The FBI has come to Montana to arrest 25 year old Jake Ryan. They told Ryan's parents that Jake must go to jail for being at the Refuge in Oregon. No charges, just terror on a Montana Family.
Sanders County, Mo Sheriff Tom Rummel has held off the FBI for nearly a week because his conscience is bothered. But so far he has not stood up fully to these thugs. Townspeople are calling for a Town Hall.
It is a Sheriff's duty to stand up against a tyrannical government, defend our Constitution, and even arrest these agents if necessary.
We need people to call or email Sheriff Rummel and urge him to defend the law, throw out the FBI and protect his people.
Ask him to show some courage and tell him that the people will stand with him.
Tom Rummel
(406) 827-3584
Here is a statement from Jeanette Finicum, LaVoy's Widow:
OK folks, here's the kind of decisions that your gov't is causing people to have to make. For those of you that have been keeping up with the plight of the Ryan family in Montana, they have decided to make a stand. Jake Ryan was at the Malheur Refuge and got to be pretty close to LaVoy. Best we can tell, he is guilty of nothing. No more than the Bundys or LaVoy. The charges against him are unclear but a federal warrant has definitely been issued for him. After much fasting and prayer, the family has said that they have decided "the arrests stop here".
Anyone that would like to visit them and pray with them or offer a word of encouragement, they said you are welcome to come to Plains, MT.
And it's no coincidence that the FBI is targeting Sheriff Rummel. Just like Sheriff Palmer, Rummel stood up to the Federal Government telling them in a letter:
I, therefore, want you to know that myself and my deputies will not enforce any federal regulations enacted by Congress, or executive orders of the President circumventing the Constitutional rights of the citizens of Sanders County. So help me God.
This one in Montana is putting up a fight. Plains was part of my old Stake - my wife would go visit a branch or ward there as part of her Stake YW assignment at the time.
I may just have to pay a visit on my way through. My vehicle is sporting my new LaVoy memorial sticker:
Get one here:

AND, I just got my "I Am Tarpman" t-shirt in the mail:
I will have to model that as I mosey on through that lovely town..... Hopefully, I don't get "LaVoy'd" in the process by our own "Freaking jackBooted Imbeciles".....
Hey I live a couple hours away from plains is this crap for real? Haven't seen any thing on the local news. If it is I will run up there and hang out with them.