12/29/2013 05:50 PM
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2014: The Year of TRUE CHANGE
As I said before, these are only a few of the predictions I have received for a long time and which time is coming this very year.
The sky will bring a rain of light even at night before the middle of the year. Flowers will be in full blossom by then. A warning unseen.
Spirituality will be seen as useless in a time when humanity is sank into materialism for its survival, for its demise.
Summer will arrive earlier than usual, thus opening the growing season earlier and if taken in consideration, yields will increase.
Ariel Sharon will finally die, this year. (This was the first one to happen the beginning of this year. The time/date stamps do not lie, folks. This was put out there the last few days of 2013).
Israel will sign a Peace Accord for seven years, this very year, as the Bible says so. Never before had this happened. A warning for the knowing.
(This was just announced and will happen in May when the Pope makes a friendly visit to Israel. Folks, I do not have a good feeling over any of this.....)
Stars falling. Moon seen awkward. Sun grows colder; await the scorching. Red skies, red waters, red sudden; red. (Hmmmm......finally getting the plagues spoken of in Revelations? These have similar effects to those of the times of Moses. This is all part of the 2500 year, 50th 50th Jubilee release of "the captive Israel" that happens in the Year of our Lord, 2017. Remember that the Israelites were released the first time from their captors, the Egyptians 2500 years after Adam left the Garden of Eden and the counting of time was started. This was the first 50th, 50th Jubilee.)
Meteorites will continue to hit the Earth, and some will bring damage of median proportions.
A very large meteorite will hit South Germany, stopping its invasion. This will be seen like divine intervention, helping the wrong guy.
Catholicism will have no structure or central dogma. Every priest will give his own doctrine in his church. (I was shocked when I saw the Pope basically say that anything goes at the beginning of this year. I am still scratching my head over that one.....)
A large celestial body will appear this year, terrorizing people more than the false War on Terror. Thirst and hunger as a result.
Peace and safety will be declared by TPTB through their ¨free press¨ while they prepare WWIII.
Economy in disarray like never before for months on end. The King has died and the throne is vacant. TPTB keep the throne vacant at all costs.
The Mediterranean will see a gathering of military forces, while Yugoslavia sees assassinations by knife. Then, Mabus quatrain from Nostradamus will ensue.
(If we amass our US forces against Syria, this will provoke Russia into a surprise nuclear attack, which they have warned us they WILL do if we further exacerbate things in "their Cuba".)
Coy, deception, lies, hidden agendas. Lack of trust and divine love. Everything has a price, but people can't pay. Horror.
Russia grows amidst surrounding stagnant countries, until stopped by yellow powder that brings blackness to their cause.
Italia will see a revolt like the Vesuvius erupting, taking every aspect of civil life by storm.
England sees bizarre storms of great magnitude. Winter hurricane comes to mind.
(And a great hurricane is about to strike England. http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/458321/Weather-warning-Atlantic-storm-will-smash-into-Britain-and-devastate-southern-coasts I posted the even earlier on this blog. In fact, I posted all of this stuff that has happened so far on this blog and much of it that is predicted to come about this year..... Definitely interesting. If March 22nd, 2013 was indeed it, then we should be well into the woes in 2014 as we traverse the last 3.5 years leading up to Christ coming to rescue the Jews from their captivity and Joseph from her captivity here in the USA. As they say, the proof simply will be in the pudding. Those who have mocked, shall mourn, etc, etc.....).
Black will become the color of the season. Morals, masses, perversion and even death. These words will suffice to the elect.
Battles will grow, adding more countries to the mess, after a great calamity for humanity. 3 nuclear bombs will be exploded. (Do we finally get the nuke of Israel out of Libya that Sarah Menet spoke of??)
Israel goes on the offensive, only to backfire. TPTB want Judaism and Islam to null one another, before their priest awaits its time to shine, to power, to lie, to deceive. (Who is their "high priest"? None other than BHO, the anti-Christ).
The Eagle will receive a death wound from the North. Paralyzed, sees other arrows in terror and they puncture her once pristine flesh. The world sees in horror; some weep from afar, some call it deserved fate. No helping hands. (Sounds like a nuke attack on the USA - possibly from Russia - this will likely be against the East Coast or NY).
Dantesque image at the Vatican. High-Priest flees attack by revolutionaries at night, over corpses of his helpers. His shoes and clothes are soiled in blood. (I thought this would happen in 2015 or 2016)
Fend for yourself will be the motto of the times. Humanity will grow cold and will forget the rules given by the Eternal.
USA faces knee disease. Walking is painful, can't flee true terror. Famine by 2015, for the survivors.
Very interesting post, Iraq. I live in Mexico though and have never heard of the guy.
ReplyDeleteI have it on pretty good authority that as soon as the Olympic games are over, Ukraine is toast. Russia has come out saying to the Ukranian government to take care of the protestors or Russia would do it for them.
Russia has historically controlled Ukraine. In fact the first Russian civilization that came about was known as the Kievan RUS and formed in the Ukranian capital of Kiev. They spread north from there and settled Moscow and Novgorod as they were taken from Mongol control.
The concept of Russia taking back land that once belonged to them, is known as nedogosudarstvom, which works very similar to the MANIFEST DESTINY of 19th century America and LEBENSCHRAUM of the Nazis.
If Russia makes its move against Ukraine, and chances are it will do exactly that, this will be the beginning of the war described in Ezekiel 38, in which Russia would be getting more allies from Gomer (which is most of central Continental Europe--think from France to Poland and some Balkan countries)...as well as from other lands such as Phut (the area of Libya around Ben Ghazi), Persia (IRAN), and biblical Ethiopia (today's SUDAN)...
My guess is that Syria is going to fall, but if the Americans are behind it it will be a supplementary role and the Saudis are going to be the prime belligerents behind it. Even so the Saudis would not move a muscle without American backing, and the rest of the world knows it.
My eyes right now are fixated on both Syria, and Ukraine. For if Russia moves into Ukraine it will be the beginning salvo of the war of Ezekiel 38 (of which Syria does NOT come into play as an enemy of Israel, nor any neighboring country for that matter--the closest countries to Israel are Libya, Sudan, Iran, and perhaps Kurdish Turkey).
So my feeling is:
Assad falls in Syria, perhaps by rebels with American air support, or Saudis/Jordanians increasingly uncomfortable with the presence of Iranian nukes and Syria being an ally of Iran). This will probably happen in the spring or summer of this year.
Russia invades Ukraine, justifying the invasion as the need to protect Russian civilians from Neo Nazi groups (which is the current narrative being played out in Russia), and then decides to go after Europe as well as they become bankrupt. First phase might happen later this month or in March, second phase might happen closer to the end of the year or beginning 2015 as revenge for the fall of Assad).
After which the alliances in Ezekiel 38 will be set.
And as a surprise, I see the Arab nations surrounding Israel, start to recognize the Jewish nation as a result of the impending peace agreement that will also be signed in April. Note that in Ezekiel 38 Sheba and Dedan, plus Tarshish, are AGAINST Gog and Magog, telling them, why are you picking on them? Do you want a spoil?
So my predictions are:
Ukraine invaded by Russia. FEB/MAR
Assad thrown out of Syria by rebels/Saudis/Americans, in that order SPRING/SUMMER
Russia retaliation against Europe. European countries ally with Russia against Israel, plus Iran, Libya, and Sudan. SUMMER/FALL/WINTER
If the Sarah Menet vision that you cite is correct, the nuke against Israel would then be lit by Iranian agents inside Libya.
If your interpretation of the Bishop Koyle vision is correct, this is the 75 percent famine year and next year will be complete famine. Look at Cali right now. Bone-dry, and Cali by itself produces over 50 percent of American foodstuffs.
But the first bullets of this war, will more than likely be fired in Ukraine.
Read the Return of the Anti Christ by Patrick Herron. Barack Obama is not the Anti Christ. Bible scriptures and prophecy explain exactly who the Anti Christ is, down to his very name of Appollyon. How exactly that may be disguised I am not sure. The Anti Christ will come to deceive those on this earth as if he is the Messiah. The way he accomplishes that is by counterfeiting the Savior and mimicking what he does. Causing miracles and promoting peace he will deceive even the elect. Barack Obama does not fit the bill in the least. He may be an evil man and a man who is helping to prepare the world for the Anti Christ but he is dumb as a bag of hammers and certainly the Anti Christ will be brilliant.