While this was not a prophecy, it showed that the Prophet of the day recognized two key dates here. 1917 which was a Jubilee Year and 50 years before the lands were restored to the Jews with the forfeiture of Temple Mount in 1967 - and one hundred years before Christ comes to Jerusalem in 2017 (Oct 16th is the start of the next Jewish Year - analgous to our Julian calendar of 2017) on the 50th, 50th Jubilee Year since the clock was reset after the 70 year hiatus after Jerusalem was sacked by the Persians. He also alludes to the 70 year mark (where the call went forth to make Jerusalem a nation) in 1947, before this big event that kicks it all off in 2017 when He comes to Jerusalem as Lord of Lords and King of Kings to go head to head with the a/C.
This is just my speculation - but bummer will reign in that role as the head of the UN at the end of this year as the seven year period is initiated this fall of burying the dead and disposing of the weapons of war of those who were gathered to Jerusalem against God's chosen people.

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