Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Interesting commentary on the red heifer.

VERY INTERESTING - prophetic commentary at 1hour 13 mins that at Succoth, it is quite possible that those who have gone out (from Babylon), will be protected.  This needs more attention.


 I just awoke from a strong dream and will tap it out on the phone before I forget it.

I was at the US Capital.  I was advising President Trump and was riding up a long elevator or escalator to an important meeting in a high place.  Others were there who were sharks.  We got to the high place and I gave Trump my last wishes and sent him off, remaining on the escalator.  I was then on the grounds waiting for the outcome of his meeting?  I knew some heavy destruction was coming.  I was warning people.  I managed to avoid it.  There was an acquaintance that lived a few blocks from the building with his dog.  It was a Benji dog.  After the event I went to view the scene and his dog was there mourning his master that had perished.  I took pity on the dog and became his new caretaker.  My role was to watch over the Capitol building until the Patriots could return from avenging the wrong on whomever did the deed of destruction.

After a period of years, some Patriots returned wherein we discussed the ways we could rebuild the building in an open forum where the public could go and discuss principles of freedom in an open air forum, not much unlike in Ancient Greece.  Obviously, my dream director had not been to DC in January....  We settled on a building with a roof for shade and protection from rain, but one where anyone could come.  A takeoff on a city without walls.

The second part of the dream put me in San Diego at a temple on a beach.  There were many people in a line awaiting their chance to go in.  Was it an open house?  I remember getting into a discussion with a worldly lady about the temple.  There was some sort of disagreement over some external thing such as state of dress.  I made the point that it was more important to be in a good state internally rather than what was on the outside.  The discussion then shifted to whether we worship the building or the One that it was to point us to.  I then settled into a discussion about leader worship and the arm of the flesh.  And were we supposed to worship the one who leads us?  Or were we to focus on the One our leader is pointing us to?  I then went back to picking up copious amounts of sunglasses that littered the ground. The lady I had been talking to was wearing a pair along with a sun hat.

Monday, March 29, 2021


 Folks, I know very little about this theory as the Spirit has not directed me to dive into it, but this preacher has dredged up some interesting tidbits on how Adam could be related to God in ways most would not expect for a Born Again:

For not having a fullness, he sure nails most stuff down when it comes to more complex doctrines of the Plan of Happiness.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


 Folks, this dystopian future is being forced on you right now:

Most people lazily do not care.  This is why we were commanded to be out of debt and to grow our own food.  You cannot fight the British if the only people who manufacture muskets are the British....

Self sufficiency is paramount.

Friday, March 26, 2021


 You know, I have been waiting for something like this to come out to put things in perspective.

Most of the women in my life who are not trapped in the (in repented) sin cycle are true warriors.  To the point that I am always asking what is going on with the men:,%2C%20ezer%20and%20k'enegdo.&text=%E2%80%9CIn%20eight%20of%20these%20instances,expressions%20of%20deliverance%20or%20saving


Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 This aligns with not only contemporary revelation like Visions of Glory speaking of a Chinese invasion of the West Coast (Russians on the East - and likely Alaska and parts of northern Canada), but it aligns with a curious statement by Joseph Smith that states that if the people of the US do not tread carefully, they will have to deal with the heathen Chinese on the West Coast.

Since I was a teen, my dad started talking about the maps appearing in China that pointed to explorations of North America long before Columbus, etc.  Same with the Vikings.  Both groups were not allowed long-term presences here because it was to be part of Shem's inheritance (and the House of Israel through Abraham), not Japheth's domain.  Events led to them leaving their traces (likely genetic traces, as well as physical markers such as building styles down in Central America and Peru), but nothing ridiculously long-term, wherein they dominated and took completely over.

The other striking thing is that the treasure ships were so large.  According to what I know, the first emperor of China was actually Noah.  Do a word search for Noah on the upper left side


 Love it when I find something that corroborates what I said just a few days ago.

Look at 32 mins on this vid:

Pretty clear when looking at the data.

This baby will get active again and we will have two continents in North America.  From Montreal all the way down to New Orleans.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 Usually, I only play this song around Christmas time.  It deals mostly with the First Coming of our Savior - but the First Coming was to save the people spiritually, then would come the physical emancipation from those who have beset about Israel and afflicted her.

Things always start out spiritually and then manifest themselves physically.  This is the order of things.  The first order of creation is to conceive of something in a thought and then to create it physically from those thoughts.

Well, if you are sick of a corrupt world where sin is entrenched, a physical salvation would be good about now:

If my friend (actually, many friends) is correct, then we are about to embark on the 42 months prior to Israel being finally freed from bondage for 1,000 years.  The mid-point of the seven year period will start on or about March 28th and end on Passover (Conference Sunday) in a few short days.

I am likely wrong - but I will get more bold if we have something big to light the party off.  I have mentioned large EQs, asteriods are cool, comets rate highly, CME's and supernovas and all kinds of fun stuff.  Maybe even an electric Conference talk.  Even more bold if Elder Holland goes to the Holy Land with a compadre for some reason around this time.

We will see.

Saturday, March 20, 2021


 Folks, I am a big proponent of the middle America model and believe that it was likely this thing letting loose that caused the locks on the Mississippi around St Louis as well as the rock shelf at Nauvoo that would allow the crossing of the river in August before the modern dams were built.

Here is some great commentary on the event:

In the end, we will discover that much of the Mississippi is a fault complex that runs up to the St Lawrence Seaway to the Atlantic.  We will literally have two continents where there was one as the North American Great Rift becomes fully active.

Friday, March 19, 2021


 The halls of worship should be filled with everyday men and women who are guided by the Holy Spirit.

Instead, we often eulogize letters and accomplishments.  I am not sure this is the way it is supposed to be:

“Those with Visions

The book Visions of Glory by John Pontius, based on the near death experiences of “Spencer,” has been the cause of much division and condemnation from people who find it incredulous or who feel threatened by its graphic depictions of the earth’s endtime phase we have now entered. Because of that, soon after its publication, I compared it with the prophecies of Isaiah and discovered there were no points of conflict between it and Isaiah’s endtime scenario. In fact, Visions of Glory filled in many details in Isaiah’s broader vision of the end from the beginning.


What a pity, then, that in the very hour Visions of Glory has been proving helpful in preparing people’s minds and hearts for the events now upon us, it is receiving renewed condemnation. Didn’t the Lord warn Isaiah against this happening? “Write on tablets concerning them; record it in a book for the endtime, as a testimony forever. They are a rebellious people, sons who break faith, children unwilling to obey the law of Jehovah, who say to the seers, See not! And to those with visions, Predict not what is right for us: flatter us; foresee a farce!” (Isaiah 30:8–10).


Another irony is that the worst opposition to Visions of Glory has come from academia, persons who most come under condemnation from Isaiah and Book of Mormon prophets: “Because these people approach me with the mouth and pay me homage with their lips, while their heart remains far from me—their piety toward me consisting of precepts of men learned by rote—therefore it is that I shall again astound these people with wonder upon wonder, rendering void the knowledge of their sages and the intelligence of their wise men insignificant” (Isaiah 29:13–14);


“Because of pride, and wickedness, and abominations, and whoredoms, they have all gone astray save it be a few, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances they do err because they are taught by the precepts of men. O the wise, and the learned, and the rich that are puffed up in the pride of their hearts and all those who preach false doctrines and all those who commit whoredoms, and pervert the right way of the Lord, wo, wo, wo be unto them, saith the Lord God Almighty, for they shall be thrust down to hell!” (2 Nephi 28:14–15).


The saddest part of this is that those on whom the humble followers of Christ have relied have been the very source of “precepts of men,” ”false doctrines,” and perverted ways of the Lord. They themselves have been in error and not come out from under the condemnation the Lord had earlier pronounced on them: “Your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received—Which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation” (Doctrine & Covenants 84:54–55).


In such a situation, it is almost inevitable that the conjoining of the academic and ecclesiastical arms of God’s people (as when the Sadducees joined forces with the scribes and Pharisees against the teachings of Jesus) compounds the problem to the point of persecution of the humble followers of Jesus by their own institution: “We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion” (Doctrine & Covenants 121:39).


Didn’t Jesus speak of the validity of NDEs and about those who would reject them? “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead” (Luke 16:31). And didn’t Ammon, Lamoni, and Lamoni’s servants all “declare unto the people that they had seen angels and had conversed with them” while they lay on the ground as if dead (Alma 19:33–34)? Could envy of visionaries lie at the root of the problem? “What is that thou hast testified? Hast thou seen an angel? Why do not angels appear unto us?” (Alma 21:5).”

- Dr. Avraham Gileadi

Go to the Isaiah Institues website to find his book and presentation on Visions of Glory and Isaiah.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


 It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.  It makes sense that it would come back relatively close to the New Jerusalem, since they will be sister groups of people.  It will be such an amazing time to be alive.  Truly something to look forward to.  Time and space will no longer be a damning object; the speed of thought:

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 So the Vikings were not spinning a yarn....

And the climate change bozos will be in a total state of disarray as they scramble to explain this one away.

Fact is, you can put down a bunch of ice pretty quickly.  I really feel that in the past 4,000-6,000 years (possibly directly after the flood), there was a very massive event that caused rapid cooling/freezing along with huge winds that threw giant mammoths and other large animals into ravines (low pressure areas) along with gravel and a bunch of other stuff and instantly froze and buried them.  Something dramatic happened - and it happened fast such that the animals were chewing their cud one second and then were insta-frozen the next.  An animal will not chew its cud under a stressful situation - at least not from my observation of multi-stomached animals....

Then there is the WWII plane that was found hundreds of feet under ice on Greenland.  When the climate forcers were making their ice core calcs, they assumed each layer in the core was equivalent to one winter.  Well, guess what?  Those B-29s and other now-valuable aircraft would have to have landed on the ice sheet in the 1500's for that to be the case.  OR..... it was a simple explanation of:  one layer of ice = one snow storm.  Occam's razor.

But then, what do I know?  I am one of those simpletons that believes in a Supreme Being with massive intelligence beyond our comprehension who seeded life on this orb instead of the biological equivalent of a tornado in a junkyard making a Ferrari....  Quite frankly, I will stick with the Italian job on that one.

Friday, March 12, 2021


 If my dream of one year ago was correct, then we are in for a wild ride on the wave that I expected would form in the April/May timeline.  My expectation is that this one would actually cause people to WANT to be locked inside because going out would cause them to take a dirt nap in black plastic.

So far, no indications of this to this point.  We will see.  It will also be interesting to see if this ends up matching up at least roughly with the third wave Spencer mentions in VoG.

We live in interesting times.


 I got a great (at least honest) comment on the blog about wanting this EQ in Utah.  I cannot remember what the commenter called me, but it wasn't

Likely from someone who lives in SLC - but who I am surprised reads the blog....

The "Spring EQ" I am looking for is not necessarily one that is destructive (other than a few old masonry buildings), but it will be one that is just strong enough to wake people up.  To start taking a long look around them and to take the words of the Prophets seriously and to see the awfulness of our situation.

I will never forget when we made a trip down to Gen Conference and my oldest daughter began commenting on how many billboards were up along I-15 referencing plastic surgery.  She felt that was wicked in some form.  When we were back, I looked up the stats and found that Utah has the highest per-capita plastic surgeon density in the nation.  Even more so than LA or Vegas.....  That means lots of nips and tucks and implants for lots of people worried very much about looks.  I remembered the 33 gallon garbage bags stuffed with clothes from gay cruising (anonymous sex in the bushes) in City Creek Park.  I remembered the article on King5 talking about how EQ Presidents and many others who were recommend holders were actively wife swapping down in dRaper.  Pretty disgusting stuff - unless you are perverse; then it is defensible.  And I remembered the statement from Heber C. Kimball that Utah would be classed among the wicked cities of the earth.

The fact is, generally speaking, the people are ripe.  I have to say I am still scratching my head over the nuke in Ogden.  Are the people there (in and out of the Church) really of that kind of nature?  There will be few survivors close in (including my co-worker).  Those who are not ripe, will have to rely on the Lord to bring them through (like Spencer).  The same applies to Cardston or any other place where the people have been given much.  The same thing applies to the USA, that somehow just turned a blind eye to the wholesale slaughter of the unborn (until Trump and a few others have tried to turn the tide). Coming up now on 50 years of bloody carnage.  How ironic would it be if we had it removed either by a SCOTUS reversal of 1973, or by force of circumstance (inability to power lights and operating tables, etc).  If this nations wants blood, I am sure the Lord will oblige them.  Especially in the big cities where abortion can often be a form of birth control.

Many will rail against this kind of talk.  Many did in Lehi's day.  Many did in Jesus' day.  And this, to their temporal and spiritual peril.  The archealogical layers are littered with the testaments of their folly.

So why would I take any pleasure in this (if any at all)?  Because I know that these things must come to pass prior to a better way being revealed.  I did not like my wife's body being cut apart or torn apart (literally) to bring our five children into this world.  It was incredibly brave and selfless of her - but I knew it had to happen in order to grace our lives with the spirits we were sent.  For me, the sacrifice and possibility of losing her in the process, was far less of a risk than what good would come of the sacrifice.  I believe she would obviously say the same.  There is no reward of lasting value in something where there is no risk involved.

So, if you read this and feel anger as many did in the days of Lehi.  Repent.  Simple.  If you cannot repent, come and get me.  After the border opens, of course....

On a different note....  I have seen some level of whispering about President Nelson.  There have been no real tweets or messages from him (other than pre-recorded stuff) since the jab in Jan.  If you have seen him in the past four weeks (in person), please reach out in the comments.  I have also heard that Elder Holland is using a walker to get around since the jab in Jan.  I have some theories about what may be going on - but do not want to feed the rumor mill until I have fleshed out my channels of information.  

Thanks in advance for chiming in (I will not share comments, if you request it).

Meanwhile, for the faithful.  Continue to watch and wait.  Only those who have their lamps lit (as a sign of welcoming the Bridegroom), will be called into the Wedding Feast.  We should desire this invitation with all our hearts and seek now to qualify.  He is knocking - and possibly has even entered already.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 So, I have talked many times about the death of my middle child from SIDS and how we used to always talk about the "Jesus connection" with him.  There were many odd coinkydinks with that little guy!

Some of them were:

  • he played baby Jesus in the Ward Christmas party when he was about six months old.  His acting was perfect and his lines perfectly memorized....  
  • He died at 8 months, 20 days of age; exactly 8 months 20 days before Dec 25th of the year he died.  We found this out when my wife was figuring out the due date of our next child whom I dubbed "grief baby" because she was conceived within the two weeks after he died as my wife and I were seeking comfort in our trial.
  • He was the first one to "open the womb" of my wife (as it mentions in Luke 2 - and that hit home to me the next Christmas, when we were going over the scriptures and that finally jumped out at me).  The first two children were C-sectioned.  One of them male, so he was not the first-born nor the first-born male in our family.  Though, likely one who would not need the full extent of this mortal probation to pass through and learn principles of agency, repentance, etc.
  • The night he died, I had a dream wherein (in the second part of it) a sign was given that all was well with him on the other side of the veil.  It was clear that this sign was to be for his mother as a comfort and re-assurance of his mission over there.  In the dream, there was a turkey and I assumed it would be given around Thanksgiving or Christmas, when we traditionally have a turkey.  Right after I got done de-boning the turkey after a VERY depressing Christmas without our little guy (babies and toddlers always make Christmas so magical and meaningful), I received the phone call from my father relating that my mother and my son (manifesting in their prime) came to him to give him a message.  That second part of my dream was fulfilled to the "t" and was a great source of comfort and understanding to my wife and I, as well as the other two parts of the dream.  This again, happened late on Christmas Eve; thus a Jesus connection.
  • The biggest and clearly the most dramatic to me was that he passed within an hour of what I believe would have been the very hour that Jesus expired on the cross.  This happened during an eclipse, that was coincidental to an earthquake in the Holy City and which caused the superstitious Romans to comment that surely this must have been a God (a lunar eclipse was an ill-spectred omen back in the day).  So, in doing this research, I nailed down the date of the crucifixion (which has always been a source of controversy to the "scholars").  Very simple; Lunar eclipse coincidental with the eve of Passover.

Here is the data from the link above (with Israel circled in red):

Anyway, I just had a whim to go over this after getting off the phone with one of my buddies and talking of the signs that will precede His coming to the Saints in Utah in their hour of judgment.

BTW - he corrected himself (and me) in that the 1260 days from Sept 23rd, 2017 would fall on about March 25th, 2021.  It was not the 42 months that he was thinking of originally that landed him on March 6th.  That is the beginning of Passover Week that ends on April 4th (Conference Sunday).

I mentioned that it would be cool if the big Utah spring shaker happened in that week.  It would create quite the buzz and excitement if it were in the 6.5 to 7.5 range.

We will see.  Just a few more weeks from now.


 Wow - this is timely stuff!:

This will likely trigger a review by the SCOTUS - which will cause a likely challenge to RvW (which I feel is desperately needed in order to reduce the judgment on this nation).  Not like it would help much, it may just reduce the sentence slightly for a half-token gesture not supported by most in this corroded state of affairs.

I believe there should be very select limitations on it such as incest or even rape, though my wife and I have discussed it and we would likely raise a child if she were ever to become pregnant due to rape.  We love life too much to just chuck it away like common trash.  But - we feel that in extreme cases like that, it should be given as a possible option, especially where the sight of the child would likely be a reminder of the trauma of sexual assault to the mother; but likely this remedied through the best-case outcome of  adoption to a loving home where child bearing is not possible.

On that note, I just found out a few days ago from my Aunt who happens to have a scoop on all the family genealogy scandals, that my Great G-ma was raped (though not forcibly, we believe) by her Bishop of the Wellsville Ward (Cache Valley, UT) when she was 15.  She became pregnant from what I hope was a one-time indiscretion (not an ongoing fling) while my G G-ma was babysitting his children as his wife was in the hospital delivering his child.  Yep.....  Does not get more messed up than that.....

It kind of messed her life up from the sounds of it.  This was back in the late 1800's when this was a Victorian snafu and she was shunned for being pregnant as a minor in a small town, though it was not clear whether the acting Bishop was ever implicated by her as the father.  She may have hid the fact to save face for the man.  I asked my aunt if she knew of him paying for that crime - either socially, civilly or ecclesiastically and she believed that he did not.

My g-Gma ended up in Cardston as she sought to put the pieces back together (she married my G-gfather who also had some small children as a widower) and eventually ended up boarding my mother who needed a place in town where she could easily get to High School in the winters when bussing was an issue and it was uphill both ways from her rural address.

So, I have a great uncle with a wild story to his name.  This uncle went off to fight in WWI and died in Europe as a young lad.  Kind of a David and Bathsheba kind of thing.....

In the life review that all will have to go through, it will be interesting to see the ripples of this one act by this bishop who was a trusted person in a position of authority.  If not cleared up in this life, it will have to be in the next.  It is going to be so interesting to see how all things play out.  I have no desire for revenge (even for my wife's own abuser), but I am quite interested in seeing all of the alternate universes created by my own lack of good acts (or even omissions) and all of those who have directly affected my situation.  I plan on spending a bunch of time (in the simulator) watching major events in history play out and tweaking the "what if" button on quite a bit including what would have happened if my wife's stepdad had not crossed over the line, etc.

My work colleague (who is LDS and lives in Utah), just told me about one son who abused her youngest daughter as the mother was helping another daughter fight a two year battle over childhood leukemia, which led to her first husband leaving her for another woman.  Talk about ripples.....  The abused daughter is struggling with her identity and places a bunch of LGBTQ gobbledy-gook in front of her name instead of the rational "daughter of God".....  So sad.  She will have a life sentence from this, while the son will have to deal with eventually having to disclose to anyone that is interested in him that he was dipping the quill in the family ink....  Satan is having a heyday as the whole thing starts to unravel and come crashing down.  Thus the warning in the Proclamation on the Family that further disintegration of the family (especially purposefully by politicians, marxists and other adherents to satan), will bring judgments upon the nation.  It can only get so dysfunctional and then it collapses under it's own weight.  The few who do not give into the siren call of Babylon, will have to cling together for physical and spiritual safety (due to war and mayhem springing up in every land) and eventually make their way to Zion to escape the wrath and hell that surrounds them on every side.  It will be an interesting time to be alive.

Each thing we do, creates a series of effects that cannot be reined back in.  Those things that we are aware of, that we do not confess/repent of, we must be made aware of (so that we can feel sorrow) and even pay for in some degree or another, as we learn of in D&C 19.  Even if we fully accept the Atonement, we must go through a repentance process to wash away the direct effects to us and place them on the shoulders of One who is Perfect and capable of accepting that burden, so that He can then accept us as His before a perfect Father who cannot look on sin with the least degree of allowance.  In effect, we must be "vouched for".  This is how the immigration process is here in Canada.  For someone coming in, there must be a friend or family member that can vouch for them.  Someone who will put their name on the line, so to speak.  Thus it will be in the Judgment Day before our Father.

Each day of our existence, we need to consider this and repent, acknowledging that we are nothing and that God's ways are Just.  It is the only way to true peace and happiness.  All else is a trap.  A fruitless, meaningless trap.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Interesting timing:

Bishop Koyle said that a bitter drought would start in the SW and begin to spread over the USA (similar to the Dust Bowl), leading to crop failures and famine.

This would be in the time just after the Republicans would fall, never to rise again.

There have been false alarms over drought for the past decade and there were emergency water measures put in place for Las Vegas, etc.  But I feel that it will have to be dramatic over a few years.  Dust bowl like conditions are dramatic in the bread basket zones of America.

Drought in one area will trigger food shortages worldwide as many nations have come to rely on our grain exports.

Saturday, March 6, 2021


 Excellent synopsis!


 Well isn’t this interesting.  On the exact mid point, the false prophet ascends his throne:

Remember that he came to power when the second to last pope suddenly stepped down in Feb 2013, just as Dewey Bruton predicted he would, exactly one month before the midpoint of the first seven year period and one month before the critical date of 3/22 which is the number on the skull and crossbones logo.

It will be interesting to see what started today in world events other than this....

My wife, when I had finished this post, sent me the reference to Isaiah 47:

Friday, March 5, 2021


 Please do NOT check your calendars!  It is not Wednesday.

According to one of my good prepper buddies here in S. Alberta (who many of you may know), this is the mid-point of the seven year period that started on Sept 23rd, 2017 when we had the sign of the woman.

Usually, when there is a big event, you kick it off with a party.  I am hoping for some awesome doom to start the show.  Maybe a new volcano rising from the sea or maybe a Tugunska-style event in some remote location.  Something flashy and rare.  Then we can get down to business of preaching the sermons by the Lord.  Pop some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show.....

So far, the missionaries have been mostly taken from the earth (yes, sitting in an apartment and doing quite little compared to what used to happen, is not missionary work - not much unlike Paul writing a few epistles from his prison cell....), we have the lgbt folks lighting up the Y last night, we had a mega-quake yesterday (at a time when they were mostly off-line for the last four years of Trump goodness), we have a dementia patient being spoon-fed the baby-killing presidential edicts to sign and so much else.  To me, this is a good time to start the party.  The trash evicting party.  I have to say that it is not exactly kind to call my wayward brothers and sisters trash - but it is more directed at what they are doing than who they are (children of a loving and quite patient Father in Heaven).  And patience does run out.  We have had statements in the past that the destroying angels have been sent to earth - and I have to say that when I see that a comet or space rock that does not follow the accepted orbital mechanics as it passes by, I have to give pause and wonder if these dudes have a rather unconventional ride to our blue space marble for the show.

But, I am hoping it will start with a real bang so there is little doubt in everyone's mind.  Between now and tomorrow evening.

I can always ask.  When I already sound like a raving lunatic, I always like to be able to point to concrete events to drive my point home....


 Okay, so this is is the biggest smoking gun I have uncovered yet.  Some of my commentary to a recent friend that sent the link to me:


Oh my....  This gal has the smoking gun.  When I was at Boeing, I uncovered the smoking gun on the Alaska Airlines crash off the coast of California.  I mentioned it to a member of my Stake Presidency at the time, who was also a Boeing engineering manager in Defense.  He told me I could end up dead if I pushed that info.  Basically told me to shut up and go along to get along...  😡. 

That was over a paltry few tens of millions of dollars.  What this gal is talking about is trillions of dollars and an entire world power structure.  She is likely a marked woman.

I will say here that Spencer is right and this nano stuff either is the mark or the clear precursor to it...

How can we avoid it?  It will be very tricky....

As states de-mask and the curtain is pulled open on the Wizard, those who are fighting for control of Oz will become more draconian.  I have seen the results.  You absolutely need to be able to shelter in your house for months with enough food and water to get it done.  You will venture out at extreme peril.

What else can I say??

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 So, I read an article this morning that stated that more elderly died from the shot, than from the actual "disease" in Israel.  They have really been strident on getting it out over in Israel.  Maybe they know something we do not....:

My wife is of the opinion that President Nelson and others of the 12 over 70 virtue-signaled on this thing in order to take the heat off of the Church for as long as possible.  It is the only plausible explanation that I can find for the action they took (which threw about 20% of the membership under the bus - people who feel that this is the mark of the beast or the pre-cursor to it, and will now take heat from those members who feel we are not "following the Prophet" and are quasi-apostate).

I also saw that a bunch of states mostly in the South have removed the mask mandates and all restrictions related to the scamdemic.  God bless Texas - and SD for sure!  Their governor has more testosterone coming from her ovaries than the Utah gov has in his entire impotent body....

My friend from the interior of BC mentioned (without my prompting him) that a third wave comes in the second quarter.  This matches exactly with what I have been saying/feeling since my dream of about a year ago - and I still have to contact him and ask where he got his information from.  My understanding is that this wave actually is QUITE deadly complete with body bags, etc.

Likely - this release of the China virus variant will be in response to people not taking the existing  imposed mandates seriously enough.  When they feel that they are losing control of their control, they will act viciously.  

Rule number one:  never let the slaves get a taste of freedom once you have been able to remove it by degrees.  There are never enough task masters to keep the unruly mob tamped down once freedom flares.  The British found this out....

So, how does this possibly lead to the mark of the beast?  

The "vax passports" that they will issue to allow you to go out and buy and sell and work, etc will likely develop a black market where there will be forged documents made up for those who want to thwart the regs.  When the big round of deadly virus hits, this will give most sheeple the impetus to get the shot, no matter what.  Even with possible dire consequences from the very thing that is supposed to save you.  The threat of death will be greater than the threat of any adverse reactions.  Perfectly healthy people are dropping dead right now - while most of the reported covid deaths that are showing up on the stats pages are from people who would have died from flu and standard cold/pneumonia, etc

It will be so bad that there will be lines for people for food, for basics of life, for a basic income, etc and you will NOT get any of the above if you have not got your paperwork or chip in order.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


My wife and I were able to take a weekend off to go to central BC to pick up a greenhouse and get some much-needed R&R in. In the process of doing so, I ran into a fellow in the bank who did not have a mask on. I queried him about how he got away with it, as there was an overzealous manager in there flitting about and making sure that everybody followed the rules perfectly. The line was long, so we were able to chat. As time went on, we found out that we both have similar/identical beliefs regarding vaccines and world views. He is a Christian fellow and a good man of God. He had a very soft and gentle (meek) way about him and I seek that trait out for myself. It is the only way to truly become as a child. I told him of some of the miracles that have been handed to me by a merciful God in the recent past and he mentioned that he had given away a business to someone who needed it. In fact, he had given everything away. He was well-groomed and obviously educated and well-spoken, but I noticed that he had patched his blue jeans with one of those patches that you iron on over a hole. I marveled that he had enough trust in the Lord to just walk away from it all. As we finished our convo outside the bank, several men that likely would have been considered homeless (from their appearance) gave their well-wishes as they went past us and entered the bank. My wife and I were able to spend a good chunk of time talking about this vaccine on the 10 hour drive home and we both came to the conclusion that this article does:

Largely, the wealthy and well-heeled are able to get it first (there are even reports of billionaires flying to the Arctic to get doses slated for older, poor people). Money talks. And forget about those in the jungles of Africa where there is no real healthscare system in place. So, what if part of the plan is to have all the wealthy and those whose 'god' is science, get this poison and then they end up dying in a massive cytokine storm when the natural bug comes on the scene. If they all pass - and the truly humble and meek are the only ones left, then will that fulfill the statement that "the meek shall inherit the earth"?? If so, what an interesting way to close out the terrestrial world! As for me and mine, fuggedaboutit. I have no desire to submit. This is the pre-cursor to the MotB.