From the interwebz. Too cool not to publish. I am sure there are more than we can comprehend out there. Yet, the godless will just shrug it off as a thing of the imagination:
I feel to share a personal story that very few people know - not a NDE but a guardian angel showing up at a critical moment. The details are absolutely nuts but the headline: I was fresh out of college, young and stupid, alone in a foreign country, being attacked by a big man in a remote forest, and I didn't know where I was. What can only be a guardian angel dressed up as a cab driver drove up into the forest - way off the road - in an actual cab in the middle of the night. He got out of the car with a smile on his face and asked me if I wanted a ride. For the record, I was on the ground, where my attacker was holding me, and the scene didn't look good, but the cabby didn't react to the scene at all, he just asked me (in English) if I wanted a ride. (Now you see why I never share this story - it doesn't sound real, it sounds like a fever dream). It absolutely happened, as fantastic as it sounds, and I was saved from a future that must have been so off my life plan that my guardian angel had to get creative.
This was many years ago and it's still one of my most vivid memories that provides new insights all the time. Most recently I've been awed with a few points from that experience:
1 - I was given agency. The angel asked me if I wanted a ride, and allowed me to choose what would happen next (obviously I fought to get to the cab and got in!)
2- this angel only looked at me - didn't acknowledge in any way my attacker. The attacker held me, but I clawed away - he furiously chased me as I raced towards the cab, but stopped short at the cabby. He couldn't touch the man or get near him or the cab. He stood several feet away hurling the most disgusting insults and the cabby/angel was completely unfazed, never once looked at him or changed expression.
3 - I got in the cab and he drove me to safety - so he had some kind of corporal abilities? I don't know? So wild, right? He didn't say anything to me in the car, took me to where I was staying and just kept looking at me with a smile in the rearview mirror.
I think of this story all the time. Gives me hope and faith that there's an order to our lives and our Heavenly Father intervenes if we want it when we're veering off the program, even dispatching an angel to drive a cab in the forest. (There were serious prayers being offered on my behalf while I had this overseas internship, and that probably helped too). Also I feel strength knowing that there are limits to the reach of evil. It might feel like Satan has full dominion here, but this experience tells me that's not true. Lastly, I'm empowered and humbled with the great responsibility of agency. I made a dumb decision to be where I was to be attacked in the first place, but thankfully that was not my life plan and I was offered an out if I wanted it. (For the record, I have NOT been rescued from many other hardships - this one must not have been part of my deal here). I could have still chosen to NOT take God's help and be left alone. Wonder how many times in my life I've chosen to pass on an angelic helping hand? This moment is so dramatic, my choice to accept help or not was life or death; most decisions don't carry that kind of immediacy but definitely impact our trajectory. We will likely be shocked when we see our life review and how involved our angels have been in guiding us quietly, and also how we've ignored the quiet interventions that might have saved us much sorrow.
This is outside the stated topic of this page a bit, but I hope it provides some faith and hope in a loving plan and safety net for us all - and I think that's kind of the point of talking about NDEs? Life has meaning, and death is NOT the end. (And maybe we'll get a cool guardian angel gig in the next life to drive a cab into a forest?)