Sunday, December 15, 2024


 We know the ancient Israelites had some very interesting relics including the Rod of Aaron which was the staff that Moses used to perform his miracles and which was handed down to John the Baptist (direct descendant of Aaron) which ended up in this dispensation via Oliver Cowdery and which was the "cane" that Brigham used to strike the ground and declare the location of the Salt Lake Temple.  Here are some previous pieces I did on the subject:

And this was the subject that got me labelled a heretic by a counselor in our Cardston Bishopric for even mentioning.  Man, I hate it when facts and data get me into trouble....  Just because you are just too dumb or too disinterested to look up cool stuff, does not make me "nefarious".  Head in the sand much?

Anyway, they also had a device which was basically a laser, but whose name roughly translates into "holy worm" and could burn through stone and could kill people as a defensive weapon.  This was the Shamir and also has it's ties to the Garden of Eden:

In like fashion, we know they used to transport very large things over exceeding long distances.  Large stones, etc  To the point, some feats cannot still be duplicated to this day.

Did the Levites (Aaron) also have this ability?:

I will be looking for more information to corroborate this detail.

Friday, December 13, 2024


 This guy makes perfect sense:

Most of the "science" we are taught is a lie.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


 Damascus is an interesting place.  Jesus was there.  Apparently, it has been under seige and attack but it has been continuously inhabited and has not suffered the fate of so many cities around it, such as Jerusalem with not so much as one stone standing upon another stone (the temple) or so many others where you find the foundations buried under 4 feet of debris, soil etc.  And the big one, all of the inhabitants being carried off into slavery - or outright slaughtered (thus, the miracle that it has been continuously inhabited for so long).  In contrast, how many times has Jerusalem been utterly flattened with either the Assyrians, Babylonians or Romans or who knows who else carrying them off to be slaves and dispersed throughout the known world at the time?

So, Assad is out - apparently fled his palace a few days ago.  Damascus has still not become a ruinous heap - so what will happen?  Will Russia attempt (with the current distraction in Ukraine) to take it back and place their puppet back in power?  If so, will that surge to take it back flatten it finally?  So far as I know, other than an Israeli attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, it is still a city intact.  

Isaiah 17:1 declares, “The burden against Damascus: 'Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap. '” This prophecy remains unfulfilled for the time being, but the unraveling of Syria's stability suggests the fulfillment may be imminent. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories.21 hours ago
What is the prophecy of Ezekiel 38?

Monday, December 9, 2024


 This guy clearly acted out of desperation.  Out of vengeance, malice and hatred.

But, hear me out.  If I were on a jury and heard his story (likely his momma or himself or a very cherished sibling got screwed over when a critical treatment was denied to them by an executive's policy whose sole reason for existence is to push for the denial of benefits, to increase his company's profitability, increase "shareholder value" and whose main objective is not to increase the well-being of his constituents), I would have likely let the guy off the hook after a psych eval, so long as he wore an ankle bracelet for the rest of his life and was never allowed to buy firearms, etc.

Why?  Because this fat cat exec likely denied him something that was critical for human survival and he probably did the only thing he knew how - go to the source and "take care of the problem".  Possibly, if the denied treatment were for him, he would have nothing to lose if he were going critical anyway.  We all have to die sometime....

Radical you say?  Nope, I call genius in a world where corruption (people being bought out for ridiculous amounts of money) is rampant.  Have you ever asked yourself why people are paid the salaries they are?  Often, inflated salaries are paid out to dull the conscience of the initiate into the world of the Gadiantons, where the payouts and perks (gains) are more ridiculous the higher up the chain you go.

If this fellow had lashed out at the person on the end of the phone, he would have done the unthinkable to someone who was just doing what they were told.  In this instance, he went for the guy who likely pushed the policy button that got him into the health pickle that he is in.  A guy at the top of the chain who likely did not have a conscience.  Why no conscience?  Because for every minute he is at work, he is earning $75 per minute at his $10 million dollar salary.  This is how the Gadiantons work to screw the average person over: pay them ridiculous salaries and basically bribe them to screw the people to increase profits.  This is how Big Harma (not necessary the health insurance companies, but the purveyors of poisons) has screwed over the average man today.  They create the poisons, then get the average "in-doctor-inated" whitecoat to push their drugs to the average unsuspected/trusting fellow human being.  The doctors earn half or more of their incomes from big harma for having pushed their poisons.  So, while they live in veritable mansions by earning their filthy lucre, the rest of us unsuspecting and trusting people suffer the ill effects of their actions.  Many (not all doctors are bad - like those who set bones, deliver babies, promoters of good diets, etc) are just doing what they think is best, based on their knowledge.  Some know the truth and fight against the corruption.  Others know the truth and turn a blind eye to it.  Over time, they cannot deny the facts staring them right in the face.

So, if your loved ones perished on an airplane that was known to be faulty and an executive over safety hid those defects from the traveling public, the oversight (FAA) and they did it to keep the stock prices from plunging, what would you do if you did not fear a Just God?  Me?  I would be inclined to do the exact same thing this kid did in NY.  Thankfully, I know the plan and would never go there, knowing that if it does not get taken care of in this world, it will happen in the next life.  But as the vectors of godlessness cross each other (a population who is sick of getting screwed and does not believe in eternal consequences and the other vector of Gadiantons who just are in it for gain (money and power) and care not for the little guy who is getting screwed), you will begin to see more and more of this.  In fact, the pulling of the names of the executives off of of healthscare websites is telling.  They know that the lax public response (no outrage over a cold-blooded murder) tells them all they need to know; the average person is pissed at the fat cats who are living large, while we are collectively getting screwed.  Mutiny is afoot....

This is NOT a bad thing; precisely because it will lead to self-correcting behavior.  If these fat cat execs that are screwing the people over just to line their pockets, fear for their lives (if they are too deadened in conscience to do the right thing out of fear/respect of God), then they might act appropriately out of fear instead out of a sense of morality.  Either way, it gets the job done.  If the average person lets these types off and we see a wave of this overtake those who have dealt unjustly, then the will of the people have spoken.  Am I for lawlessness or violence?  Nope.  But I am for people treating each other in a fair-minded way.

In Japan, there is corruption, yes.  But there, the salary of the average high level manager is on order of less than an order of magnitude of the average working man's salary.  They are not put on a pedestal, just paid for the extra headache they might have as part of their job role or the amount of headache they had to put in to get their education in order to perform their job role.

So, either way, the system will self-correct and the Gads will not utterly escape their fate.  Either in this life, or in the next.

Friday, December 6, 2024


This is a great quote and fits with other corroborating statements by Joseph.  It will be spectacular!:

Jacob Hamblin was an earlier pioneer in southern Utah, and honest peace keeper with native Indians who became family by adoption.  He is sometimes referred to as the "Buckskin Apostle", or the "Apostle to the Lamanites". In 1958, he was inducted into the Hall of Great Westerners of the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum.

Coming in one day and seeing my geography on my lap, he [Jacob Hamblin] told [me] that the Prophet said to him that at the North Pole is [a] convex or cup shaped [depression] with the deepest sea resting there. The planet that belonged to that part of the world would in time return to its place, strike the earth at that part, complete the sphere. The result would be a ‘reeling to and fro like a drunken man’ by the Earth … (Biographical Record of Martha Cragun Cox, p. 104. Church Historican Department

Here is a link to part of her story from the reference above:

Thursday, December 5, 2024


 This is a quote from a fellow Boeing engineer that was a contractor and then went direct and became a manager.  When he was a lowly contractor, he would always say this:  

"You have to be careful whom you screw over, for tomorrow you may be licking their boots..."

This applies to all situations.  Especially all the beaurocrats that screwed him over in California and on his SpaceX ventures in Texas, etc.   He and Ramaswany (sp) are going to do a mighty work in cutting the fat - and more likely focusing on areas where they have been given hell by the useless parasites of DC.

To all the people who have thrown significant people or institutions under the bus (Joseph Smith, Jesus, etc), there will be a cummeuppance and it is not going to be pretty.  EVERY action has an equal and opposite reaction.  You cannot run away and hide from perfect Justice.  If you trash the Book of Mormon and the institution that safeguards it, you will have to answer to those who gave their lives over this.  NOT going to be very pretty.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


 I have a few former friends who were too smart for their own good that have completely (arrogantly and stupidly) rejected the Book of Mormon and Joseph and the Endowment.  Basically, they got mad at the Church's position on the wackseen and decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  It almost sucked in a few people that I love, so I went on a brutal attack - which they then turned on me and tried calling me out for "not understanding" their insane "journey".  Man, I have come to hate that word...  It is code for "letting go of the Iron Rod and doing a cross country jaunt through the mists of darkness".  When they finally pull their heads out of their asses (like Martin Harris finally did), the wreckage is often too great to overcome with what life they have left, if in their older years...  Most start this insane "journey" about the mid-life crisis time.  

Basically, I have found in the case that hits the closest to home, that there is excessive attention to worldly pursuits like Christmas celebrations, B-days, etc (thousands of dollars for each shindig) and you will rarely find a church book in their library to balance out the the Sunday sports, the Harry Potter BS and other mindless fantasy.  You will rarely find food in their pantries because they are so busy partying like it is 1999.  Hardly the take I would have considering world events and warnings from those on the watchtowers that Jesus' coming is imminent.  This makes them easy to deceive because they do not know the doctrines of the Kingdom and usually come to the wolves and charlatans to receive their "knowledge".  They are nice social Mormons (people I actually enjoyon a casual basis, just not the ones you want to be around when the crap hits the fan).  Because they will be on your doorstep asking for food and family connections will be strained by the response of "heck no, but sorry!!".  Jesus was very clear that we are not to share our oil (knowledge/spiritual and food/temporal) after the door is closed against those who were foolish.  That mindset might be easy to maintain considering those in this position would hardly give a "crazy" guy like me the time of day while giving out the rhetoric I have been assigned to distribute by God himself in a temple of the Lord.  When the hammer falls, I hope the separation of the sheep and the goats will be very stark, so things are not messy in the interrim.

For such, I hold no respect.  They never followed the Prophet (at least to the level I think we should be doing towards the Lord's mouthpiece), so why should they criticize him for telling everyone basically that they are on their own (because the Church likely has been infiltrated and they are not allowed to say what needs to be said without the Deep State shutting them down) and to seek out the best medical advice and to get a response on the jib jab from the HG (and not man).  In my opinion, anyone over a 120 IQ could see the scamdemic for what it was:  a manipulative ploy to foist something on mankind - the entire world population.  So much hysteria and BS.  So, the response by the Church shows that something was clearly illogical.

So anyway - here is to baby that got chucked with the bathwater.  Tread on sacred things very lightly!

Here is just one video and book that backs up the Endowment through history:

Enjoy!  And hold fast to the Iron Rod!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


 Good stuff in relation to the previous post, in that he will be there with the Savior to judge Israel during the time of tribulation, when the earth shall reel to and fro (the great EQ of VoG as taught in Matthew 24, etc?:

Joseph Smith,Jr.

Given by Joseph Smith, Sr., Patriarch of the Church of the Latter Day
Saints, to his son on December 9, 1834. Joseph Smith, junior was born in
Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont, December 23, 1805.

Joseph, my son, I lay my hands upon thy head in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, to confirm upon thee a father's blessing. The Lord thy God
has called thee by name out of the heavens: thou hast heard his voice
from on high from time to time, even in thy youth. The hand of the angel
of his presence has been extended toward thee by which thou hast been
lifted up and sustained; yea, the Lord has delivered thee from the hands
of thine enemies and thou hast been made to rejoice in his salvation:
thou hast sought to know his ways, and from thy childhood thou hast
meditated much upon the great things of his law. Thou hast suffered much
in thy youth, and the poverty and afflictions of thy father's family
have been a grief to thy soul. Thou hast desired to see them delivered
from bondage, for thou hast loved them with a perfect love. Thou hast
stood by thy father, and like Shem, would have covered his nakedness,
rather than see him exposed to shame: when the daughters of the Gentiles
laughed, thy heart has been moved with a just anger to avenge thy
kindred. Thou hast been an obedient son: the commands of thy father and
the reproofs of thy mother, thou hast respected and obeyed - for all
these things the Lord my God will bless thee. Thou hast been called,
even in thy youth to the great work of the Lord: to do a work in this
generation which no man would do as thyself, in all things according to
the will of the Lord. A marvelous work and a wonder has the Lord wrought
by thy hand, even that which shall prepare the way for the remnants of
his people to come in among the Gentiles, with their fulness, as the
tribes of Israel are restored.

I bless thee with the blessings of thy fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
and even the blessings of thy father Joseph, the son of Jacob. Behold,
he looked after his posterity in the last days, when they should be
scattered and driven by the Gentiles, and wept before the Lord: he
sought diligently to know from whence the son should come who should
bring forth the word of the Lord, by which they might be enlightened,
and brought back to the true fold, and his eyes beheld thee, my son: his
heart rejoiced and his soul was satisfied, and he said, As my blessings
are to extend to the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills, as my
father's blessing prevailed above the blessings of his progen[i]tor, and
as my branches are to run over the wall, and my seed are to inherit the
choice land whereon the Zion of God shall stand in the last days, from
among my seed, scattered with the Gentiles, shall a choice Seer arise
whose bowles shall be as a fountain of truth, whose loins shall be
girded with the girdle of righteousness, whose hands shall be lifted
with acceptance before the God of Jacob to turn away his anger from his
annointed, whose heart shall meditate great wisdom, whose intelligence
shall circumscribe and comprehend the deep things of God, and whose
mouth shall utter the law of the just
: His feet shall stand upon the
neck of his enemies, and he shall walk upon the ashes of those who seek
his destruction: with wine and oil shall he be sustained, and he shall
feed upon the heritage of Jacob his father: the just shall desire his
society, and the upright in heart shall be his companions: No weapon
formed against him shall prosper, and though the wicked mar him for a
little season, he shall be like one rising up in the heat of wine - he
shall roar in his strength, and the Lord shall put to flight his
he shall be blessed like the fruitful olive, and his memory
shall be as sweet as the choice cluster of the first ripe grapes. Like a
shief fully ripe, gathered into the garner, so shall he stand before the
Lord, having produced a hundred fold. Thus spake my father Joseph.
Therefore, my son, I know for a surety that those things will be
fulfilled, and I confirm upon thee all these blessings.

Thou shalt like to do the work which the Lord shall command thee: Thou
shalt hold the Keys of this ministry, even the presidency of this
church, both in time and in eternity
. Thy heart shall be enlarged, and
thou shalt be able to fill up the measure of thy days according to the
will of the Lord. Thou shalt speak the word of the Lord and the earth
shall tremble; the mountains shall move and the rivers shall turn out of
their course. Thou shalt escape the edge of the sword, and put to flight
the armies of the wicked. At thy word the lame shall walk, the deaf
shall hear and the blind shall see. Thou shalt be gathered to Zion and
in the goodly land thou shalt enjoy thine inheritance; thy children and
thy children's children to the latest generation; for thy name and the
names of thy posterity shall be recorded in the book of the Lord, even
in the book of blessings and genealogies, for their joy and benefit
forever. And now, my son, what more shall I say? Thou art as a fruitful
olive and a choice vine: thou shalt be laden with precious fruit.
Thousands and tens of thousands shall come to a knowledge of the truth
through thy ministry,
and thou shalt rejoice with them in the Celestial

Thou shalt stand upon the earth when it shall reel to and fro as a
drunken man, and be removed out of its place: thou shalt stand when the
mighty judgments go forth to the destruction of the wicked: thou shalt
stand on Mount Zion when the tribes of Jacob come shouting from the
north, and with thy brethren, the sons of Ephraim, crown them in the
name of Jesus Christ:
Thou shalt see thy Redeemer come in the clouds of
heaven, and with the just receive the hallowed throng with shouts of
hallalujahs, praise the Lord. Amen


 If you have not, please read the previous list of items that Joseph Smith will be involved in.  Being written by a "Gentile/Jew", it is uncanny how close or rather spot on it was at predicting Joseph's role and mission here on earth.  The thing I want to focus in on is the statement of this Ben Joseph (Son of Joseph = Joseph Smith Jr) going with Ben David (Son of David = Jesus Christ) to do some kick butt over in Jerusalem after the forces are gathered about the Holy Land:

    14. when Messiah ben David appears, the first person he will resurrect is ben Joseph, and together the Saviors [plural] will stand on mount Zion and mount of Olives to fight and destroy Edom. This is Armageddon; then comes the Great Sabbath of the Lord. messiah .

So, Joseph will be the first person caught up in this phase of the Resurrection.  Then those who have been raised with him will constitute an army that will fight those from Syria, Turkey, Iran and southern Russia who have come against Israel (Edom = Children of Esau/twin brother of Jacob and traditional enemy/foe of Israel).  I find it interesting that there will be a massive EQ on that side of the world such that the Mount of Olives will split in twain.  Could it be that this same EQ is what is the residual felt from what hits the West Coast in the VoG narrative?

I just read another account of what people see happening in Utah County.  Massive land subsidence and growth (mountains disappearing and some coming up where they were not before).

So, if Joseph is physically (Resurrected) in SLC after the big EQ there, does it not stand to reason that the two EQs are in the same time frame?  Does it not make sense that the nations of the earth feel that the time is right to attack Israel once Israel no longer has the protection of the USA?  If so, what is massive enough to take down the USA such that they cannot come to the aid and protection of Israel?  I think the answer is given through deduction and plain logic.

It will be monumental.  It will be sooner than most think.  In the lifetime of President Oaks and President Holland.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Messiah Ben Joseph

 (While I was attending Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies [Chicago], the rabbis taught whole lessons/classes on messiah ben Joseph - the latter-day Ephraimite prophet; and I have written several papers on him. Here are a few of my findings that I am just remembering off of the top of my head:

1. messiah ben Joseph is the fore-runner to, and suffering servant of Messiah ben David.

2. He has many symbolic names, e.g. Breaker [Daniel's prophecy], Taheb [Ingatherer - for Israel will be gathered for the last time] Rem [wild bullock with the black and shiny horns; the symbol for Ephraim is the wild bullock, the symbol for Judah is the lion], Asiph [restorer], etc. but his name will be Joseph, after his father - a descendant of Joseph of Egypt through his first born, Ephraim

3. “Messiah ben Joseph must prove his identity not by miracles, but by his historical success.” Klausner; whereas MEssiah ben David will be known by his miracles. 

4. according to the Dead Sea Scrolls, beacuse he knows nothing pertaining to things divine or religious or the correct way to worship G-d, that when a lad, while on his knees in prayer to ask G-d what to do, the heavens will open and G-d the Father and the Son of Man will appear to him; and that, like Moses, he will be afforded the privilege of asking any question he wants.

5. he will deliver a new Torah, given to him after "the many lectures" [Ginzberg] by the hand of Manassah on the 1st of Tishre. Joseph will translate the new Torah by Urim and Thummin. It will be delivered to the people on the 1st of Nisan.

6. he will lay the cornerstone of the temple on the 9th of Av, thereby negating the Black Fast.

7. he is the 2nd Moses, and will have two counselors, twelve advisers, plus the seventies.

8. he will restore prophecy, priesthood, temples and deliver a new tora.

9. both Moses and Elijah would appear to him "in the self same hour" on the 15th of Nisan to restore the keys of gathering Israel, including the return of the lost ten tribes, and the keys for Elijah's sealing powers to straighten out our genealogies.[Ginzberg]

10. he would send an envoy to Jerusalem in 5600 [1840] to call the Jews back home.

11. he would suffer much at the hands of Armilus.

12. he would become a general in the army. 

13. he would live about 40 years, be martyred while doing battle with the enemies of Messiah ben David; but Joseph's death will have no atoning effect what-so-ever.

14. when Messiah ben David appears, the first person he will resurrect is ben Joseph, and together the Saviors [plural] will stand on mount Zion and mount of Olives to fight and destroy Edom. This is Armageddon; then comes the Great Sabbath of the Lord. messiah .

Monday, November 25, 2024


 I perked up when I saw this.  Putin just spelled out his military doctrine to attack any place that supplies the missiles that are hitting his country:

Interesting turn of events.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


 It turned when Pennsylvania came in:

I have always wondered what would bring persecution on Conservatives in the USA.  Could it be that the Mormons get lumped in with others of that genre that supported Donald Trump?!?  Maybe after power is lost for some reason?  A coup?  Many possibilities here, but you just know that many vengeful leftists are licking their wounds…

Monday, November 18, 2024


 The deep state will have war at ANY cost.  Hopefully Putin hangs on until Trump gets in.  If they take Trump out - as they have already tried - I hope Putin hits them when they are all at Davos.  Deep State gotta go!!

Wow!!  This is escalating FAST!:

The Deep State knows they have to operate fast before Trump puts the kaibosh on this madness.  Just pray that cooler heads prevail.  Though, there are some prophecies that state that the nuclear (limited) war will happen around T-giving or Christmas.

If the case, then screw the fishing limits and the

Just please, please target DC when all the scumbags and Rinos are in session and drain it by evaporation, if trenches will not get the job done....


 I cannot count the number of times in the past week or two that tears have welled up in my eyes when I think of the mercy of a God who has protected Trump and those who are a force against satan's control freak leftists/marxists.  Literally 1cm away from a head exploding and brain damage severe enough that he could not effect a Presidency, any Conservative can only dream about (as the leftist heads on CNN and elsewhere literally explode...).

Every time I think of the dream team of Musk/RFKJr/Ramaswamy/Tulsi Gabbard/etc or the name of Trump, please just pray for their protection and that they get to complete their righteous designs on DC and fat-cats everywhere.  Think of just a few dozen prayers going up to heaven on their behalf, say three times a day.  Not bad - but not effectual when you think of the task at hand.  As Sylvester Stallone put it, this is on the scale of Ronald Reagan or more likely George Washington.  As effectual on American democracy as Lincoln healing the nation after an unCivil War.  Free speech once again being restored without cancelling or having a paid censor shut you down?  Priceless.

But, picture if you will, tens of millions of prayers going up to the heavens on an hourly basis seeking protections and blessings.  How could an even indifferent Father not pay attention.  How could a Moroni not be called into action or the Three Nephites be put on alert to descend and do mayhem on those who want to destroy what is good and right?  If a prayer of one very righteous man and his fellows can bring an intervention to Alma the Younger - of an angelic being, then what will 50 - 200 million petitions of lesser people (like us) a day bring to the table?  I dare say, we would see miracles in ceaseless fashion until the Good Ship America is righted and no longer foundering.

I really feel hope - for the first time in a decade.  Please pray for Trump and his team.  We can literally have angels seen and unseen doing our bidding against evil - and the heavens themselves will not be able to rebut the requests.

Friday, November 15, 2024


 I can say I have been in the depths of despair over the last four years - and it has been reflected in my state of health.

For the first time,I am just feeling overwhelming joy and satisfaction and this sums up why I feel so amazing:

Lord, please bless those takign the reins with humility and inspiration.

I am so humbled.  Just amazing.

Thursday, November 14, 2024


 Sometimes, I feel like I am in the Matrix and it is all a big stage:

This movie will bend your mind.  Simple, but thought provoking.

Brings to mind the pivotal role of Moroni at Valley Forge when the Continental Army was at it's lowest.  The fog on the Delaware River giving Washington the cover he needed to evacuate the troops.

The few weeks before my kid died of SIDS - called over to the other side to handle affairs there, while I was assigned to stay on this side to care for my wife and family.

Pivotal times when the earth has been hell-bent on wiping itself in a nuclear holocost.  Untold angels and beings stepping in to nudge the course of history a little.

The Battle of Trafalgar.  The Divine Wind for the Japanese.  So many other pivotal times - literally billions of times.  

A President-to-be turning his head at the precise time to avoid tragedy at the assassin's hand.

Keyholes that key elements of humanity passed through to deliver change to the world.  Abraham having a son and eventually Israel and the billions who have been blessed by his effect.

For the very universe - an angel warning a young family to flee to Egypt to avoid certain death at the hands of a despotic Herod.  Only to have a relatively young man die on a cross after expiation in the Garden of Gesthemane.  All critical events with so many key happenings leading up to the crowning event.  Little, if anything left to chance.  No detail unattended to.  

It will be fascinating to watch world history from and interventionist standpoint.  I personally am on my 12th direct intervention, where I am certain help from the other side, kept me from going over there prematurely.

Fascinating reminder that we are not alone.  One way to stay humble and acknowledge our nothingness before God and man.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


 So, we have an authoritative statement by "the prophet to the Prophet", Heber C Kimball stating that SLC would be classed among the wicked cities of the world.  That around 150 years ago.  And today?  Yes, I think so.  Parts of the west side are gang-riddled.  The Avenues are gay-riddled with copious amounts of rainbow flags waving in the wind every June (since when do we boast of our sin and defiance of the first commandment to multiply and replenish the earth - which cannot be done with butt sex and other gay practices not involving sperm and an egg?!?).  We have wife-swapping and soft-swinging as a regular occurrence in the south end of the valley.

And, as I try to warn my friends and family in the valley of the impending judgments, all I get is a glassed-over stare in response.  In other words, the people believe they are chosen and will therefore be saved, no matter the level of depravity that they engage in.

And then there is Utah County with BYU going woke and you really cannot tell a Saint from a sinner around here.  At the heart of BYU housing south of campus, I find that there are now doggie poop bags everywhere as if it is now normal to have a pet while going to school.  And sure enough, I saw a greasy-haired Millennial couple walking a dog (and of course, not being responsible for the poop their dog was extruding in the planting strip).  I wondered if these could be some of the "plants" active up on campus, trying to change the culture and influence students away from traditional values.  I do not remember having time for a frivolous thing like a designer dog during my time at BYU - let alone the budget for grooming and feeding, etc

I attended my neice's sealing in the Payson temple last Saturday.  She is a real gem - one I am proud to call family.  She is so goal oriented that she makes me feel like a complete slacker etc for what I was up to at that same age.  I got to the reception a little late in Spanish Fork and found the groomsmen out doing what they do - decorating the Groom's little pick-up truck.  All I saw going into the venue, was the fellows in white shirts and ties putting on the ribbons etc that you would expect.  Several of them I recognized from the sealing room in the Temple.

About an hour later, I emerged from the building to find the truck parked in a corner and something in the street lights caught my eye.  I thought someone had used candle wax to make a phallic symbol complete with testes on the side of the bed of the truck.  Mind you, this was about 4' long.  There was a bunch of other stuff hidden in code all over the truck - but the thing that was REALLY egregious was a depiction of what appears to be my neice giving fellatio to a male on the passenger door of the same truck.  The door she would be using to leave for her honeymoon on.  How distressing!!  Either that her groom hung out with these buffoons or that she had to go to a carwash to attempt to clean this filth off when she should have been leaving for wedded bliss on her most memorable night of her clean/pure life.  She is not about that kind of garbage. 

I was completely in shock.  When I told some people who saw it, they just laughed it off.  The problem is, this kind of low-brow humor has been normalized in our schools and among today's youth.  I call it de-sensification.

The first thing that went through my mind after the shock dissipated a bit, was that Koyle's prophecy of being able to move from Payson to Lehi without touching the ground and stepping only on the corpses of the dead after some future desolating scourge, were about to come true (in other words, the boys from Spanish Fork are just bad news).  And then I remembered back to my BYU days and me driving my then fiance's Subaru with 8 BYU students inside and two on the roof through a treacherous stretch of Diamond Fork and some drunk cowboys coming up behind us in their redneck get-up cutting us off and threatening us with bodily harm as we were leaving the hotspring parking lot because they were too drunk to make any sense of the situation.  And I remember just being glad that I did not have to live in Utah county after college was done.  That was 35 years ago.

Then there was the statement by a daughter that the kids at Cardston High were like over 70% non-virgins.  I asked if that was the kids from the Reserve or predominantly LDS kids and it was the latter including the Seminary teacher's daughter who "fell pregnant" by another Bishop's son (isolated case?, or common??).  Not very Latter-Day saintish if you ask me.  Bottom line is, our culture is in extreme trouble - and we should not be surprised if judgments come down on us.

Then there was a convo I had with SEVERAL of the women who are divorced who were complaining about the men on LDS dating sites and how they expect to have sex with you on the first date - or you are otherwise a prude.  Or the reports out of Utah that there is such a thing as "soaking" where it is not sex if the guy puts his unit into a girl's unit but does not thrust in and out.  And so we go down that slippery slope....

And we have people wondering after us in amazement when we talk of the long-overdue destruction that we have coming to us....


 This is a moot point - but, if true, is illustrative of the leftist trend to lie to get their puppet into office and then scrub the net.  They really have no shame:

Love Candace.  If you have not subscribed, you should.  She is GOLDEN.  And she puts up with zero crap in the whole race baiting thing of the left - even as a black woman.  She sees herself as a daughter of God - and that is all.

Monday, November 11, 2024


 If we can get this Trump train over the finish line, I will be most relieved.  The leftists have not called the goons into the streets in full force yet, so I feel like they have a trick up their sleeve.  Just, PLEASE pray for the safety of these three and those who earnestly work with them to clean out the crap in DC and elsewhere.

If RFK gets in, our food and medicine will finally be secure and we will have choice again (let the people who want to poison themselves, shoot themselves full of mercury and aborted baby cells and let their autoimmune systems fry for all I care).  All I care, is that the truth is spelled out in a truth campaign and that there is a single source to access 100% of the information about both sides of the argument.  That is what brought Musk around - the withholding of information, so he did a full end run and simply bought out Twitter.  Then slashed the cushy org to the bone.  Freakin hero in my mind....  And he needs to head the DOGE - and incite complete fear, chaos and confusion into the minds of the beaurocrats and fat cats in DC, who for once, will have to experience the reality that their stupid policies have imposed on the private sector employees and businesses.

RFK (got the food and water - but don't touch the oil...) will get rid of fluoride in our water (which calcifies the pineal gland - the radio transmitter that allows the brain/soul to communicate with God).  And we wonder why so many have lost their connection and direction.  My wife keeps pushing me to drink more water.  My response is "no way" if it has fluoride in it.  It is trash and putting an industrial by-product in our water to supposedly throttle back on the number of cavities, makes about as much sense as taking a vaccine for the public good when those who were stupid/gullible enough to take the vaccine were supposedly immune from the spread of the "dread disease" by all those "uninformed" that were too dumb to get the poke....  Freaking illogical and it is so bad that it literally starts to blow circuits in the mind of anyone associated with logic (engineers, primarily).  This is why they typically round up the engineers at the beginning of a radical societal shift such as Mao's nightmare and the Cultural Revolution - because the engineers will sense the stupidity of their plans (no matter how subtle the presentation of the poison pill) and start calling them out, while the lemming public just saunters over the cliff with the rest of the horde.

JFK will save the lemming crowd from themselves:

It cannot come soon enough.  Please pray for them every time one of their names crosses your mind.


 Amazing quote:

In his journal, Joseph Smith wrote:

“I had been called to thousands of cases in sickness, and I have never failed of administering comfort where the patient has thrown himself unreservedly on me; and the reason is, that I never prescribed any thing that would injure the patient, if it did him no good. I have lost a Father, Brother and child, because in my anxiety I depended more on the judgment of other men than my own; while I have raised up others, who were lower than they were… [P]eople will seldom die of disease, provided we know it seasonably, and treat it mildly, patiently and perseveringly and do not use harsh means. It is like the Irishman’s digging down the Mountain, he does not put his shoulder to it, to push it over, but puts it in his wheelbarrow and carries it away day after day, and perseveres in it, until the whole mountain is removed; so we should persevere in the use of simple remedies (and not push against the constitution of the patient) day after day and the disease will be removed and the patient saved” (“History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843],” p. 1537, The Joseph Smith Papers).

Friday, November 8, 2024



 Funny.  I went to Canada to get away from the Leftist Marxist pukes.  Now, they want to invade Canada.  Go for it.  Hit the west coast and die in the tsunami.  God is moving people to where the kill move can happen.  I wonder if this was a thing during/before the Great Flood.  Chess moves to clear the board for the rest of us that take His agenda seriously.

I do not mind people with even serious disagreements with my own outlook.  I DO mind them turning an amazing thing into a hellhole.  NO leftist policy has ever worked from Hitler (National Socialism) to Stalin to Detroit or Chicago.  Duh, people!!  Wake up before it is too late.

You have been warned incessantly and it is not hard (if you have half a brain) to see the patterns and draw some decent and accurate conclusions....

Thursday, November 7, 2024


 Well, I am as shocked as anyone!!  TRUMP did it!!

I am still on cloud 9 - but no less settled about the future.  I have a few things driving my unsettled feelings.  First of all, there is the Visions of Glory timeline that must happen within President Nelson's and Elder Oaks lifetimes.  They are not getting younger - and those events are radical.  

Then there is the Esdras Eagle prophecy which is being fulfilled to the letter - but talks of "two who would reign, but do not".  My wife is of the opinion (and I cannot argue a different tack) that the two are either the Hairy Kameltoe and Sniffer Pedo Joe or Kameltoe and Trump, which means to neither of them making it in on January 20th due to assassination or other chicanery (treachery by the Left that even the former Democrats recognize and some rejected this election).  I do not trust that the goon that left the Whorehouse in 2016 will not try something crazy from his office just down the street from the Whitehouse.  There is so much corruption, power and money behind those two and the machine they represent, it would make Daley of Chicago look like a kid with a binky....  The average innocent person has no idea what we are up against.  Just nasty.

My hopes for Trump are that he will right the economy and tamp down inflation.  Next, he will shut down the war machine and hawks in DC (which is what got Kennedy killed).  They have a way of making the Secret Service stand down so they can get a clear shot off or poison the food, etc.  These are just sickos who will stop at nothing.  The wildest mass murderer is child's play when compared to these psychopaths who are willing to attempt to take down fractions of an entire earth's population.

On that note, I heard that the heads of the big pharma held an emergency meeting likely to discuss future moves.  They are toast with RFK Jr on them.  The corruption in DC and their censorship organ is toast with Elon Musk lurking.  They both have my agenda in mind - and I want to see them rock.  They can kill the beast with the American people behind them.  So, it is a "do-or-die" for the sick pukes that thought they had it in the bag.  It is us vs them.  Take them down.  Take them down with malice.

But, they still have their leftist goons that love to break stuff and burn stuff.  The right needs to tamp that down pronto and take the wind out of their sails.  They did it in Couer d'Alene ID when they bussed in the purple haired and tatted goons from Seattle, all the rednecks showed up with their open-carry ARs and shut them down.  I think they were happy to just be alive when they re-boarded their Soros-funded buses to head back to their hell-holes and basements to clean their self-administered shitz stains (funny; a schitt stain making a schitz stain...).

Considering the time and the prophecies, we still have to consider that some kind of drivel unrest will come out of this.  The lefties have to just be enraged that they could not magically make 20 million votes appear out of thin air (once again, four years later) to save the Hairy Kameltoe from ruin.

Time will tell.  We shall see.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


 I don't want to sound dramatic here, but Tuesday might be the last day of sanity in this nation.  We are in a situation where, if either one comes out the victor, we are screwed over either way.   Trump wins and can implement the former conservative policies, the lefties will go nuts and attempt to burn it to the ground.  To which my response is FMJ at high energy and a high rate of delivery.  It is one thing to take down a peaceful protester - but an entirely different thing to take down someone who is randomly burning down a lifetime that it took to build a business or to put others in harm's way.  I am sick of these worthless bags of flesh doing nothing and surviving off of everyone else's hard efforts or destroying the lifetime achievements of others who have strived to make a difference for their families and communities.  They simply are in it for what they can juke the system for.  They belong with Satan and his something for nothing, basement-dwelling posse that have no goals or objectives in life but harassing others.

A friend of mine, who was an operative in the Republican machine in Seattle has seen posters around the downtown (Capitol Hill) area telling where to meet up tomorrow and to wear body armor, etc.  If they want war, it is quite simple to deliver it to them.  And this may be how the CW2.0 starts.  We saw a dress rehearsal in 2020 with BLM.  Now, as in 1917 Russia, they will act in concert to topple those who have cared to work for what they have.

If the marxists win tomorrow (or steal it), there will be no revolution because we love the rule of Law and respect the efforts of others to determine their personal course in life and to build their dreams.  But, just 3% fought to deliver tyranny to the curb back in 1776.  Maybe those small bands of people will make a difference this time around.  Either way, we cannot have a bunch of entitled, whining shitz determining national policy at the end of a torch or molotov cocktail.  It didn't work out too well for the Russians who did not tamp the street thugs down - who then ruled for the next 70 years.  What a train wreck of tyranny!

If the Harry Kameltoe wins it, we have four more years of puppeteering for the Chicoms - probably much worse than the last four years of drooling and demented sniffer Joe.  What a waste of four years of my political life....  So painful to watch.

Either way, there will be loss.  Likely martial law for some period of time.  Possibly CW2.0 in 

Monday, October 21, 2024


 An amazing experience of God leading a wayward son home

I just love stuff like this.  A fascinating story back to God's grace and presence.  We will be saved, one way or another - not by force, just force of circumstance:

My Most Requested Story

(revised on the First Day of Elul 5775 . . . 16 August 2015)

While I was working as a pharmacy technician in Sacramento, Bruce Cohen was a patient who tried my patience.

This hunched over man, with his fist clenched tight to his chest, was ornery, gruff and angry in almost all circumstances.  I learned that he had suffered a massive stroke in 1996 at the age of 36.  He had few words - possibly 100 - in his vocabulary.  He could no longer read or write - he has Aphasia.  He had been born and raised in Los Angeles to Jewish parents and was raised in a kosher home.  When Bruce was 15, his parents divorced and soon thereafter his mother died of lung cancer.  Bruce became a "juvenile delinquent" and his father gave him the option to join the military or go to "juvenile hall".  Bruce chose the Army.  While there he fell into addictive behaviors including alcoholism and drug use.

As a heavy user of "crank" (a low purity, crystallized Methamphetamine), Bruce suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and he lay in a coma for six months.  When he awoke he was paralyzed on the right side, could not speak and could not walk.   Most remarkably, he did not know who he was.

By the time I met Bruce in 2001, he was able to walk and talk again.  He was living alone in a low-rent apartment, working at Burger King and Toys 'R Us doing menial jobs.  He couldn't read or write, which limited his ability to function in society.  He rode a bus wherever he went and it is there that I saw him most frequently. 

In the beginning, I found Bruce to be annoying, aggravating and downright miserable to associate with.  After a few years I became more capable of tolerating him.  Occasionally, we would see each other on the bus and would acknowledge each other on the days Bruce remembered he knew me. I continued to respect his efforts to overcome the obstacles of living with the limitations of his handicaps but in all honestly, I would generally avoid interaction, as he frequently appeared to be angry and surly.

Over the next three years, I began to notice a softening and a kindness develop in him. I didn't try so hard to avoid him. He began to encourage me when he would see me in a depressed state of mind.

In the summer of 2004, I encountered Bruce at a bus stop and we talked as we waited for a very late bus. He shared that he was doing all right but was beginning to consider finding himself a wife to help him. Bruce had relinquished his financial affairs to SSA appointed administrators and they did not allow him many choices.

He said, "Dad said I should go back to the synagogue and meet people so I am. I'm trying to find a good Jewish wife who can help me with these things."

I chuckled and responded, "Seems we're in about the same boat. I'm looking for a good Mormon husband to help me with things!"

Shortly after that meeting - it seemed that Bruce was more frequently on my morning bus. When I was getting on the bus to head for work, he was getting off that same bus to go to his job.

One morning, as Bruce got off the bus, he handed me a yellow piece of paper on which he'd written his name and number. He beamed and said "That's my number" and he asked if I'd call him.

I took the paper . . . verging on the edge of confusion and consternation and stepped on the bus. I looked up to show my pass to the bus driver and turned to take my seat. My spiritual eyes were opened and for a brief moment . . .

. . . I was standing before an exalted or perfected Bruce Cohen . . . and his appearance was breathtakingly perfect. My gaze paused on his glory and it took me a moment to recognize that Bruce was standing at the right hand of God . . . and I was being told that Bruce was mine if I'd have him.

Though, perhaps the words were "take this man unto yourself".

When the vision closed, I took my seat . . . slumped in exhaustion yet exhilerated that I had received the choice of my Lord for the remainder of my existence . . . for eternity.

My mind was racing . . . as I quickly rehearsed all that could . . . should . . . and would come from this moment. The next step in the story was in my hands and I began to consider making the phone call that Bruce had requested.

When should I call? What would I say? If I said, "HI, this is Sharon" would he know who I was? How embarrasing that would be. I shouldn't call.

I couldn't.  I imagined the conversation and the difficulty he would have just trying to identify who was calling.  I knew of nothing I could say that would help him remember who I was. He never had learned my name. I'd never told him, he couldn't read my name badge and now years had passed. He was accustomed to living in a world of nameless friends and strangers.

I had learned that he could read numbers enough to place phone calls, find the right bus and even find addresses. So, I decided to slip him a note when we crossed paths at the bus stop again. I was in the process of addressing little children's Valentine cards to share with my office-mates. I took one of those juvenile cards and wrote a little note with my number on the back.

The next day, as he stepped from the bus, I gave him the Valentine's card.

His eyebrows raised, eyes wide open, his head dropped and he stared at it in his hand. He then looked at me completely bewildered and ashamed.

"I can't read", he said, seeming humiliated because he didn't know if that would be all right with me. I watched fear, hope, despair and anticipation cross his face in milliseconds.

"I know."  I responded with a smirk on my lips and a twinkle in my eyes. "But you CAN read numbers. That's mine.  You call me!"

Two days later, he did and, after identifying himself, got straight to the point.

"You're a church lady, aren't you?"

Bruce's question was charming.

"If you mean am I a Christian?  Yes, I'm a Christian.  Why?"

"Well.  My mom came to me in a dream.  She's dead, you know.  She died in 1975.  My mom told me to ask you about your church.  She said your church has what our family needs to be saved.  Do you know what she's talking about?"

Of course, I did!  As a Mormon, I believe that church members can offer the blessings of salvation to deceased ancestors by performing the necessary ordinances vicariously.  I had done the work for ancestors myself but I had never personally had anyone visit from beyond the veil to request that their work be done.  Fortunately, the magnificence of the question did not render me speechless.

We talked for hours, sharing about ourselves. He talked of his commitment to Alcoholics Anonymous, the twelve step program, and The Big Book. He explained what he had done for the 'steps' that required repentance and restitution. He spoke of his commitment to progress, to service and of his devotion to God, and to prayer. He had spent seven years focusing his energies on self improvement, much of it in response to his personal conversations with God.

He became curious about my commitment to the gospel, to repentance, to progress, and to my hopes for eternal exaltation. I was engrossed in a personal improvement program and it monopolized the description of myself. What I was saying was so familiar to him. He could remember learning similar things in AA. His curiosity grew to the extent that he accepted my invitation to meet the Mormon missionaries.

He agreed that they could come to his apartment if I would join them to act as translator.  When the elders arrived they began the first discussion with a question.

"So, Bruce. Tell us what you know about God. Who is He?"

And Bruce, the Jew, responded, "Oh - that's easy. He's the guy with the holes in his hands."

It was obvious by the way that he spoke that he had actually "met" God or conversed with Him. He had seen the Holes in His hands.

When we asked what he knew of the "guy with holes in His hands", he told us that He was the only man who could understand him when he woke up from the coma - He was the only guy Bruce could understand, too.  Bruce shared that when he did as the "Guy with holes in His hands" told him, "everything worked out right".  But, when Bruce did what Bruce wanted to do, it all went wrong.

Bruce shared more of the story like this:


When I had my stroke, I had to start going to places for school. And as I was walking to go to school I had to turn around because I thought somebody was talking to me and there was nobody there.


And I turned around and I started walking back to Easter Seals in the area where I was at and again ... it happened again. And I had to turn around and I tried to find out who it was that was talking to me. And I didn't know who it was.


And then as I was walking further to Easter Seals, all of a sudden God smacked me in my head and said "This is God, Bruce. Pay Attention" and He helped me to understand.

Bruce shared that he learned to pray at AA. He did as he was asked and prayed frequently. He discovered that he could hear answers to his every question whenever he "shut up and listened". When Bruce speaks, people usually have a difficult time understanding him. He has aphasia. But he was always understood when he prayed. He learned to trust the answers. He knew that he was talking to God and he knew that God was answering. He knew what God wanted him to do and he was doing the best he could.

Everything developed quickly from there. Within six weeks of giving me that little yellow piece of paper - with his name and number - he was baptized on March 26, 2005. On March 27th, Easter Sunday, he was confirmed and ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. More importantly, that same day, Bruce proposed marriage. On April 15th, 2005 we were married.

In 2011, Bruce came to me as I arrived home and told me that God had told him we had to move to Nauvoo.

I blurted out.  "Do you even know where Nauvoo is?" 

It was a reasonable question as Bruce is not able to read anything about church history, had never left California and had little comprehension of American geography. 

"No.  But God says we have to go there."

He prayed for a timetable and God gave us five months to organize ourselves and move to Nauvoo.  With the help of incredible people in and out of the church and all around the globe, the way was paid, a job and a home secured.  We arrived in Nauvoo in May of 2011.