As we just passed the 40 year anniversary of abortion "rights", me-thinks time is running out. So does this fellow:
Judgment has arrived in America
Exclusive: Craige A. McMillan weeps for what was once a great nation
How has America fallen so far, so fast?
I suspect many readers ask themselves that same question, some on a daily basis. Yet the sad fact is, the majority of us are complicit in America’s fall from grace. Nothing reveals this more than the Kermit Gosnell murder trial. I won’t go into details, because most of us are incapable of comprehending the depravity revealed in that open court testimony.
Morally and ethically, the U.S. Supreme Court justices who voted to force states to legalize abortion are as guilty as the abortion clinics that have murdered 65 million innocents since Roe v Wade. Out of thin air, a “right” was discovered in the nation’s founding documents guaranteeing that half the population could relieve itself of the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy, at the cost of another human being’s life.
In place of 65 million babies that would have been, the abortion industry sprang to life. Doctors, who had sworn an oath to “do no harm” suddenly found abortion a lucrative career. Like most industries “serving” the poor, it soon demanded public subsidy for its “good works.”
Enterprising politicians took this campaign blood money, blessed it at the altar of their ambitions and offered the increase that the abortion industry sought. In so doing, they slaughtered the right to conscience for American taxpayers who recognized abortion as the abomination that it was: the willful murder of innocents by that one person God most intended to protect them.
Having succeeded in destroying the conscience of this nation, those same politicians set their sights on the rest of the world. American taxpayers subsidized this, too. We exported our brutality worldwide.
Curiously silent were America’s Christian churches. Beyond offering sermons or homilies on an annual right-to-life Sunday, and lighting a candle for the endless list of victims, they chose to worship as the alter of 501(c)3 IRS tax deductible contributions. Christians who did exercise their freedom of speech against abortion were marginalized by the media-wing of the abortion industry and prosecuted by the government.
The debate fell silent. Only God cared.
Welcome to the endgame, America. Judgment has arrived. We will take the world’s illegal immigrants, on the off-chance they may someday pay taxes. Obamacare death panels will soon set up shop in America’s nursing homes. “Yes, we know you were promised Medicare, but there is no money. We aborted those children. No taxpayers, no money. No money, no treatment. Sorry. Next!”
As Lincoln said of the raging civil war during his second inaugural address: “Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said ‘the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’”
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