Wow, this is a great quote by BY. LOVE that man and cannot wait to meet him. I just got out of a firefight from a good friend that appears to be getting sucked into the DoC lies. I got very pissed off because he chose to not get my hints and back off from my own personal FB group that I set up to monitor at a grassroots level, VAERS events reported by most of the anti-forced jab people I know. Several people that I invited into that group are not LDS or have recently joined (friends from growing up and from Boeing) and I did not want them exposed to the shitshow that is the DoC blasphemy that makes those that at least appear to be LDS, out for a bunch of bickering and faithless malcreants. Nice introduction to the faith when some are cannibalizing our own past leadership, etc... Why the hell do we just not go for Jesus' jugular while we are at it? Seriously.... I was getting beyond pissed off.
Yep, it is open season on BY these days and I REALLY get tired of it. I happen to support his stance on blacks in the Priesthood every bit as much as I support the Savior telling my ancestors that it was not their time to have the Gospel preached to them. If some of them were in Samaria, it was too bad for them. I am fine with that. I also understand that there are groups established WELL before this earth was laid down who qualified only to have the Gospel at the very last moment before Millennial bliss set in and it was given to all who had a basic faith in Jesus Christ. I also recognize from what I saw in Brazil of macumba and other spiritism-based religions brought over from Africa with the slave trade, that some people simply were so far out (like 180 degrees out) from anything related to Jesus Christ, that it was best to leave them to do their own perverted thing. Why? For the very reason we do not send the missionaries out to a gay "pride" parade to seek out converts. Wrong place. Wrong time. When they are dying from AIDs or have turned from wickedness and are seeking out Jesus, yes. Otherwise no... That crap just infects the rest of the herd much like the liberals that have come into the Church lately and cannot handle true doctrine - and thus the pussy-footing around the various topics that are hot button including the anti-vaccine arguments.
To be quite frank, until those on the African continent were brought to a state of complete humility and even Christianized, they likely were not ready. The time for them was not the 1860's. It was when people like my Mission President came to know Jesus on his own and then was baptized into the LDS church and served on the Sao Paulo Temple Committee knowing that he could not ever enter into edifice in the mid-1970's that in part inspired President Kimball to ask the question that partly led to the Revelation (which the DoC accuses of being a sham based on political expediency only). The AIDs crisis hit next with a vengeance in Africa (oddly about the same year the blacks were given the higher Priesthood) and the wicked were killed off in droves (some particularly wicked areas lost 70% of their wildly promiscuous men) and those that rose above the crap were ready for the gospel to be preached in wholesale. And it has taken off and the time is right - just as it was for the Gentile freaks who were worshipping any stone statue that didn't move, back in Athens and Rome. Everything and everyone has their time. It is not my place to critique that decision. I trust the process. I was kind of at the ground level with the whole thing when my Mission President's oldest 19 year old son was the first black man to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and my Mission President became the first black member of the Quorum of the 70. As his APE, I was involved in coaching him on his pronunciation of English words that he had prepared for his first Gen Con talk a few months later in April 1990.
The problem with the DoC is that most of their arguments like most of those of the anti-LDS crowd, are emotional-based. I see a dearth of logic being applied to most things they say - because they are simply looking for the emotionally charged and disaffected out there that they can prey upon (yes, picture the ravening wolf circling the humble lamb). When they think about this one terrible "affront" by Brigham to the black people, they forget that God has held WAY more in reserve the 10 Tribes who STILL DO NOT have the Higher Priesthood. Does he hate THEM??!!?? Nope. It simply is not their time yet. And yes, they were still labeled among the chosen people in 721BC before He cut them loose for being idiots and for pissing in their bowl of pottage...
So yeah.... This kind of crap makes me VERY hot. Here are a few excerpts from the "discussion":

Can someone please clarify wht is meant by the DoC? Thanks
ReplyDeleteI forget the exact wording. But this is in reference to Denver Snuffers bunch, who believe that the LDS church lost it's way and no longer has the priesthood when Joseph Smith Jr died and the Nauvoo Temple was not complete in the sense that construction was not up to snuff and incomplete when the Temple was dedicated. They may have added more stuff on top of that, I don't keep track. Snuffer writes these books that parrots most of the LDS doctrine in order to sell himself (Priestcraft) and his ideas, then he suddenly swerves off road with this beliefs stated above.
DeleteI trust the Saints at Joseph and Brigham's time who were certainly not as knowledgeable of the world as we are today but they were guided more by the Spirit than we are today possibly due to their challenges, suffering they were tutored. I would not like to trivialize such a people who followed Brigham, who saw and experienced it all first hand.
JS said: I never heard of a man being damned for believing too much; but they are damned for unbelief.
Snugger said he donated profits from book to the LDS church. Can that be verified?