Sunday, January 30, 2022


So, there is a gal (a troll) in the group seeking to pick off doubtful members of the Church with some very illogical feelings.  I will list what the belief is and why it makes no sense.

Again, I will state here that I can absolutely see why people are hacked off with what is going on in the institution.  The whole 'comply with the ridiculous gubmint policies at any cost' is unconscionable.  For reference, look to the Canadian convoy thing where they demanded that truckers wear masks in their rigs while driving solo....  Well, Justine Castro - that did not turn out too well....  Your stupid policies created a ground swell that even CNN has not been able to cover up.  It is too rich!

The best people I happen to associate with are all hacked off.  Those that are not, are somewhat mediocre in my opinion.  Meaning, they just let people roll right over them.  Many of the blue-haired ladies we saw at the local trucker rally yesterday were not interested in the fight because they were just about ready to check out - so it was none of their business to fight it.  Not realizing, I guess, that their gubmint has deemed them useless eaters at that point and they will be among the first to go in the supposed "Great Reset".  Something happened to the post-war generation and I cannot quite put my finger on it....  Reports out of Arizona are always trickling in of how rude many of that generation can be (I know, many in every generation including "the ME Generation"....).  Either way, I have observed the sense of entitlement with my own experiences.  The sense of "you owe me" is strong in that demographic....

But I digresse.  I have dealt (unsuccessfully) with a DoC person all week and have given up on them.  Here is where they have broken down logically....:

  • Their belief that there is no clear chain of authority after Joseph Smith - that the only authority may lie in the Aaronic Priesthood, or the ability to baptize.  So, they have thrown out the ordinance work performed in countless ways for those who are dead, by way of the higher Priesthood.  I believe the count is pushing towards 2 billions of people who have had proxy work done for them.  The fact that they still accept the New Testament including Paul's rhetorical question (probably asking people of the same weak doctrinal stance, as these folks), why then are the dead baptized if the dead rise not at all?!?.  You either need to throw it all out, or you need to admit that you have not thought this thing thoroughly through.  You cannot have it both ways.  It is stuff like this that makes my head explode as an engineer.  I really cannot take illogical or irrational thought patterns from people.  It was this kind of thinking that contributed to my move to Cardston.  We were living in Kalispell and I was supposed to be doing a rent to buy from my MIL on a beautiful place there.  Huge house, great acreage.  After the first year was over, I was out on the back deck looking at the possiblity of plumbing in natural gas for a bbq we had there.  In the process of doing so, after dark I noticed a massive gap in the trim where a bay window had been installed.  It was about three feet long and a half inch wide.  It explained why we could never heat the living room in that area when we had a frigid west wind blowing and I was paying the mounting heating bill in the poorly insulated place with the 1970's, 2x4 walls, etc.  I mentioned it to my MIL, but because she is very contrarian in most anything, she refused to allow me to make the update by stuffing some insulation in the hole and putting a piece of trim over the gap to seal things up.  That was one of the final straws of that situation - and I tapped out.  You cannot deal with irrational and illogical people.  If heaven is filled with them and the politicians, I will tap out and head to hell or wherever the engineers and straight thinkers have all ended up....
  • The DoC folks do not believe in the efficacy of sealings.  Of anyone - let alone plural sealings that occurred after 1844.  So, the problem is they will have to explain away what was meant by the last statement in the OT by Malachi in that the hearts of the fathers will have to be turned to the children etc.  This is done by genealogical work.  Prior to 1836, there were ZERO genealogical societies on the face of the earth.  Just people fastidiously keeping records of the dead and marriages, etc.  Suddenly, this movement burst upon the scene and it is going with a vengeance.  How can it be explained away?  Likely due to this Spirit of Elijah that was given via the Kirtland Temple experience.  But they deny that....  So sad.  It is this doctrine that anchors me in the Gospel.  Joseph taught that this was purpose of the Millennium!  That we will not sit around strumming on harps and being bored out of our brains, until the thousand years is over; no thanks!!  Joseph taught that the entire human family will be welded together into one massive chain and the Great Jehovah will finally be able to declare the work complete.  This is the God I know!  One who will save His entire family (that desire to be saved, as no man will be forced to heaven, especially if it is devoid of logical souls.....).
  • The DoC have chosen to focus on the "one God" theory that most of Christianity has adopted.  They have their reasoning - because there is some ambiguity in some of the writings - and I have this to say about it.  Joseph spoke on several different occasions about the First Vision.  In some, he spoke of two beings of light.  In others, just mentioned Christ or God the Father.  So, there is some confusion.  To that I say that I must be a liar of epic proportions, because I always change my story or omit facts, depending on my audience.  For example, when talking about my family size, I never mention the kid we lost to SIDS if the audience is a young family with babies.  I would never want them to stay up worrying about whether they will have to go through a similar thing.  It would be cruel and unusual...  When preaching or writing to an audience that includes victorian or mixed company, mentioning a plurality of Gods would not necessarily be a wise choice.  When talking to the Saints who can supposedly handle stronger doctrines, it would be perfectly natural.  So, these arguments are tenuous at best.  Eventually, they will lead to loss of belief in Joseph and then eventually, similar weak arguments could be used to deconstruct the belief in a Savior.  The slope is quite slippery.  I really love the phrase, "Doubt your doubts!".  Most people who have gone down the slippery slope eventually end up coming out of the fog they were in and end up coming back to where they were at before their descent into the abyss.  I have found a similar thing with divorcees.  They are often no happier with anyone else than they were with an imperfect person while in the first marriage.  This has kept me in my game at many junctures.  And I am pretty sure my wife, as well.  Much of what I have observed in matters of marriage and religion is that people will hastily declare a divorce at a tight pinch or a crisis, and then, once unhinged will look around them as they are floating on a sea of uncertainty, that they were better off in the crowded and smelly steerage of the ship they were on, than floating solo amongst the sharks, etc.  Some instances do warrant a change, please do not get me wrong - but I would venture to bet that sticking with what works is the best course of action, no matter how the impulse to run may grip you.  I have learned this living with my good spouse of 29 years (who was also diagnosed as bi-polar 17 years ago after stress of losing our third child and post-partum with our 5th sent her into a tail spin).  The fact is, few people have the wherewithal to stick it out through the good and the bad.  My wife is through her worst and is now a faithful and devoted companion because she got this (mostly) from me.  She had her turn to see me through my health event and she was a trooper!  Without going through these events and learning to work things out in a constructive way, we fail to learn the best lessons in life.  We truly live in a throw-away culture.  In terms of divorce, most just end up with someone else's "throw-away" and the cycle either repeats itself, or the two get to enjoy the learning that was only gained in the prior marriages, at the expense of each of the respective spouses.  They rarely get to the see the traumatic events that shaped their now-spouses as they struggled through the first marriage.  I had the pleasure of driving across Canada this summer with a divorced woman (long story) and hearing it all.  I could not help but think what he had to go through and what she had to go through.  Something that their next spouses will not have to experience.  

To wrap this all up, we all struggle to imperfection and are classic jumpers.  We jump before we think about long-term effects.  For example, the belief that Christ said that no man can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven unless they are baptized. God going to damn all those children whose lot it was to be outside of the reach of an authorized servant to receive the baptism?  The kid who died in his infancy from SIDS etc who never made it to an age of accountability or even to the local parish to get sprinkled; is he going to rot in hell?!?  The idea is repulsive to me.  Anyone who espouses it when there is a saving doctrine and saving ordinances available to them, are repulsive to me.  The thinking truly makes Reason stare!

I could go on for hours - but these are the big hitters.  I hope to have some effect on someone who is making the illogical assumptions.  There must be a way to bring them around so they can avoid the mental fog and heartache that is coming their way. 

Monday, January 24, 2022


 Wow, this talk popped into my newsfeed and jerked some serious tears!

I was just talking to my daughter (who may have heard this talk in person) about our former acquaintances who feel God is sadistic.  We talked about trials refining us and bringing us to a greater love of God and fellow man.  Even God the Son had to endure terrible things at the hands of evil men:

Please never consider your trials too burdensome to bear.  We instead need to count our blessings and thank God for what we do have.  We are blessed beyond measure and need to focus on the simple things we are able to enjoy.

Sunday, January 23, 2022


Folks, we have been warned to watch out for the wolves operating among the flock, seeking to pull committed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints away from their moorings.

Trust me when I say that I have PLENTY of misgivings of how things are going in the 501c3 corporate church today; from the whole vaccine BS to having fractional trillions of dollars in the kitty and not using a lion share of it (or at least the interest off of the base amount) to do good in the world.  If the church spent say 10 billion per year on helping underserved people in the world, it would truly be a light on the hill and a beacon of hope.  Watching a ledger increase with more zeroes each year does no one any good, other than to make Uncle McScrooge's eyes to bulge with greed....

Having said that, the keys of the kingdom and the vessel that the Lord has used to complete the genealogical record, take the gospel to the world, etc lay squarely with this organization, as imperfect as it is.  There are those who will take advantage of the imperfections of doctrine or leaders, etc to pick off faithful members of the church.  Here is their modus operandi:

1.  Find fault with the existing leaders (not hard to do these days when it appears they are in a full intimate embrace with babylon....).

2.  Leverage that feeling of discontent to include all of the Brethren back to Joseph Smith, declaring even that Brigham Young, John Taylor, etc were involved in a plot to kill Joseph Smith.  There is a movie put out by this movement alleging that.  How ridiculous.  How salacious..... C'mon man!  Seriously!!

3.  Disavow any involvement by Joseph Smith in any spiritual or physical unions to other women using the words of Jacob 2.  Disregard diaries of those directly involved, who had no agenda one way or the other.

4.  Destroy Brigham Young based on some questionable teachings (blood atonement, MMM, etc) and then call into question the Priesthood authority going forward from him.

5.  Destroy any notion of plural marriage as put forward by Brigham Young and others as a lustful and self-serving practice.  Deny that Jesus was even married, even though it was a requirement for a Rabbi to be 30 years old and married in order to be considered a man of the cloth in the day.

6.  Declare any teachings in the D&C taught after 1844 to be null and void, all the while releasing their own form of modern revelations which appear to be in the same voice as the pre-1844 revelations.

I am sure I am missing something in here - but you get the point.  These are all the points of the Denver Snuffer movement, which I abhor.  The man is a charlatan!  A fake.  A fraudster.  He is a John C. Bennet of our day.  I detected him in the first chapter of his book on the First Comforter.  He had no Spirit about him....  None.

Here is where this is headed in the future:

1.  Something will be found that will seem to cast a bad light on Joseph Smith.  He will then be thrown under the bus by the lead wolves of this movement.

2.  This will then be leveraged to throw doubts as to the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, based on the alleged actions of it's translator.

3.  Once the second witness is deconstructed, this will lead to questions of the authenticity of Christ's movement and testimony.

4.  This will lead to questions about God.

5.  This will lead to atheism.  Once you have had the fullness of the truth, there is nothing that will fill the void left by it's abandonment.  It will gnaw at the person at every turn and typically leads to attacks of the "offending" principle until the person can make it go away (usually by violence).  It is a tale as old as time.  The Lamanites lived it.  The Jaredites lived it.  Wipe out any vestige of remembrance of what pricked the conscience in a blind, illogical rage.

These slippery slopes always have a bottom and they never end well.  It is best to have the wisdom to see that one is heading down the slope - and then to stop the slide at the top, than to ride it to the bottom and find that wreckage has ensued.

My wife and I watched a former Bishop and his excellent (or so we thought) wife make the meteoric plunge when their oldest went full-on lesbo and they decided that the church's teachings were spiteful and harmful to her mental health.  It started with criticism of principles outlined in the Proclamation on the Family and ended up with both of them deciding they are both avowed athiests.  It did not stop with Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon (because heaven forbid, Alma 42 might offend the promiscuous daughter...), it ended with God being a sadistic being and so much other BS.  Holy heck - and knowing of their history, they had nothing to really complain of when compared to the country song that has been my life (except I have not wrecked my pickup truck and had my dog die on me...).  Of course, the lefties picked up on it and they are now John Dehlin stooges and anti poster children.  SMH....  So predictable.

Are we shat upon by people in the church?  Yes, we are.  Some of the worst things happen within our wards and stakes.  But that should not affect our attitude towards the doctrinal set (institution).  The foibles of men are directly correlatable to wicked or weak people.  We need to be able to separate the two things and get a grip on reality.

If we choose to kick against the pricks, all we will have to blame is ourselves when it is all over.  Our attitude determines our future outcomes.  When we see things as they really are in our life review, all bad outcomes will likely point back to our bad attitudes.  And thus the devil cheats our souls carefully down to hell and leaves us to ourselves when it is all over.  Oh, be wise, ye fair ones!

Saturday, January 22, 2022


 So, I have been hinting at doing this piece for some time now.  First I had to get feeling back in one pinky that was damaged during the two weeks I was in an induced coma, so I could hit the A key instead of the caps lock when typing quickly....

So, about the first week in November, I went with my family to the local shopping center about one hour away from my home.  Everything was normal until we were on our last errand and I could barely drive because nausea hit me like a wall with no warning.  It was so bad that my 16 year old daughter (who had not driven a stick shift on the highway - just around town) was the go-to to get us home.  I helped her shift into 5th gear and then promptly dropped off to sleep.  When we got to a three way intersection near our town, I coached her until we pulled in our driveway.  The rest is a blur.

I have an aversion to hospitals and hate needles, so I refused to go see a doc for about 8 days when things took a turn for the worse.  I was eating almost nothing and refused most of my wife's treatments including hyd peroxide in our nebulizer.  I just wanted to sleep or die.  One of the two.  It was so bad that my daughter says I staggered out of my room and made a puddle on the bathroom floor and then staggered back to my room to sleep some more.  We have an oxymeter and normal for me was in the mid to upper 80's on the machine - but I was dipping into the 50's and 60's.  This is also normal for me if I am shallow breathing, even after Covid.

A good friend that lives 35 mins away felt multiple promptings to call and check up on me.  I had changed phones so he did not have current information on me.  He finally got my info and, on talking to me, decided I was in desperate shape.  My wife, due to her "Covid brain", was also not thinking logically nor clearly and just did not call the ambulance, regardless of how I felt.  I kept saying (at her insistence) I would go in the next morning to the clinic to get checked out, but when my friend finally made it to our house, my oxy levels were at 37% and I was blue in my lips and extremities.  I was pretty much going to be dead by morning without an intervention.  My friend gave me a quick blessing and loaded me in his SUV.  Instead of taking me to the regional hospital one hour away, he took me to the local emergency room for fear of losing me on the way to cardiac arrest.  At least I would have cardiac care and oxygen on the way to the hospital in an ambulance.

I got to the regional hospital with my SpO2 levels in the 50's since I had been sucking down pure oxy for an hour.  I made it very clear I did not want the intubation and was quite belligerent.  I also said no vax.  I do not trust anyone that has to force something on anyone.  I grew up with an older brother that pulled stunts like getting me to pee on the electric fence and knew after the first few tricks, that the more he insisted on something, the worse the outcome was going to be.  I care not if people get the jab, just so long as they do not impinge on my agency in the process.  Some people are REAL control freaks...  I am confident that it will be found that Fauci and his wicked posse are sick, demented and have an agenda behind this of population control and complete world communism.  Yes, this is the pre-cursor to the mark of the beast....  No buying or selling without this thing.  The chip is next.

So, my wife overrode my signed DNR and Do Not Intubate order (with a stern warning not to use "Run death is Near" = Remdesivir on me) and I got to ride the Ronatisserie for two whole weeks.  The whole time being wrestled about like a giant sack of potatoes so that I did not get bed sores and poked like a pin cushion for fear of me going into diabetic shock or something.  Even when my blood sugar tested in the 5-6 range, they were still religiously poking me to check my levels.  Incidentally, when I came out of the induced coma, the nurse asked me if I had any hallucinations of torture.  I said I did.  She asked if an Asian female was involved.  Why yes, this Asian gal was in my delusions and she was doing almost non-stop accupuncture and rolling me over in bed.  I figure I was conscious of the poking and prodding, though I could not move my eyelids or muscles due to the fentanyl paralyzing me.  I could hear what was being said around me, but could not respond.  All I wanted was ice chips to soothe the dry throat and nostrils.  

The lack of mucus membrane hydration was horrifying.  Once I was out of ICU and I had some diaphragm power going on, we managed to hydrate and steam (using hot wash cloths) the left nostril which produced what looked like a black olive (blood clot).  I was sure my wife would never touch an olive again after hearing her dry heave....  Two months later, I am just barely nursing my nasal system back to a normal state.  All I wanted was something to ease the dryness.  In one delusion, my wife had died and they had stored her body in a clear plastic tub.  They had used the last of the ice from the ice machine to preserve her corpse (the power had gone out and there was mass death - so they did what they could do for her) and placed her next to my bed (the power outage actually occurred when we had 200kph winds over the Thanksgiving weekend and I believe the ICU lost power and people were rushing about to get critical people taken care of until the generators came on).  I could not reach the ice chips to satiate my thirst and I was begging someone to come help me.  I did not care whether I lived or died, and knew that having those ice chips that had been contaminated by her corpse would result in my demise.  I did not care and finally, someone relented and I was able to get some relief knowing I would likely die from it.

The hallucinations were so real, it was just intense.  Most people on the fentanyl end up having PTSD from the experience.  Some 70% end up having difficulty maintaining employment.  As far as the PTSD goes, I have been through enough PTSD-inducing events in my life that this was just a little over par for the course....  All I could think about was getting cold water whenever I wanted it and what I called, the "holy ice chips".  I also wanted out.  In the delusional state I was in, I was certain I had been put in a fat farm against my will by my wife.  I had lost 80lbs over those three weeks.  I had no recollection of being put in for low oxy levels and because the x-rays of my lungs looked like a blizzard was going on in there.  When the attending physician told me I had been intubated for two weeks, I just laughed at him.  Finally, after his insistence, I said, "Okay, trust - but verify".  A call to my wife verified that this was the case.  She was the only one I trusted for good information - even though a few days earlier, she was in a plastic tub, preserved on ice....  Go figure.  Several of my friends had come to the hospital to see me (in my delusion) and they had all died.  I was the only one surviving this....  It was intense.

During the intense wind storm when the power went out, I could hear it outside my room and personnel were running everywhere.  I believe my fentanyl drip had quit and I believe I was conscious at that time to see them going everywhere trying to resolve the problems.  I could not move my arms or even talk due to the paralysis, but my eyes were open for a time.  I was able to describe my room accurately to my wife when I came to.  The best part of my delusions was that I prayed until some friends came to the hospital to break me out.  They brought cordite and were going to blow a hole in the wall and bring down the alarms so I could slip out.  Every time I woke up and we were going to attempt another break out, I would yell, "Fire in the hole!" and told everyone to duck to avoid the shrapnel.  That was a great delusion.  Some were fun.  Some were tortuous.  

One of my favorite delusions was dealing with this one doctor that shaved his head and wore reflective aviator glasses like Jeff Bezos.  I had insulted Bezos and he wrote SLC and told the Brethren to rein in his followers that were too direct.  So, they released a memo and I got a copy of the memo.  I was mad at "Bezos" and swore I would never buy another Amazon product in my life....  I also swore I would have every doctor and nurse arrested for corruption (not giving me the ice chips I wanted and for not letting me out from my prison fat farm).  To prove I had some clout and that I would eventually effect these arrests, I called some people I am connected to who knew people and had Elon Musk de-fuel his Mars rocket so that it would show these people that I was a force to be reckoned with and that they must release me at once.  The announcement came across their newsfeeds on the screens they were constantly monitoring.  When I knew they got the message, I demanded some cool looking scrubs and some flip flops so I could walk the 50 miles home (in -20C) weather....  Seriously, it must have been a gong show when I was going in and out of consciousness and relaying my demands to the poor hospital staff.  They were entertained, I am sure.  One nurse later told me that the Bezos moniker stuck and this one fellow is now Bezos....  haha

After they pulled me off the ventilator, my wife was allowed to visit me.  She was allowed to talk to me through the negative pressure enclosure via two cell phones.  One of the first things she asked was if I was mad at her for "what I had done to you (me)".  My voice was gone, but I managed to tell her that I hated her for what she had done to me (putting me in a tortuous fat farm with all these Asian accupuncturists).  It is all quite hilarious in retrospect....

Within a day of being out, my hoarse whisper turned to talking and they could not shut me up.  I just wanted to download all of my delusions to anyone who would listen.  It takes about 4-6 days for the drugs to metabolize out of the body, so the post-ICU trips were a wild mix of reality mixed with wild dream states.  The nights were mostly sleepless due to the steriods.  They attempted to give me sleeping pills, but they did not work.   I would stare at the analog clock for hours into the night and wonder what the jumble of numbers and long pointy things meant.  They humidified the room, so the eerie fog emanating from the vents in the low night lights really tripped me out.  The brain was cooked!  I could make sense of nothing.  When they would ask me where I was, I would answer that I was in BC or anywhere but where I actually was.  In my mind, it was 2023 and I was two years younger than what the records showed.  I am sure the docs thought I had permanent dain brammage.

One night, while skyping with my family, I demanded that my kiddo come pick me up and tried bribing her.  In the process of that convo, I got the idea that my wife did not want me home because she said she could not care for me (this is true, as it took a team of nurses to roll me over).  In two weeks, the limbs had atrophied so much that walking was impossible.  In fact, when the coolest male nurse ever came in to the room with a popsicle, I had to work to get one hand, then the other to my mouth before he would let me have the prize.  I think this was after I had quit eating because I did not think anyone wanted to see me (my wife had been forbidden to come due to her vaccine status).  In addition to the starvation protest, I determined I was going to break out of the hospital and hitchhike home to see my family or run off with one of the local divorcees after I impressed her by putting a fresh coat of gravel on her driveway (yes, that was random).  I planned the breakout for the next morning after hearing that two other patients had successfully made a Code Yellow break for it.  Nurses were running everywhere in a panic since it was sub-zero outside.  I was determined and emboldened by their success!  The next morning around 4am, there was a power outage on the floor above me and all hands were on deck running around with flashlights and I could hear them.  I determined that this was my opportunity.  I could barely move my arms, but I managed to rip the pic lines out of my hand and, with blood thinners coursing through my veins, I had about one pint of thick almost brackish blood on the floor next to the bed where I had managed to drag myself over the bed rail.  The pool of blood was about the size of a dinner platter.  When I came to, I used my stronger right arm to pull myself along the bed until I think I got hung up on my catheter at the end of the bed.  I had probably moved 10'.  It felt like miles.  I collapsed on my back and passed out only to come to as I was shitting myself and peeing all over the place.  There was blood everywhere and I have to say it must have been quite the sight when the night nurse walked in.

There was a doctor who had emigrated from Westfalia, Germany and one of the first things he said in a very strong German accent as he looked on the scene was, "Vell, vee may hav lost z var, but it appearz zat yu have lost z battle."  I along with everyone else burst out in laughter because it was so freaking funny and politically incorrect....  From that time forward, everything was funny.  He changed the trajectory of my bad fentanyl trip.  I got my wife to call my friends that I had thought had died next to me in my room; and the relief that they were alive was overwhelming.  I wept.  I had spent the entire night planning on how I was going to break the news to the children that their parents and grandmother were all gone.  Even though it was not my fault, I felt a great responsibility for them....  Slowly, piece by piece, the delusions were deconstructed in my mind.  That was the hardest part!  It all seemed so real.

A few days later, I was able to eat solid food and they decided to transfer me to the smaller local hospital for convalescence and PT so I could walk again and care for myself.  My oxy levels were coming up nicely and I was consistently in the upper 80's.  Where I was at prior to Covid.  They said I would be out sometime the first or second week in January.  I informed them that this was unacceptable because I had a daughter coming home from school and I was going to spend Christmas with her.  I worked my buns off until I could walk ten days after having to be fed by a nurse due to lack of muscle coordination/control.  I met my daughter as she walked into the house.  Best Christmas present ever.  It truly was a Christmas miracle - from going from less than a 50% chance of survival, to walking out of the hospital under my own power less than four weeks later and with no oxy tank for home use.  

Getting Covid probably saved my life.  My wife had been warning me that she was going to lose me due to stress eating and these nagging health problems that doctors could not get a handle on.  I agreed that I probably only had six months before my heart would fail....  But, slowly my oxy levels have increased on their own to the mid-90's and I have more energy than from the long Covid I got the end of Feb 2020, which sapped my strength until the second bout.  The loss of the all the weight in the hospital was amazing for my health.  Long-standing health conditions including arrythmia disappeared while on the Ronatisserie.  I had explosive diarrhea from a bout with e-coli in Brazil 35 years ago.  All gone.  I can eat protein at will now.  Something (probably due to the Ivermectin my wife smuggled in to me before intubation) wiped that out.  I am humbled and gob-smacked by it all.

My wife hoped I would have an NDE while I was in the induced coma.  Some people do.  I did not.  I wish I could report something - and you know I would.  But I cannot recall even a shred of anything like that.  Just the wild hallucinations!  The takeaway from that is:  stay away from fentanyl and, if you have da covid, remember to get an outside advisor to help you through the decisions you need to make because the brain and logic are useless once you get into the downward spiral and attendant brain fog.  Early treatment with vit D and Zinc and critical and Ivermectin is an early prophylactic that needs to be employed.

Most of all:  the jab is neither safe nor effective; as folks on 95% jabbed cruise ships are finding out.  Use good diet and exercise to get your diabetes and weight under control.  Those two things will kill you!  Otherwise, it is over 99% survivable unless you are going to die anyway from old age.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 This is what got Jesus killed.  The prophesying, the healing, the charisma was just a little too much for patriarchy of the day.  Of course, we know he that turned out when they created a martyr.  God is a god of ironies!:

Numbers 11

16 ¶ And the Lord said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee.

17 And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone.

25 And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease.

26 But there remained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the spirit rested upon them; and they were of them that were written, but went not out unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied in the camp.

27 And there ran a young man, and told Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the camp.

28 And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Moses, one of his young men, answered and said, My lord Moses, forbid them.

29 And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!

Friday, January 14, 2022


 Well, the IRS is clamping down on interpersonal transactions of $600 or more, as Biden seeks to pay for the illegals' benefits of those he purposefully flooded into the country to skew the vote in 2022/2024 and keep his corrupt machine in power.  

It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that they are getting ready to devalue the dollar through inflationary means (all prophesied) and you will "have nothing and be happy" as part of the Louse Slob (Klaus Schwab) plan for international communism that President Benson warned us about.  

They will come after anyone who refuses to play along with their grand delusion and refuse them entry to shops and eventually food establishments (just as they have done in most Canadian provinces).  This is the pre-cursor to the Mark of the Beast as mentioned in Revelations.

So, what does all this mean for us?  Black market, baby!  Black market.  We simply will have to band together and trade skills and goods amongst ourselves.  Of course, we will be shunned by our tribe for not being "good global citizens" and for supposedly going against the counsel of the Prophet (even though this assumption/assertion is the biggest farce I can think of....).

I usually try and check out people who comment on the blog so I can see if there is some push from the DoC group or other apostate organs to steer the narrative (that kind of stuff really bothers me....).  I did a quick check of the author of a recent comment and she had put up a blog that basically has the tools to start a simple communal society that is similar to what the Saints had in Utah when they set up co-ops and the ZCMI, etc.  Zion Commercial Mercantile, Inc.  Schools were not federally or state controlled and the people were not beholden to the banks and big business like we are today.  We are slaves.  They were not and were relatively free compared to our awful situation.  Trade was a common form of commerce.  Tithing was often paid in kind or with an actual cow or pig, etc.  The Bishop's Storehouse was actually a storehouse.

Instead of egregious taxes for example, the Logan valley railroad was built using assessed labor (one day a week in the off season) with a requirement to go to the hills and cut enough ties for your section of the railroad.  Very ingenious - and transit in the valley is still free to this day.

We need to get back to this mind set if we are to "come out of her" (Babylon):

If we are to disconnect from this system, how can we continue to throw food in the trough of the beast?

If you refuse to get the jab, then start thinking in the alternative universe because time is short until ridiculously draconian measures are implemented.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 We really are in trouble.  All of us.  I am not pointing the finger.

We accumulate and accumulate all the while consuming it upon our lusts.  As a group, we have 110 billion in nice little rainy day kitty.  Folks, imagine if you will, an army of skilled service missionaries (retirees) and a few water drilling rigs, coursing around Africa or India, funded with just one of those billions (maybe with proceeds from the sale of the Pfizer and Moderna stocks) providing a fresh source of water for an impoverished or underserved people.  The same thing in the West where we don't even think of dropping a cool billion on a bridge to get across a river, etc. while a road barely exists to service large towns in Africa.

We will hoard that money until the collapse of Babylon and many will weep bitterly because of the loss, but the opportunity to help will have passed; our salvation and collective destiny foiled.  Then there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth as those whose faces we have ground upon by not sharing our substance with them.  They will Lord over us as those who have merited salvation while we have already achieved our telestial reward in terms of temporal things.

As the above video (must watch) states, our sin is as that of Sodom (greater than the actual sin of sodomy, which foils the first commandment given to man), which is withholding the substance given to us liberally from our Maker.

It is quite baffling when I meet someone who is incredibly tight with their money (it seems the more they have, often the more tight they are with it), because they cannot take it with them.  When my father (who was quite generous to those in need) lost our inheritances through a bad business deal, several children just fought over it like so many vultures.  The children I respect, just walked away from the vulturing in disgust.  I do not understand the mentality.....

I had a medical emergency and was out of commission for six weeks over Covid.  Many self-righteous I am sure condemned me (us) for avoiding the shot.  Several did reach out to see if they could help us since I am the primary provider in the household.  I do not care to think of those that did not, but to point out that someone who has been blessed, did reach out to the tune of about 8500 dollars and helped us to get through our tight spot.  This individual is consecrated, and the Lord has blessed him with incredible means.  He is living the Gospel as we read in the instruction manuals.  Not just loose-lipped mouth service, but real help.  Alan Ashton of Word Perfect fame said it best when he said that the more he gave away, the more that came his way.  In the false gospel of prosperity, the mind-set is that the more you have, it means that the Lord loves you more.  The tendency is to consume it upon our lusts and accumulate and accumulate while grinding on the face of the poor and refusing to help.  This is not the spirit of Zion.  We must be willing to give (and actively giving) all in susataining our brethren.

We need to awaken from our awful situation.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


There is dualism in these words:

We will have these events come about again, but on a more grand scale.