I no longer (when I am stateside) pledge allegiance to the flag, I always insert "the Constitution" in place of "the flag", when I say the pledge. The flag represents to me the tyranny of a fallen people and once-great nation. Much like a banner in Moroni's day probably meant to him - it rings hollow, as he fought for a people he knew had lost the approbation of the Savior and the moral high ground.
And I highly doubt they had abortion back then......
If you think you are truly free, you are COMPLETELY deluded. You are a slave on the plantation - most likely quite oblivious to the flaxen cords with which you are bound. And I am not even talking about personal sin - that is a whole other story. We are bound by tyrannical laws, debt, the threat of stepping outside social norms and the stigmas attached to that, we are even bound by over-religiosity (for those of us who swing a little too far on the pendulum towards Pharisaical behavior) and so much else. We are tightly bound - and most are oblivious to it. It is stunning when you start to look around at the awful state we are in. And most - like that previous video - just accept their slavehood, in fact - most would fight violently if you tried to somehow free them from it. You might well end up dead. You might well end up like LaVoy, Abinadi, Joseph Smith or even Jesus Christ - ALL of whom tried to free the slaves, but were interred by the incarcerated. Stunning.
The scriptures are there to help us awaken to our awful situation - whether it is to come to the realization that we are social slaves or spiritual slaves (to sin). When we awaken and begin to throw off the shackles, then we are free indeed! It takes daily reading of the Book of Mormon specifically in order to do so.
Here is a meme that blows the mind:

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