. Joseph Smith saw our day, lock stock and barrel.
It may start in Arizona, but we all know, in light of JS prophecy, the problem came from Chicago.
I believe it will be the quiet, conservative, upstanding folks who are sick of the media's twists, Washington's lies and against-the-will-of-the-people-maneuverings-for-gain and immoralities that will throw down the gauntlet.