Monday, January 18, 2021


    Well, it has come to this.  There are two paths going forward.  Either the marxists with full-blown censorship infest the halls of power and we lose every good thing to censorship and we have to dump social media or fakelook is taken down by a pissed off prez who goes after all those who did the censoring of the right wingers like myself.

Either way, you may want the data built up over years and years.

Here is how you get it on your PC:

Do it.  You will need it.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


 Why did we need to build a border wall?  Because we do not want the cartels spilling into America with drugs, kidnappings, extra-judicial killings and general gadiantonesque murder, raping and pillaging.  I would consider this hell on earth.

I laud these women for bravely and resourcefully standing up to the crap.  One kid or loved one would be one too many to lose to these thugs:

When the demonrats are in control, things will worsen north of the border.  The gads are getting above us, or according to ET Benson, they have gotten above us.

The next three days are going to be interesting!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


 If this does not stir something in you, you are catatonic and need a defrib....:

No President, no not Reagan has done so much good for the common man and for this country.  He truly loves the country and the common man and woman.

Here is another:



 This from a friend, who had written an epistle to his family member that he was trying to wake up.  The short feathers he posits, are the Presidencies that are not Deep State-Controlled:

Free speech is free speech.  It is not the free speech that everyone agrees with that needs protecting.  It is the speech that rubs us, or someone, or anyone, the wrong way that needs protected.

Did you watch the video clip that I sent you?  Where the 'protesters' were ushered in, by the guards. (at the very least the guards were holding the doors for them.) Do you have an explanation?  I have since seen many more videos, seen event timelines etc., that really point to this being a false flag attack.  As a side note, I see another false flag attack being set up for the 16th-20th at all 50 state capitals.  

I did some research in the scriptures over the last couple of days.  I will try to share what I have come up with.

1NE13, 14 Read the entire chapters and imagine, when it talks about the great and abominable, that it is referring to secret combinations.  Imagine also, the Council in Heaven, where Christ presented his plan and Satan presented his plan.  I believe that you will begin to see the similarties between the two.

2nd Esdras CH11 

The interpretation is found in Ch 12, specifically that there will be twelve kings that reign in succession in a latter day kingdom. And after those twelve kings:

18 That after the time of that kingdom there shall arise great strivings, and it shall stand in peril of failing: nevertheless it shall not then fall, but shall be restored again to his beginning.

The twelve kings spoken of refer to presidents Hoover through Obama.  Yes, I realize that I skipped two.  Ezra details that, I will skip it.  Why did he start his timeline with Hoover?  Because Hoover was the first president "selected" by the Gadiantons.  Why did he end his timeline with Obama?  Because Obama was the last president "selected" by the Gadiantons.  Trump was not.  In the words of Ezra, 2Esdras 11:25 And I beheld, and, lo, the feathers that were under the wing thought to set up themselves and to have the rule.  In other words, they were their own person, not beholden to anyone.  As a president should be.

I now go back to 1NE14 starting with 1 And it shall come to pass, that if the aGentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in word, and also in bpower, in very deed, unto the ctaking away of their dstumbling blocks (the great and abominable, the Gadiantons etc.)  3 And that great apit, which hath been digged for them by that great and abominable church, which was founded by the devil and his children, that he might lead away the souls of men down to hell—yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God;  17 And when the aday cometh that the bwrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the cwork of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his dcovenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.  

I believe that that day is literally happening before our very eyes. 

I refer you again to 2nd Esdras 12:18 ...and it shall stand in peril of failing: nevertheless it shall not then fall, but shall be restored again to his beginning.

I believe that Trump knew what he was doing from the get go.  I came across one of his 2016 campaign speeches.  It was all about eliminating the corruption and the Deep State (Gadiantons)  He has had one job over the last 4 years, and he is almost finished  ...maybe.  Will he succeed in his calling?  Will he beat back the Gadiantons?  Helaman Ch  2 talks about the Gadiantons being beaten back.  Ch 3 was relatively peaceful.  The Gadiantons were no longer in control.  It lasted about 10-15 years.  I don't think this 'reprieve' will last as long.  Ezra talks about the contrary feathers or short feathers. (some interpretations indicate not serving a full term. Other indications are just that a short feather is not controlled by anyone else.)  We know that Trump is a short feather. 2Esdras 11:26 And I beheld, and, lo, there was one set up, but shortly it appeared no more.  and his successor is also a short feather.  27 And the second was sooner away than the first. And we also know that whoever comes after Trumps successor will ... 31 And, behold, the head was turned with them that were with it, and did eat up the two feathers under the wing that would have reigned. 

Perhaps I should leave it here.  Obviously there is more to this story.  According to the Book of Mormon account, after the Deep State is beaten back we will have at least a few years of peace and prosperity. Nonetheless, The Great and Abominable will again raise its ugly head.  Revelation 13:2-3 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his apower, and his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 

Friday, January 8, 2021


 I am really vacillating right now on my feelings about things.  Part of me wants Trump to win at any cost.  The other part of me wants the Lord to just come and take the unrepentant trash to the curb and get it all over with - almost regardless of the cost.

I am afraid that Option 2 is in order.  The ownership of media was consolidated years ago - and, at the very last minute, the flotsam that most conservatives were clinging to (Fox News) sank right before the election (except for a few voices they allowed to keep there {Tucker Carlson, etc}for the stragglers that refused to let go).  Drudge Report; same thing.  It is now a worthless, one-sided rag.  Apparently, Newsmax (that all the Conservatives flocked to), has taken a knee to the liberal agenda.  The Right Wing is in disarray.  Much like the Church was in 1844 with the first and second in command laying in state.

But, many more glorious things were to come after 1844.  As the separation of the Wheat and the Tares is going on in the Church today, we find ourselves in a similar scenario.  Soon, President Nelson will not be at the helm, Utah crushed by a devastating EQ and nuke and things seemingly hopeless.  An 1844 moment.  But the true Saints will yet rise from that to drive the run to the NJ.  It will appear that an end game is in effect.  The true Saints (not the Aints.....) will be driven to their places of safety to weather the storm in the wilderness.  And she will rise from the ashes after the gadiantons are driven to their dens and their holes in the rocks, and then ceremoniously buried to make a full end of them.  The wicked will kill the wicked in upstate NY once again (third time is a charm....) and the Ethers will emerge from their hiding places, record the event for History to claim it his and we will move on to another chapter.  To put it coldly; it is the cycle of history of a people too stupid to "get it".  Too filled with pride to raise the eyes and see history as it was, and as it is and to project to what it will be, based on the cycles of the past.

About 15 years ago, I told a young Bishop that we were entering the phase wherein we would have CW2.0.  Obummer was elected a few years later and we began the acrimonious descent into social division and Alinsky methodology.  We have seen the fruits of that election wherein even my religiously conservative family members were wooed into voting for the fork-tongued snake.  

And here we are: the press is bought and sold, the Constitution is in shambles (just wait til the Second Amendment evaporates) and we have a stolen election including the House, Senate and Presidency.  I expected Trump to be elected (which he was) and then something would happen to him which would cause him to lose the office between Nov 4th and Jan 20th (I expected assassination).  Pence would be in for a short time and then lose it to either Pelosi or the next dumbascrap in line (although I was not sure how that succession would actually occur.... interrim election or succession to Speaker OTH??).  Something would happen to that person and then another dumbascrap would quickly take over.  Thus, perfectly fulfilling the Esdra's Eagle prophecy and some murky sayings of Bishop Koyle.

Now we have a scenario where Trump may be forcibly removed from office due to the 25th Amendment before January 20th (in an act that would only piss off the right wing).  Pence would technically be the Prez and then Biden (who likely would lose the office by the 25th Amendment - due to obvious dementia) followed by the camel.  She promises to be a rager against the 2nd Amendment and so much else based on her actions as AG in CA.  Not going to lick those particular jack boots.....

So here we are.  A very interesting juncture in history!  Necessarily bad?  Nope.  Just interesting.

In the end, God wins.  Evil is put under His feet (history repeating) and Statistical Probabilities gets yet one more finger in her eye.  Just as in 33AD and 1844 and so many other junctures in the timeline of this blue space marble, the left will gloat along with their pride-filled leader (satan) and declare that they now rule the world.  But the short-sightedness will prove to be their downfall.  For one who has power to create worlds without end and who knows the beginning from the end (and cared enough to have it written thousands of years in advance for those who cared to read it), we will see amazing things, while those who have rooted for the other side will be swept and placed unceremonially into the trash bins of history along with all the others of the archealogical layers representing those who thought they knew better.

And here we are at the point where they clamor for the 25th:

And I just sit back as I munch on the popcorn and watch the show.  Take your vitamins and buckle up!


The Reichstag has been burned and Hitler (in the female form) are making their moves in a media that will not present both sides:

Get ready to lose your right to bear arms.  This will require armed revolution to maintain the Republic.

Wow.  So maybe the 

Thursday, January 7, 2021


This is a follow-on to the previous post where-in I have described how the bloated organization has become soft in the middle:

Secrets of the Melbourne Man

In 1947, I was a 21-year-old missionary Elder, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My assignment was in Melbourne, Australia. My companion and I were going door-to-door in a quaint little section of the city. The lanes were narrow and wandered around, with no sense of plan at all.

Missionaries are not supposed to leave their companions for any reason. But here in this compact area, we decided to each take a side of the lane. Opportunities to teach anyone were so rare that we thought it wise to cover as much territory as possible. If a friendly reaction was received by one of us, the other would cross the street to share in the visit. Usually, we could see each other every minute and could almost touch hands across the lane. So the plan was working well, as we doubled our tracting efficiency.

At one door, a man answered and said yes, he would like to hear more about our beliefs. I looked for my companion, but he had disappeared. So I tried to stall until the Elder came back. He had obviously gone around one of the numerous meanderings and should reappear at any moment. I explained that my companion would be back in a minute or two. (Much later, I discovered that around the corner was a “milk bar”, where he had gone for a milk shake while he waited for me. The Elder assumed that since I was right behind him, I would soon show up there.)

After a few more minutes, the man became impatient and said, “I don’t talk standing in the lane. If you’re not interested, never mind.”

So I said, “Okay, I’ll come in.” My intention was to visit briefly, make an appointment, and return with my wandering companion.

As I began to explain our purpose, he interrupted, “Mr. Law, we have a better plan.” So I asked about his “better plan”.

The Melbourne man, as I call him, described how Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, had designed a different kind of society. This man’s plan would follow similar lines. There would be three classes of people: the leaders, the workers, and the teachers. The teachers would be trained to condition a sinless society (“…as you call sin…”, he said) – there would be no hate, no greed, no jealousy, no envy, no lust, no malice – no sin. The workers would not be envious of the leaders. The leaders would not oppress the workers. The teachers would condition each class to willingly accept their assigned role in this “perfect” society.

The Melbourne man further described how breeders would be chosen, based on superior intelligence, physical perfection and longevity genes. Children would be taken from their mothers at birth and placed in communal nurseries, and through various tests, their classes would be determined. They would then receive specialized conditioning for that particular class. All defective babies had to be eliminated. The total number of births would need to be controlled to prevent overpopulation and depletion of natural resources. By this selective breeding, a master race of geniuses could be created.

Worker-scientists were assigned to research life extension techniques until future generations could “live forever”. Through space research, they would reach out into the universe to develop planets hospitable to human life. This perfect society then spreads throughout space in a never-ending cycle.

I asked, “How will you condition them?” He then explained, in detail, the basic conditioning tools. They included diet, drugs, music, movies, education, etc.

He described how diet (the basic elements of life, food and water) could be a major desensitizing and conditioning instrument. The Melbourne man said that by using additives and special formulas, by changing plants and animals, the diet of the people leaves them submissive and easily controlled.

When that man told me that the materials, systems and procedures were already in place in 1947, my farm-boy mentality refused to accept it. Especially when he explained drug addiction. He outlined how drug addiction changes personalities, making them so dependent that they will agree to anything to satisfy their needs. I protested that people will not allow themselves to be manipulated that way. He just laughed and said, “Mr. Law, you’re such a child. Wait and see.”

I did not see how music could be used. The man then described “melodic dissonance” for me, in detail. He told of the conditioning experiments of the Russian scientist Pavlov in communist Russia, using dogs and metronomes. Pavlov found that he could condition a dog to salivate when a metronome beat at 60 beats per minute. Then he learned that he could condition the same dog to never produce saliva when the metronome beat at 120 beats per minute.

In another experiment with the same dog, Pavlov had both metronomes beating at the same time, one at 60 beats, the other at 120 beats per minute. The conditioned dog was required to do two totally opposite functions at the same time. This produced nervous shock, and the dog collapsed, unconscious.

Next, with the same dog, Pavlov had the 60-beat metronome suddenly jump to 120 beats per minute. At the same instant, the 120-beat metronome dropped to 60 beats per minute. This produced a melodic dissonance. When the metronomes were switched back and forth rapidly, the dog became so distressed that it died. In communist Russia, these experiments were then extended to humans, with similar results.

Using variations of this melodic dissonance, a new music form was created. Musical scores and lyrics were developed. A team of musicians, called “the Beatles”, was trained in Europe and introduced to America on the popular Ed Sullivan Talent Show, on national television. They were an instant hit, and all other forms of music became “old-fashioned”.

I could not understand such a phenomenon in 1947. But years later, when I first heard “rock & roll”, everything flashed back to 1947; I realized that the Australian did know that it would be a powerful tool for their conditioning plan.

The Melbourne man said they had already begun “behavior modification conditioning” in government schools, using audio-visual programs. When they introduce their messages, beginning in preschool, the results are intense and permanent.

A monster was emerging, that I found sinister and all-controlling. I could not believe what I was hearing. But over and over, he said, “Wait and see. You will live to see our perfect plan in full operation. When we control all the conditioning processes, everything will fall neatly into place.”

I protested that they were forcing their will and control on people, taking away freedom of choice. His answer was, “No, they can still choose, but they will always choose exactly what they are conditioned to choose.”

“But that’s not right!” He laughed at my evident simplicity.

So I protested again, “But God won’t allow it.”

“Why not? How can a just God – there is no such being – keep these sinless souls out of heaven? That’s what you believe, isn’t it, Mr. Law?”

So he began a different tactic. “Who do you love, Mr. Law? You certainly don’t love the Australian people.”

“Oh yes, I do, that’s why I came on a mission.”

“So, how many have you saved?”

This was a hard mission. Few and far between were our welcomes. Fewer were our converts. I admitted grudgingly, “Not many.”

“And,” he said, “all the rest are consigned to hell.”

“Oh no, there are three degrees of glory, and…”

“We know all about your three degrees of glory. It means that many are called to be Mormons, but few are chosen to be gods. We know all about your church. We control every church in the world, except yours, and we will infiltrate that.”

“Mr. Law, you don’t love anybody, do you?”

“I love my mother.”

“No, you don’t. Under your plan, she can either choose to go to hell, or make a mistake and fall through the cracks into hell. If you really loved your mother, you’d be eager to guarantee that she would go to heaven. With our plan, it is guaranteed. In fact, no one will he lost; they will all go to heaven. Of course, we don’t believe in heaven or hell, anyway. But if you really love your fellow man, our plan is the only way to show it.”

I said, “I think I’ve heard this plan before.”

“Where could you have heard it?”

“It must have been in the Council in Heaven, before I was born.” He just laughed.

I was reeling under his attack, but I could not leave. There were no chains on me. But I felt as if I was bound, hand and foot, to the chair – as though I was paralyzed. So I asked, “Who are you? What do you call this plan?”

“I am one of three members of the central planning committee of the communist party for Australia.”

I said, “I’ve heard of communism.” But I knew very little about it.

The Melbourne man told me that the world understood economic, and political, and military communism. But the plan he was outlining to me, he called “spiritual communism”, that would evolve into a worldwide government. He said they were using the current governments until they controlled the world. Then those political, economic, and military leaders would need to be eliminated because they are violent men. Then the new world order would take over.

I asked how they could make the plan work, when there are so many people who are not prepared to accept it. He said, “We will have to annihilate all who cannot be conditioned to be either a worker or a teacher.”

“How many will you kill?”

“Hundreds of millions, maybe even you and me.”

“But that is murder.”

“That is a Christian term that has no meaning. It is really a part of cleansing. We need to reduce the population to a more manageable size, anyway. Only the inner corps of the elite leaders know about the plan. The present communist leaders don’t know it. Spiritual communism is not written or recorded anywhere. It is a secret plan.”

“Then why did you tell me?”

He was a bit perplexed, but he had an answer. “I don’t know. But we are looking for zealous young men who will join this work to help bring about this heaven on earth. Think about it, not one soul will be lost.”

I was not ready to give up yet. “You’ll never take over the world!”

He answered, “Mr. Law, we now control two-thirds of all world governments, politically or militarily or economically. Only the United States of America remains as the last major hurdle to world domination.”

So I boldly declared, “You’ll never take over the United States!”

But he said, “Mr. Law, let me tell you how it is!” He said they controlled all major conditioning instruments in America now: the entertainment industry, the news media, the education system, the courts, the financial system, political parties. Where they don’t have full control, they have infiltrated and have embedded their agents into all important decision-making bodies. He said they control every agency that affects daily living in America. Their agents were everywhere, doing their jobs.

But since I was a high school graduate, twelve years in an education system, I thought that made me an expert in education. Quite triumphantly, I said, “You don’t control the education system.”

Again, “Mr. Law, let me tell you how it is! When you get home, examine any textbook in any school, at any level, from preschool to university graduate school. You will find no mention of Jesus Christ or God or His plan. But you will find our plan being taught at every level. It’s written into every textbook.”

How right he was. I have spent almost 40 years of my life in education, as a teacher and an administrator, in public and private school systems. Satan’s plan is there; God’s plan is forbidden by law. God has even been declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court.

I asked when would all this take effect, and his spiritual plan be put into operation. He said, “We have a progressive agenda. We are prepared to take two steps forward, one step back, two forward, one back, until it is time. The American people won’t even know it is happening. When it is favorable, then everything will move swiftly to the purging, or cleansing stage. People will be stunned into immobility. We won’t want a time lag between take-over and full operation of our spiritual phase.”

Then he asked, “What do you think? Are you ready to join our forces?”

I fell back to the only sure ground I knew. “I believe in God, our Heavenly Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ. It’s their plan that I will follow.”

The Melbourne man became violently angry and shouted, “There are no such beings! They are myths created to enslave the minds of men. They don’t exist!”

I answered simply, “But I have felt the power of the Holy Ghost fill me with fire from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, and I have heard the voice of God testify to me that Jesus Christ is His Son. His plan is the truth, and that is what I teach.”

He lunged across the room and attacked me with his fists. Suddenly, I was free. I could move, and I ran outside into the lane. I found my companion wandering around, desperately looking for me. He didn’t dare leave, but had kept on searching for me. He had to help me on and off the tram. I was so exhausted that I was unable to get out of bed for a couple of days.

Elder Matthew Cowley, of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, was President of all the Pacific missions. He visited us often in Australia. In my interview with him, shortly after this experience, he sensed that something was disturbing me. He asked if I would like to tell him what was wrong.

So I outlined the Melbourne man’s spiritual communism to him. Elder Cowley told me why the man told me the plan. Now that I had been permitted to hear Satan’s plan, in detail, I could choose which I would follow, Satan or Christ.

Twenty-five years after this event, I was in Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s office and told him the account. He said that he had never heard Satan’s plan in this life. But he recognized the details that Satan used to persuade one-third of our brothers and sisters to follow him in the pre-existence. They were willing to trade their agency to choose, for Satan’s guaranteed salvation. Now, I could choose again which I would follow, Christ’s plan of agency, or Satan’s plan of total control. After sixty-three years, my choice is more firmly anchored than ever before.

I have watched spiritual communism eat its ghastly way into every country and into every government, including our own. It is everywhere. All 10 points of Karl Marx’s communist manifesto have been quietly incorporated into American life. They have been accepted as “social progress”.

The Book of Mormon tells how secret combinations destroyed two great civilizations, the Jaredites and the Nephites. The Prophet Moroni warns us:

“Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you.” Ether 8:24

Are we awake? Evidences of the secret combination – spiritual communism – are everywhere. What can we do about it? When the Jaredites and the Nephites followed the Prophets, they were protected. When they rejected the Prophets, they were destroyed. My only escape from the Melbourne man was my witness of Jesus Christ.

The Prophet Nephi warned his people:

“…nothing can save this people save it be repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ…Yea, how long will ye suffer yourselves to be led by foolish and blind guides?…” Helaman 13:6, 29

There is a wonderful lesson to be learned from the Jaredites and the Nephites. There is safety in following the Prophets. I encourage all of us to follow the temporal and spiritual counsel of the latter-day Prophets, Seers and Revelators!

(Note: This is a corrected and updated recount of the real-life events described by Marion Law in a previously titled transcript, The Brother Law Fireside)

(Source: Copyright 2010 Marion Albert Law.) 


 Well, we find ourselves in a mess in DC.  Antifa thugs with hammer and sickle tattoos (no true swamp draining, Trump supporter would EVER have one) were let into the building to stage the takeover along with that goon with the buffalo horn headpiece.  These are NOT Trump people.  Trump people are not marxists and most of them actually have jobs and are productive members of society.  

Pence caved and I have clear evidence that he is a deep stater and has been waiting to play his role (and he did yesterday).  The only path forward is to retake the Republic, the media and the major institutions by force.  I trust NO ONE in DC other than Trump and a few loyalists.  The rest are wolves.  The country has been infiltrated by goons supported by the usual Russians/Chinese and even Iran.  We find ourselves in an awful situation and thankfully, many have awakened to that fact as the gadiantons have overplayed their hand to steal the election and the overthrow this country in a clear (almost bloodless) coup d'etat.

How did they do it?  By corruption in the middle managers.  All of them?  Nope - but enough of them to form a critical mass in order to effect their plans.  This was threatened by Kruschev years ago and, if you are inclined to look it up, by the "Melbourne Man", as well.  He said back in the 1940's that the only institution that his shadow organization had NOT infiltrated was the LDS Church.  I am afraid President Benson indicated it had been and that the Church office building was infested in the 1990's.  Yes, gadiantons.

I can categorically say that many have been working in direct opposition to the directives from the top.  We just had our grain silos emptied here in Alberta.  The MLMs are following the orders of the gadiantons and acting on this.  The plan is to starve the Saints out.  And the Latter day Aints are behind the plot.  I have a really hard time even reasoning with those who insist that "all is well in Zion" who feel the vaccines are just fine and dandy and that what is going on politically in this country is just par for the course.  Worse yet, that the likes of Romney is a wonderful example of upstanding Saintism.  If I were in a position, he and Reid and so many other snakes would have been ex'd LONG AGO. I have little or no patience for that ilk.

I have a hard time with seminary teachers who care more about their incomes than they do about teaching from the Spirit, the truths leveled at us Latter-day Aints by Nephi in 2 Nephi 28-31.  When my kids hear one thing taught in SS or Seminary and what I am getting from the Spirit, including that we would be in a state of CW2.0 - there is a disconnect and some confusion there.  Not so much any more, eh?!?  

If you cannot see the rift and compare against the last recorded dream of Joseph Smith about the farm and the ruffians who had gotten control of it, then I feel sorry for you.  Otherwise, why would we need one Mighty and Strong to set things in order?  Lest they were out of order to begin with??  People need some critical thinking skills and they need to get the Spirit as President Nelson has prescribed.  Seriously, folks!  Do not be part of the problem!  Be part of the solution....

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


 So somehow, stuff in a previous post was construed that I was bashing the Brethren.  My firm belief is that we are led by the Lord's mouthpiece and that there is safety in sticking with the one who was given the keys to the Kingdom by the Savior, and a majority of the Twelve.  It is a very simple belief.  And I stick with it.  I also maintain that there will be those who will be deceived and so it is important to Seek Him and not count in or trust in the arm of the flesh.  I believe there will be a split or rift.

I happen to believe that we are close and that Dallin H Oaks will lead the charge into the Millennium after President Nelson is no longer in the saddle.

I hold little or no faith in the middle management, as I call them.  As time goes on, and any organization becomes bloated, it loses touch with what makes it real.  What makes it real for me?  

Here is a list:

  • Gifts of the Spirit such as prophecy, healing, discernment
  • Focus on the Savior, and not of worship or idolizing of man
  • Selfless love of fellow man and not of self
  • A focus on the gathering of Israel and bringing home the lost 
  • Expounding of real doctrine that exalts men and women (not lowering the bar for the weakest of the Saints)
  • Facing any truth of our past, regardless of how bad it may look to the enemies of the Church.
  •  Having the courage to say what needs to be said, even if it means your life

When anyone is doing these things, they have my stamp of approval so long as they do not deviate from scriptural norms.

I hope I was clear. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021


 Well, the devil really did go down to Georgia....

This was clearly well coordinated and our Republic is in peril.  This is a must-watch:

Pray for Trump and for the Republic!